コード例 #1
ファイル: ServiceImpl.cs プロジェクト: berak/cs
 public bool doQuery(PropertyGrid grid)
     // input = (Input)grid.SelectedObject; ;
     //gp.requestedGln = new string[] { input.Gln };
     //gp.requestedLanguages = new string[] { "en" };
     //gp.version = 2;
     gp = (GetPartyByGTIN)grid.SelectedObject; ;
     this.res = info.GetPartyByGTIN(gp);
     grid.SelectedObject = this.res;
     return (this.res != null);
コード例 #2
ファイル: router.cs プロジェクト: berak/cs
 /// <remarks/>
 public void GetPartyByGTINAsync(GetPartyByGTIN GetPartyByGTIN1, object userState)
     if ((this.GetPartyByGTINOperationCompleted == null)) {
         this.GetPartyByGTINOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnGetPartyByGTINOperationCompleted);
     this.InvokeAsync("GetPartyByGTIN", new object[] {
                 GetPartyByGTIN1}, this.GetPartyByGTINOperationCompleted, userState);
コード例 #3
ファイル: router.cs プロジェクト: berak/cs
 /// <remarks/>
 public System.IAsyncResult BeginGetPartyByGTIN(GetPartyByGTIN GetPartyByGTIN1, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState)
     return this.BeginInvoke("GetPartyByGTIN", new object[] {
                 GetPartyByGTIN1}, callback, asyncState);
コード例 #4
ファイル: router.cs プロジェクト: berak/cs
 /// <remarks/>
 public void GetPartyByGTINAsync(GetPartyByGTIN GetPartyByGTIN1)
     this.GetPartyByGTINAsync(GetPartyByGTIN1, null);
コード例 #5
        public Product GetProduct(string gtin)
            var gepirProductService = WebServiceFactory.CreateProductServiceProxy();

            var mappedProduct = new Product
                GlobalTradeItemNumber = gtin, LastUpdated = DateTime.Now

                var paddedGtin    = gtin.PadLeft(14, '0');
                var getItemByGtin = new GetItemByGTIN {
                    requestedGtin = paddedGtin, versionSpecified = false
                var itemByGtin = gepirProductService.GetItemByGTIN(getItemByGtin);

                // If request ok (return code 0) and product found
                if (gepirProductService.gepirResponseHeaderValue.returnCode == 0 &&
                    itemByGtin != null &&
                    itemByGtin.itemDataLine != null &&
                    itemByGtin.itemDataLine.Length > 0)
                    var gepirProduct = itemByGtin.itemDataLine[0];

                    //TODO Sometimes leads to NotSupportedException - Adding/Attaching an item that is not new
                    //UpdateDomain(gepirProductService, gtin, gepirProduct);
                    //mappedProduct = _productDomainService.FindProductByGtin(gtin, true);

                    mappedProduct = _gepirProductMapper.Map(gepirProduct);
                // If the product couldn't be found we can still get the GTIN owner
                    var getPartyByGtin = new GetPartyByGTIN()
                        requestedGtin = new[] { paddedGtin }, versionSpecified = false
                    var partyByGtin = gepirProductService.GetPartyByGTIN(getPartyByGtin);
                    var brand       = new Brand {
                        LastUpdated = DateTime.Now
                    if (gepirProductService.gepirResponseHeaderValue.returnCode == 0 &&
                        partyByGtin != null &&
                        partyByGtin.partyDataLine != null &&
                        partyByGtin.partyDataLine.Length > 0)
                        //using (var companyRepository = _repositoryFactory.Build<IRepository<Company>, Company>())
                        var     gepirCompany      = partyByGtin.partyDataLine[0];
                        Company company           = null;
                        var     matchingCompanies = _companyRepository.Find(x => x.CompanyName == gepirCompany.partyName);
                        if (!matchingCompanies.Any())
                            company = _gepirCompanyMapper.Map(gepirCompany);
                        else if (matchingCompanies.Count() == 1)
                            company = matchingCompanies.First();
                        brand.Owner         = company;
                        mappedProduct.Brand = brand;
            catch (Exception exception)
                Log.Error("Gepir router threw an exception.", exception);
                if (gepirProductService.gepirResponseHeaderValue != null)
                    Log.Error("Gepir returnCode:", gepirProductService.gepirResponseHeaderValue.returnCode);
