public bool GetdownloadimagesFornewsletterin_Editors(List <string> IDs) { List <Image> _liimg = new List <Image>(); List <ImageSize> _liimgsize = new List <ImageSize>(); List <DownloadItem> lidwn = new List <DownloadItem>(); List <Imagedetails> _liimgdetails = new List <Imagedetails>(); List <string> _getIDs = new List <string>(); bool _flag = false; SiteInfo _objsite = new SiteInfo(); string sitefolder = string.Empty; string monthyearfolder = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM"); string dayfolder = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMdd"); string imageName = string.Empty; string filename = string.Empty; string _returnfile = string.Empty; try { GetLargestImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample _objdwnl = new GetLargestImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample(); GetImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample _objsmall = new GetImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commonfn.getSession("token"))) { var token = commonfn.getSession("token"); var securetoken = commonfn.getSession("securetoken"); //set imeges ID if (IDs.Count > 0) { //new code to download images GetImageDetailsSample _objgetalldetails = new GetImageDetailsSample(); ImageSize _objimgsize = new ImageSize(); Authorization _objallauth = new Authorization(); DownloadItem _objalldw = new DownloadItem(); GetImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample _objallimg = new GetImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample(); CreateDownloadRequestSample _objallcrtdwn = new CreateDownloadRequestSample(); //get all data for selected images. var _getalldetails = _objgetalldetails.GetImageDetails(token, IDs); var _getmorealldetails = from images in _getalldetails.GetImageDetailsResult.Images select new { Titel = images.Title, Collectname = images.CollectionName, UrlPreview = images.UrlPreview, UrlThumb = images.UrlThumb, ImageId = images.ImageId, LicensingModel = images.LicensingModel, ImageFamily = images.ImageFamily, DateCreated = images.DateCreated, Artist = images.Artist, ShortCaption = images.Caption.Substring(0, 100) + "..", Caption = images.Caption, imagesize = images.SizesDownloadableImages[0].SizeKey }; foreach (var _objall in _getmorealldetails) { //assing imageID and sizes _objimgsize.SizeKey = _objall.imagesize; _objimgsize.ImageId = _objall.ImageId; _liimgsize.Add(_objimgsize); //authorize iamge var _getauthtoken = _objallimg.AuthorizeDownload(token, _liimgsize); var _getdatas = from _firstauth in _getauthtoken.GetImageDownloadAuthorizationsResult.Images from _seondauth in _firstauth.Authorizations select new { //get download token _newdwntoken = _seondauth.DownloadToken }; foreach (var _val1 in _getdatas) { //assign token _objalldw.DownloadToken = _val1._newdwntoken; lidwn.Add(_objalldw); var _getdwnurl2 = _objallcrtdwn.CreateRequest(securetoken, lidwn); lidwn.Clear(); var _popupurl2 = from _popdwn2 in _getdwnurl2.CreateDownloadRequestResult.DownloadUrls select new { dwnlargeimage = _popdwn2.UrlAttachment }; using (AddGettyImages _addimg = new AddGettyImages()) { //download image _addimg.SiteID = _strsiteID; _addimg.NetworkId = _strnetworkID; _addimg.GetsitenameandserverID(); filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMMddhhmmss") + "_" + _objall.ImageId + ".jpg"; foreach (var goturl in _popupurl2) { _returnfile = GoWebshotwithpath(goturl.dwnlargeimage, _objall.ImageId, _addimg.Sitename, _addimg.serverId, _addimg.IsImageServer); } //download image and save it in database //_posturl = GoWebshot(_dr.Imgurl, _dr.ImgId, _addimg.Sitename, _addimg.serverId, _addimg.IsImageServer); _addimg.RandomId = _strrandomecookie; _addimg.exturl = _returnfile; _addimg.imagetxt = _objall.Titel; _addimg.imagetxtbelow = _objall.Caption; _addimg.imagecredit = _objall.Titel; _addimg.AddexternalimagesURL(); //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "close", "javascript:Singlegettyimage('" + _posturl +"');", true); _addimg.imagename = ""; _addimg.imagecredit = ""; _addimg.imagetxtbelow = ""; _addimg.imagetxt = ""; imageName = string.Empty; filename = string.Empty; _returnfile = string.Empty; _flag = true; } } } //end new code details } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonLib.ExceptionHandler.WriteLog(CommonLib.Sections.Client, "GetdownloadSelectedImage :", ex); ErrorLog.SaveErrorLog("0", "getimagedata", "GoWebshotwithpath", "GoWebshotwithpath", ex.Message, _strnetworkID.ToString()); } return(_flag); }
public List <Imagedetails> getser() { List <string> li = new List <string> { }; List <Image> limg = new List <Image> { }; List <Imagedetails> _liimgsetails = new List <Imagedetails>(); List <DownloadItem> lidwn = new List <DownloadItem> { }; List <ImageSize> limgsize = new List <ImageSize> { }; DataTable _dt = new DataTable(); DataRow _dr = null; SearchForEditorialImagesSample s = new SearchForEditorialImagesSample(); CreateSessionRequestBody serr = new CreateSessionRequestBody(); CreateSessionSample cs = new CreateSessionSample(); //create secure token //s.Search(token); //SearchForImages2RequestBody serbody = new SearchForImages2RequestBody(); //SearchForImagesResult resu = new SearchForImagesResult(); var searchQuery = new SearchForImages2RequestBody(); searchQuery.Filter = new Filter(); searchQuery.Query = new Query(); searchQuery.Query.SearchPhrase = "football"; var token = cs.GetToken(); var securetoken = cs.GetSecureToken(); //searchQuery.Query.SpecificPersons = new List<string> {_strtext}; //searchQuery.Query.SpecificPersons = new List<string> { "Jennifer Lopez" }; ; searchQuery.ResultOptions = new ResultOptions(); searchQuery.ResultOptions.ItemCount = 75; var searchResponse = s.Search(token, searchQuery.Query.SearchPhrase); var getimg = from images in searchResponse.SearchForImagesResult.Images select new { Titel = images.Title, Collectname = images.CollectionName, urlpre = images.UrlPreview, urlthumb = images.UrlThumb, ImagID = images.ImageId, imglic = images.LicensingModel, imgfamily = images.ImageFamily, imgdate = images.DateCreated, imgart = images.Artist }; _dt.Columns.Add("urlthumb", typeof(string)); _dt.Columns.Add("urlpre", typeof(string)); GetLargestImageDownloadAuthorizationsRequestBody b = new GetLargestImageDownloadAuthorizationsRequestBody(); Image i = new Image(); ImageSize _imgsize = new ImageSize(); int cnt = 1; bool _got = false; foreach (var img in getimg) { if (cnt == 4) { i.ImageId = img.ImagID; i.ImageFamily = img.imgfamily; i.LicensingModel = img.imglic; i.UrlPreview = img.urlpre; i.UrlThumb = img.urlthumb; i.CollectionName = img.Collectname; i.Title = img.Titel; _got = true; } _dr = _dt.NewRow(); _dr["urlthumb"] = img.urlthumb; _dr["urlpre"] = img.urlpre; _dt.Rows.Add(_dr); Imagedetails _objimgdetails = new Imagedetails(); _objimgdetails.Artist = img.imgart; _objimgdetails.CollectionName = img.Collectname; _objimgdetails.DateCreated = img.imgdate; _objimgdetails.ImageFamily = img.imgfamily; _objimgdetails.ImageId = img.ImagID; _objimgdetails.LicensingModel = img.imglic; _objimgdetails.UrlPreview = img.urlpre; _objimgdetails.UrlThumb = img.urlthumb; _liimgsetails.Add(_objimgdetails); cnt++; } GetLargestImageDownloadAuthorizationsResponse bb = new GetLargestImageDownloadAuthorizationsResponse(); GetLargestImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample bbb = new GetLargestImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample(); if (_got) { limg.Add(i); var strjn = bbb.GetLargestDownloadForImages(token, limg); var _objr = from res in strjn.GetLargestImageDownloadAuthorizationsResult.Images from auths in res.Authorizations select new { ImageIDs = res.ImageId, DownloadIsFree = auths.DownloadIsFree, DownloadToken = auths.DownloadToken, ProductOfferingInstanceId = auths.ProductOfferingInstanceId, ProductOfferingType = auths.ProductOfferingType, SizeKey = auths.SizeKey }; foreach (var _testauth in _objr) { //get image valu GetImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample _objimg = new GetImageDownloadAuthorizationsSample(); Authorization _objaut = new Authorization(); DownloadItem _objdw = new DownloadItem(); CreateDownloadRequestSample _objcrtdwn = new CreateDownloadRequestSample(); _objaut.SizeKey = _testauth.SizeKey; _objaut.DownloadIsFree = _testauth.DownloadIsFree; _objaut.DownloadToken = _testauth.DownloadToken; _objaut.ProductOfferingInstanceId = _testauth.ProductOfferingInstanceId; _objaut.ProductOfferingType = _testauth.ProductOfferingType; _imgsize.SizeKey = _testauth.SizeKey; _imgsize.ImageId = _testauth.ImageIDs; _dnloadurlID = _testauth.ImageIDs; limgsize.Add(_imgsize); _objdw.DownloadToken = _objaut.DownloadToken; lidwn.Add(_objdw); var _getdownlod = _objimg.AuthorizeDownload(token, limgsize); var _getdwnurl = _objcrtdwn.CreateRequest(securetoken, lidwn); var _popupurl = from _popdwn in _getdwnurl.CreateDownloadRequestResult.DownloadUrls select new { dwnlargeimage = _popdwn.UrlAttachment }; foreach (var getvalur in _popupurl) { _dnloadurl = getvalur.dwnlargeimage; } } // JObject node = JObject.Parse(strjn); /*_n.DownloadIsFree=Convert.ToBoolean(node["DownloadIsFree"]); * _n.DownloadToken = Convert.ToString(node["DownloadToken"]); * _n.ProductOfferingInstanceId = Convert.ToString(node["ProductOfferingInstanceId"]); * _n.ProductOfferingType = Convert.ToString(node["ProductOfferingType"]); * _in.ImageId = Convert.ToString(node["ImageId"]); * _in.SizeKey = Convert.ToString(node["SizeKey"]);*/ /* var jArray = JArray.Parse(strjn.ToString()); * var countyNames = new List<string>(); * foreach (var element in jArray.SelectToken("[0]")) * { * var value = element.SelectToken("Authorizations.DownloadToken").Value<string>(); * countyNames.Add(value); * }*/ } return(_liimgsetails); }