public void GetSaltedPasswdTest(string rawPwd, EnumHashAlgorithm eha, int saltLength) { try { // Get the Salt password using the components of touryo. string saltedPasswd = GetHash.GetSaltedPasswd(rawPwd, eha, saltLength); // Check salt password to see if they match. Assert.IsTrue(GetHash.EqualSaltedPasswd(rawPwd, saltedPasswd, eha, saltLength)); // (Just in case) Salt length is different, make sure that the salt passwords do not match. Assert.IsFalse(GetHash.EqualSaltedPasswd(rawPwd, saltedPasswd, eha, saltLength + 1)); } catch (Exception ex) { // Print a stack trace when an exception occurs. Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); throw; } }
/// <summary>塩味パスワード生成</summary> private void btnSPWDGen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.txtSPWDSaltedPassword.Text = GetHash.GetSaltedPasswd( this.txtSPWDRawPassword.Text, (EnumHashAlgorithm)this.cbxSPWDPV.SelectedValue, (int)this.nudSPWDSaltLength.Value); }