//subscribes to a certain event from the DinoClass based on what stat the slider is listening for. void Start() { delegateSource = signalSource.GetComponent <GetDinoInfo> (); if (stat == statCode.Health) { delegateSource.sendHealth += ChangeStat; mySlider.value = delegateSource.dinoStatistics [0].MaxHealth; } if (stat == statCode.Heat) { delegateSource.sendHeat += ChangeStat; mySlider.value = delegateSource.dinoStatistics [0].MaxHeat; } if (stat == statCode.Speed) { delegateSource.sendSpeed += ChangeStat; mySlider.value = delegateSource.dinoStatistics [0].speed; } if (stat == statCode.Damage) { delegateSource.sendDamage += ChangeStat; mySlider.value = delegateSource.dinoWeapons [0].damage; } if (stat == statCode.ROF) { delegateSource.sendROF += ChangeStat; mySlider.value = delegateSource.dinoWeapons [0].fireDelay; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { delegateSource = signalSource.GetComponent <GetDinoInfo> (); if (dinosaurPosition < delegateSource.numberOfDinosaurs.Count) { dinoName.text = delegateSource.numberOfDinosaurs [dinosaurPosition].name; } else { dinoName.text = delegateSource.numberOfDinosaurs [delegateSource.numberOfDinosaurs.Count - 1].name; } }
private GetDinoInfo delegateSource; //attaches to an instance of the GetDinoInfo script void Start() { delegateSource = signalSource.GetComponent <GetDinoInfo> (); //sets delegate source to the GetDinoInfo Script of the attached object delegateSource.sendName += NameChange; //when the player switches dinosaurs, this delegate subscription recieves the name of the new dionsaur }