コード例 #1
    GetAvailabilityRequest GetRequestInfo()
        // Get the Json from the POST.
        string      strJson = String.Empty;
        HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;

        context.Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
        using (StreamReader inputStream = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream))
            strJson = inputStream.ReadToEnd();

        // Deserialize the Json.
        GetAvailabilityRequest req = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GetAvailabilityRequest>(strJson);

コード例 #2
ファイル: AvailabilityQuery.cs プロジェクト: r15h1/heyteam
        public IEnumerable <Availability> GetAvailabilities(GetAvailabilityRequest request)
            bool includeSquadId  = request.SquadId.HasValue && !request.SquadId.Value.IsEmpty();
            bool includePlayerId = request.PlayerId.HasValue && !request.PlayerId.Value.IsEmpty();
            var  sql             = GetAvailabilitiesSql(includeSquadId, includePlayerId, request.Year);

            DynamicParameters p = new DynamicParameters();

            p.Add("@ClubGuid", request.ClubId.ToString());

            if (includeSquadId)
                p.Add("@SquadGuid", request.SquadId.ToString());
            if (includePlayerId)
                p.Add("@PlayerGuid", request.PlayerId.ToString());
            if (request.Year.HasValue)
                p.Add("@Year", request.Year);

            using (var connection = connectionFactory.Connect()) {
                var reader         = connection.Query(sql, p).Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
                var availabilities = reader.Select <dynamic, Availability>(
                    row => new Availability(Guid.Parse(row.AvailabilityGuid.ToString()), Guid.Parse(row.PlayerGuid.ToString()))
                    AvailabilityStatus = (AvailabilityStatus?)row.AvailabilityId,
                    DateFrom           = row.DateFrom, DateTo = (DateTime?)row.DateTo,
                    Notes = row.Notes, PlayerName = row.PlayerName, SquadName = row.SquadName

コード例 #3
        public BookingManager.GetAvailabilityResponse GetAvailability(String dstation, String astation, DateTime startdate, DateTime endate, int numadt, int numchd, String currency, String faretype, String sourceorg,int nightstay)
            BookingManager.GetAvailabilityRequest gar = new GetAvailabilityRequest();//this is from service contracts

            gar.Signature = signature;//i need to use the signature property to sign in

            gar.TripAvailabilityRequest = new TripAvailabilityRequest();  // call the method TripAvailabilityRequest from the GetAvaialbilityRequest class

            //   gar.TripAvailabilityRequest.AvailabilityRequests = new AvailabilityRequest[1];// this is per the quick start guide for 1 way trip only, if 2 way, i need to put in array

            PaxPriceType[] priceTypes; // 9- not passed in method but i have to do this step because it is a required parameter

            priceTypes = new PaxPriceType[2];//this is to define the type of passenger travelling, whether adt or chd. But to check how many of each then i need to use the Pax Count or passenger info

            for (int j = 0; j < priceTypes.Length; j++)
                priceTypes[j] = new PaxPriceType();
                if (j < 1) // this sets the first item of array to an adult
                    priceTypes[j].PaxType = "ADT";
                else // this sets the second item to child
                    priceTypes[j].PaxType = "CHD";


            if (nightstay == 0)
                gar.TripAvailabilityRequest.AvailabilityRequests = new AvailabilityRequest[1];// this is per the quick start guide for 1 way trip only, if 2 way, i need to put in array
                gar.TripAvailabilityRequest.AvailabilityRequests = new AvailabilityRequest[2];

            for (int i = 0; i < gar.TripAvailabilityRequest.AvailabilityRequests.Length; i++)
                BookingManager.AvailabilityRequest ar = new AvailabilityRequest();//this is from data contracts

                //AvailabilityRequest []ar = new AvailabilityRequest[2];
                //ar[0] = new AvailabilityRequest();
               //ar[1] = new AvailabilityRequest();

                if (sourceorg.Length > 0)// if this value is passed in then ar.SourceOrganization (parameter) will be the next line
                    ar.SourceOrganization = sourceorg; //1

                ar.PaxCount = (short)(numadt + numchd); //2

                ar.CurrencyCode = currency;//7

                ar.PaxPriceTypes = priceTypes;

                if (faretype.Equals("ST"))
                    ar.AvailabilityType = AvailabilityType.Standby;
                    ar.AvailabilityType = AvailabilityType.Default;

                ar.AvailabilityFilter = AvailabilityFilter.Default;
                if (i == 0)//check if it is a one way trip or return trip
                    ar.DepartureStation = dstation;
                    ar.ArrivalStation = astation;
                    ar.BeginDate = startdate;
                    ar.EndDate = endate;

                    ar.DepartureStation = astation;
                    ar.ArrivalStation = dstation;
                    ar.BeginDate = endate;
                    ar.EndDate = endate;
                    //ar.DepartureStations = new string[1];// for return
                    //ar.DepartureStations[0] = astation;
                    //ar.ArrivalStations = new string[1];
                    //ar.ArrivalStations[0] = dstation;

                ar.FlightType = FlightType.All;//10

                ar.Dow = DOW.Daily;//11

                ar.MaximumConnectingFlights = 5;//14--since flight type is direct

                ar.AvailabilityFilter = AvailabilityFilter.ExcludeUnavailable;//13..this will still return me a result set if my currency is set to null although the function demands i pass a value in as the filter is based on flights
                ar.IncludeTaxesAndFees = true;
                ar.SSRCollectionsMode = SSRCollectionsMode.Leg;//this i sto tell me the list of SSR avaialble for purchase
                ar.FareClassControl = FareClassControl.CompressByProductClass;
                ar.InboundOutbound = InboundOutbound.None;

                ar.FareTypes = new String[1];// must be RE-regular or ST for standby fares
                ar.FareTypes[0] = faretype;

                gar.TripAvailabilityRequest.AvailabilityRequests[i] = ar;//get all the parameters from getavailability field and put it back to ar.


            DateTime startTiming = DateTime.Now;

            BookingManager.GetAvailabilityResponse  garesponse = clientapi.GetAvailability(gar);

            DateTime endTiming = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("Timing: " + endTiming.Subtract(startTiming).Seconds + "Seconds");

            if (garesponse.GetTripAvailabilityResponse.Schedules.Length > 0 && garesponse.GetTripAvailabilityResponse.Schedules[0].Length > 0)//schedules refer to the journey markets returned from the search
                Console.WriteLine("{0} journey by availability",
                garesponse.GetTripAvailabilityResponse.Schedules[0][0].Journeys.Length);// return response is always in a 2 dimensional array
                Console.WriteLine("No journey found");
                garesponse = null;
            return garesponse;
コード例 #4
        public static void GetAvailability1(string source, string destination, string ddate, string returndate, string waytype, string noofPassenger)
            IBookingManager         bookingManager = new BookingManagerClient();
            string                  signature      = Login();
            GetAvailabilityRequest  gar            = new GetAvailabilityRequest();
            TripAvailabilityRequest tar            = new TripAvailabilityRequest();
            AvailabilityRequest     ar             = new AvailabilityRequest();

            ar.DepartureStation = source;      // "DEL";// HttpContext.Current.Session["origin"].ToString();
            ar.ArrivalStation   = destination; // "BOM";// HttpContext.Current.Session["destination"].ToString();
            //string[] date = ddate.Split('/');// HttpContext.Current.Session["ddate"].ToString().Split('/');
            //int year = int.Parse(date[2]), month = int.Parse(date[1]), day = int.Parse(date[0]);
            int year = int.Parse(ddate.Substring(0, 4)), month = int.Parse(ddate.Substring(4, 2)), day = int.Parse(ddate.Substring(6));

            ar.BeginDate  = new DateTime(year, month, day); //Convert.ToDateTime("2015-07-07");
            ar.EndDate    = new DateTime(year, month, day);
            ar.FlightType = FlightType.Direct;
            //ar.FlightNumber = b.FlightNo.Length == 3 ? " " + b.FlightNo : b.FlightNo;
            int pax = Convert.ToInt16(noofPassenger);//+ Convert.ToInt16(page.child);

            ar.PaxCount                 = Convert.ToSByte(pax);
            ar.Dow                      = DOW.Daily;
            ar.CurrencyCode             = "INR";
            ar.AvailabilityType         = AvailabilityType.Default;   //change 15 oct 2015
            ar.MaximumConnectingFlights = 5;
            ar.AvailabilityFilter       = AvailabilityFilter.Default; //change
            ar.FareClassControl         = FareClassControl.LowestFareClass;
            ar.MinimumFarePrice         = 0;
            ar.MaximumFarePrice         = 0;
            ar.SSRCollectionsMode       = SSRCollectionsMode.None;
            ar.InboundOutbound          = InboundOutbound.None;
            ar.NightsStay               = 0;
            ar.IncludeAllotments        = false;
            ar.FareTypes                = new string[1];// change
            ar.FareTypes[0]             = "R";

            //ar.FareTypes = new string[1];// change
            //ar.FareTypes[0] = "BD";
            //ar.ProductClasses = new string[1];
            //ar.ProductClasses[0] = "BD";
            PaxPriceType[] priceTypes = new PaxPriceType[ar.PaxCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < ar.PaxCount; i++)
                priceTypes[i]                 = new PaxPriceType();
                priceTypes[i].PaxType         = "ADT";
                priceTypes[i].PaxDiscountCode = String.Empty;
            ar.PaxPriceTypes       = priceTypes;
            ar.IncludeTaxesAndFees = false;
            ar.FareRuleFilter      = FareRuleFilter.Default;
            ar.LoyaltyFilter       = LoyaltyFilter.MonetaryOnly;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(returndate))// for round trip
                AvailabilityRequest rar = new AvailabilityRequest();
                rar.DepartureStation = destination; // "DEL";// HttpContext.Current.Session["origin"].ToString();
                rar.ArrivalStation   = source;      // "BOM";// HttpContext.Current.Session["destination"].ToString();
                //string[] date = ddate.Split('/');// HttpContext.Current.Session["ddate"].ToString().Split('/');
                //int year = int.Parse(date[2]), month = int.Parse(date[1]), day = int.Parse(date[0]);
                int ryear = int.Parse(returndate.Substring(0, 4)), rmonth = int.Parse(returndate.Substring(4, 2)), rday = int.Parse(returndate.Substring(6));
                rar.BeginDate  = new DateTime(ryear, rmonth, rday); //Convert.ToDateTime("2015-07-07");
                rar.EndDate    = new DateTime(ryear, rmonth, rday);
                rar.FlightType = FlightType.Direct;
                //ar.FlightNumber = b.FlightNo.Length == 3 ? " " + b.FlightNo : b.FlightNo;
                int rpax = Convert.ToInt16(noofPassenger);//+ Convert.ToInt16(page.child);
                rar.PaxCount                 = Convert.ToSByte(rpax);
                rar.Dow                      = DOW.Daily;
                rar.CurrencyCode             = "INR";
                rar.AvailabilityType         = AvailabilityType.Default;   //change 15 oct 2015
                rar.MaximumConnectingFlights = 5;
                rar.AvailabilityFilter       = AvailabilityFilter.Default; //change
                rar.FareClassControl         = FareClassControl.LowestFareClass;
                rar.MinimumFarePrice         = 0;
                rar.MaximumFarePrice         = 0;
                rar.SSRCollectionsMode       = SSRCollectionsMode.None;
                rar.InboundOutbound          = InboundOutbound.None;
                rar.NightsStay               = 0;
                rar.IncludeAllotments        = false;
                rar.FareTypes                = new string[1];// change
                rar.FareTypes[0]             = "R";

                //ar.FareTypes = new string[1];// change
                //ar.FareTypes[0] = "BD";
                //ar.ProductClasses = new string[1];
                //ar.ProductClasses[0] = "BD";
                PaxPriceType[] rpriceTypes = new PaxPriceType[ar.PaxCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < ar.PaxCount; i++)
                    rpriceTypes[i]                 = new PaxPriceType();
                    rpriceTypes[i].PaxType         = "ADT";
                    rpriceTypes[i].PaxDiscountCode = String.Empty;
                rar.PaxPriceTypes           = rpriceTypes;
                rar.IncludeTaxesAndFees     = false;
                rar.FareRuleFilter          = FareRuleFilter.Default;
                rar.LoyaltyFilter           = LoyaltyFilter.MonetaryOnly;
                tar.AvailabilityRequests    = new AvailabilityRequest[2];
                tar.AvailabilityRequests[0] = ar;
                tar.AvailabilityRequests[1] = rar;
                tar.AvailabilityRequests    = new AvailabilityRequest[1];
                tar.AvailabilityRequests[0] = ar;
            tar.LoyaltyFilter           = LoyaltyFilter.MonetaryOnly;
            gar.TripAvailabilityRequest = tar;
            gar.Signature       = signature;
            gar.ContractVersion = 0;
            GetAvailabilityResponse gare = bookingManager.GetAvailability(gar);

            //if (waytype == "1")
            GetPrice(signature, gare, noofPassenger);
            //if (waytype == "2")
            //    GetPriceReturn(signature, gare,page);
コード例 #5
ファイル: UnitTest1.cs プロジェクト: software-kd/Staging
        public void TestBookFlow()
            Alphareds.Module.EANRapidHotels.RapidServices.HotelManagerClient rapidHotels = new Alphareds.Module.EANRapidHotels.RapidServices.HotelManagerClient();

            var roomModel  = GetRoomModelWithResult(out SearchHotelModel hotelModel, out string hotelId);
            var roomResult = roomModel.Result;

            var bookRequest = new Alphareds.Module.EANRapidHotels.RapidServices.CreateBookingRequest
                UserAgent  = roomModel.CustomerUserAgent,
                CustomerIp = roomModel.CustomerIpAddress,
                Opt_Hold   = Hold.False,

            bookRequest.Rooms = new List <GuestRoom1>();

            var roomList      = roomResult.HotelRoomInformationList.SelectMany(x => x.roomAvailabilityDetailsList);
            var testPickCount = roomList.Count();

            testPickCount = (int)Math.Floor(testPickCount * 0.3);
            testPickCount = testPickCount <= 0 ? 1 : testPickCount;

            var pickedRoomList = roomList.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(testPickCount);
            List <Task <GetCurrentPriceResponse> > getPreBookPrice = new List <Task <GetCurrentPriceResponse> >();

            #region Test Rapid Get Room
            var testRoomReq = new GetAvailabilityRequest
                UserAgent             = roomModel.CustomerUserAgent,
                CustomerIp            = roomModel.CustomerIpAddress,
                Opt_CustomerSessionId = roomModel.CustomerSessionId,

                CheckIn   = new DateTime(2018, 12, 10), //hotelModel.ArrivalDate,
                CheckOut  = new DateTime(2018, 12, 15), //hotelModel.DepartureDate,
                Currency  = hotelModel.CurrencyCode,

                //Opt_FilterResult = new Options
                //    //Opt_RateOption = RateOption.net_rates,
                //    Opt_Include = Include.all_rates,
                //    Opt_RateOption = RateOption.net_rates,
                //    Opt_Filter = Filter.expedia_collect,

                Destination = null, //hotelModel.Destination,
                CountryCode = "MY",
                PropertyID  = new List <string> {
                SalesEnvironment = SalesEnvironment.hotel_only,
                SalesChannel     = SalesChannel.website,
                SortType         = SortType.preferred,
                Occupancy        = new List <GuestRoom>
                    new GuestRoom
                        TotalAdults         = 2,
                        NumberOfChildrenAge = new List <int>(),
                    , new GuestRoom
                        TotalAdults         = 2,
                        NumberOfChildrenAge = new List <int>(),

            var roomRateRapidTest = rapidHotels.GetPropertyRoomRatesAndAvailability(testRoomReq);

            var test2 = roomRateRapidTest.result[0].rooms.Where(x => x.rates.Any(s => s.bed_groups.Count > 1));

            foreach (var item in pickedRoomList)
                var roomRateRapid = rapidHotels.GetPropertyRoomRatesAndAvailability(new GetAvailabilityRequest
                    UserAgent             = roomModel.CustomerUserAgent,
                    CustomerIp            = roomModel.CustomerIpAddress,
                    Opt_CustomerSessionId = roomModel.CustomerSessionId,

                    CheckIn  = hotelModel.ArrivalDate,
                    CheckOut = hotelModel.DepartureDate,
                    Currency = hotelModel.CurrencyCode,

                    Destination = hotelModel.Destination,
                    CountryCode = "MY",
                    PropertyID  = new List <string> {
                    SalesEnvironment = SalesEnvironment.hotel_only,
                    SalesChannel     = SalesChannel.website,
                    SortType         = SortType.preferred,

                    Occupancy = new List <GuestRoom> {
                        new GuestRoom
                            TotalAdults = 2
                        , new GuestRoom
                            TotalAdults = 2

                var _roomReq = new GetCurrentPriceRequest
                    UserAgent             = roomModel.CustomerUserAgent,
                    CustomerIp            = roomModel.CustomerIpAddress,
                    Opt_CustomerSessionId = roomModel.CustomerSessionId,
                    PropertyID            = Convert.ToInt32(hotelId),
                    RateID = item.RateInfos.FirstOrDefault()?.Rooms.FirstOrDefault()?.rateKey,
                    RoomID = item.roomTypeCode,
                    Token  = item.BetTypes.FirstOrDefault()?.id,


                bookRequest.Rooms.Add(new GuestRoom1
                    Email               = "*****@*****.**",
                    Opt_Title           = "MR",
                    Family_Name         = "TEST",
                    Given_Name          = "TEST",
                    Phone               = "1234567",
                    Smoking             = Smoking.None,
                    Opt_Special_Request = "Test Special Request",
                    Number_Of_Adults    = hotelModel.NoOfAdult,

            for (int i = 0; i < getPreBookPrice.Count; i++)
                var bookReq       = Task.WaitAny(getPreBookPrice.ToArray());
                var _tskCompleted = getPreBookPrice[bookReq];

                if (!_tskCompleted.IsCanceled && !_tskCompleted.IsFaulted && _tskCompleted.IsCompleted)
                    var _result = _tskCompleted.Result;
                    if (_result.Errors?.ErrorMessage?.Length > 0)

                if (getPreBookPrice.Remove(_tskCompleted))
                    // Minus for loop index.
                    i = i - 1;

            var res = rapidHotels.CreateBooking(bookRequest);
            Assert.IsTrue(res?.itinerary_id?.Length > 0, "Create Booking Failed.");
コード例 #6
        public GetAvailabilityResponse GetAvailability(String dstation, String astation, DateTime startdate, DateTime endate, int numadt, int numchd, String currency, String faretype, String sourceorg, int nightstay)
            GetAvailabilityRequest gar = new GetAvailabilityRequest();
            gar.Signature = signature;
            gar.TripAvailabilityRequest = new TripAvailabilityRequest();

            PaxPriceType[] priceTypes; // 9- not passed in method but i have to do this step because it is a required parameter

            priceTypes = new PaxPriceType[2];// this is to define type of passenger travelling, must be adt and chd-also in sell request

            for (int j = 0; j < priceTypes.Length; j++)
                priceTypes[j] = new PaxPriceType();
                if (j < 1)
                    priceTypes[j].PaxType = "ADT";
                    priceTypes[j].PaxType = "CHD";

            if (nightstay == 0)
                gar.TripAvailabilityRequest.AvailabilityRequests = new AvailabilityRequest[1];// this is per the quick start guide for 1 way trip only, if 2 way, i need to put in array
                gar.TripAvailabilityRequest.AvailabilityRequests = new AvailabilityRequest[2];
            for (int i = 0; i < gar.TripAvailabilityRequest.AvailabilityRequests.Length; i++)
                BookingManager.AvailabilityRequest ar = new AvailabilityRequest();

                if (sourceorg.Length > 0)// if this value is passed in then ar.SourceOrganization (parameter) will be the next line
                    ar.SourceOrganization = sourceorg; //1

                gar.TripAvailabilityRequest.AvailabilityRequests[i] = ar;

                ar.PaxCount = (short)(numadt + numchd); //2

                ar.CurrencyCode = currency;//7

                ar.PaxPriceTypes = priceTypes;

                ar.AvailabilityType = AvailabilityType.Default;// if i do not put anything, it is defaulted as Availability Type can be a enum list

                ar.AvailabilityFilter = AvailabilityFilter.Default;// if i do not put

                if (i == 0)//check if it is a one way trip or return trip
                    ar.DepartureStation = dstation;
                    ar.ArrivalStation = astation;
                    ar.BeginDate = startdate;
                    ar.EndDate = endate;

                    ar.DepartureStation = astation;
                    ar.ArrivalStation = dstation;
                    ar.BeginDate = endate;
                    ar.EndDate = endate;

                ar.FlightType = FlightType.All;

                ar.Dow = DOW.Daily;

                ar.MaximumConnectingFlights = 5;//if direct, then default the value to 0;

                ar.AvailabilityFilter = AvailabilityFilter.ExcludeUnavailable;

                ar.IncludeTaxesAndFees = true;

                ar.SSRCollectionsMode = SSRCollectionsMode.Leg;//return the SSR available by segment

                ar.FareClassControl = FareClassControl.CompressByProductClass;

                ar.InboundOutbound = InboundOutbound.None;

                ar.FareTypes = new String[1];//either RE-regular fare or JP for japan wholesaler
                ar.FareTypes[0] = faretype;// put this back to the parameter in Get Availability Response


            GetAvailabilityResponse garesponse = clientapi.GetAvailability(gar);

            if (garesponse.GetTripAvailabilityResponse.Schedules.Length > 0 && garesponse.GetTripAvailabilityResponse.Schedules[0].Length > 0)//schedules refer to the journey markets returned from the search
                Console.WriteLine("{0} journey by availability",
                garesponse.GetTripAvailabilityResponse.Schedules[0][0].Journeys.Length);// return response is always in a 2 dimensional array
                Console.WriteLine("No journey found");
                garesponse = null;
            return garesponse;