コード例 #1
        //private DateTime datedebut, datefin;

        public Etat()
            totalEntree = 0;
            totalSolde  = 0;
            totalSortie = 0;

            realisers = new List <RealiserBE>();
            acheters  = new List <AcheterBE>();
            payers    = new List <PayerBE>();
            lignes    = new List <LigneEtat>();
            List <String> listOps = new List <string>();

            caisseBL = new GestionCaisseBL();
            dpiDateFin.IsTodayHighlighted = true;
            dpiDateFin.SelectedDate       = DateTime.Today;
            dpiDateFin.Text                 = DateTime.Now.ToString();
            dpiDateDebut.SelectedDate       = DateTime.Today;
            dpiDateDebut.IsTodayHighlighted = true;
            dpiDateDebut.Text               = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name);

            ci.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern  = "yyyy-MM-dd";
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ci;

            listOps = caisseBL.listerValeursColonneTypeOperation("codetypeop");
            cmbOperation.ItemsSource   = listOps;
            cmbOperation.SelectedIndex = cmbOperation.Items.IndexOf(CODE_MIXTE);
            realisers = caisseBL.listerSuivantCritereRealisers("dateop = " + "'" + DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'");
            acheters  = caisseBL.listerSuivantCritereAcheters("dateachat = " + "'" + DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'");
            payers    = caisseBL.listerSuivantCriterePayers_historique("datepaiement = " + "'" + DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString() + "'");

            lignes = creerDataSource(realisers, acheters, payers);
            grdEtatCaisse.ItemsSource = lignes;
            txtEntreePeriode.IsEnabled = false;
            txtSortiePeriode.IsEnabled = false;
            txtTotalEntree.IsEnabled   = false;
            txtSoldeTotal.IsEnabled    = false;
            txtAncienSolde.IsEnabled   = false;
            txtSoldePeriode.IsEnabled  = false;
            txtSoldeTotal.IsEnabled    = false;
            txtTotalSolde.IsEnabled    = false;
            txtTotalSortie.IsEnabled   = false;
コード例 #2
         * fonction qui recupere les conditions pour alimenter la datagrid
        private void chargerDataGrid()
            CultureInfo ci = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name);

            ci.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern  = "yyyy-MM-dd";
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ci;
            CultureInfo       elGR           = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("el-GR");
            List <RealiserBE> listes         = new List <RealiserBE>();
            List <AcheterBE>  acheters_avant = new List <AcheterBE>();
            List <PayerBE>    payers_avant   = new List <PayerBE>();

            lignes = new List <LigneEtat>();
            decimal montantEntrees, montantSorties, solde;

            string datefin   = DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString();
            string datedebut = DateTime.Today.Date.ToShortDateString();
            string code      = "%";

            if (dpiDateFin.SelectedDate != null)
                datefin = dpiDateFin.SelectedDate.Value.Date.ToShortDateString();
            if (dpiDateDebut.SelectedDate != null)
                datedebut = dpiDateDebut.SelectedDate.Value.Date.ToShortDateString();
            if (cmbOperation.SelectedValue != null)
                code = cmbOperation.SelectedValue.ToString();
            OperationBE operation = new OperationBE();

            if (datefin.CompareTo(datedebut) >= 0)
                listes    = caisseBL.listerSuivantCritereRealisers("dateop between " + "'" + datedebut + "' AND " + "'" + datefin + "'");
                realisers = new List <RealiserBE>();
                acheters  = new List <AcheterBE>();
                payers    = new List <PayerBE>();

                foreach (RealiserBE r in listes)
                acheters = caisseBL.listerSuivantCritereAcheters("dateachat between " + "'" + datedebut + "' AND " + "'" + datefin + "'");
                payers   = caisseBL.listerSuivantCriterePayers_historique("datepaiement between " + "'" + datedebut + "' AND " + "'" + datefin + "'");

                lignes = creerDataSource(realisers, acheters, payers);

                //calcul du montant des entrees et des sorties
                montantSorties = 0;
                montantEntrees = 0;
                if (listes != null)
                    foreach (RealiserBE r in listes)
                        //operation.codeOp = r.codeop;
                        //operation = caisseBL.rechercherOperation(operation);
                        if (r.codeop == "entree")
                            montantEntrees += r.montant;
                            montantSorties += r.montant;
                if (acheters != null)
                    foreach (AcheterBE a in acheters)
                        montantEntrees += a.montant;
                if (payers != null)
                    foreach (PayerBE p in payers)
                        montantEntrees += (decimal)p.montant;

                //calcul du solde avant la date de debut
                listes         = caisseBL.listerSuivantCritereRealisers("dateop < " + "'" + datedebut + "'");
                acheters_avant = caisseBL.listerSuivantCritereAcheters("dateachat < " + "'" + datedebut + "'");
                payers_avant   = caisseBL.listerSuivantCriterePayers_historique("datepaiement < " + "'" + datedebut + "'");
                //operation = new OperationBE();
                solde = 0;
                if (listes != null)
                    foreach (RealiserBE r in listes)
                        //operation.codeOp = r.codeop;
                        //operation = caisseBL.rechercherOperation(operation);
                        if (r.codeop == "entree")
                            solde += r.montant;
                            solde -= r.montant;
                if (acheters_avant != null)
                    foreach (AcheterBE a in acheters_avant)
                        solde += a.montant;
                if (payers_avant != null)
                    foreach (PayerBE p in payers_avant)
                        solde += (decimal)p.montant;

                listes         = caisseBL.listerTousRealiser();
                acheters_avant = caisseBL.listerTousAcheter();
                payers_avant   = caisseBL.listerTousPayer();
                //operation = new OperationBE();
                soldetotal = 0;
                if (listes != null)
                    foreach (RealiserBE r in listes)
                        //operation.codeOp = r.codeop;
                        //operation = caisseBL.rechercherOperation(operation);
                        if (r.codeop == "entree")
                            soldetotal += r.montant;
                            soldetotal -= r.montant;
                if (acheters_avant != null)
                    foreach (AcheterBE a in acheters_avant)
                        soldetotal += a.montant;
                if (payers_avant != null)
                    foreach (PayerBE p in payers_avant)
                        soldetotal += (decimal)p.montant;

                txtEntreePeriode.Text = montantEntrees.ToString("0,0", elGR);
                txtSortiePeriode.Text = montantSorties.ToString("0,0", elGR);
                txtSoldePeriode.Text  = (montantEntrees - montantSorties).ToString("0,0", elGR);
                txtAncienSolde.Text   = solde.ToString("0,0", elGR);
                txtSoldeTotal.Text    = soldetotal.ToString("0,0", elGR);

                string           motif = txtMotif.Text;
                decimal          entree = 0, sortie = 0;
                List <LigneEtat> tampon = new List <LigneEtat>();
                foreach (LigneEtat l in lignes)
                    if (motif == "" || l.motif.ToUpper().Contains(motif.ToUpper()))

                lignes = new List <LigneEtat>();
                foreach (LigneEtat l in tampon)
                    if (l.type.ToLower() == "entree")
                        entree += l.montant;
                        sortie += l.montant;

                grdEtatCaisse.ItemsSource = lignes;

                txtTotalEntree.Text = entree.ToString("0,0", elGR);
                txtTotalSolde.Text  = (entree - sortie).ToString("0,0", elGR);
                txtTotalSortie.Text = sortie.ToString("0,0", elGR);

                totalEntree = entree;
                totalSortie = sortie;
                totalSolde  = (entree - sortie);
                MessageBox.Show("La date de debut doit être plus petite ou égale à la date de fin");
                lignes = new List <LigneEtat>();
                grdEtatCaisse.ItemsSource = lignes;