コード例 #1
    //public int altura, largura;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    public void Montar(int altura, int largura)
        // Referenciaa de tamanho baseada no tamanho do prefab
        Vector3 refT = prefabParede[0].GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size;
        // Referencia de posição
        Vector3 refP = new Vector3(-2, 2, -1);

        string temp = GerarLabirinto.generateMaze(altura, largura);

        string[] strArray = temp.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        // Quantidade de linhas no texto
        int linhas = strArray.Length;
        // Quantidade de colunas no texto
        int colunas = strArray[0].Length;

        // Pra cada linha...
        for (int l = 0; l < linhas; l++)
            // Pra cada coluna...
            for (int c = 0; c < colunas; c++)
                // Se o caracter correspondente for 1
                if (strArray[l][c] == '1')
                    int rnd = Random.Range(0, prefabParede.Length);
                    // Instancia o prefabParede numa nova posição igual ao tamanho do prefab vezes a linha mais a posição inicial, a mesma coisa pra coluna
                    // Depois muda o nome  pra representar isso
                    Instantiate(prefabParede[rnd], new Vector3(refP.x + refT.x * l, 0, refP.y + refT.y * c), Quaternion.identity).name = "P_" + l + "_" + c;
                else if (strArray[l][c] == '2')
                    Instantiate(item, new Vector3(refP.x + refT.x * l, 0, refP.y + refT.y * c), Quaternion.identity).name = "P_" + l + "_" + c;
                else if (strArray[l][c] == '3')
                    GameObject pl = Instantiate(player, new Vector3(refP.x + refT.x * l, 0, refP.y + refT.y * c), Quaternion.identity);
                    pl.name = "Player";
                    Camera.main.transform.position = pl.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 5, -5);
                    Camera.main.transform.parent = pl.transform;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Labirinto.cs プロジェクト: MarkiedStudent/Labitinto
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        Vector3 refT       = paredes[0].GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size;
        Vector3 refPosicao = new Vector3(-2, 0, -1);

        ///labirinto do texto
        /// TextAsset t = Resources.Load("meuTexto") as TextAsset;
        /// string[]str=t.text.Split(new char[]{ '\r','\n'},
        /// StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        string temp = GerarLabirinto.generateMaze(20, 20);

        string[] str = temp.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' },

        int lin = str.Length;
        int col = str[0].Length;

        for (int l = 0; l < lin; l++)
            for (int c = 0; c < col; c++)
                if (str[l][c] == '1')
                    int        rnd = Random.Range(0, paredes.Length - 1);
                    GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(paredes[rnd],
                                                            refPosicao + new Vector3(refPosicao.x + refT.x * l, 0,
                                                                                     refT.z * c), Quaternion.identity);
                    obj.name = "Parede" + l + "_" + c;
        ///  {
        ///      Instantiate(prefabParede,
        ///          new Vector3(refP.x + refT.x * l, 0,
        ///                      refP.y + refT.y * c),
        ///         Quaternion.identity).name="P"+l+"_"+c;
        ///  }
コード例 #3
    public void GerandoLabirinto()
        Vector3 refT = prefabParede[0].GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds.size;
        Vector3 refP = new Vector3(-2, 0, -1);

        String temp = GerarLabirinto.generateMaze(colunaLabirinto, linhaLabirinto);

        string[] str = temp.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

        int lin  = str.Length;
        int col  = str[0].Length;
        int item = (str.Length + str[0].Length) / 2;

        for (int l = 0; l < lin; l++)
            for (int c = 0; c < col; c++)
                if (str[l][c] == '1')
                    //int rnd = Random.RandomRange(0, prefabParede.Length );
                    if (varianteParede == 0)
                        GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabParede[varianteParede], new Vector3(refT.x * l, refP.y, refT.z * c), Quaternion.identity); obj.name = "P" + l + "_" + c;
                    if (varianteParede == 1)
                        GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabParede[varianteParede], new Vector3(refT.x * l, refP.y, refT.z * c), Quaternion.identity); obj.name = "P" + l + "_" + c;
                    if (varianteParede == 0)
                        varianteParede = 1;
                        varianteParede = 0;

                if (str[l][c] == '0')
                    int rndPickup = Random.RandomRange(0, item - 2);
                    if (rndPickup == 1)
                        int        rnd = Random.RandomRange(0, prefabPickup.Length);
                        GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabPickup[rnd], new Vector3(refT.x * l, refP.y, refT.z * c), Quaternion.identity); obj.name = "P" + l + "_" + c;

                        obj.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(90, 0, 0));
                    GameObject objChao = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabChao, new Vector3(refT.x * l, refP.y - 0.90f, refT.z * c), Quaternion.identity); objChao.name = "Chao" + l + "_" + c;

                if (c == 0 && l == 1)
                    startLocalition = new Vector3(refT.x * l, refP.y, refT.z * c);
                if (c == col - 1 && l == lin - 2)
                    endLocation = new Vector3(refT.x * l, refP.y, refT.z * c);
