public static async Task Run(GeotabDataOnlyPlanAPI api, string userId) { ConsoleUtility.LogExampleStarted(typeof(SetUserAsyncExample).Name); try { // Update a driver with keys to a NON-driver. // Set parameter values to apply when adding device. string id = userId; DateTime activeTo = new(2037, 1, 31); string comment = "Driver with keys updated to NON-driver"; string designation = "Driver 2 Upd"; string employeeNo = "Employee 2 Upd"; string firstName = "John Upd"; bool isDriver = false; string lastName = "Smith2 Upd"; string name = "jsmith2Upd"; string password2 = "Password1!Upd"; ConsoleUtility.LogInfoStart($"Updating user '{id}' in database '{api.Credentials.Database}'..."); await api.SetUserAsync(id, activeTo, comment, designation, employeeNo, firstName, isDriver, lastName, name, password2); ConsoleUtility.LogComplete(); } catch (Exception ex) { ConsoleUtility.LogError(ex); } ConsoleUtility.LogExampleFinished(typeof(SetUserAsyncExample).Name); }