コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Pulled directly from Reflector disassembly
        /// </summary>
        private LineSegment[] CalculateSegments(IGeometryHost geometryHost, DiagramHitTestInfo hitTestInfo)
            IBinaryLinkGeometryData data1       = geometryHost as IBinaryLinkGeometryData;
            EdgePointCollection     collection1 = data1.GeometryEdgePointsNoJumps;

            LineSegment[] segmentArray1 = new LineSegment[collection1.Count - 1];
            Pen           pen1          = geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet.GetPen(this.GetOutlinePenId(geometryHost));

            if (pen1 != null)
                for (int num1 = 0; num1 < (collection1.Count - 1); num1++)
                    RectangleD ed1 = GeometryHelpers.RectangleDFrom2Pts(collection1[num1].Point, collection1[num1 + 1].Point);
                    // In DSL Tools v8.2, GetHitTestTolerance is an instance method, but in DSL Tools v9.0, it is a static method.
                    // We call it without a qualifier here so that it will compile against both versions.
                    SizeD ed2 = GetHitTestTolerance(hitTestInfo);
                    if (ed1.Height < ed2.Height)
                        ed1.Inflate(0, (pen1.Width / 2f) + ed2.Height);
                    else if (ed1.Width < ed2.Width)
                        ed1.Inflate((pen1.Width / 2f) + ed2.Width, 0);
                    segmentArray1[num1] = new LineSegment(collection1[num1].Point, collection1[num1 + 1].Point, num1, num1 + 1, num1 == 0, (num1 + 1) == (collection1.Count - 1), ed1);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Override of BinaryLinkShape.ExcludeFromClipRegion to support moving the link
        /// decorator and properly rotating it.
        /// </summary>
        public override void ExcludeFromClipRegion(Graphics g, Matrix matrix, GraphicsPath perimeter)
            ObliqueBinaryLinkShapeGeometry geometry = this.ShapeGeometry as ObliqueBinaryLinkShapeGeometry;
            Pen linePen = this.StyleSet.GetPen(DiagramPens.ConnectionLine);
            EdgePointCollection edgePoints = this.EdgePoints;
            int edgePointCount             = edgePoints.Count;

            if ((geometry != null) && (linePen != null))
                for (int i = 1; i < edgePointCount; ++i)
                    if (edgePoints[i].Flag == VGPointType.JumpEnd)
                        GraphicsPath excludePath = this.ExcludePath;
                        geometry.AddLineArcPath(excludePath, edgePoints[i - 1].Point, edgePoints[i].Point);
                        g.SetClip(excludePath, CombineMode.Exclude);
                        RectangleD excludeRect = GeometryHelpers.RectangleDFrom2Pts(edgePoints[i - 1].Point, edgePoints[i].Point);
                        double     inflateBy   = linePen.Width / 2f;
                        excludeRect.Inflate(inflateBy, inflateBy);
                        g.SetClip(RectangleD.ToRectangleF(excludeRect), CombineMode.Exclude);
                if (edgePointCount > 1)
                    LinkDecorator decorator;
                    IBinaryLinkGeometryData geometryData = (IBinaryLinkGeometryData)this;
                    if (null != (decorator = DecoratorFrom))
                        ExcludeDecorator(g, geometry, decorator, edgePoints[0].Point, edgePoints[1].Point
                                         , geometryData.GeometryDecoratorFromSize
                    if (null != (decorator = DecoratorTo))
                        ExcludeDecorator(g, geometry, decorator, edgePoints[edgePointCount - 1].Point, edgePoints[edgePointCount - 2].Point
                                         , geometryData.GeometryDecoratorToSize
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Override of DoHitTest so it works with non-rectilinear line segments
        /// </summary>
        public override bool DoHitTest(IGeometryHost geometryHost, PointD hitPoint, DiagramHitTestInfo hitTestInfo, bool includeTolerance)
            bool        retVal      = false;
            LineSegment hitSegment  = null;
            AnchorPoint anchorPoint = null;
            // In DSL Tools v8.2, GetHitTestTolerance is an instance method, but in DSL Tools v9.0, it is a static method.
            // We call it without a qualifier here so that it will compile against both versions.
            SizeD      tolerance = GetHitTestTolerance(hitTestInfo);
            RectangleD perimeter = this.GetPerimeterBoundingBox(geometryHost);

            if (perimeter.Contains(hitPoint))
                LineSegment[] segments     = this.CalculateSegments(geometryHost, hitTestInfo);
                int           segmentCount = segments.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i)
                    LineSegment testSegment = segments[i];
                    RectangleD  testBounds  = GeometryHelpers.RectangleDFrom2Pts(testSegment.StartPoint, testSegment.EndPoint);
                    if (testBounds.Contains(hitPoint))
                        anchorPoint = TestHitAnchor(geometryHost as BinaryLinkShape, testSegment, tolerance, hitPoint);
                        if (anchorPoint != null)
                            retVal     = true;
                            hitSegment = testSegment;
                        double distance = DistanceFromPointToLine(hitPoint, testSegment.StartPoint, testSegment.EndPoint, true);
                        if (!double.IsNaN(distance) && distance < (tolerance.Width + geometryHost.GeometryStyleSet.GetPen(geometryHost.GeometryOutlinePenId).Width / 2f))
                            retVal     = true;
                            hitSegment = testSegment;
            if (hitTestInfo != null)
                DiagramItem diagramItem;
                if (retVal)
                    if (anchorPoint == null)
                        // In DSL Tools v8.2, CreateDiagramItem is an instance method, but in DSL Tools v9.0, it is a static method.
                        // We call it without a qualifier here so that it will compile against both versions.
                        diagramItem = CreateDiagramItem(geometryHost, hitSegment);
                        diagramItem = new DiagramItem(geometryHost as LinkShape, hitSegment, anchorPoint);
                    diagramItem = null;
                hitTestInfo.HitDiagramItem = diagramItem;
                hitTestInfo.HitGrabHandle  = null;