protected override Task HandleMouseDownAsync(MapViewMouseButtonEventArgs e)
            //Select a line feature and place the initial graphic. Clear out any
            //previously placed graphic
            return(QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                var mapPoint = this.ActiveMapView.ClientToMap(e.ClientPoint);
                var lineFeature = Module1.SelectLineFeature(mapPoint);

                if (lineFeature != null)
                    var nearest = GeometryEngine.NearestPoint(lineFeature, mapPoint);
                    lock (_lock) {
                        _workingLocation = null;
                        _lineFeature = lineFeature;
                        if (_graphic != null)
                        _graphic = this.AddOverlay(nearest.Point, _pointSymbol.MakeSymbolReference());
                        _trackingMouseMove = TrackingState.CanTrack;
                    lock (_lock) {
                        _workingLocation = null;
                        _lineFeature = null;
                        if (_graphic != null)
                        _graphic = null;
                        _trackingMouseMove = TrackingState.NotTracking;
        protected override async void OnToolMouseMove(MapViewMouseEventArgs e)
            //All of this logic is to avoid unnecessarily updating the graphic position
            //for ~every~ mouse move. We skip any "intermediate" points in-between rapid
            //mouse moves.
            lock (_lock) {
                if (_trackingMouseMove == TrackingState.NotTracking)
                    if (_workingLocation.HasValue)
                        _lastLocation = e.ClientPoint;
                        _lastLocation    = e.ClientPoint;
                        _workingLocation = e.ClientPoint;
                _trackingMouseMove = TrackingState.Tracking;

            //The code "inside" the QTR will execute for all points that
            //get "buffered" or "queued". This avoids having to spin up a QTR
            //for ~every~ point of ~every mouse move.
            await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                var symReference = _pointSymbol.MakeSymbolReference();
                while (true)
                    Polyline lineFeature = null;
                    IDisposable graphic  = null;
                    lock (_lock) {
                        point            = _lastLocation;
                        _lastLocation    = null;
                        _workingLocation = point;

                        if (point == null || !point.HasValue)  //No new points came in while we updated the overlay
                            _workingLocation = null;
                        else if (_lineFeature == null || _graphic == null)  //conflict with the mouse down,
                        //If this happens then we are done. A new line and point will be
                        //forthcoming from the SketchCompleted callback
                            _trackingMouseMove = TrackingState.NotTracking;
                        lineFeature = _lineFeature;
                        graphic     = _graphic;
                    //update the graphic overlay
                    var nearest = GeometryEngine.NearestPoint(lineFeature, MapView.Active.ClientToMap(point.Value));
                    this.UpdateOverlay(graphic, nearest.Point, symReference);