コード例 #1
 public override bool TryPointDeriv2At(double position, out GeoPoint2D point, out GeoVector2D deriv, out GeoVector2D deriv2)
 {   // not yet tested
     point  = fromUnit * new GeoPoint2D(position, Math.Sin(ustart + position * udiff));
     deriv  = fromUnit * new GeoVector2D(1, udiff * Math.Cos(ustart + position * udiff));
     deriv2 = fromUnit * new GeoVector2D(1, -udiff * udiff * Math.Sin(ustart + position * udiff));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Ellipse2D.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
        private Plane zPosition; // die Raum-Ebene, in deren Mittelpunkt der Kreis bezüglich seine 2d Darstellung liegt

        internal void RecalcUnitCircle()
            // berechnen der beiden ModOps fromUnitCircle und toUnitCircle
            // Achtung: das berücksichtigt nicht ein Linkssystem. Das ist somit eigentlich falsch
            // im Linkssystem müsste das Vorzeichen von MinorRadius negativ sein, damit die Matrix stimmt!
            double MajorRadius = majorAxis.Length;
            double MinorRadius = minorAxis.Length;

            if (GeoVector2D.Orientation(majorAxis, minorAxis) < 0)
            {   // eingeführt wg. dem Umdrehen eines Faces mit elliptischen Begrenzungen (11.3.15), Datei 97871_086103_032.cdb, nach Shell.AssertOutwardOrientation stimmt das Face Nr. 8 nicht mehr
                MinorRadius = -MinorRadius;
            if (MajorRadius == 0.0 || MinorRadius == 0.0)
                fromUnitCircle = toUnitCircle = ModOp2D.Identity;
                Angle  MajorAngle = majorAxis.Angle;
                double s          = Math.Sin(MajorAngle);
                double c          = Math.Cos(MajorAngle);
                toUnitCircle = new ModOp2D(c / MajorRadius, s / MajorRadius, (-c * center.x - s * center.y) / MajorRadius,
                                           -s / MinorRadius, c / MinorRadius, (s * center.x - c * center.y) / MinorRadius);
                fromUnitCircle = new ModOp2D(MajorRadius * c, -MinorRadius * s, center.x,
                                             MajorRadius * s, MinorRadius * c, center.y);
コード例 #3
 static public void SpaceDown(GeoObjectList gl, Projection projection, Project pr)
     using (pr.Undo.UndoFrame)
         IGeoObject[] geoArray = new IGeoObject[gl.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < gl.Count; ++i) // umkopieren auf ein Array, um den Sort machen zu können
             geoArray[i] = gl[i];
         // hier nun Sort, der Compare steht oben als lokal class und braucht die Parameter: Sort nach y = false und pm
         Array.Sort(geoArray, 0, geoArray.Length, new CompareGeoObject(false, projection));
         // die Rechtecke des ersten und letzten Objeks für die Gesamtausdehnung
         BoundingRect reStart = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(geoArray[0], projection, false);
         BoundingRect reEnd   = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(geoArray[geoArray.Length - 1], projection, false);
         double       reTotal = reEnd.Top - reStart.Bottom; // Gesamtausdehnung
         double       distRe  = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < geoArray.Length; ++i)          // Summe der Ausdehnung der Einzelnen:
             BoundingRect re = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(geoArray[i], projection, false);
             distRe = distRe + re.Height;
         double space = (reTotal - distRe) / (geoArray.Length - 1); // Gesamt - Summe Einzelne / Zwischenräume
         double pos   = reStart.Top;
         for (int i = 1; i < geoArray.Length - 1; ++i)              // vom zweiten bis zum vorletzten, die Äußeren bleiben unverändert
             BoundingRect re      = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(geoArray[i], projection, false);
             GeoVector2D  trans2D = new GeoVector2D(0, pos + space - re.Bottom);
             pos = pos + space + re.Height; // pos hochzählen auf den oberen Rand des aktuellen
             GeoVector trans = projection.DrawingPlane.ToGlobal(trans2D);
             ModOp     m     = ModOp.Translate(trans);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Ellipse2D.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
        private static void RefineIntersectionPoint(Ellipse2D e1, Ellipse2D e2, ref GeoPoint2DWithParameter ip)
        {   // hier mir Param arbeiten, da es sich auch um einen Ellipsenbogen handeln kann
            double     par1    = e1.ParamOf(ip.p);
            double     par2    = e2.ParamOf(ip.p);
            GeoPoint2D p1      = e1.PointAtParam(par1);
            GeoPoint2D p2      = e2.PointAtParam(par2);
            int        counter = 0;

            while (!Precision.IsEqual(p1, p2))
                GeoVector2D d1 = e1.DirectionAtParam(par1);
                GeoVector2D d2 = e2.DirectionAtParam(par2);
                GeoPoint2D  p;
                if (Geometry.IntersectLL(p1, d1, p2, d2, out p))
                    par1 = e1.ParamOf(p);
                    par2 = e2.ParamOf(p);
                    p1   = e1.PointAtParam(par1);
                    p2   = e2.PointAtParam(par2);
                    ip.p = p;
                if (counter > 100)
            ip.par1 = e1.PositionOf(ip.p); // richtige Werte auch für Arc
            ip.par2 = e2.PositionOf(ip.p);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Precision.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
        public static bool SameNotOppositeDirection(GeoVector2D v1, GeoVector2D v2, bool VectorsAreNormalized)
            Angle a1 = new Angle(v1);
            Angle a2 = new Angle(v2);

            return(IsEqual(a1, a2));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Ellipse2D.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
        public override bool TryPointDeriv3At(double position, out GeoPoint2D point, out GeoVector2D deriv1, out GeoVector2D deriv2, out GeoVector2D deriv3)
            double sweepParameter;

            if (counterClock)
                sweepParameter = 2.0 * Math.PI;
                sweepParameter = -2.0 * Math.PI;
            double u  = position * sweepParameter;
            double su = Math.Sin(u);
            double cu = Math.Cos(u);

            point = fromUnitCircle * new GeoPoint2D(cu, su);
            double pp   = 2 * Math.PI;
            double ppp  = 4 * Math.PI * Math.PI;
            double pppp = 8 * Math.PI * Math.PI * Math.PI;

            if (!counterClock)
                pp   = -pp;
                pppp = -pppp;
            deriv1 = pp * new GeoVector2D(fromUnitCircle[0, 1] * cu - fromUnitCircle[0, 0] * su, fromUnitCircle[1, 1] * cu - fromUnitCircle[1, 0] * su);
            deriv2 = ppp * new GeoVector2D(-fromUnitCircle[0, 1] * su - fromUnitCircle[0, 0] * cu, -fromUnitCircle[1, 1] * su - fromUnitCircle[1, 0] * cu);
            deriv3 = pppp * new GeoVector2D(fromUnitCircle[0, 0] * su - fromUnitCircle[0, 1] * cu, fromUnitCircle[1, 0] * su - fromUnitCircle[1, 1] * cu);
コード例 #7
        public static EllipseArc2D Create(GeoPoint2D center, GeoVector2D majorAxis, GeoVector2D minorAxis, GeoPoint2D startPoint, GeoPoint2D endPoint, bool counterClock)
            // bestimme die beiden Winkel
            GeoVector2D majAx;
            GeoVector2D minAx;
            GeoPoint2D  left, right, bottom, top;

            Geometry.PrincipalAxis(center, majorAxis, minorAxis, out majAx, out minAx, out left, out right, out bottom, out top, false);
            ModOp2D    toUnit = ModOp2D.Fit(new GeoPoint2D[] { center, center + majAx, center + minAx }, new GeoPoint2D[] { GeoPoint2D.Origin, GeoPoint2D.Origin + GeoVector2D.XAxis, GeoPoint2D.Origin + GeoVector2D.YAxis }, true);
            GeoPoint2D p      = toUnit * startPoint;
            double     sa     = p.ToVector().Angle.Radian;

            p = toUnit * endPoint;
            double ea = p.ToVector().Angle.Radian;
            double sw;

            if (counterClock)
                sw = ea - sa;
                if (sw <= 0.0)
                    sw += Math.PI * 2.0;            // geändert auf <= bzw. >=, da sonst aus Vollkreisen Leerkreise werden
                sw = ea - sa;
                if (sw >= 0.0)
                    sw -= Math.PI * 2.0;
            return(new EllipseArc2D(center, majAx, minAx, sa, sw, left, right, bottom, top));
コード例 #8
 public override bool TryPointDeriv2At(double position, out GeoPoint2D point, out GeoVector2D deriv, out GeoVector2D deriv2)
     point  = PointAt(position);
     deriv  = endPoint - startPoint;
     deriv2 = GeoVector2D.NullVector;
コード例 #9
 void SetSizeGeoPoint(GeneralGeoPointAction sender, GeoPoint NewValue)
     if (polyline.IsRectangle)
         double w = Geometry.DistPL(NewValue, polyline.RectangleLocation, polyline.ParallelogramSecondaryDirection);
         double h = Geometry.DistPL(NewValue, polyline.RectangleLocation, polyline.ParallelogramMainDirection);
         if (Math.Abs(w) > Precision.eps && Math.Abs(h) > Precision.eps)
             polyline.RectangleWidth  = w;
             polyline.RectangleHeight = h;
     else if (polyline.IsParallelogram)
         Plane       pln = polyline.GetPlane();
         GeoPoint2D  fix = pln.Project(polyline.ParallelogramLocation);
         GeoVector2D dirx = pln.Project(polyline.ParallelogramMainDirection);
         GeoVector2D diry = pln.Project(polyline.ParallelogramSecondaryDirection);
         GeoPoint2D  np = pln.Project(NewValue);
         GeoPoint2D  xp, yp;
         if (Geometry.IntersectLL(fix, dirx, np, diry, out xp) && Geometry.IntersectLL(fix, diry, np, dirx, out yp))
             polyline.ParallelogramWidth  = fix | xp;
             polyline.ParallelogramHeight = fix | yp;
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.Curve2D.GeneralCurve2D.Distance (GeoPoint2D)"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override double Distance(GeoPoint2D p)
            double mindist = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 1; i < vertex.Length; ++i)
                GeoPoint2D  sp  = vertex[i - 1];
                GeoPoint2D  ep  = vertex[i];
                GeoVector2D dir = ep - sp;
                GeoPoint2D  dr  = Geometry.DropPL(p, sp, ep);
                double      pos = Geometry.LinePar(sp, dir, p);
                double      d;
                if (pos >= 0.0 && pos <= 1.0)
                    d = Geometry.DistPL(p, sp, dir);
                    d = Math.Min(Geometry.Dist(p, sp), Geometry.Dist(p, ep));
                if (Math.Abs(d) < Math.Abs(mindist))
                    mindist = d;
                // das ist der seitenrichtige Abstand (Vorzeichen), außer bei Eckpunkten
                // da muss evtl. noch nachgebessert werden
コード例 #11
ファイル: BoundingRect.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves the rectangle by the provided offset
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="offset">Offset to move</param>
 public void Move(GeoVector2D offset)
     Left   += offset.x;
     Right  += offset.x;
     Bottom += offset.y;
     Top    += offset.y;
コード例 #12
        internal void Add(IEnumerable <Edge> edges, Face onThisFace, double arrowsize, System.Drawing.Color clr, int debugHint)
            Random rnd = new Random();

            foreach (Edge edg in edges)
                if (edg.Curve2D(onThisFace) == null)
                int dbgh = debugHint;
                if (debugHint == -1)
                    dbgh = edg.GetHashCode();
                Add(edg.Curve2D(onThisFace), clr, dbgh);
                // noch einen Richtungspfeil zufügen
                GeoPoint2D[] arrowpnts = new GeoPoint2D[3];
                double       pos       = 0.3 + rnd.NextDouble() * 0.4; // to have different positions when the same curve is displayed twice
                GeoVector2D  dir       = edg.Curve2D(onThisFace).DirectionAt(pos).Normalized;
                arrowpnts[1] = edg.Curve2D(onThisFace).PointAt(pos);
                arrowpnts[0] = arrowpnts[1] - arrowsize * dir + arrowsize * dir.ToLeft();
                arrowpnts[2] = arrowpnts[1] - arrowsize * dir + arrowsize * dir.ToRight();
                Polyline2D pl2d = new Polyline2D(arrowpnts);
                Add(pl2d, clr, edg.GetHashCode());
コード例 #13
ファイル: RotateObjects.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
 private void RotateWithPlanes()
     // get rotation axis from the two planes
     if (src.Intersect(trg, out GeoPoint loc, out GeoVector dir))
         // set to original position
         for (int i = 0; i < block.Count; ++i)
         Plane       perp = new Plane(loc, dir); // plane perpendicular to rotation axis
         GeoVector2D from = perp.Project(dir ^ src.Normal);
         GeoVector2D to   = perp.Project(dir ^ trg.Normal);
         SweepAngle  sw   = new SweepAngle(from, to);
         rotationAngle = sw;
         ModOp     m0 = ModOp.Rotate(loc, dir, sw);
         ModOp     m1 = ModOp.Rotate(loc, -dir, sw);
         GeoVector n0 = m0 * src.Normal;
         GeoVector n1 = m1 * src.Normal;
         ModOp     m; // not sure, which rotation is better
         if (Math.Abs(n0 * trg.Normal) > Math.Abs(n1 * trg.Normal))
             m          = ModOp.Rotate(loc, dir, sw + GetOffset());
             axisVector = dir;
             m          = ModOp.Rotate(loc, -dir, sw + GetOffset());
             axisVector = -dir;
         base.BasePoint = loc;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Circle2D.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
 /// <summary>
 /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.Curve2D.GeneralCurve2D.TangentPointsToAngle (GeoVector2D)"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="direction"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override double[] TangentPointsToAngle(GeoVector2D direction)
     double[] res = new double[2];
     res[0] = direction.ToRight().Angle.Radian / (Math.PI * 2);
     res[1] = direction.ToLeft().Angle.Radian / (Math.PI * 2);
コード例 #15
        public override GeoVector DirectionAt(double pos)
            GeoPoint2D  p   = curve2D.PointAt(pos);
            GeoVector2D dir = curve2D.DirectionAt(pos);

            surface.DerivationAt(p, out GeoPoint location, out GeoVector diru, out GeoVector dirv);
            return(dir.x * diru + dir.y * dirv);
コード例 #16
            GeoVector2D ICurveTransformation2D.TransformDeriv1(ICurve2D curve, double par)
            {   // gesucht: Richtung im nicht periodischen System
                GeoPoint2D  uv  = curve.PointAt(par);
                GeoVector2D dir = curve.DirectionAt(par);

                return(new GeoVector2D(Math.Cos(uv.x) * (dir.y) - Math.Sin(uv.x) * (dir.x) * (uv.y - vmin),
                                       Math.Cos(uv.x) * (dir.x) * (uv.y - vmin) + Math.Sin(uv.x) * (dir.y)));
コード例 #17
        private Angle OnGetLongitude()
        {       // Winkel in der X/Y Ebene
            GeoVector v = GetGeoVector();
            // hier erstmal nur global:
            GeoVector2D v2d = Frame.ActiveView.Projection.DrawingPlane.Project(v);

            return(new Angle(v2d));
コード例 #18
        public override GeoPoint2D PositionOf(GeoPoint p)
            double      r   = xAxis.Length;
            GeoVector   v   = Geometry.ReBase(p - (location - zAxis), xAxis, yAxis, zAxis);
            GeoVector2D v2d = new GeoVector2D(v.x, v.y);

            v2d.Length = r / v.z;
            return(new GeoPoint2D(v2d.x, v2d.y));
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.Curve2D.GeneralCurve2D.Move (double, double)"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dx"></param>
        /// <param name="dy"></param>
        public override void Move(double dx, double dy)
            GeoVector2D offset = new GeoVector2D(dx, dy);

            for (int i = 0; i < vertex.Length; ++i)
                vertex[i] = vertex[i] + offset;
コード例 #20
 public EllipseArc2D(GeoPoint2D center, GeoVector2D majorAxis, GeoVector2D minorAxis, double startPar, double sweepPar, GeoPoint2D left, GeoPoint2D right, GeoPoint2D bottom, GeoPoint2D top)
     : base(center, majorAxis, minorAxis, sweepPar > 0.0, left, right, bottom, top)
     this.startPar = startPar;
     this.sweepPar = sweepPar;
     startPoint    = center + Math.Cos(startPar) * majorAxis + Math.Sin(startPar) * minorAxis;
     endPoint      = center + Math.Cos(startPar + sweepPar) * majorAxis + Math.Sin(startPar + sweepPar) * minorAxis;
コード例 #21
        protected override void GetTriangulationBasis(out GeoPoint2D[] points, out GeoVector2D[] directions, out double[] positions)
            List <double> uvalues = new List <double>();

            if (udiff < 0)
                double u = 0.0;
                while (u < ustart)
                    u += Math.PI / 2;
                while (u > ustart)
                    u -= Math.PI / 2;
                while (u > ustart + udiff + 1e-4)
                    if (u < uvalues[uvalues.Count - 1] - 1e-4)
                    u -= Math.PI / 2;
                double u = 0.0;
                while (u > ustart)
                    u -= Math.PI / 2;
                while (u < ustart)
                    u += Math.PI / 2;
                while (u < ustart + udiff - 1e-4)
                    if (u > uvalues[uvalues.Count - 1] + 1e-4)
                    u += Math.PI / 2;
            uvalues.Add(ustart + udiff);
            positions  = new double[uvalues.Count];
            points     = new GeoPoint2D[uvalues.Count];
            directions = new GeoVector2D[uvalues.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < uvalues.Count; i++)
                positions[i]  = ParToPos(uvalues[i]);
                points[i]     = PointAt(positions[i]);
                directions[i] = DirectionAt(positions[i]);
コード例 #22
 public void MakePositivOriented()
 {   // stellt sicher, dass die majorAxis und minorAxis ein rechtssystem bilden
     if (GeoVector2D.Orientation(majorAxis, minorAxis) < 0)
         minorAxis = -minorAxis;
         startPar  = 2.0 * Math.PI - startPar;
         sweepPar  = -sweepPar;
コード例 #23
        public override GeoVector2D DirectionAt(double pos)
            double      u   = PosToPar(pos);
            double      du  = Math.Cos(u);
            GeoVector2D dir = new GeoVector2D(1, du);

            // enter Integrate[sqrt(1+cos(x)^2),x] at https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=Integrate%5Bsqrt(1%2Bcos(x)%5E2),x%5D
            // and the result for the full period is 7.64039557805542, but does this help for the length of the direction???
            return(fromUnit * (udiff * dir));
コード例 #24
ファイル: Export.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
 private EntityObject ExportEllipse(GeoObject.Ellipse elli)
     netDxf.Entities.EntityObject entity = null;
     if (elli.IsArc)
         Plane dxfPlane;
         if (elli.CounterClockWise)
             dxfPlane = Import.Plane(Vector3(elli.Center), Vector3(elli.Plane.Normal));
             dxfPlane = Import.Plane(Vector3(elli.Center), Vector3(-elli.Plane.Normal));
         if (elli.IsCircle)
             GeoObject.Ellipse aligned = GeoObject.Ellipse.Construct();
             aligned.SetArcPlaneCenterStartEndPoint(dxfPlane, dxfPlane.Project(elli.Center), dxfPlane.Project(elli.StartPoint), dxfPlane.Project(elli.EndPoint), dxfPlane, true);
             entity        = new netDxf.Entities.Arc(Vector3(aligned.Center), aligned.Radius, aligned.StartParameter / Math.PI * 180, (aligned.StartParameter + aligned.SweepParameter) / Math.PI * 180);
             entity.Normal = Vector3(dxfPlane.Normal);
             netDxf.Entities.Ellipse expelli = new netDxf.Entities.Ellipse(Vector3(elli.Center), 2 * elli.MajorRadius, 2 * elli.MinorRadius);
             entity        = expelli;
             entity.Normal = Vector3(elli.Plane.Normal);
             Plane       cdbplane = elli.Plane;
             GeoVector2D dir      = dxfPlane.Project(cdbplane.DirectionX);
             SweepAngle  rot      = new SweepAngle(GeoVector2D.XAxis, dir);
             expelli.Rotation = rot.Degree;
             SetEllipseParameters(expelli, elli.StartParameter, elli.StartParameter + elli.SweepParameter);
         if (elli.IsCircle)
             entity        = new netDxf.Entities.Circle(Vector3(elli.Center), elli.Radius);
             entity.Normal = Vector3(elli.Plane.Normal);
             netDxf.Entities.Ellipse expelli = new netDxf.Entities.Ellipse(Vector3(elli.Center), 2 * elli.MajorRadius, 2 * elli.MinorRadius);
             entity        = expelli;
             entity.Normal = Vector3(elli.Plane.Normal);
             Plane       dxfplane = Import.Plane(expelli.Center, expelli.Normal); // this plane is not correct, it has to be rotated
             Plane       cdbplane = elli.Plane;
             GeoVector2D dir      = dxfplane.Project(cdbplane.DirectionX);
             SweepAngle  rot      = new SweepAngle(GeoVector2D.XAxis, dir);
             expelli.Rotation = rot.Degree;
コード例 #25
ファイル: HelicalSurface.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.GeoObject.ISurfaceImpl.VDirection (GeoPoint2D)"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uv"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override GeoVector VDirection(GeoPoint2D uv)
            double      pos = GetPos(uv.y);
            GeoVector2D dir = basisCurve2D.DirectionAt(pos);
            //dir = (1.0 / (curveEndParameter - curveStartParameter)) * dir; // dir ist die Änderung um 1 also volle Kurvenlänge
            // 15.8.17: die Skalierung von dir ist wohl falsch: NewtonLineintersection läuft mit obiger Zeile nicht richtig, so aber perfekt
            // pitch fehlt noch, ist vermutlich nicht nötig
            ModOp rot = ModOp.Rotate(1, (SweepAngle)uv.x);

            return(toSurface * rot * dir);
コード例 #26
 static public void AlignPageCenter(GeoObjectList gl, double width, double height, Project pr)
     using (pr.Undo.UndoFrame)
     {   // nur in der Draufsicht, sonst macht das keinen Sinn
         BoundingRect re      = gl.GetExtent(Projection.FromTop, false, false);
         GeoVector2D  trans2D = new GeoVector2D(width / 2.0 - (re.Bottom + re.Top) / 2, height / 2.0 - (re.Bottom + re.Top) / 2);
         GeoVector    trans   = Plane.XYPlane.ToGlobal(trans2D);
         ModOp        m       = ModOp.Translate(trans);
コード例 #27
 static public Arc2D From2PointsAndTangents(GeoPoint2D sp, GeoVector2D sd, GeoPoint2D ep, GeoVector2D ed)
     if (Geometry.IntersectLL(sp, sd.ToLeft(), ep, ed.ToLeft(), out GeoPoint2D mp))
         bool cc = Geometry.OnLeftSide(mp, sp, ep);
         return(new Arc2D(mp, sp | mp, sp, ep, cc));
コード例 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs the angle that is needed to rotate the first vector counterclockwise to reach the second vector (between 0 and 2.0*Math.PI)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v1">First vector</param>
 /// <param name="v2">Second vector</param>
 public Angle(GeoVector2D v1, GeoVector2D v2)
     a = Math.Acos((v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y) / ((Math.Sqrt(v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y)) * Math.Sqrt(v2.x * v2.x + v2.y * v2.y)));
     if (a < 0.0)
         a += 2.0 * Math.PI;
     if (a >= 2.0 * Math.PI)
         a -= 2.0 * Math.PI;
コード例 #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs the angle of the given vector. X-axis is 0, counterclockwise.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v">vector to define the angle</param>
 public Angle(GeoVector2D v)
     a = Math.Atan2(v.y, v.x);
     if (a < 0.0)
         a += 2.0 * Math.PI;
     if (a >= 2.0 * Math.PI)
         a -= 2.0 * Math.PI;
コード例 #30
ファイル: Precision.cs プロジェクト: SOFAgh/CADability
 public static bool IsPerpendicular(GeoVector2D v1, GeoVector2D v2, bool VectorsAreNormalized)
     if (v1.Length < eps)
         return(true);                 // oder was?
     if (v2.Length < eps)
         return(true);                 // oder was?
     return(Math.Abs(v1 * v2) / (v1.Length * v2.Length) < epsa);