public override Scene MakeScene() { Scene scene = new Scene(); Shape shape = new Shape(); Appearance app = new Appearance(); TriMesh mesh = new TriMesh(VertexPool.TEXCOORDS); MediaSource video = new MediaSource(); SoundPlayer sound = null; Texture tex = new Texture(); Sampler sampler = new Sampler(); Camera cam; Vec2 videosize = new Vec2(1, 1); // pixel dimensions of video frame Vec2 texsize = new Vec2(512, 512); // pixel dimensions of texture (powers of 2) video.Name = "videotest.simroot"; video.Control = Engine.CYCLE; video.Target = tex; video.FileName = GetMediaPath(ContentFile); videosize = video.VideoSize; if (videosize.x > 0) { texsize = video.TexSize; } if (AudioFile != "") { sound = new SoundPlayer(); sound.FileName = GetMediaPath(AudioFile); video.Append(sound); } tex.Name = "videotest.videotexture"; sampler.Set(Sampler.TEXTUREOP, Sampler.EMISSION); sampler.Set(Sampler.TEXCOORD, 0); sampler.Set(Sampler.MIPMAP, 0); sampler.Texture = tex; app.Set(Appearance.CULLING, 0); app.Set(Appearance.LIGHTING, 0); app.SetSampler(0, sampler); shape.Appearance = app; GeoUtil.Rect(mesh, videosize.x / videosize.y, 1.0f, videosize.x / texsize.x, videosize.y / texsize.y); shape.Geometry = mesh; shape.Name = "videotest.root"; scene.Models = shape; scene.Engines = video; cam = scene.Camera; cam.Translation = new Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f); cam.Hither = 0.1f; cam.Name = ""; return(scene); }
/* * Make the shape for the Kinect depth camera output */ protected Shape MakeCameraOutputShape(Camera cam, bool iscolor) { Shape shape = new Shape(); Appearance app = new Appearance(); PhongMaterial mtl = new PhongMaterial(new Col4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f)); Sampler sampler = new Sampler(); TriMesh mesh = new TriMesh("position float 3, normal float 3, texcoord float 2"); Vec2 videosize = new Vec2(640, 480); Vec2 texsize = new Vec2(1024, 512); Box3 vvol = cam.ViewVol; Vec3 campos = cam.Translation; float camdist = campos.Length; // distance of camera from body float backdist = camdist + vvol.max.z / 6.0f; float h = backdist * vvol.Height / vvol.min.z; float w = h; backdist -= camdist; if (Kinect != null) { Texture tex = new Texture(); sampler.Texture = tex; if (iscolor) { tex.Name = "magicmirror.kinect.colorimage"; Kinect.ColorTexture = tex; } else { tex.Name = "magicmirror.kinect.depthimage"; Kinect.DepthTexture = tex; } } sampler.Name = "diffuse"; sampler.Set(Sampler.TEXTUREOP, Sampler.DIFFUSE); sampler.Set(Sampler.TEXCOORD, 0); app.Set(Appearance.CULLING, 1); app.Set(Appearance.LIGHTING, 1); app.Set(Appearance.TRANSPARENCY, 1); app.SetSampler(0, sampler); app.Material = mtl; app.Name = "cameraoutput"; shape.Appearance = app; GeoUtil.Rect(mesh, h * videosize.x / videosize.y, h, videosize.x / texsize.x, videosize.y / texsize.y); shape.Geometry = mesh; shape.Name = "magicmirror.kinect.camerashape"; shape.Translate(0, h / 2, -backdist); return(shape); }