コード例 #1
    private void solveVRP(World world)
        // Spawns objects that visualize the points of interest
        // Initialize visibility graph

        List <Vector2> addPoints = new List <Vector2> (world.pointsOfInterest);

        foreach (var point in world.startPositions)
        foreach (var point in world.goalPositions)
        VisibilityGraph.initVisibilityGraph(world, addPoints);
        // Execute FloydWarshall algorithm on visibility graph to get shortest paths
        FloydWarshall fw = new FloydWarshall(world.visibilityGraph);

        float[,] floydWarshallDistMatrix = fw.findShortestPaths();
        // Get number of obstacle vertices
        obstacleVertCount = world.graphVertices.Count - world.pointsOfInterest.Length - agents.Length * 2;
        // Remove obstacle vertex rows and columns from the distance matrix as GA does not work with them to find a solution
        float[,] distanceMatrix = getSubArray(floydWarshallDistMatrix, obstacleVertCount);
        // Use the genetic algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem
        GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(populationSize, populationSize, world.pointsOfInterest.Length, agents.Length, distanceMatrix, 0.02f, geneticAlgorithmIterations, false, 0.04f, 0.01f, true);

        List <int> solution = ga.getFittestIndividual();

        solution = GeneticAlgorithmHelper.includeSolutionGoals(solution, world.pointsOfInterest.Length, agents.Length);
        // Reconstruct path including intermediate obstacle vertex nodes
        for (int i = 0; i < solution.Count; i++)
            solution [i] += obstacleVertCount;
        List <int> reconstructedSolution = reconstructShortestPath(solution, fw, agents.Length);

        // Visualize the reconstructed path (solution including intermediate nodes)
        Visualizer.visualizeVRPsolution(world.graphVertices, reconstructedSolution, agents.Length, obstacleVertCount);
        solutionList = GeneticAlgorithmHelper.splitSolution(solution, world.graphVertices.Count, agents.Length);
        for (int i = 0; i < solutionList.Count; i++)
            solutionList[i] = reconstructShortestPath(solutionList [i], fw, agents.Length);
        solutionCoordinates = getSolutionCoordinates(solutionList);
コード例 #2
    public void generationalGeneticAlgorithm()
        // Initialize population

        // Get parent selection probabilities - They do not depend on fitness values but only on population size and hence can be precomputed
        double[] selectionProbabilities = calculateRankingProbabilities(population.Length, "Linear");

        // If overselection is true, split selection probabilities in two
        double[] fitSelectionProbabilities   = null; //user if overselection is true
        double[] unfitSelectionProbabilities = null; //user if overselection is true
        int      seperatingIdx = -1;                 //user if overselection is true

        if (overselection)
            seperatingIdx               = M - (int)(this.M * this.fitGroupPerc);
            fitSelectionProbabilities   = calculateRankingProbabilities((int)(this.M * this.fitGroupPerc), "Linear");
            unfitSelectionProbabilities = calculateRankingProbabilities(seperatingIdx, "Linear");

        float bestFitness     = float.MaxValue;
        float prevBestFitness = float.MaxValue;
        int   count           = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < this.maxIterations; i++)
            // Calculate fitness for each individual
            float[] populationFitness = calculateFitness(this.population);
            int[]   populationIndices = populationFitness.getIndexList();
            // Sort fitness of each individual along with their indices
            System.Array.Sort(populationFitness, populationIndices);

            prevBestFitness = bestFitness;
            bestFitness     = populationFitness [0];
            // check for convergence
            if (GeneticAlgorithmHelper.abs(populationFitness [0] - prevBestFitness) < this.eps)
            //if(count >= this.maxIterations * 0.05)

            // Sample parents from population
            int[] matingPool;
            if (!overselection)
                //Run stochastic universal sampling algorithm to get mating pool (selected parents)
                matingPool = stochasticUniversalSampling(selectionProbabilities, populationIndices, this.lambda);
                // If overselection is activated
                int[] fitPopulationIndices   = new int[(int)(this.M * this.fitGroupPerc)];
                int[] unfitPopulationIndices = new int[this.M - (int)(this.M * this.fitGroupPerc)];
                // Split population in fit and unfit where fit is <fitGroupPerc>% of the initial population
                System.Array.Copy(populationIndices, 0, unfitPopulationIndices, 0, seperatingIdx);
                System.Array.Copy(populationIndices, seperatingIdx, fitPopulationIndices, 0, (int)(this.M * this.fitGroupPerc));
                // Select 80% parents from fit group and 20% from unfit group
                int[] fitMatingPool   = stochasticUniversalSampling(fitSelectionProbabilities, fitPopulationIndices, (int)(0.8f * this.M));
                int[] unfitMatingPool = stochasticUniversalSampling(unfitSelectionProbabilities, unfitPopulationIndices, (int)(0.2f * this.M));
                // Merge fit and unfit parents selected in the same mating pool
                matingPool = GeneticAlgorithmHelper.mergeArrays(fitMatingPool, unfitMatingPool);

            // Mate the parents selected to get offsprings
            List <int>[] offsprings        = mateParents(matingPool);
            float[]      offspringsFitness = calculateFitness(offsprings);

            // Pick the best from the population and the new offsprings as the new population
            List <int>[] sortedPopulation        = getOrderedPopulation(this.population, populationIndices);
            List <int>[] intermediatePool        = GeneticAlgorithmHelper.mergeArrays(sortedPopulation, offsprings);
            float[]      intermediateFitness     = GeneticAlgorithmHelper.mergeArrays(populationFitness, offspringsFitness);
            int[]        intermediatePoolIndices = intermediatePool.getIndexList();
            System.Array.Sort(intermediateFitness, intermediatePoolIndices);
            System.Array.Copy(getOrderedPopulation(intermediatePool, intermediatePoolIndices), 0, this.population, 0, this.population.Length);