コード例 #1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Used to track the best performing spawn
        double bestFitness = 0;
        int    bestSpawn   = 0;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Comma))
            Time.timeScale *= .5f;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Period))
            Time.timeScale *= 2;
        int species = 0;
        int genome  = 0;

        //Update each spawn in the population, used to increase their fitness as needed and have them respond to the inputs
        for (int i = 0; i < population; i++)
            GameObject     closestFood = foods[0];
            float          distance    = Vector3.Distance(closestFood.transform.position, spawns[i].transform.position); //distance to closest food
            SpriteRenderer sprite      = spawns[i].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();                                      //get spawn sprite
            sprite.color = genAlg.species[species].color;

            for (int j = 0; j < numFood; j++) //Finds the closest food item
                float newDistance = Vector3.Distance(spawns[i].transform.position, foods[j].transform.position);
                if (newDistance < distance)
                    distance    = newDistance;
                    closestFood = foods[j];

            //relative position of spawn to closest food
            Vector2 relPos = spawns[i].transform.position - closestFood.transform.position;

            Vector2 relRotation = spawns[i].transform.up;

            //---------------Create the input list--------------------------------------------\\
            List <double> input = new List <double> {
                relPos.x, relPos.y, relRotation.x, relRotation.y, 1

            //---------------Get the ouput list by inputing the input list--------------------\\
            List <double> output = genAlg.species[species].population[genome].Run(input);

            //----------------Applying the output to te spawn---------------------------------\\
            spawns[i].transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, (float)(output[0] - output[1]) * Time.deltaTime * 100));
            spawns[i].transform.Translate(Vector2.up * speedAdj * Time.deltaTime);

            //---------------Increasing Fitness-------------------------------------------------\\
            if (distance < 1f)
                genAlg.species[species].population[genome].fitness += genAlg.species[species].population[genome].fitness * .1F + 1;

                //move food particle
                closestFood.transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(0, gameArea.x), Random.Range(0, gameArea.y));

            //Some informational text, and allowing for the search of the most fit spawn
            if (i == 0)
                infoText.text = "Generation: " + genAlg.generation + "\nInputs: relPosX, relPosY, relRotaionX, relRotationY\nOutputs: rightRotation, leftRotation"
                                + "\nTime: " + Time.time.ToString("0")
                                + "\nTime Scale: " + Time.timeScale
                                + "\nSpecies Count: " + genAlg.species.Count;
                bestFitness = genAlg.species[species].population[genome].fitness;
                bestSpawn   = i;

                //----------------Use the first spawn as the selected object in visual representation--------------//
                if (updateGraph)
                if (bestFitness < genAlg.species[species].population[genome].fitness)
                    bestFitness  = genAlg.species[species].population[genome].fitness;
                    sprite       = spawns[bestSpawn].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                    sprite.color = genAlg.species[species].color;
                    bestSpawn    = i;
                    sprite       = spawns[i].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
                    sprite.color = Color.yellow;

            if (species == randomWatchSpecies && genome == randomWatchGenome)
                randomWatchSpawn = i;

            if (genome >= genAlg.species[species].population.Count)
                genome = 0;

            //Border control
            if (spawns[i].transform.position.y < 0)
                spawns[i].transform.position = new Vector3(spawns[i].transform.position.x, gameArea.y);
            else if (spawns[i].transform.position.y > gameArea.y)
                spawns[i].transform.position = new Vector3(spawns[i].transform.position.x, 0);

            if (spawns[i].transform.position.x < 0)
                spawns[i].transform.position = new Vector3(gameArea.x, spawns[i].transform.position.y);
            else if (spawns[i].transform.position.x > gameArea.x)
                spawns[i].transform.position = new Vector3(0, spawns[i].transform.position.y);

        //More Stats
        infoText.text += "\nBest Fitness: " + genAlg.bestFitness + "\nAverage Fitness: " + genAlg.averageFitness + "\nLowest Fitness: " + genAlg.worstFitness;
        fitnessGraph.UpdateFitnessGraph(genAlg.generation, genAlg.bestFitness, genAlg.averageFitness);

        //Change first spawn's color so it is recognizable
        spawns[randomWatchSpawn].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = Color.cyan;

        //----------------Creates the New Population using the fitness levels of the old one----------------//
        if (Time.time > updateTime)
            updateTime += populationResetTime;

            //--------------The main function that creates the new population into the genAlg class--------//


            for (int i = 0; i < population; i++)
                //change all of the spawns positions
                spawns[i].transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(0, gameArea.x), Random.Range(0, gameArea.y));

                //Update the spawns neural networks with the new weights

            //change the location of all the food
            for (int i = 0; i < numFood; i++)
                foods[i].transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(0, gameArea.x), Random.Range(0, gameArea.y));
            randomWatchSpecies = Random.Range(0, genAlg.species.Count);
            randomWatchGenome  = Random.Range(0, genAlg.species[randomWatchSpecies].population.Count);
            fitnessGraph.UpdateSpeciesPopulationGraph(genAlg.species, genAlg.generation);