public override Int64 Set(string parametersArr) { try { // List<Item> Lst_ItemsAll = new GenericeDAO<Item>().GetWhere(" inactive=0 and (Foodics_Id in (select ItemFoodics_Id from ItemCompnent)) and Item_Type=" + (int)Item_Type.AssemblyItem).Take(200).ToList(); //List<Item> Lst_ItemsAll = new GenericeDAO<Item>().GetWhere(" id >= 1238 and inactive=0 and (Foodics_Id in (select ItemFoodics_Id from ItemCompnent)) and Item_Type=" + (int)Item_Type.AssemblyItem); List <Item> Lst_ItemsUpdateAll = new GenericeDAO <Item>().GetWhere(" isnull(Netsuite_Id,0) >0 and FoodicsUpdateDate >= SyncDate and Item_Type=" + (int)Item_Type.AssemblyItem); List <Item> Lst_ItemsNew = new GenericeDAO <Item>().GetWhere(" isnull(Netsuite_Id,0) =0 and inactive=0 and (Foodics_Id in (select ItemFoodics_Id from ItemCompnent)) and Item_Type=" + (int)Item_Type.AssemblyItem).Take(200).ToList(); // Send order list to netsuite if (Lst_ItemsNew.Count > 0) { com.netsuite.webservices.AssemblyItem[] ItemArrNew = GenerateNetSuitelst(Lst_ItemsNew); WriteResponseList wrNew = Service(true).addList(ItemArrNew); bool result = wrNew.status.isSuccess; if (result) { //Update database with returned Netsuite ids UpdatedLst(Lst_ItemsNew, wrNew); } } int Exe_length = 100; int lstend = Exe_length; if (Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.Count > 0) { for (int Index = 0; Index < Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.Count; Index += Exe_length) { if (Index + Exe_length >= Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.Count) { lstend = Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.Count - Index; } List <Item> Lst_ItemsUpdate = Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.GetRange(Index, lstend); // Send order list to netsuite if (Lst_ItemsUpdate.Count > 0) { com.netsuite.webservices.AssemblyItem[] ItemArrUpdate = GenerateNetSuitelst(Lst_ItemsUpdate); WriteResponseList wr = Service(true).updateList(ItemArrUpdate); UpdatedLst(Lst_ItemsUpdate, wr); // bool result = wr.status.isSuccess; } } } new CustomDAO().UpdateProductCompnent(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogDAO.Integration_Exception(LogIntegrationType.Error, this.GetType().FullName + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Error " + ex.Message); } return(0); }
public override Int64 Set(string parametersArr) { new CustomDAO().InvoiceRelatedUpdate(); new CustomDAO().SetItemClass(); //List<Item> Lst_ItemsAll = new GenericeDAO<Item>().GetWhere(" FoodicsUpdateDate >= UpdateDate and inactive=0 and Item_Type=" + (int)Item_Type.InventoryItem).Take(200).ToList(); List <Item> Lst_ItemsUpdateAll = new GenericeDAO <Item>().GetWhere(" isnull(Netsuite_Id,0) >0 and FoodicsUpdateDate >= SyncDate and Item_Type=" + (int)Item_Type.InventoryItem + " order by FoodicsUpdateDate desc"); List <Item> Lst_ItemsNew = new GenericeDAO <Item>().GetWhere(" isnull(Netsuite_Id,0) =0 and inactive=0 and Item_Type=" + (int)Item_Type.InventoryItem).Take(200).ToList(); // Send order list to netsuite if (Lst_ItemsNew.Count > 0) { com.netsuite.webservices.InventoryItem[] ItemArrNew = GenerateNetSuitelst(Lst_ItemsNew); WriteResponseList wrNew = Service(true).addList(ItemArrNew); bool result = wrNew.status.isSuccess; if (result) { //Update database with returned Netsuite ids UpdatedLst(Lst_ItemsNew, wrNew); } } int Exe_length = 100; int lstend = Exe_length; if (Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.Count > 0) { for (int Index = 0; Index < Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.Count; Index += Exe_length) { if (Index + Exe_length >= Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.Count) { lstend = Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.Count - Index; } List <Item> Lst_ItemsUpdate = Lst_ItemsUpdateAll.GetRange(Index, lstend); if (Lst_ItemsUpdate.Count > 0) { com.netsuite.webservices.InventoryItem[] ItemArrAdd = GenerateNetSuitelst(Lst_ItemsUpdate); WriteResponseList wrNew = Service(true).updateList(ItemArrAdd); bool result = wrNew.status.isSuccess; if (result) { //Update database with returned Netsuite ids UpdatedLst(Lst_ItemsUpdate, wrNew); } } } } return(0); }
public override Int64 Set(string parametersArr) { new CustomDAO().InvoiceRelatedUpdate(); new CustomDAO().GenerateAssemblyBuild(); List <Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.AssemblyBuild> lstitemsAll = new GenericeDAO <Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.AssemblyBuild>().GetWhere(" item_id >0 and ISNULL(Netsuite_Id,0) =0 ").Take(1000).ToList(); int Exe_length = 200; int lstend = Exe_length; if (lstitemsAll.Count > 0) { for (int Index = 0; Index < lstitemsAll.Count; Index += Exe_length) { if (Index + Exe_length >= lstitemsAll.Count) { lstend = lstitemsAll.Count - Index; } List <Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.AssemblyBuild> ColLst = lstitemsAll.GetRange(Index, lstend); try { bool result = true; if (ColLst.Count > 0) { #region variables com.netsuite.webservices.AssemblyBuild[] AssemblyArr = new com.netsuite.webservices.AssemblyBuild[ColLst.Count]; Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.AssemblyBuild Obj_info; com.netsuite.webservices.AssemblyBuild AssemblyBuildObject; RecordRef Mainitem, subsid, location; #endregion for (int i = 0; i < ColLst.Count; i++) { try { Obj_info = ColLst[i]; AssemblyBuildObject = new com.netsuite.webservices.AssemblyBuild(); AssemblyBuildObject.quantity = Obj_info.Quantity; AssemblyBuildObject.quantitySpecified = true; Mainitem = new RecordRef(); Mainitem.internalId = Obj_info.Item_Id.ToString(); //objSetting.Location_Netsuite_Id.ToString(); Mainitem.type = RecordType.assemblyItem; AssemblyBuildObject.item = Mainitem; AssemblyBuildObject.tranDateSpecified = true; //AssemblyBuildObject.tranDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime.Now, TimeZoneInfo.Local); //AssemblyBuildObject.tranDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(new DateTime(2021, 03, 01), TimeZoneInfo.Local); AssemblyBuildObject.tranDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(Utility.ConvertToDateTime(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InvoiceDate"]), TimeZoneInfo.Local); location = new RecordRef(); location.internalId = Obj_info.Location_Id.ToString(); //objSetting.Location_Netsuite_Id.ToString(); location.type = RecordType.location; AssemblyBuildObject.location = location; subsid = new RecordRef(); subsid.internalId = Obj_info.Subsidiary_Id.ToString(); subsid.type = RecordType.subsidiary; AssemblyBuildObject.subsidiary = subsid; AssemblyArr[i] = AssemblyBuildObject; } catch (Exception ex) { ColLst.RemoveAt(i); LogDAO.Integration_Exception(LogIntegrationType.Error, this.GetType().FullName + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Error " + ex.Message); } } // Send invoice list to netsuite WriteResponseList wr = Service(true).addList(AssemblyArr); result = wr.status.isSuccess; if (result) { //Update database with returned Netsuite ids Updatedlst(ColLst, wr); } } // post customerPayment to netsuite // bool postPayments = PostCustomerPayment(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogDAO.Integration_Exception(LogIntegrationType.Error, this.GetType().FullName + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Error " + ex.Message); } } } return(0); }
public override Int64 Set(string parametersArr) { try { List <Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.Customer> Lst_CustomAll = new GenericeDAO <Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.Customer>().GetWhere("Netsuite_Id IS NULL or Netsuite_Id =0").Take(2000).ToList(); //List<Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.Customer> Lst_CustomAll = new GenericeDAO<Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.Customer>().GetWhere(" (Netsuite_Id IS NULL or Netsuite_Id =0) and (Foodics_UpdateDate >= '"+ ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InvoiceDate"] + "')").Take(2000).ToList(); int Exe_length = 200; int lstend = Exe_length; if (Lst_CustomAll.Count > 0) { for (int Index = 0; Index < Lst_CustomAll.Count; Index += Exe_length) { if (Index + Exe_length >= Lst_CustomAll.Count) { lstend = Lst_CustomAll.Count - Index; } List <Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.Customer> Lst_Items = Lst_CustomAll.GetRange(Index, lstend); List <com.netsuite.webservices.Customer> ItemArr = new List <com.netsuite.webservices.Customer>(); for (int i = 0; i < Lst_Items.Count; i++) { Foodics.NetSuite.Shared.Model.Customer Obj = Lst_Items[i]; try { CodeDomProvider provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("C#"); com.netsuite.webservices.Customer NewItemObject = new com.netsuite.webservices.Customer(); string Custname =; string[] Fullname = Custname.Split(' '); if (Fullname.Length > 0) { NewItemObject.firstName = Fullname[0]; } else { NewItemObject.firstName = Custname; } if (Fullname.Length > 1) { string lastName = Custname.Remove(0, NewItemObject.firstName.Length); NewItemObject.lastName = lastName.Length > 30 ? lastName.Substring(0, 30) : lastName; } else { NewItemObject.lastName = "-"; } NewItemObject.isPerson = true; NewItemObject.isPersonSpecified = true; =; =; RecordRef subsidiary = new RecordRef(); subsidiary.internalId = Obj.Subsidiary_Id.ToString(); subsidiary.type = RecordType.subsidiary; NewItemObject.subsidiary = subsidiary; if (Obj.InActive) { NewItemObject.isInactive = true; NewItemObject.isInactiveSpecified = true; } ItemArr.Add(NewItemObject); } catch (Exception ex) { LogDAO.Integration_Exception(LogIntegrationType.Error, this.GetType().FullName + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Error in customer Name: " + + " error: " + ex.Message); Lst_Items.RemoveAt(i); } } try { // Send order list to netsuite WriteResponseList wr = Service(true).addList(ItemArr.ToArray()); bool result = wr.status.isSuccess; if (result) { UpdatedLst(Lst_Items, wr); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogDAO.Integration_Exception(LogIntegrationType.Error, this.GetType().FullName + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Error " + ex.Message); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogDAO.Integration_Exception(LogIntegrationType.Error, this.GetType().FullName + "." + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Error " + ex.Message); } return(0); }