/// <summary>
        /// Drops the editor control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctl">The control to drop.</param>
        public void DropDownControl(Control ctl)
            if (genericValueDropDownForm == null)
                genericValueDropDownForm = new GenericValueDropDownForm(this);

            genericValueDropDownForm.Visible   = false;
            genericValueDropDownForm.Component = ctl;

            Rectangle editorBounds = editor.Bounds;

            Size size = genericValueDropDownForm.Size;

            // location of the form
            Point location
                = new Point(editorBounds.Right - size.Width,
                            editorBounds.Bottom + 1);

            // location in screen coordinate
            location = editor.Parent.PointToScreen(location);

            // check the form is in the screen working area
            Rectangle screenWorkingArea = Screen.FromControl(editor).WorkingArea;

            location.X = Math.Min(screenWorkingArea.Right - size.Width,
                                  Math.Max(screenWorkingArea.X, location.X));

            if (size.Height + location.Y + editor.TextBox.Height > screenWorkingArea.Bottom)
                location.Y = location.Y - size.Height - editorBounds.Height - 1;

            genericValueDropDownForm.SetBounds(location.X, location.Y, size.Width, size.Height);
            genericValueDropDownForm.Visible = true;

            // wait for the end of the editing

            while (genericValueDropDownForm.Visible)
                MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, 0, true, 250, 255);

            // editing is done or aborted