コード例 #1
        public static async Task Run(payload flightStatusQueue, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info($"Starting to retrieve flight info for {flightStatusQueue.Text}.");

            string flightNumber = flightStatusQueue.Text.ToUpper();
            string airlineIata  = flightNumber.Substring(0, 2);

            //convert the airline's IATA code to ICAO
            var        uri    = "http://avcodes.co.uk/airlcoderes.asp";
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            var        values = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "status", "Y" },
                { "iataairl", airlineIata }

            var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);

            var response = await client.PostAsync(uri, content);

            var    responseContent = response.Content;
            string result          = null;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(await responseContent.ReadAsStreamAsync()))
                result = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

            var regex   = new Regex(@"ICAO Code:<br />&nbsp;\D{3}");
            var matches = regex.Matches(result);

            string icaoCode = $"{(matches[0].Value).Split(';')[1].Substring(0, 3)}";


            // get the flight number from the input string
            string flightno = flightNumber.Substring(2);
            Int32  today    = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;
            Int32  tomorrow = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1).Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds;

            var uriAirlineFlightSchedules =

            string airlineFlightSchedules = await GenericHelper.FlightAwareGet(uriAirlineFlightSchedules);

            JObject jsonAirlineFlightSchedules    = JObject.Parse(airlineFlightSchedules);
            JArray  airlineFlightSchedulesResults = jsonAirlineFlightSchedules["AirlineFlightSchedulesResult"]
                                                    .Value <JArray>();
            JArray actualFlights = Flights.FilterFlights(airlineFlightSchedulesResults, $"{icaoCode}{flightno}");

            foreach (JToken flight in actualFlights)
                string flightident =
                var uriFlightInfoEx =
                string flightInfoExs = await GenericHelper.FlightAwareGet(uriFlightInfoEx);

                JObject jsonFlightInfoEx = JObject.Parse(flightInfoExs);
                JArray  flightInfo       = jsonFlightInfoEx["FlightInfoExResult"].SelectToken("flights").Value <JArray>();
                string  faFlightId       = flightInfo[0].SelectToken("faFlightID").Value <string>();
                string  flightIdent      = flight.SelectToken("ident").Value <string>();
                string  origin           = flight.SelectToken("origin").Value <string>();
                string  destination      = flight.SelectToken("destination").Value <string>();
                string  typeOfAircraft   = flight.SelectToken("aircrafttype").Value <string>();
                string  route            = null;
                if (flight.SelectToken("route").IsNullOrEmpty())
                    route = "Route not provided";
                    route = flight.SelectToken("route").Value <string>();

                var uriAirlineFlightInfo =
                string airlineFlightInfo = await GenericHelper.FlightAwareGet(uriAirlineFlightInfo);

                JObject jsonAirlineFlightInfo = JObject.Parse(airlineFlightInfo);
                JObject arrAirlineFlightInfo  = jsonAirlineFlightInfo["AirlineFlightInfoResult"].Value <JObject>();

                DateTime filedDepartureTime   = GenericHelper.FromUnixTime(flightInfo[0].SelectToken("filed_departuretime").Value <long>());
                DateTime estimatedArrivalTime =
                    GenericHelper.FromUnixTime(flightInfo[0].SelectToken("estimatedarrivaltime").Value <long>());
                string   estimatedTimeEnroute         = flightInfo[0].SelectToken("filed_ete").Value <string>();
                TimeSpan estimatedTimeEnrouteTimeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(estimatedTimeEnroute);

                DateTime estimatedDepartureTime = estimatedArrivalTime.Add(-estimatedTimeEnrouteTimeSpan);
                TimeSpan delay = estimatedDepartureTime - filedDepartureTime;

                var slackResponseUri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(flightStatusQueue.Response_Url);
                // if you haven't set your Azure Web App time zone
                var jsonPayload = new
                    text =
                        $"*{flightStatusQueue.User_Name} here is your flight info for Flight # {icaoCode}{flightno} / {flightIdent}* \n" +
                        $"From = {origin} / {flightInfo[0].SelectToken("originName").Value<string>()}\n" +
                        $"To = {destination} / {flightInfo[0].SelectToken("destinationName").Value<string>()} \n" +
                        $"Type of Aircraft = {typeOfAircraft} \n" +
                        $"Filed Departure time = {GenericHelper.FromUnixTime(flightInfo[0].SelectToken("filed_departuretime").Value<long>())} \n" +
                        $"Estimated Departure time = {estimatedDepartureTime} \n" +
                        $"Estimated Arrival time = {GenericHelper.FromUnixTime(flightInfo[0].SelectToken("estimatedarrivaltime").Value<long>())} \n" +
                        $"Current delay = {delay} \n" +
                        $"Estimated Flight time = {estimatedTimeEnroute} \n" +
                        $"Filed route = {route} \n" +
                        $"Departure Terminal = {arrAirlineFlightInfo.SelectToken("terminal_orig").Value<string>()} \n" +
                        $"Departure Gate = {arrAirlineFlightInfo.SelectToken("gate_orig").Value<string>()} "

                GenericHelper.SendMessageToSlack(slackResponseUri, jsonPayload);
コード例 #2
        public static async Task Run(payload weatherQueue, TraceWriter log)
            log.Info($"Starting to retrieve weather for {weatherQueue.Text}.");
            string airportCode = null;
            string weather     = null;
            string airportInfo = null;

            switch (weatherQueue.Text.Length)
            case 3:
                log.Info("This is an IATA code, need to get the ICAO code first...");
                airportCode = (await ConvertIataToIcao(weatherQueue.Text)).ToUpper();

            case 4:
                log.Info("This is an ICAO code, we can continue from here...");
                airportCode = weatherQueue.Text.ToUpper();

                log.Error("Not a valid airport code.");

            var airportInfoResultUri =

            airportInfo = await GenericHelper.FlightAwareGet(airportInfoResultUri);

            JObject airResultJson = JObject.Parse(airportInfo);
            string  airportName   = airResultJson["AirportInfoResult"].SelectToken("name").Value <string>();

            var uri =

            weather = await GenericHelper.FlightAwareGet(uri);

            JObject resultJson = JObject.Parse(weather);
            // get latest metar from results
            JToken metar         = resultJson["MetarExResult"].SelectToken("metar").Value <JToken>()[0];
            string airport       = metar["airport"].ToString();
            string windDirection = metar["wind_direction"].ToString();
            string windSpeed     = metar["wind_speed"].ToString();
            string windGusts     = metar["wind_speed_gust"].ToString();
            string visibility    = metar["raw_data"].ToString().Split()[3];
            // find the air pressure in the raw data
            string pressure = null;
            // hPa regex
            var regexHp   = new Regex(@"Q\d{4}");
            var resultsHp = regexHp.Matches(metar["raw_data"].ToString());

            if (resultsHp.Count == 0)
                // apparently an american code, so need to get the inch HG value
                var regexHg   = new Regex(@"A\d{4}");
                var resultsHg = regexHg.Matches(metar["raw_data"].ToString());
                pressure = $"{resultsHg[0].Value} inHg";
                pressure = $"{resultsHp[0].Value} hPa";
            string clouds         = metar["cloud_friendly"].ToString();
            string cloudsAltitude = metar["cloud_altitude"].ToString();
            string cloudType      = metar["cloud_type"].ToString();
            string tempAir        = metar["temp_air"].ToString();


            var slackResponseUri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(weatherQueue.Response_Url);
            var jsonPayload      = new
                text =
                    $"{weatherQueue.User_Name} here is your weather request for {airportName} / {airport} \n" +
                    $"Wind = {windDirection} / {windSpeed} kts \n" +
                    $"Wind Gusts = {windGusts} kts \n" +
                    $"Visibility = {visibility} \n" +
                    $"QNH = {pressure} \n" +
                    $"Clouds = {clouds} \n" +
                    $"Clouds altitude = {cloudsAltitude} ft {cloudType} \n" +
                    $"Temperature = {tempAir} C \n" +
                    $"Raw Report = {metar["raw_data"].ToString()}"

            GenericHelper.SendMessageToSlack(slackResponseUri, jsonPayload);