コード例 #1
        private void Initialize(Type type)
            PropertyInfo [] properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                //if (!p.CanWrite) continue;

                object [] attributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute), false);
                if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)

                GenericGetter method = CreateGetMethod(property);
                if (method != null)
                    Add(new Getter
                        Name         = property.Name,
                        Method       = method,
                        PropertyType = property.PropertyType
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Конструктор CounterPropertyInfo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="containerType">Тип контейнера</param>
        /// <param name="counterProp">Свойство</param>
        /// <param name="counterAttrib">Атрибут</param>
        /// <param name="counterType">Тип счётчика</param>
        /// <param name="counterSetter">Делегат установки значения счётчика</param>
        /// <param name="couterGetter">Делегат для получения счётчика</param>
        public CounterPropertyInfo(Type containerType, PropertyInfo counterProp, CounterAttribute counterAttrib, CounterTypes counterType, GenericSetter counterSetter, GenericGetter couterGetter)
            if (containerType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("containerType");
            if (counterProp == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("counterProp");
            if (counterAttrib == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("counterAttrib");
            if (counterSetter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("counterSetter");
            if (couterGetter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("couterGetter");

            CounterContainerType = containerType;
            Property             = counterProp;
            Attribute            = counterAttrib;
            CounterType          = counterType;
            _setter = counterSetter;
            _getter = couterGetter;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FastJson.cs プロジェクト: nkaluva/helper
 internal List <Getters> GetGetters(Type type)
     if (_getterscache.ContainsKey(type))
         PropertyInfo[] props   = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
         List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();
         foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
             GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(p);
             if (g != null)
                 Getters gg = new Getters();
                 gg.Name   = p.Name;
                 gg.Getter = g;
         _getterscache.Add(type, getters);
コード例 #4
        internal Getters[] GetGetters(Type type, bool showreadonly)
            Getters[] val = null;
            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))

            PropertyInfo[] props   = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
            List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                if (!p.CanWrite && showreadonly == false)

                                #if !SILVERLIGHT && USE_XML
                object[] att = p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute), false);
                if (att != null && att.Length > 0)
                GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(type, p);
                if (g != null)
                    Getters gg = new Getters();
                    gg.Name   = p.Name;
                    gg.Getter = g;
                    //gg.propertyType = p.PropertyType;

            FieldInfo[] fi = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
            foreach (var f in fi)
                                #if !SILVERLIGHT && USE_XML
                object[] att = f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute), false);
                if (att != null && att.Length > 0)
                GenericGetter g = CreateGetField(type, f);
                if (g != null)
                    Getters gg = new Getters();
                    gg.Name   = f.Name;
                    gg.Getter = g;
                    //gg.propertyType = f.FieldType;
            val = getters.ToArray();
            _getterscache.Add(type, val);
コード例 #5
        internal List <Getters> GetGetters(Type type)
            List <Getters> val = null;

            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))

            PropertyInfo[] props   = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                if (!p.CanWrite && ShowReadOnlyProperties == false)

                object[] att = p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute), false);
                if (att != null && att.Length > 0)

                GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(type, p);
                if (g != null)
                    Getters gg = new Getters();
                    gg.Name         = p.Name;
                    gg.Getter       = g;
                    gg.propertyType = p.PropertyType;

            FieldInfo[] fi = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (var f in fi)
                object[] att = f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute), false);
                if (att != null && att.Length > 0)

                GenericGetter g = CreateGetField(type, f);
                if (g != null)
                    Getters gg = new Getters();
                    gg.Name         = f.Name;
                    gg.Getter       = g;
                    gg.propertyType = f.FieldType;

            _getterscache.Add(type, getters);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ReflectionCache.cs プロジェクト: qyezzard/PowerJSON
 public MemberCache(Type type, string name, MemberCache baseInfo)
     : this(baseInfo.MemberInfo, type, name)
     Getter     = baseInfo.Getter;
     Setter     = baseInfo.Setter;
     IsProperty = baseInfo.IsProperty;
     IsStatic   = baseInfo.IsStatic;
     IsReadOnly = baseInfo.IsReadOnly;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ReflectionCache.cs プロジェクト: qyezzard/PowerJSON
 public MemberCache(FieldInfo field)
     : this(field, field.FieldType, field.Name)
     Getter          = Reflection.CreateGetField(field);
     Setter          = Reflection.CreateSetField(field);
     HasPublicGetter = HasPublicSetter = field.IsPublic;
     IsStatic        = field.IsStatic;
     IsReadOnly      = field.IsInitOnly;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ReflectionCache.cs プロジェクト: qyezzard/PowerJSON
 public MemberCache(PropertyInfo property)
     : this(property, property.PropertyType, property.Name)
     Getter          = Reflection.CreateGetProperty(property);
     Setter          = Reflection.CreateSetProperty(property);
     HasPublicGetter = property.GetGetMethod() != null;
     HasPublicSetter = property.GetSetMethod() != null;
     IsProperty      = true;
     IsStatic        = (property.GetGetMethod(true) ?? property.GetSetMethod(true)).IsStatic;
     IsReadOnly      = property.GetSetMethod() == null;         // property.CanWrite can return true if the setter is non-public
コード例 #9
ファイル: JSON.cs プロジェクト: Gadarr/Gadarr
        internal List <Getters> GetGetters(Type type)
            List <Getters> val = null;

            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))

            var props   = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var getters = new List <Getters>();

            foreach (var p in props)
                if (!p.CanWrite && ShowReadOnlyProperties == false)

                var att = p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlIgnoreAttribute), false);
                if (att != null && att.Length > 0)

                GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(p);
                if (g != null)
                    Getters gg = new Getters();
                    gg.Name         = p.Name;
                    gg.Getter       = g;
                    gg.propertyType = p.PropertyType;

            _getterscache.Add(type, getters);
コード例 #10
        /// Creates a dynamic getter for the property
        public static GenericGetter CreateGetMethod(Type targetType, String propName)
            GenericGetter result = null;

            PropertyInfo propertyInfo = targetType.GetProperty(propName,
                                                               BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (propertyInfo != null)
                MethodInfo getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod(true);
                if (getMethod != null)
                    Type[] arguments = new Type[1];
                    arguments[0] = typeof(object);

                    DynamicMethod getter = new DynamicMethod(
                        String.Concat("_Get", propertyInfo.Name, "_"),
                        typeof(object), arguments, propertyInfo.DeclaringType);
                    ILGenerator generator = getter.GetILGenerator();
                    generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, propertyInfo.DeclaringType);
                    generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, getMethod, null);

                    if (!propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsClass)
                        generator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, propertyInfo.PropertyType);


                    result = (GenericGetter)getter.CreateDelegate(typeof(GenericGetter));

コード例 #11
        public Getters[] GetGetters(Type type, /*bool ShowReadOnlyProperties,*/ List <Type> IgnoreAttributes)
            Getters[] val = null;
            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))

            var bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

            //if (ShowReadOnlyProperties)
            //    bf |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
            PropertyInfo[] props   = type.GetProperties(bf);
            List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                bool read_only = false;
                if (p.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                {// Property is an indexer
                if (!p.CanWrite)      // && (ShowReadOnlyProperties == false))//|| isAnonymous == false))
                    read_only = true; //continue;
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (p.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                string mName = null;
                var    att   = p.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (var at in att)
#if NET4
                    if (at is System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                    if (at is fastJSON.DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (fastJSON.DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                GenericGetter g = (object obj) => { return(p.GetValue(obj)); };
                if (g != null)
                    getters.Add(new Getters {
                        Getter = g, Name = p.Name, lcName = p.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), memberName = mName, ReadOnly = read_only

            FieldInfo[] fi = type.GetFields(bf);
            foreach (var f in fi)
                bool read_only = false;
                if (f.IsInitOnly)     // && (ShowReadOnlyProperties == false))//|| isAnonymous == false))
                    read_only = true; //continue;
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (f.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                string mName = null;
                var    att   = f.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (var at in att)
#if NET4
                    if (at is System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                    if (at is fastJSON.DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (fastJSON.DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                if (f.IsLiteral == false)
                    GenericGetter g = CreateGetField(type, f);
                    if (g != null)
                        getters.Add(new Getters {
                            Getter = g, Name = f.Name, lcName = f.Name.ToLowerInvariant(), memberName = mName, ReadOnly = read_only
            val = getters.ToArray();
            _getterscache.Add(type, val);
コード例 #12
        internal Getters[] GetGetters(Type type, bool ShowReadOnlyProperties, List <Type> IgnoreAttributes, bool UseFalseLiteral)//JSONParameters param)
            Getters[] val = null;
            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))

            PropertyInfo[] props   = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
            List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                if (p.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                {// Property is an indexer
                if (!p.CanWrite && ShowReadOnlyProperties == false)
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (p.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(type, p);
                #region 取自定义属性名 by itdos.com 2016-04-27
                var tbl    = p.DosGetCustomAttribute <JsonProp>(false) as JsonProp;
                var name   = tbl != null ? tbl.PropertyName : p.Name;
                var lcName = name.ToLower();
                if (g != null)
                    getters.Add(new Getters
                        Getter = g,
                        Name   = name,  //p.Name,
                        lcName = lcName //p.Name.ToLower()

            FieldInfo[] fi = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
            foreach (var f in fi)
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (f.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                if (f.IsLiteral == false && UseFalseLiteral)
                    GenericGetter g = CreateGetField(type, f);
                    if (g != null)
                        getters.Add(new Getters {
                            Getter = g, Name = f.Name, lcName = f.Name.ToLower()
            val = getters.ToArray();
            _getterscache.Add(type, val);
コード例 #13
ファイル: Reflection.cs プロジェクト: bleachkl/Roc
        public Getters[] GetGetters(Type type, /*bool ShowReadOnlyProperties,*/ List <Type> IgnoreAttributes)
            bool jsonPart = type.GetCustomAttribute <JsonPartAttribute>() != default;

            Getters[] val = null;
            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))

            var bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

            //if (ShowReadOnlyProperties)
            //    bf |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
            PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(bf);

            List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo property in props)
                bool read_only = false;
                if (property.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                {// Property is an indexer
                if (!property.CanWrite) // && (ShowReadOnlyProperties == false))//|| isAnonymous == false))
                    read_only = true;   //continue;
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (property.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                string mName = null;
                var    att   = property.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (var at in att)
#if NET4
                    if (at is System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                    if (at is FastJson.DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (FastJson.DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                var jsonKeyAtt = property.GetCustomAttribute <JsonKeyAttribute>();
                if (!jsonPart ||
                    (jsonKeyAtt != default &&
                    GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(type, property);
                    if (g != null)
                        getters.Add(new Getters
                            Getter     = g,
                            Name       = property.Name,
                            lcName     = property.Name.ToLowerInvariant(),
                            memberName = mName,
                            ReadOnly   = read_only,
                            keyName    = jsonKeyAtt?.JsonKey

            FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(bf);
            foreach (var field in fields)
                bool read_only = false;
                if (field.IsInitOnly) // && (ShowReadOnlyProperties == false))//|| isAnonymous == false))
                    read_only = true; //continue;
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (field.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                string mName = null;
                var    att   = field.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (var at in att)
#if NET4
                    if (at is System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                    if (at is FastJson.DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (FastJson.DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                if (field.IsLiteral == false)
                    var jsonKeyAtt = field.GetCustomAttribute <JsonKeyAttribute>();
                    if (!jsonPart ||
                        (jsonKeyAtt != default &&
                        GenericGetter g = CreateGetField(type, field);
                        if (g != null)
                            getters.Add(new Getters
                                Getter     = g,
                                Name       = field.Name,
                                lcName     = field.Name.ToLowerInvariant(),
                                memberName = mName,
                                ReadOnly   = read_only,
                                keyName    = jsonKeyAtt?.JsonKey
            val = getters.ToArray();
            _getterscache.Add(type, val);
コード例 #14
        //internal static GenericSetter CreateSetField(Type type, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
        //    Type[] arguments = new Type[2];
        //    arguments[0] = arguments[1] = typeof(object);

        //    DynamicMethod dynamicSet = new DynamicMethod("_", typeof(object), arguments, type);

        //    ILGenerator il = dynamicSet.GetILGenerator();

        //    if (!type.IsClass) // structs
        //    {
        //        var lv = il.DeclareLocal(type);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, type);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca_S, lv);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
        //        if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsClass)
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, fieldInfo.FieldType);
        //        else
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, fieldInfo.FieldType);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldInfo);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, type);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
        //        if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsValueType)
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, fieldInfo.FieldType);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldInfo);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);
        //    }
        //    return (GenericSetter)dynamicSet.CreateDelegate(typeof(GenericSetter));

        //internal static GenericSetter CreateSetMethod(Type type, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
        //    MethodInfo setMethod = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod();
        //    if (setMethod == null)
        //        return null;

        //    Type[] arguments = new Type[2];
        //    arguments[0] = arguments[1] = typeof(object);

        //    DynamicMethod setter = new DynamicMethod("_", typeof(object), arguments);
        //    ILGenerator il = setter.GetILGenerator();

        //    if (!type.IsClass) // structs
        //    {
        //        var lv = il.DeclareLocal(type);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, type);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca_S, lv);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
        //        if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsClass)
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
        //        else
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
        //        il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, setMethod, null);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, type);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, propertyInfo.DeclaringType);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
        //        if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsClass)
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
        //        else
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
        //        il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, setMethod, null);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //    }

        //    il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);

        //    return (GenericSetter)setter.CreateDelegate(typeof(GenericSetter));

        //internal static GenericGetter CreateGetField(Type type, FieldInfo fieldInfo)
        //    DynamicMethod dynamicGet = new DynamicMethod("_", typeof(object), new Type[] { typeof(object) }, type);

        //    ILGenerator il = dynamicGet.GetILGenerator();

        //    if (!type.IsClass) // structs
        //    {
        //        var lv = il.DeclareLocal(type);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, type);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca_S, lv);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldInfo);
        //        if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsValueType)
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, fieldInfo.FieldType);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldInfo);
        //        if (fieldInfo.FieldType.IsValueType)
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, fieldInfo.FieldType);
        //    }

        //    il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);

        //    return (GenericGetter)dynamicGet.CreateDelegate(typeof(GenericGetter));

        //internal static GenericGetter CreateGetMethod(Type type, PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
        //    MethodInfo getMethod = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod();
        //    if (getMethod == null)
        //        return null;

        //    DynamicMethod getter = new DynamicMethod("_", typeof(object), new Type[] { typeof(object) }, type);

        //    ILGenerator il = getter.GetILGenerator();

        //    if (!type.IsClass) // structs
        //    {
        //        var lv = il.DeclareLocal(type);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Unbox_Any, type);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca_S, lv);
        //        il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, getMethod, null);
        //        if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsValueType)
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
        //        il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, propertyInfo.DeclaringType);
        //        il.EmitCall(OpCodes.Callvirt, getMethod, null);
        //        if (propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsValueType)
        //            il.Emit(OpCodes.Box, propertyInfo.PropertyType);
        //    }

        //    il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret);

        //    return (GenericGetter)getter.CreateDelegate(typeof(GenericGetter));

        internal Getters[] GetGetters(Type type, JSONParameters param)
            Getters[] val = null;
            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))

            //PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();

            //foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
            //    if (!p.CanWrite && param.ShowReadOnlyProperties == false) continue;
            //    if (param.IgnoreAttributes != null)
            //    {
            //        bool found = false;
            //        foreach (var ignoreAttr in param.IgnoreAttributes)
            //        {
            //            if (p.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
            //            {
            //                found = true;
            //                break;
            //            }
            //        }
            //        if (found)
            //            continue;
            //    }
            //    GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(type, p);
            //    if (g != null)
            //        getters.Add(new Getters { Getter = g, Name = p.Name });

            FieldInfo[] fi = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (var f in fi)
                if (param.IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in param.IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (f.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)

                GenericGetter g = f.GetValue;// CreateGetField(type, f);
                if (g != null)
                    getters.Add(new Getters {
                        Getter = g, Name = f.Name
            val = getters.ToArray();
            _getterscache.Add(type, val);
コード例 #15
        public Getters[] GetGetters(Type type, bool ShowReadOnlyProperties, List <Type> IgnoreAttributes)//   JSONParameters param)
            Getters[] val = null;
            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))

            PropertyInfo[] props   = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static);
            List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                if (p.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                {// Property is an indexer
                if (!p.CanWrite && ShowReadOnlyProperties == false)
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (p.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(type, p);
                if (g != null)
                    getters.Add(new Getters {
                        Getter = g, Name = p.Name, lcName = p.Name.ToLower()

            FieldInfo[] fi = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
            foreach (var f in fi)
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (f.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                if (f.IsLiteral == false)
                    GenericGetter g = CreateGetField(type, f);
                    if (g != null)
                        getters.Add(new Getters {
                            Getter = g, Name = f.Name, lcName = f.Name.ToLower()
            val = getters.ToArray();
            _getterscache.Add(type, val);
コード例 #16
 public Property(PropertyInfo info)
     Info   = info;
     Setter = CreateSetMethod(info);
     Getter = CreateGetMethod(info);
コード例 #17
ファイル: ReflectionCache.cs プロジェクト: qyezzard/PowerJSON
 public MemberCache(Type type, string name, MemberCache baseInfo)
     : this(baseInfo.MemberInfo, type, name)
     Getter = baseInfo.Getter;
     Setter = baseInfo.Setter;
     IsProperty = baseInfo.IsProperty;
     IsStatic = baseInfo.IsStatic;
     IsReadOnly = baseInfo.IsReadOnly;
コード例 #18
ファイル: ReflectionCache.cs プロジェクト: qyezzard/PowerJSON
 public MemberCache(FieldInfo field)
     : this(field, field.FieldType, field.Name)
     Getter = Reflection.CreateGetField (field);
     Setter = Reflection.CreateSetField (field);
     HasPublicGetter = HasPublicSetter = field.IsPublic;
     IsStatic = field.IsStatic;
     IsReadOnly = field.IsInitOnly;
コード例 #19
ファイル: ReflectionCache.cs プロジェクト: qyezzard/PowerJSON
 public MemberCache(PropertyInfo property)
     : this(property, property.PropertyType, property.Name)
     Getter = Reflection.CreateGetProperty (property);
     Setter = Reflection.CreateSetProperty (property);
     HasPublicGetter = property.GetGetMethod () != null;
     HasPublicSetter = property.GetSetMethod () != null;
     IsProperty = true;
     IsStatic = (property.GetGetMethod (true) ?? property.GetSetMethod (true)).IsStatic;
     IsReadOnly = property.GetSetMethod () == null; // property.CanWrite can return true if the setter is non-public
コード例 #20
ファイル: Reflection.cs プロジェクト: cantops/LiteDB
        internal Getters[] GetGetters(Type type, BJSONParameters param)
            Getters[] val = null;
            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))

            PropertyInfo[] props   = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                // CHANGED FOR ** LITEDB ** IgnoreProperty
                if (param.IgnoreProperty != null && p.MetadataToken == param.IgnoreProperty.MetadataToken && p.Module.Equals(param.IgnoreProperty.Module))
                if (!p.CanWrite && param.ShowReadOnlyProperties == false)
                if (param.IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in param.IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (p.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(type, p);
                if (g != null)
                    getters.Add(new Getters {
                        Getter = g, Name = p.Name

            FieldInfo[] fi = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (var f in fi)
                if (param.IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in param.IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (f.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)

                GenericGetter g = CreateGetField(type, f);
                if (g != null)
                    getters.Add(new Getters {
                        Getter = g, Name = f.Name

            val = getters.ToArray();
            _getterscache.Add(type, val);
コード例 #21
ファイル: BsonMapper.cs プロジェクト: treverson/prime
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this method to override how your class can be, by default, mapped from entity to Bson document.
        /// Returns an EntityMapper from each requested Type
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual EntityMapper BuildEntityMapper(Type type)
            var mapper = new EntityMapper
                Members = new List <MemberMapper>(),
                ForType = type

            var idAttr     = typeof(BsonIdAttribute);
            var ignoreAttr = typeof(BsonIgnoreAttribute);
            var fieldAttr  = typeof(BsonFieldAttribute);
            var indexAttr  = typeof(BsonIndexAttribute);
            var dbrefAttr  = typeof(BsonRefAttribute);

            var members = this.GetTypeMembers(type);
            var id      = this.GetIdMember(members);

            foreach (var memberInfo in members)
                // checks [BsonIgnore]
                if (memberInfo.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, true))

                // checks field name conversion
                var name = this.ResolveFieldName(memberInfo.Name);

                // check if property has [BsonField]
                var field = (BsonFieldAttribute)memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(fieldAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();

                // check if property has [BsonField] with a custom field name
                if (field != null && field.Name != null)
                    name = field.Name;

                // checks if memberInfo is id field
                if (memberInfo == id)
                    name = "_id";

                // test if field name is OK (avoid to check in all instances) - do not test internal classes, like DbRef
                if (BsonDocument.IsValidFieldName(name) == false)
                    throw LiteException.InvalidFormat(memberInfo.Name, name);

                GenericGetter getter = null;
                GenericSetter setter = null;
                    // create getter/setter function
                    getter = Reflection.CreateGenericGetter(type, memberInfo);
                    setter = Reflection.CreateGenericSetter(type, memberInfo);
                    continue; //hh: added because some fields are not needed (unable to reflect), and the Custom Mapper is too late in this cycle to catch them.
                // check if property has [BsonId] to get with was setted AutoId = true
                var autoId = (BsonIdAttribute)memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(idAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();

                // checks if this property has [BsonIndex]
                var index = (BsonIndexAttribute)memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(indexAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();

                // get data type
                var dataType = memberInfo is PropertyInfo ?
                               (memberInfo as PropertyInfo).PropertyType :
                               (memberInfo as FieldInfo).FieldType;

                // check if datatype is list/array
                var isList = Reflection.IsList(dataType);

                // create a property mapper
                var member = new MemberMapper
                    AutoId         = autoId == null ? true : autoId.AutoId,
                    FieldName      = name,
                    MemberName     = memberInfo.Name,
                    DataType       = dataType,
                    IsUnique       = index == null ? false : index.Unique,
                    IsList         = isList,
                    UnderlyingType = isList ? Reflection.GetListItemType(dataType) : dataType,
                    Getter         = getter,
                    Setter         = setter

                // check if property has [BsonRef]
                var dbRef = (BsonRefAttribute)memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(dbrefAttr, false).FirstOrDefault();

                if (dbRef != null && memberInfo is PropertyInfo)
                    BsonMapper.RegisterDbRef(this, member, dbRef.Collection ?? this.ResolveCollectionName((memberInfo as PropertyInfo).PropertyType));

                // support callback to user modify member mapper
                this.ResolveMember?.Invoke(type, memberInfo, member); //hh

                // test if has name and there is no duplicate field
                if (member.FieldName != null && mapper.Members.Any(x => x.FieldName == name) == false)

コード例 #22
ファイル: Reflection.cs プロジェクト: ygoe/DotnetSshDeploy
        internal Getters[] GetGetters(Type type, bool ShowReadOnlyProperties, List <Type> IgnoreAttributes)
            Getters[] val = null;
            if (_getterscache.TryGetValue(type, out val))
            //bool isAnonymous = IsAnonymousType(type);

            var bf = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;

            //if (ShowReadOnlyProperties)
            //    bf |= BindingFlags.NonPublic;
            PropertyInfo[] props   = type.GetProperties(bf);
            List <Getters> getters = new List <Getters>();

            foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)
                if (p.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                {// Property is an indexer
                if (!p.CanWrite && (ShowReadOnlyProperties == false))//|| isAnonymous == false))
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (p.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                string mName = null;
                #if net4
                var att = p.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (var at in att)
                    if (at is DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                GenericGetter g = CreateGetMethod(type, p);
                if (g != null)
                    getters.Add(new Getters {
                        Getter = g, Name = p.Name, lcName = p.Name.ToLower(), memberName = mName, member = p

            FieldInfo[] fi = type.GetFields(bf);
            foreach (var f in fi)
                if (IgnoreAttributes != null)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (var ignoreAttr in IgnoreAttributes)
                        if (f.IsDefined(ignoreAttr, false))
                            found = true;
                    if (found)
                string mName = null;
#if net4
                var att = f.GetCustomAttributes(true);
                foreach (var at in att)
                    if (at is DataMemberAttribute)
                        var dm = (DataMemberAttribute)at;
                        if (dm.Name != "")
                            mName = dm.Name;
                if (f.IsLiteral == false)
                    GenericGetter g = CreateGetField(type, f);
                    if (g != null)
                        getters.Add(new Getters {
                            Getter = g, Name = f.Name, lcName = f.Name.ToLower(), memberName = mName, member = f
            val = getters.ToArray();
            _getterscache.Add(type, val);
コード例 #23
ファイル: AutoBuffer.cs プロジェクト: izackp/AutoBuffer
        protected EntityMapper BuildEntityMapper(Type type, bool includeFields = false, bool includeNonPublic = false, bool ignoreSetter = false)
            var mapper = new EntityMapper {
                Members = new List <MemberMapper>(),
                ForType = type

            MethodInfo[] listMethods = type.GetMethods();
            mapper.Serializer   = Reflection.MethodWithAttribute <Serialize>(listMethods);
            mapper.Deserializer = Reflection.MethodWithAttribute <Deserialize>(listMethods);

            if (mapper.Serializer != null && mapper.Deserializer != null)

            IEnumerable <MemberInfoWithMeta> members = null;
            bool isIndexed = IsTypeIndexed(type);

            if (isIndexed)
                members = GetIndexedTypeMembers(type);
                members = GetTypeMembers(type, includeFields, includeNonPublic);

            foreach (MemberInfoWithMeta memberWithMeta in members)
                MemberInfo    memberInfo = memberWithMeta.Info;
                string        name       = memberInfo.Name;
                GenericGetter getter     = null;
                GenericSetter setter     = null;

                try {
                    getter = Reflection.CreateGenericGetter(type, memberInfo);
                    setter = Reflection.CreateGenericSetter(type, memberInfo);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new Exception("Could not generate getter and setter for type: " + type.ToString() + " member: " + name);

                if (ignoreSetter == false)
                    if (getter == null || setter == null)
                        continue; //They're null when they don't exist
                Type dataType = memberInfo is PropertyInfo ?
                                (memberInfo as PropertyInfo).PropertyType :
                                (memberInfo as FieldInfo).FieldType;

                var member = new MemberMapper {
                    Name       = name,
                    DataType   = dataType,
                    Getter     = getter,
                    Setter     = setter,
                    SkipIsNull = memberWithMeta.SkipIsNull,
                    SkipType   = memberWithMeta.SkipType
