static void Main(string[] args) { #region Generics with primitive types List <string> strings = new List <string>() { "str1", "str2", "str3" }; List <int> ints = new List <int>() { 5, 22, -18 }; List <bool> bools = new List <bool> { true, false, true }; // Not generic methods Console.WriteLine("NOT GENERIC --------------"); NotGenericListHelper.GoThrougStrings(strings); NotGenericListHelper.GetInfoForStrings(strings); NotGenericListHelper.GoThrougInts(ints); NotGenericListHelper.GetInfoForInts(ints); NotGenericListHelper.GoThrougBools(bools); NotGenericListHelper.GetInfoForBools(bools); // THIS IS AN EXAMPLE FOR GENERIC METHODS Console.WriteLine("GENERIC METHODS --------------"); // GenericListHelper.GoThrough<string>(strings); // OG type of writing generic methods // Even though the above example is a correct implementation, it has a simple version. The one bellow GenericListHelper.GoThrough(strings); GenericListHelper.GetInfo(strings); GenericListHelper.GoThrough(ints); GenericListHelper.GetInfo(ints); GenericListHelper.GoThrough(bools); GenericListHelper.GetInfo(bools); List <char> chars = new List <char>() { 'c', 'b', '0' }; GenericListHelper.GoThrough(chars); GenericListHelper.GetInfo(chars); // Generic class GenericListHelperClass <string> genericHelper1 = new GenericListHelperClass <string>(); GenericListHelperClass <int> genericHelper2 = new GenericListHelperClass <int>(); GenericListHelperClass <bool> genericHelper3 = new GenericListHelperClass <bool>(); Console.WriteLine("GENERIC CLASS --------------"); genericHelper1.GoThrough(strings); genericHelper1.GetInfo(strings); genericHelper2.GoThrough(ints); genericHelper2.GetInfo(ints); genericHelper3.GoThrough(bools); genericHelper3.GetInfo(bools); Console.ReadLine(); #endregion #region Generics with complex types // When we call the insert method on OrderDb the items will be stored in a list of orders // When we call the insert method on ProductDb the items will be stored in a list of products Console.Clear(); OrderDb.Insert(new Order() { Id = 1, Address = "Bob street 29", Receiver = "Bob" }); OrderDb.Insert(new Order() { Id = 2, Address = "Jill street 31", Receiver = "Jill" }); OrderDb.Insert(new Order() { Id = 3, Address = "Greg street 11", Receiver = "Greg" }); ProductDb.Insert(new Product() { Id = 1, Description = "For gaming", Title = "Mouse" }); ProductDb.Insert(new Product() { Id = 2, Description = "Mechanical", Title = "Keyboard" }); ProductDb.Insert(new Product() { Id = 3, Description = "64GB", Title = "USB" }); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Orders:"); OrderDb.PrintAll(); Console.WriteLine("Products:"); ProductDb.PrintAll(); Console.WriteLine("------ Get by id 1 from Orders -----"); Console.WriteLine(OrderDb.GetById(1).GetInfo()); Console.WriteLine("------ Get by id 1 from Products -----"); Console.WriteLine(ProductDb.GetById(1).GetInfo()); Console.WriteLine("------ Removing id 1 from Orders -----"); OrderDb.DeleteById(1); Console.WriteLine("------ Removing id 1 from Products -----"); ProductDb.DeleteById(1); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Orders:"); OrderDb.PrintAll(); Console.WriteLine("Products:"); ProductDb.PrintAll(); Console.ReadLine(); #endregion }