コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create and return a GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm object (specific to fitness-based evaluations) ready for running the
        ///     NEAT algorithm/search based on the given genome factory and genome list.  Various sub-parts of the algorithm are
        ///     also constructed and connected up.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genomeFactory">The genome factory from which to generate new genomes</param>
        /// <param name="genomeList">The current genome population</param>
        /// <returns>Constructed evolutionary algorithm</returns>
        public override INeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> CreateEvolutionAlgorithm(
            IGenomeFactory<NeatGenome> genomeFactory,
            List<NeatGenome> genomeList)
            // Create distance metric. Mismatched genes have a fixed distance of 10; for matched genes the distance is their weigth difference.
            IDistanceMetric distanceMetric = new ManhattanDistanceMetric(1.0, 0.0, 10.0);
            ISpeciationStrategy<NeatGenome> speciationStrategy =
                new ParallelKMeansClusteringStrategy<NeatGenome>(distanceMetric, ParallelOptions);

            // Create complexity regulation strategy.
            var complexityRegulationStrategy =
                ExperimentUtils.CreateComplexityRegulationStrategy(ComplexityRegulationStrategy, Complexitythreshold);

            // Create the evolution algorithm.
            var ea = new GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome>(NeatEvolutionAlgorithmParameters, speciationStrategy,

            // Create IBlackBox evaluator.
            var mazeNavigationEvaluator = new MazeNavigationFitnessEvaluator(MaxDistanceToTarget, MaxTimesteps, MazeVariant,

            // Create genome decoder.
            var genomeDecoder = CreateGenomeDecoder();

            // Create a genome list evaluator. This packages up the genome decoder with the genome evaluator.
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> fitnessEvaluator =
                new ParallelGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome, IBlackBox>(genomeDecoder, mazeNavigationEvaluator,

            // Initialize the evolution algorithm.
            ea.Initialize(fitnessEvaluator, genomeFactory, genomeList);

            // Finished. Return the evolution algorithm
            return ea;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create and return a GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm object (specific to fitness-based evaluations) ready for
        ///     running the
        ///     NEAT algorithm/search based on the given genome factory and genome list.  Various sub-parts of the algorithm are
        ///     also constructed and connected up.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genomeFactory">The genome factory from which to generate new genomes</param>
        /// <param name="genomeList">The current genome population</param>
        /// <param name="startingEvaluations">The number of evaluations that have been executed prior to the current run.</param>
        /// <returns>Constructed evolutionary algorithm</returns>
        public override INeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> CreateEvolutionAlgorithm(
            IGenomeFactory<NeatGenome> genomeFactory,
            List<NeatGenome> genomeList, ulong startingEvaluations)
            // Create distance metric. Mismatched genes have a fixed distance of 10; for matched genes the distance is their weigth difference.
            IDistanceMetric distanceMetric = new ManhattanDistanceMetric(1.0, 0.0, 10.0);
            ISpeciationStrategy<NeatGenome> speciationStrategy =
                new ParallelKMeansClusteringStrategy<NeatGenome>(distanceMetric, ParallelOptions);

            // Create complexity regulation strategy.
            var complexityRegulationStrategy =
                ExperimentUtils.CreateComplexityRegulationStrategy(ComplexityRegulationStrategy, Complexitythreshold);

            // Create the evolution algorithm.
            var ea = new GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome>(NeatEvolutionAlgorithmParameters,

            // Create IBlackBox evaluator.
            var mazeNavigationEvaluator = new MazeNavigationNoveltyEvaluator(MaxDistanceToTarget, MaxTimesteps,
                MinSuccessDistance, _behaviorCharacterizationFactory);

            // Create genome decoder.
            var genomeDecoder = CreateGenomeDecoder();

            // Create a novelty archive.
            AbstractNoveltyArchive<NeatGenome> archive =
                new BehavioralNoveltyArchive<NeatGenome>(_archiveAdditionThreshold,
                    _archiveThresholdDecreaseMultiplier, _archiveThresholdIncreaseMultiplier,
                    _maxGenerationArchiveAddition, _maxGenerationsWithoutArchiveAddition);

            // Create a genome list evaluator. This packages up the genome decoder with the genome evaluator.
            //            IGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome> fitnessEvaluator =
            //                new SerialGenomeBehaviorEvaluator<NeatGenome, IBlackBox>(genomeDecoder, mazeNavigationEvaluator, _nearestNeighbors, archive);
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> fitnessEvaluator =
                new ParallelGenomeBehaviorEvaluator<NeatGenome, IBlackBox>(genomeDecoder, mazeNavigationEvaluator,
                    SelectionType.Generational, SearchType.NoveltySearch,
                    ParallelOptions, _nearestNeighbors, archive);

            // Initialize the evolution algorithm.
            ea.Initialize(fitnessEvaluator, genomeFactory, genomeList, MaxGenerations, null, archive);

            // Finished. Return the evolution algorithm
            return ea;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and return a GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm object ready for running the NEAT algorithm/search. Various sub-parts
        /// of the algorithm are also constructed and connected up.
        /// This overload accepts a pre-built genome population and their associated/parent genome factory.
        /// </summary>
        public INeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> CreateEvolutionAlgorithm(IGenomeFactory<NeatGenome> genomeFactory, List<NeatGenome> genomeList)
            // Create distance metric. Mismatched genes have a fixed distance of 10; for matched genes the distance is their weigth difference.
            IDistanceMetric distanceMetric = new ManhattanDistanceMetric(1.0, 0.0, 10.0);
            ISpeciationStrategy<NeatGenome> speciationStrategy = new ParallelKMeansClusteringStrategy<NeatGenome>(distanceMetric, _parallelOptions);

            // Create complexity regulation strategy.
            IComplexityRegulationStrategy complexityRegulationStrategy = ExperimentUtils.CreateComplexityRegulationStrategy(_complexityRegulationStr, _complexityThreshold);

            // Create the evolution algorithm.
            GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> ea = new GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome>(_eaParams, speciationStrategy, complexityRegulationStrategy);

            // Create IBlackBox evaluator.
            PreyCaptureEvaluator evaluator = new PreyCaptureEvaluator(_trialsPerEvaluation, _gridSize, _preyInitMoves, _preySpeed, _sensorRange, _maxTimesteps);

            // Create genome decoder.
            IGenomeDecoder<NeatGenome, IBlackBox> genomeDecoder = CreateGenomeDecoder();

            // TODO: evaulation scheme that re-evaulates existing genomes and takes average over time.
            // Create a genome list evaluator. This packages up the genome decoder with the genome evaluator.
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> genomeFitnessEvaluator = new ParallelGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome, IBlackBox>(genomeDecoder, evaluator, _parallelOptions);

            // Initialize the evolution algorithm.
            ea.Initialize(genomeFitnessEvaluator, genomeFactory, genomeList);

            // Finished. Return the evolution algorithm
            return ea;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates and returns a GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm object ready for running the NEAT algorithm/search.
        ///     Various sub-parts of the algorithm are also constructed and connected up.  This overload accepts a pre-built genome
        ///     population and their associated/parent genome factory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genomeFactory">The NEAT genome factory.</param>
        /// <param name="genomeList">The initial list of genomes.</param>
        /// <returns>The NEAT evolution algorithm.</returns>
        public INeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> CreateEvolutionAlgorithm(IGenomeFactory<NeatGenome> genomeFactory,
            List<NeatGenome> genomeList)
            FileDataLogger logger = null;

            // Create distance metric. Mismatched genes have a fixed distance of 10; for matched genes the distance is their weigth difference
            IDistanceMetric distanceMetric = new ManhattanDistanceMetric(1.0, 0.0, 10.0);
            ISpeciationStrategy<NeatGenome> speciationStrategy =
                new ParallelKMeansClusteringStrategy<NeatGenome>(distanceMetric, _parallelOptions);

            // Create complexity regulation strategy
            IComplexityRegulationStrategy complexityRegulationStrategy =
                ExperimentUtils.CreateComplexityRegulationStrategy(_complexityRegulationStr, _complexityThreshold);

            // Initialize the logger
            if (_generationalLogFile != null)
                logger =
                    new FileDataLogger(_generationalLogFile);

            // Create the evolution algorithm
            GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> ea =
                new GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome>(NeatEvolutionAlgorithmParameters, speciationStrategy,
                    complexityRegulationStrategy, logger);

            // Create evalutor
            BinaryEvolvedAutoencoderEvaluator evaluator = new BinaryEvolvedAutoencoderEvaluator(_trainingImagesFilename,
                InputCount, _numImageSamples, _learningRate, _numBackpropIterations, _trainingSampleProportion);

            // Create genome decoder
            IGenomeDecoder<NeatGenome, IBlackBox> genomeDecoder = CreateGenomeDecoder();

            // Create a genome list evaluator. This packages up the genome decoder with the genome evaluator
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> innerFitnessEvaluator =
                new ParallelGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome, IBlackBox>(genomeDecoder, evaluator, _parallelOptions);

            // Wrap the list evaluator in a 'selective' evaulator that will only evaluate new genomes. That is, we skip re-evaluating any genomes
            // that were in the population in previous generations (elite genomes). This is determined by examining each genome's evaluation info object.
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> selectiveFitnessEvaluator = new SelectiveGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome>(

            // Initialize the evolution algorithm
            ea.Initialize(selectiveFitnessEvaluator, genomeFactory, genomeList, null);

            // Finished. Return the evolution algorithm
            return ea;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Configures and instantiates the initialization evolutionary algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parallelOptions">Synchronous/Asynchronous execution settings.</param>
        /// <param name="genomeList">The initial population of genomes.</param>
        /// <param name="genomeFactory">The genome factory initialized by the main evolution thread.</param>
        /// <param name="mazeEnvironment">The maze on which to evaluate the navigators.</param>
        /// <param name="genomeDecoder">The decoder to translate genomes into phenotypes.</param>
        /// <param name="startingEvaluations">
        ///     The number of evaluations that preceeded this from which this process will pick up
        ///     (this is used in the case where we're restarting a run because it failed to find a solution in the allotted time).
        /// </param>
        public override void InitializeAlgorithm(ParallelOptions parallelOptions, List<NeatGenome> genomeList,
            IGenomeFactory<NeatGenome> genomeFactory,
            MazeStructure mazeEnvironment, IGenomeDecoder<NeatGenome, IBlackBox> genomeDecoder,
            ulong startingEvaluations)
            // Set the boiler plate algorithm parameters
            base.InitializeAlgorithm(parallelOptions, genomeList, genomeDecoder, startingEvaluations);

            // Create the initialization evolution algorithm.
            InitializationEa = new GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome>(SpeciationStrategy,
                ComplexityRegulationStrategy, RunPhase.Initialization);

            // Create IBlackBox evaluator.
            MazeNavigatorFitnessInitializationEvaluator mazeNavigatorEvaluator =
                new MazeNavigatorFitnessInitializationEvaluator(MaxTimesteps, MinSuccessDistance, MaxDistanceToTarget,
                    mazeEnvironment, startingEvaluations);

            // Create the genome evaluator
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> fitnessEvaluator = new ParallelGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome, IBlackBox>(
                genomeDecoder, mazeNavigatorEvaluator, parallelOptions);

            // Only pull the number of genomes from the list equivalent to the initialization algorithm population size
            // (this is to handle the case where the list was created in accordance with the primary algorithm
            // population size, which is quite likely larger)
            genomeList = genomeList.Take(PopulationSize).ToList();

            // Replace genome factory primary NEAT parameters with initialization parameters
            ((NeatGenomeFactory) genomeFactory).ResetNeatGenomeParameters(NeatGenomeParameters);

            // Initialize the evolution algorithm
            InitializationEa.Initialize(fitnessEvaluator, genomeFactory, genomeList, null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and return a GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm object ready for running the NEAT algorithm/search. Various sub-parts
        /// of the algorithm are also constructed and connected up.
        /// This overload accepts a pre-built genome population and their associated/parent genome factory.
        /// </summary>
        public INeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> CreateEvolutionAlgorithm(IGenomeFactory<NeatGenome> genomeFactory, List<NeatGenome> genomeList)
            // Create distance metric. Mismatched genes have a fixed distance of 10; for matched genes the distance is their weigth difference.
            IDistanceMetric distanceMetric = new ManhattanDistanceMetric(1.0, 0.0, 10.0);
            ISpeciationStrategy<NeatGenome> speciationStrategy = new ParallelKMeansClusteringStrategy<NeatGenome>(distanceMetric, _parallelOptions);

            // Create complexity regulation strategy.
            IComplexityRegulationStrategy complexityRegulationStrategy = ExperimentUtils.CreateComplexityRegulationStrategy(_complexityRegulationStr, _complexityThreshold);

            // Create the evolution algorithm.
            GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> ea = new GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome>(_eaParams, speciationStrategy, complexityRegulationStrategy);

            // Create IBlackBox evaluator.
            SinglePoleBalancingBox2dEvaluator evaluator = new SinglePoleBalancingBox2dEvaluator();

            // Create genome decoder.
            IGenomeDecoder<NeatGenome, IBlackBox> genomeDecoder = CreateGenomeDecoder();

            // Create a genome list evaluator. This packages up the genome decoder with the genome evaluator.
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> innerFitnessEvaluator = new ParallelGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome, IBlackBox>(genomeDecoder, evaluator, _parallelOptions);

            // Wrap the list evaluator in a 'selective' evaulator that will only evaluate new genomes. That is, we skip re-evaluating any genomes
            // that were in the population in previous generations (elite genomes). This is determiend by examining each genome's evaluation info object.
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> selectiveFitnessEvaluator = new SelectiveGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome>(
            // Initialize the evolution algorithm.
            ea.Initialize(selectiveFitnessEvaluator, genomeFactory, genomeList);

            // Finished. Return the evolution algorithm
            return ea;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and return a GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm object ready for running the NEAT algorithm/search. Various sub-parts
        /// of the algorithm are also constructed and connected up.
        /// This overload accepts a pre-built genome population and their associated/parent genome factory.
        /// </summary>
        public INeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> CreateEvolutionAlgorithm(IGenomeFactory<NeatGenome> genomeFactory, List<NeatGenome> genomeList)
            // Create distance metric. Mismatched genes have a fixed distance of 10; for matched genes the distance is their weigth difference.
            IDistanceMetric distanceMetric = new ManhattanDistanceMetric(1.0, 0.0, 10.0);
            ISpeciationStrategy<NeatGenome> speciationStrategy = new ParallelKMeansClusteringStrategy<NeatGenome>(distanceMetric, _parallelOptions);

            // Create complexity regulation strategy.
            IComplexityRegulationStrategy complexityRegulationStrategy = ExperimentUtils.CreateComplexityRegulationStrategy(_complexityRegulationStr, _complexityThreshold);

            // Create the evolution algorithm.
            GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> ea = new GenerationalNeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome>(_eaParams, speciationStrategy, complexityRegulationStrategy);

            // Create IBlackBox evaluator.
            EvolvedAutoencoderEvaluator evaluator = new EvolvedAutoencoderEvaluator(_trainingImagesFilename,
                _visualFieldPixelCount, _numImageSamples, _learningRate, _numBackpropIterations, _trainingSampleProportion, _resolutionReductionPerSide);

            // Create genome decoder. Decodes to a neural network packaged with an activation scheme that defines a fixed number of activations per evaluation.
            IGenomeDecoder<NeatGenome,IBlackBox> genomeDecoder = CreateGenomeDecoder(_visualFieldResolution/ _resolutionReductionPerSide, _lengthCppnInput);

            // Create a genome list evaluator. This packages up the genome decoder with the genome evaluator.
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> innerFitnessEvaluator = new ParallelGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome, IBlackBox>(genomeDecoder, evaluator, _parallelOptions);

            // Wrap the list evaluator in a 'selective' evaulator that will only evaluate new genomes. That is, we skip re-evaluating any genomes
            // that were in the population in previous generations (elite genomes). This is determiend by examining each genome's evaluation info object.
            IGenomeEvaluator<NeatGenome> selectiveFitnessEvaluator = new SelectiveGenomeFitnessEvaluator<NeatGenome>(
            // Initialize the evolution algorithm.
            ea.Initialize(selectiveFitnessEvaluator, genomeFactory, genomeList);

            // Finished. Return the evolution algorithm
            return ea;