private void Recipes_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //get recipes from db displayRecipe(); totalPriceTextBox.Text = FormatPrice.format(totalPrice); receiptNoTextBox.Text = GenerateIDs.invoiceId(); }
private void PointOfSaleForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.dateLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(); waterMarkOnTextBoxLeave(searchNametextBox, searchByName); if (!SelectSellercomboBox.Items.Contains(selectSalesRep)) { SelectSellercomboBox.Items.Add(selectSalesRep); } SelectSellercomboBox.Text = selectSalesRep; if (!searchCategorycomboBox.Items.Contains(searchByCategory)) { searchCategorycomboBox.Items.Add(searchByCategory); } searchCategorycomboBox.Text = searchByCategory; if (!salesTypeComboBox.Items.Contains(selectSalesType)) { salesTypeComboBox.Items.Add(selectSalesType); } salesTypeComboBox.Text = selectSalesType; if (!serviceChargeComboBox.Items.Contains(selectServiceCharge)) { serviceChargeComboBox.Items.Add(selectServiceCharge); } serviceChargeComboBox.Text = selectServiceCharge; loadSellers(); loadServiceCharge(); loadCategories(); loadSalesType(); loadCustomers(); InvoicetextBox.Text = GenerateIDs.invoiceId(); }
private async void processData() { var sales = new List <SalesDataModel>(); var saleRep = salesRepData.ElementAt(SelectSellercomboBox.SelectedIndex); var saleType = salesTypeData.ElementAt(salesTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex); decimal amtPaid = decimal.Parse(amoutPaidTextBox.Text); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerComboBox.Text)) { if (MessageBox.Show("No valid customer selected. Do you wish to continue?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } int index = customerComboBox.SelectedIndex; string custId = ""; if (index != -1) { custId = customers.ElementAt(index).id; } if (!MessagePrompt.displayPrompt("Process Payment", "process payment of the selected stocks")) { return; } foreach (var data in selectedStocks) { sales.Add(new SalesDataModel { stockId =, lastCostPrice = data.lastCostPrice, soldPrice = data.unitPrice, date = DateTime.Now }); } var receipt = new ReceiptDataModel { invoiceNo = InvoicetextBox.Text, totalPrice = totalPrice, discount = discount, amountPayable = amountPayable, serviceCharge = _serviceCharge, date = DateTime.Now, soldItems = sales, salesRep =, repId = saleRep.repId, salesRepId =, salesType = saleType.title, salesTypeId =, customerId = custId, totalAmtPaid = amtPaid }; await DatabaseOperations.addReceipt(receipt); Ticket ticket = new Ticket { receiptDate = DateTime.Now, receiptNo = InvoicetextBox.Text, stocks = selectedStocks, amountPayable = amountPayable, serviceCharge = _serviceCharge, discount = discount, totalQuantity = selectedStocks.Count, totalPrice = totalPrice }; try { await ticket.print(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Receipt could not be printed. Please try again", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } clear(); InvoicetextBox.Text = GenerateIDs.invoiceId(); }