コード例 #1
ファイル: Optimizer.cs プロジェクト: alhamaydeh/INSPECT-PBEE
        public void FindMinimum()
            int i;

            _xCurrent = FirstStep();
            double [] xPrev = new double[_nDim];
            for (i = 0; i < _nDim; i++)
                xPrev[i] = _initial[i];

            double []     xNext;
            GeneralMatrix hPrev   = GeneralMatrix.Identity(_nDim, _nDim);
            double        currEps = 1e5;

            _curIter = 0;
            while (currEps > _epsilon && _curIter < _itMax)
                _hessian = CalculateNextHessianApproximation(hPrev, xPrev, _xCurrent, _f.GetGradient(xPrev), _f.GetGradient(_xCurrent));
                xNext    = CalculateNextPoint(_xCurrent, _f.GetGradient(_xCurrent), _hessian);
                for (i = 0; i < _nDim; i++)
                    xPrev[i]     = _xCurrent[i];
                    _xCurrent[i] = xNext[i];
                currEps = Diff(_xCurrent, xPrev);
コード例 #2
        // Here define A,B, and H Matrice
        private Joint kalmanFilterFull(int pos)
            // Prepare
            //GeneralMatrix r = GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3);
            //R = r.MultiplyEquals(0.01);
            // Set r from Deviation Standard
            GeneralMatrix r = GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3);

            r.SetElement(0, 0, Rv[pos, 0]); // Variance Base on Joint Type , X
            r.SetElement(1, 1, Rv[pos, 1]); // Variance Base on Joint Type , Z
            r.SetElement(2, 2, Rv[pos, 2]); // Variance Base on Joint Type , Y
            R = r;
            // Set estimation from coordinate average in frame buffer
            GeneralMatrix Z = GeneralMatrix.Random(3, 1);

            Z.SetElement(0, 0, jointAveragePart[pos, 0]);
            Z.SetElement(1, 0, jointAveragePart[pos, 1]);
            Z.SetElement(2, 0, jointAveragePart[pos, 2]);

            // Predict
            GeneralMatrix Xp = F * Xk[pos];
            GeneralMatrix Pp = F * P[pos] * F.Transpose() + Q;

            // Measurement update ( Correction )
            K       = Pp * H.Transpose() * (H * Pp * H.Transpose() + R).Inverse();
            Xk[pos] = Xp + (K * (Z - (H * Xp)));

            GeneralMatrix I = GeneralMatrix.Identity(Pp.RowDimension, Pp.ColumnDimension);

            P[pos] = (I - (K * H)) * Pp;

コード例 #3
        public void Inverse()
            GeneralMatrix r  = GeneralMatrix.Random(4, 4);
            GeneralMatrix iR = r.Inverse();

            Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(r.Multiply(iR), GeneralMatrix.Identity(4, 4)));
コード例 #4
        /******************* Method Kalman Filter ******************/

        // Variable A,B, and H we will asumtion this is a constant value
        // Most probably is 1.
        private Joint kalmanFilter(GeneralMatrix z, int pos)
            // Prepare
            Joint         join = new Joint();
            GeneralMatrix r    = GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3);

            r.SetElement(0, 0, Rv[pos, 0]); // Variance Base on Joint Type , X
            r.SetElement(1, 1, Rv[pos, 1]); // Variance Base on Joint Type , Z
            r.SetElement(2, 2, Rv[pos, 2]); // Variance Base on Joint Type , Y
            R = r;

            // Predict
            GeneralMatrix Xp = Xk[pos];
            GeneralMatrix Pp = P[pos];

            // Measurement Update (correction
            GeneralMatrix s = Pp + R;

            K       = Pp * s.Inverse(); // Calculate Kalman Gain
            Xk[pos] = Xp + (K * (z - Xp));
            GeneralMatrix I = GeneralMatrix.Identity(Pp.RowDimension, Pp.ColumnDimension);

            P[pos] = (I - K) * Pp;

            estimationX = Xk[pos].GetElement(0, 0);
            estimationY = Xk[pos].GetElement(1, 0);
            estimationZ = Xk[pos].GetElement(2, 0);

            join.Position.X = (float)estimationX;
            join.Position.Y = (float)estimationY;
            join.Position.Z = (float)estimationZ;

コード例 #5
ファイル: Optimizer.cs プロジェクト: alhamaydeh/INSPECT-PBEE
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns first point toward the minimum.
        /// An auxiliiary method made public only
        /// for NUnit testing
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double[] FirstStep()
            //first approximation of the Hessian is always the
            //identity matrix
            GeneralMatrix iMat = GeneralMatrix.Identity(_nDim, _nDim);

            return(CalculateNextPoint(_initial, _f.GetGradient(_initial), iMat));
コード例 #6
        /******************* End Function for calculate Angle  ******************/

        #region Support Function
        private GeneralMatrix convertJoinToMatrix(Joint j)
            GeneralMatrix matrix = GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 1);

            matrix.SetElement(0, 0, j.Position.X);
            matrix.SetElement(1, 0, j.Position.Y);
            matrix.SetElement(2, 0, j.Position.Z);
コード例 #7
        public void CholeskyDecomposition2()
            double[][]            pvals = { new double[] { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }, new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, new double[] { 1.0, 3.0, 6.0 } };
            GeneralMatrix         A     = new GeneralMatrix(pvals);
            CholeskyDecomposition chol  = A.chol();
            GeneralMatrix         X     = chol.Solve(GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3));

            Assert.IsTrue(GeneralTests.Check(A.Multiply(X), GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3)));
コード例 #8
        public void Identity()
            double[][]    ivals = { new double[] { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, new double[] { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 } };
            GeneralMatrix I     = new GeneralMatrix(ivals);

            GeneralMatrix K = GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 4);

            Assert.IsTrue(I.Norm1() == K.Norm1() && I.Norm1() == 1);
コード例 #9
        // Inisiasi Variabel
        private void initializeKalmanVar()
            // Return count for frame to 0
            count = 0;
            // Prepare Variable
            int length = GlobalVal.BodyPart.Length;

            P  = new GeneralMatrix[length];
            Xk = new GeneralMatrix[length];
            // 3 -> x,y,z
            Rv = new double[length, 3];
            jointAveragePart = new double[length, 3];
            estimationVector = new double[6];
            rBody            = new Body[dt]; // Save Body every frame for calculating Measurement Variance
            first            = true;         // Initial State

            // Inisialisasi matrik fungsi transisi (F / A)
            double[][] matrikA = { new double[]  { 1, 0, 0, dt,  0,  0 },
                                   new double[]  { 0, 1, 0,  0, dt,  0 },
                                   new double[]  { 0, 0, 1,  0,  0, dt },
                                   new double[]  { 0, 0, 0,  1,  0,  0 },
                                   new double[]  { 0, 0, 0,  0,  1,  0 },
                                   new double[]  { 0, 0, 0,  0,  0,  1 } };
            F = new GeneralMatrix(matrikA); // Initialize A variable

            // Initialize State (H)
            H = GeneralMatrix.Random(3, 6);
            H.SetElement(0, 0, 1); H.SetElement(0, 1, 0); H.SetElement(0, 2, 0); H.SetElement(0, 3, 0); H.SetElement(0, 4, 0); H.SetElement(0, 5, 0);
            H.SetElement(1, 0, 0); H.SetElement(1, 1, 1); H.SetElement(1, 2, 0); H.SetElement(1, 3, 0); H.SetElement(1, 4, 0); H.SetElement(1, 5, 0);
            H.SetElement(2, 0, 0); H.SetElement(2, 1, 0); H.SetElement(2, 2, 1); H.SetElement(2, 3, 0); H.SetElement(2, 4, 0); H.SetElement(2, 5, 0);

            // Initialize Process Noise (Q) -> ini bisa diabaikan
            // Sedikit lebih sulit karena harus dipas"kan berdasarkan pengujian serta proses yang berlangsung
            GeneralMatrix Qq = GeneralMatrix.Identity(6, 6);

            Q = Qq.MultiplyEquals(0.1);

            GeneralMatrix i = GeneralMatrix.Identity(6, 6);

            for (int c = 0; c < length; c++)
                // Prior error covariance matrix (P)
                P[c] = i;

                // Initialize Rv -> init: 0.01
                Rv[c, 0] = 0.01;
                Rv[c, 1] = 0.01;
                Rv[c, 2] = 0.01;

             *  Note: Tunning kalman filter (Give better result)
             *      1. Q = 0.1; R = 0.01
             *      2.
コード例 #10
 public void Clear()
     m_transform = GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3);
コード例 #11
 public CoordinateMapping()
     m_transform = GeneralMatrix.Identity(3, 3);