コード例 #1
        private static void Process_Delete_Npc(Player client, string[] command)
            if (client.Account.Permission < PlayerPermission.GM)
            uint id;

            if (command.Length > 1 && uint.TryParse(command[1], out id))
                var npc = Database.ServerDatabase.Context.Npcs.GetById(id);
                if (npc != null)
                    foreach (var map in Managers.MapManager.ActiveMaps.Values)
                        if (map.Objects.ContainsKey(npc.UID))
                            Space.ILocatableObject x;
                            map.Objects.TryRemove(npc.UID, out x);
                            if (x != null)
                                foreach (var player in map.QueryPlayers(x))
                                    player.Send(GeneralActionPacket.Create(id, DataAction.RemoveEntity, 0, 0));
コード例 #2
ファイル: [390] LoveStone.cs プロジェクト: youssef-hany/trial
        public override void Run(Game_Server.Player _client, ushort _linkback)
            Responses = new List <NpcDialogPacket>();
            switch (_linkback)
            case 0:
                AddText("The fate brings lover together. I hope that all can get married and live happily with their lover. What can I do for you?");
                AddOption("I would like to get married please.", 1);
                AddOption("Just passing by.", 255);

            case 1:
                if (_client.Spouse == "None")
                    _client.Send(GeneralActionPacket.Create(_client.UID, Enum.DataAction.OpenCustom, 1067));
                    AddText("I am sorry i cannot allow more than one marriage...");
                    AddOption("I see", 255);
コード例 #3
        //Gets us a new location and handles all map insertion.
        public void Respawn()
            base.sentDeath            = false;
            Mode                      = MonsterMode.Idle;
            DiedAt                    = 0;
            SpawnPacket.StatusEffects = 0;
            Direction = (byte)Common.Random.Next(9);
            //Pull a new location for us that fits within spawn grounds
            var loc  = new Point(Common.Random.Next(Owner.TopLeft.X, Owner.BottomRight.X), Common.Random.Next(Owner.TopLeft.Y, Owner.BottomRight.Y));
            var loop = 0;

            while (!Map.IsValidMonsterLocation(loc))
                loc = new Point(Common.Random.Next(Owner.TopLeft.X, Owner.BottomRight.X), Common.Random.Next(Owner.TopLeft.Y, Owner.BottomRight.Y));
                if (loop > 100)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error assigning monster spawn! Monster will not be revived");
            if (!Map.IsValidMonsterLocation(loc))

            LastMove = LastAttack = Common.Clock + Common.MS_PER_SECOND + 3;

            X    = (ushort)loc.X;
            Y    = (ushort)loc.Y;
            Life = MaximumLife;

            foreach (var id in VisibleObjects.Keys)
                if (id > 1000000)
                    IsActive = true; break;
            if (IsActive)
                Owner.IsActive = true;

            SendToScreen(GeneralActionPacket.Create(UID, DataAction.SpawnEffect, X, Y));
            Common.MapService.AddFlag(MapID, X, Y, TinyMap.TileFlag.Monster);
            Owner.AliveMembers.TryAdd(UID, this);
            if (!Alive)
                Console.WriteLine("Revived a monster that is still dead! {0}", UID);
コード例 #4
        private static void Process_Popup(Player client, string[] command)
            if (client.Account.Permission < PlayerPermission.GM)
                var packet = GeneralActionPacket.Create(client.UID, DataAction.OpenWindow, ushort.Parse(command[1]), ushort.Parse(command[2]));

            catch (Exception p) { Console.WriteLine(p); }
コード例 #5
        public new void Faded()
            Common.MapService.RemoveFlag(MapID, X, Y, TinyMap.TileFlag.Monster);
            var packet = GeneralActionPacket.Create(UID, DataAction.RemoveEntity, 0, 0);

            foreach (var p in Map.QueryPlayers(this))
                if (p.VisibleObjects.ContainsKey(UID))
                    uint x; p.Send(packet); p.VisibleObjects.TryRemove(UID, out x);
コード例 #6
        public void Jump(Entity To)
            Point newloc = NextLocation(To);

            var pack = GeneralActionPacket.Create(UID, DataAction.Jump, (ushort)newloc.X, (ushort)newloc.Y);

            pack.Data2Low  = X;
            pack.Data2High = Y;
            X        = (ushort)newloc.X;
            Y        = (ushort)newloc.Y;
            LastMove = Common.Clock;
コード例 #7
 private static void Process_Data(Player client, string[] command)
     if (client.Account.Permission < PlayerPermission.GM)
         var packet = new GeneralActionPacket();
         packet.UID = client.UID;
         packet.Data2Low = client.X;
         packet.Data2High = client.Y;
         packet.Data1 = uint.Parse(command[2]);
         packet.Action = (DataAction)uint.Parse(command[1]);
     catch (Exception p) { Console.WriteLine(p); }
コード例 #8
        public void Faded()
            Monster m;

            Owner.DyingMembers.TryRemove(UID, out m);
            Common.MapService.RemoveFlag(MapID, X, Y, TinyMap.TileFlag.Monster);
            var packet = GeneralActionPacket.Create(UID, DataAction.RemoveEntity, 0, 0);

            foreach (var p in Map.QueryPlayers(this))
                if (p.VisibleObjects.ContainsKey(UID))
                    uint x; p.Send(packet); p.VisibleObjects.TryRemove(UID, out x);
                if (VisibleObjects.ContainsKey(p.UID))
                    uint x; VisibleObjects.TryRemove(p.UID, out x);
コード例 #9
 private void Follow()
     if (!IsInVisualField(PetOwner))
         Pet.Map = PetOwner.Map;
         var   dir     = Calculations.GetDirection(Pet.Location, PetOwner.Location);
         Point tryMove = new Point(Common.Random.Next(PetOwner.X - 15, PetOwner.X + 15), Common.Random.Next(PetOwner.Y - 15, PetOwner.Y + 15));
         if (!Common.MapService.Valid((ushort)Pet.Map.ID, (ushort)tryMove.X, (ushort)tryMove.Y))
             Pet.X = PetOwner.X;
             Pet.Y = PetOwner.Y;
             Pet.X = (ushort)tryMove.X;
             Pet.Y = (ushort)tryMove.Y;
         Pet.Direction = PetOwner.Direction;
         var packet = GeneralActionPacket.Create(Pet.UID, Enum.DataAction.Jump, PetOwner.X, PetOwner.Y);
         Pet.SendToScreen(packet, true);
コード例 #10
        public PetAI(Entity owner, Monster Entity, int ThinkSpeed, int MoveSpeed, int AtkSpeed, int ViewRange, int MoveRange, int AtkRange)
            this.owner = owner;
            this.Pet   = Entity;
            this.Pet.SendToScreen(GeneralActionPacket.Create(Pet.UID, Enum.DataAction.SpawnEffect, 0), true);
            this.ThinkSpeed = ThinkSpeed;
            this.MoveSpeed  = MoveSpeed;
            this.AtkSpeed   = AtkSpeed + 1000;
            this.ViewRange  = ViewRange;
            if (this.ViewRange > 15)
                this.ViewRange = 15;
            this.MoveRange = MoveRange;
            this.AtkRange  = AtkRange;

            this.LastAttack           = DateTime.Now;
            this.LastMoveTick         = Environment.TickCount;
            this.LastAwakeTick        = Environment.TickCount;
            this.MotorSystem          = new System.Timers.Timer(10000);
            this.MotorSystem.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(MotorSystem_TakingDecision);
            this.MotorSystem.Interval = 500;
            this.MotorSystem.Enabled  = true;
コード例 #11
 public override void Run(Game_Server.Player _client, ushort _linkback)
     _client.Send(GeneralActionPacket.Create(_client.UID, Enum.DataAction.OpenWindow, 4));
コード例 #12
 public void Popup(ushort _type)
     client.Send(GeneralActionPacket.Create(client.UID, DataAction.OpenWindow, _type));
コード例 #13
        public override void Run(Game_Server.Player _client, ushort _linkback)
            Responses = new List <NpcDialogPacket>();
            switch (_linkback)
            case 0:
                AddText("A good set of equipment can help you a lot in future battles.Is there something I can do for you?");
                AddOption("Enchant HP to my gears.", 1);
                //AddOption("Composing Upgrade.", 2);
                AddOption("Nothing right now, thanks.", 255);


            case 1:
                _client.Send(GeneralActionPacket.Create(_client.UID, Enum.DataAction.OpenCustom, 1091));

                /*case 2:
                 *  AddText("There are two ways of composing from +1 to +9 with +n stones or +n items and from +9 to +12 with DragonBalls.");
                 *  AddText("Whitch one would you want?");
                 *  AddOption("Compose +1 to +9.", 3);
                 *  AddOption("Compose +9 to +12.", 4);
                 *  AddOption("How does composing  +9 to +12 works?", 5);
                 *  AddOption("Thanks.", 255);
                 *  break;
                 * case 3:
                 *  _client.Send(GeneralActionPacket.Create(_client.UID, Enum.DataAction.OpenWindow, 1));
                 *  break;
                 * case 4:
                 *  AddText("What a glorious day! I belive it's the best weather to refine equipment in. Do you need my help with anything?");
                 *  AddOption("Compose +9 Equipment to +10.", 6);
                 *  AddOption("Compose +10 Equipment to +11.", 7);
                 *  AddOption("Compose +11 Equipment to +12.", 8);
                 *  AddOption("Nothing right now, thanks.", 255);
                 *  break;
                 * case 5:
                 *  AddText("If you have any +9 items, you may use DragonBalls to refine it and upgrade its bonus level up to +12.");
                 *  AddOption("Are there any limits to equipment refining?", 9);
                 *  AddOption("How many DragonBalls would I need?", 17);
                 *  break;
                 * case 9:
                 *  AddText("When your level reaches 130, I can help you upgrade the bonus level of your equiment and weapons.");
                 *  AddText("However, there are limitations.Only right-Handed weapons can be refined. Whereas, there are no limits to equipment refining.");
                 *  AddOption("Thanks. I never knew.", 255);
                 *  break;
                 * case 17:
                 *  AddText("12 DragonBalls are required for refining +9 items to +10, ");
                 *  AddText("25 DragonBalls are required for refining +10 items to +11, ");
                 *  AddText("4 DBScrolls are required for refining +11 items to +12,");
                 *  AddOption("Got it, thanks.", 255);
                 *  break;
                 #region +9 to +10
                 * case 6:
                 *  AddText("Choose the equipment you want to upgrade from +9 to +10 from the list below. ");
                 *  AddOption("Helmet/Earrings/TaoCap ", 11);
                 *  AddOption("Ring/Bracelet ", 16);
                 *  AddOption("Necklace/Bag ", 12);
                 *  AddOption("Boots ", 18);
                 *  AddOption("Armor ", 13);
                 *  AddOption("Shield ", 15);
                 *  AddOption("Weapon ", 14);
                 *  AddOption("I changed my mind. ", 255);
                 *  break;
                 * case 11:
                 * case 12:
                 * case 13:
                 * case 14:
                 * case 15:
                 * case 16:
                 * case 18:
                 *  {
                 *      var equipment = _client.Equipment.GetItemBySlot((Enum.ItemLocation)(_linkback % 10));
                 *      if (equipment == null)
                 *          AddText("There must be some mistake.... You must be wearing the items in order to refine it!");
                 *      else if (equipment.Plus != 9)
                 *          AddText("It seems that your items is not +9, in this case i can not help you.");
                 *      else if (!_client.HasItem(1088000, 12))
                 *          AddText("There must be some mistake. You do not have the 12 DragonBalls required to refine this item!");
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                 *              _client.DeleteItem(1088000);
                 *          equipment.Plus++;
                 *          _client.Send(ItemInformationPacket.Create(equipment));
                 *          AddText("It is done! Please enjoy your new equipment.");
                 *          Managers.PlayerManager.SendToServer(new TalkPacket(ChatType.GM, _client.Name + " upgraded his " + equipment.BaseItem.Name + " to +10 . Congratulations!"));
                 *          _client.Save();
                 *      }
                 *      AddOption("Nevermind", 255);
                 *      break;
                 *  }
                 #region +10 to +11
                 * case 7:
                 *  AddText("Choose the equipment you want to upgrade from +10 to +11 from the list below. ");
                 *  AddOption("Helmet/Earrings/TaoCap ", 21);
                 *  AddOption("Ring/Bracelet ", 26);
                 *  AddOption("Necklace/Bag ", 22);
                 *  AddOption("Boots ", 28);
                 *  AddOption("Armor ", 23);
                 *  AddOption("Shield ", 25);
                 *  AddOption("Weapon ", 24);
                 *  AddOption("I changed my mind. ", 255);
                 *  break;
                 * case 21:
                 * case 22:
                 * case 23:
                 * case 24:
                 * case 25:
                 * case 26:
                 * case 28:
                 *  {
                 *      var equipment = _client.Equipment.GetItemBySlot((Enum.ItemLocation)(_linkback % 20));
                 *      if (equipment == null)
                 *          AddText("There must be some mistake.... You must be wearing the items in order to refine it!");
                 *      else if (equipment.Plus != 10)
                 *          AddText("It seems that your items is not +10, in this case I can not help you.");
                 *      else if (!_client.HasItem(1088000, 25))
                 *          AddText("There must be some mistake. You do not have the 25 DragonBalls required to refine this item!");
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                 *              _client.DeleteItem(1088000);
                 *          equipment.Plus++;
                 *          _client.Send(ItemInformationPacket.Create(equipment));
                 *          AddText("It is done! Please enjoy your new equipment.");
                 *          Managers.PlayerManager.SendToServer(new TalkPacket(ChatType.GM, _client.Name + " upgraded his " + equipment.BaseItem.Name + " to +11 . Congratulations!"));
                 *          _client.Save();
                 *      }
                 *      AddOption("Nevermind", 255);
                 *      break;
                 *  }
                 #region +11 to +12
                 * case 8:
                 *  AddText("Choose the equipment you want to upgrade from +11 to +12 from the list below. ");
                 *  AddOption("Helmet/Earrings/TaoCap ", 31);
                 *  AddOption("Ring/Bracelet ", 36);
                 *  AddOption("Necklace/Bag ", 32);
                 *  AddOption("Boots ", 38);
                 *  AddOption("Armor ", 33);
                 *  AddOption("Shield ", 35);
                 *  AddOption("Weapon ", 34);
                 *  AddOption("I changed my mind. ", 255);
                 *  break;
                 * case 31:
                 * case 32:
                 * case 33:
                 * case 34:
                 * case 35:
                 * case 36:
                 * case 38:
                 *  {
                 *      var equipment = _client.Equipment.GetItemBySlot((Enum.ItemLocation)(_linkback % 30));
                 *      if (equipment == null)
                 *          AddText("There must be some mistake.... You must be wearing the items in order to refine it!");
                 *      else if (equipment.Plus != 11)
                 *          AddText("It seems that your items is not +11, in this case I can not help you.");
                 *      else if (!_client.HasItem(720028, 4))
                 *          AddText("There must be some mistake. You do not have the 4 DBScrolls required to refine this item!");
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                 *              _client.DeleteItem(720028);
                 *          equipment.Plus++;
                 *          _client.Send(ItemInformationPacket.Create(equipment));
                 *          AddText("It is done! Please enjoy your new equipment.");
                 *          Managers.PlayerManager.SendToServer(new TalkPacket(ChatType.GM, _client.Name + " upgraded his " + equipment.BaseItem.Name + " to +12 . Congratulations!"));
                 *          _client.Save();
                 *      }
                 *      AddOption("Nevermind", 255);
                 *      break;
                 *  }
コード例 #14
        public static void Process_GeneralActionPacket(Player client, GeneralActionPacket packet)
            switch (packet.Action)
                #region ChangeDirection
            case DataAction.ChangeDirection:
                client.Direction = (byte)(packet.Data4 % 8);

                #region ChangePKMode
            case DataAction.ChangePKMode:
                client.PKMode = (PKMode)packet.Data1;

                #region ChangeAction
            case DataAction.ChangeAction:
                var action = (ActionType)packet.Data1;
                // if (client.Action != action)
                    client.Action = action;
                    if (action == ActionType.Sit || action == ActionType.Lie)
                        client.LastSitAt = Common.Clock;

                #region Hotkeys
            case DataAction.Hotkeys:

                #region Set Location
            case DataAction.SetLocation:
                packet.Data1     = (ushort)client.Character.Map;
                packet.Data3Low  = (ushort)client.Character.X;
                packet.Data3High = (ushort)client.Character.Y;

                #region GetSurroundings
            case DataAction.GetSurroundings: MapManager.AddPlayer(client, client.Character.Map); break;

                #region Jump
            case DataAction.Jump: client.HandleJump(packet); break;

                #region Default
            default: Console.WriteLine("Unhandled MsgActionPacket type {0} from player {1}", packet.Action, client.Character.Name); break;