public static bool GenerateLayout(LevelGenerator generator, uint generationIndex) { Queue <GenRoom> rooms = new Queue <GenRoom>(4); List <GenRoom> genRooms = new List <GenRoom>(12); rooms.Enqueue(generator.firstRoom); while (rooms.Count > 0) { GenRoom room = rooms.Dequeue(); if (room.generationIndex != generationIndex) { GenRoom firstGeneratedPrevRoom = null; int connectionCount = 0; for (GenRoomConnection connection = room.firstConnection; connection != null; connection =, connectionCount++) { GenRoom otherRoom = room.GetOtherRoom(connection); if (otherRoom.generationIndex != generationIndex) { rooms.Enqueue(otherRoom); } else if (firstGeneratedPrevRoom == null) { firstGeneratedPrevRoom = otherRoom; } } GenRoomInfo roomInfo = generator.collection.GetRandomRoom(room.type); Debug.Assert(roomInfo.doors.Count >= connectionCount); // TODO: GetRandomRoom based on connectionCount if (firstGeneratedPrevRoom != null) { List <GenRoom> connectedRooms = new List <GenRoom>(1) { firstGeneratedPrevRoom }; List <Vector2Int> positions = GetUnconnectedPositions(firstGeneratedPrevRoom, roomInfo); int positionCount = positions.Count; for (GenRoomConnection connection = room.firstConnection; connection != null; connection = { GenRoom otherRoom = room.GetOtherRoom(connection); if (otherRoom.generationIndex == generationIndex && otherRoom != firstGeneratedPrevRoom) { connectedRooms.Add(otherRoom); List <Vector2Int> otherPositions = GetUnconnectedPositions(otherRoom, roomInfo); for (int i = positions.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!otherPositions.Contains(positions[i])) { positions.RemoveAt(i); } } if (positions.Count == 0) { Debug.Log($"FAILED: Couldn't find any connected positions for the room: {} from the {positionCount} started positions!"); return(false); } } } RemoveCollidedPositions(genRooms, connectedRooms, positions, roomInfo.size); if (positions.Count == 0) { if (positionCount == 0) { Debug.Log($"FAILED: Couldn't find any started positions for the room: {} from the previous room: {}"); } else { Debug.Log($"FAILED: Couldn't find any uncollided positions for the room: {} from the {positionCount} started positions!"); } return(false); } Vector2Int randomPos = positions.RandomElement(); InitGenRoom(genRooms, room, roomInfo, randomPos, generationIndex); for (GenRoomConnection connection = room.firstConnection; connection != null; connection = { GenRoom otherRoom = room.GetOtherRoom(connection); if (otherRoom.generationIndex == generationIndex) { RectInt door = GetUnconnectedMatchDoors(room, otherRoom).RandomElement(); connection.connection.rect = door; Debug.Assert(room.unconnectedDoors.Remove(new RectInt(door.position - room.rect.position, door.size))); Debug.Assert(otherRoom.unconnectedDoors.Remove(new RectInt(door.position - otherRoom.rect.position, door.size))); } } } else { InitGenRoom(genRooms, room, roomInfo,, generationIndex); } } } return(true);