private static void WildSpawner_TrySpawnPlantFromMapEdge_PostFix(WildSpawner __instance)
            //every 2 in game seconds at speed 1
            if ((Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 120) == 0)
                float SpawnedMaturity = 0.05f;
                int   SpawnRate       = 1;

                //are we in the caverns
                Map map = (Map)typeof(WildSpawner).GetField("map", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(__instance);
                if (map.Biome.defName == "RWBCavern")
                    //at normal spawnrate of 1
                    ThingDef plantDef;
                    if (SpawnRate == 1)
                        if (!map.Biome.AllWildPlants.TryRandomElementByWeight((ThingDef def) => map.Biome.CommonalityOfPlant(def), out plantDef))
                        // Checks wether the plantdef has a fertility value(Added for TiberiumRim users since Tiberium has 0% fertility)
                        if (plantDef.plant == null || plantDef.plant.fertilityMin <= 0f)
                            Log.Message("[Biomes!] if you see this message, contact the modmakers because of a mod conflict");
                        IntVec3 source;
                        int     FailSafe = 0;
                            //loop that runs 5 times to look for a plantable tile
                            source = CellFinder.RandomCell(map);
                            if (FailSafe >= 4)
                                return;     // Exit because no free spot found.
                        }while (!plantDef.CanEverPlantAt(source, map));

                        GenPlantReproduction.TryReproduceInto(source, plantDef, map);
                        if (source.GetPlant(map).def == plantDef)
                            source.GetPlant(map).Growth = SpawnedMaturity;