public override string GetReport() { if (base.Map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOf.Eclipse)) { return("Sunbathing"); } if (base.Map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOf.Aurora)) { return("Sunbathing"); } float num = GenCelestial.CurCelestialSunGlow(base.Map); if (num < 0.1f) { return("Sunbathing"); } if (num >= 0.65f) { return("Sunbathing"); } if (GenLocalDate.DayPercent(this.pawn) < 0.5f) { return("Sunbathing"); } return("Sunbathing"); }
public override string GetReport() { if (Map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOf.Eclipse)) { return("Brrr.OohEclipse".Translate()); } if (Map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOf.Aurora)) { return("Brrr.OohAurora".Translate()); } var num = GenCelestial.CurCelestialSunGlow(Map); if (num < 0.1f) { return("Brrr.OohStarGazing".Translate()); } if (num >= 0.65f) { return("Brrr.OohClouds".Translate()); } if (GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) < 0.5f) { return("Brrr.OohSunrise".Translate()); } return("Brrr.OohSunset".Translate()); }
public static void Postfix(ref Zone_Growing __instance, ref string __result) { var plantDef = __instance.GetPlantDefToGrow(); var thePlant = plantDef.plant; int totalYield = 0, maxYield = 0, num = 0, numGrowing = 0; float totalGrowthRemaining = 0f; foreach (Thing thing in __instance.AllContainedThings) { if (thing.def == plantDef && thing is Plant plant) { ++num; totalYield += plant.YieldNow(); if (plant.Growth < 0.95f && !plant.YIResting() && plant.GrowthRateFactor_Light > .001f) { ++numGrowing; totalGrowthRemaining += plant.YIActualGrowthTime(); } } } maxYield = (int)thePlant.harvestYield; float efficiency = maxYield / thePlant.growDays; __result += "\n" + "YI.InspectYields".Translate(new object[] { totalYield.ToString(), (maxYield * num).ToString() }); __result += "\n" + "YI.Efficiency".Translate(efficiency.ToString("0.##")); // If is resting period, we dont show the line. if (GenLocalDate.DayPercent(__instance.Map) < 0.25f || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(__instance.Map) > 0.8f) { __result += "\n" + "YI.GrowthRemaining".Translate((totalGrowthRemaining / numGrowing).ToString("0.##")); } }
public override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { Need_Rest need =; if (need == null || need.CurLevelPercentage > this.def.restRequirement) { return(null); } float dayP = GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn.Map); if (dayP < 0.42f && dayP > 0.7f) { return(null); } Building_Bed bed = RestUtility.FindBedFor(pawn); if (bed != null) { return(new Job(IdleJobDefOf.IdleJob_TakeNap, bed) { locomotionUrgency = LocomotionUrgency.Walk }); } return(null); }
public override void RechargeEnergyNeed(Pawn targetPawn) { bool isNight = GenLocalDate.DayPercent(targetPawn) < 0.2f || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(targetPawn) > 0.7f; if (isNight) { return; } if (targetPawn.InContainerEnclosed) { return; } if (!targetPawn.IsCaravanMember() && targetPawn.Position.Roofed(targetPawn.Map)) { return; } Need_Energy energyNeed = targetPawn.needs.TryGetNeed <Need_Energy>(); if (energyNeed != null) { energyNeed.CurLevel += EnergyProps.passiveEnergyGeneration; } }
protected override bool Satisfied(Pawn pawn) { if (GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) > 0.024 && GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) < 0.048) { return(true); } return(false); }
// RimWorld.JobDriver_Skygaze public static void Vamp_QuitWatchingSunrisesAlreadyJeez(JobDriver_Skygaze __instance, ref string __result) { if (__instance.pawn is Pawn p && p.IsVampire()) { if (GenLocalDate.DayPercent(p) < 0.5f) { __instance.EndJobWith(JobCondition.InterruptForced); } } }
private float AYGrowthPerTick(Plant plant) { if (plant.LifeStage != PlantLifeStage.Growing || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(plant) < 0.25f || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(plant) > 0.8f) { return(0f); } return(1f / (60000f * plant.def.plant.growDays) * plant.GrowthRate * 500f); }
// Token: 0x06000013 RID: 19 RVA: 0x00002E14 File Offset: 0x00001014 private float AYGrowthPerTick(Plant tree) { if (tree.LifeStage != PlantLifeStage.Growing || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(tree) < 0.25f || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(tree) > 0.8f) { return(0f); } return(1f / (60000f * tree.def.plant.growDays) * tree.GrowthRate * 400f); }
public override float Multiplier() { float distanceFromMidday = Mathf.Abs(0.45f - GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn.Map)); if (distanceFromMidday > 0.5f) { distanceFromMidday = 1.0f - distanceFromMidday; } float m = distanceFromMidday * 4 - 1f; return(m < 0 ? m * def.negativeMultiplier : m *def.positiveMultiplier); }
private void CheckDesignateFlick() { if (!enabled || !parent.Spawned) { return; } if (GenDate.DaysPassed > this.currDaysPassed) { hasFlickedOnToday = false; hasFlickedOffToday = false; this.currDaysPassed = GenDate.DaysPassed; } bool?wantsFlickOn = null; if (!hasFlickedOnToday && GenLocalDate.DayPercent(this.parent.Map) > this.Props.flickOnPercent) { wantsFlickOn = true; hasFlickedOnToday = true; } if (!hasFlickedOffToday && GenLocalDate.DayPercent(this.parent.Map) > this.Props.flickOffPercent) { wantsFlickOn = false; hasFlickedOffToday = true; } if (wantsFlickOn == null) { return; } var curState = flickableComp.SwitchIsOn; if (flickableComp.WantsFlick()) { curState = !curState; } if (curState != wantsFlickOn) { var field = typeof(CompFlickable).GetField("wantSwitchOn", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.GetField); field.SetValue(flickableComp, wantsFlickOn); FlickUtility.UpdateFlickDesignation(this.parent); } }
// Token: 0x06000087 RID: 135 RVA: 0x000056D0 File Offset: 0x000038D0 public override void RechargeEnergyNeed(Pawn targetPawn) { bool flag = GenLocalDate.DayPercent(targetPawn) < 0.2f || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(targetPawn) > 0.7f; bool flag2 = flag; if (!flag2) { bool inContainerEnclosed = targetPawn.InContainerEnclosed; if (!inContainerEnclosed) { bool flag3 = !targetPawn.IsCaravanMember() && targetPawn.Position.Roofed(targetPawn.Map); if (!flag3) { Need_Energy need_Energy = targetPawn.needs.TryGetNeed <Need_Energy>(); need_Energy.CurLevel += base.EnergyProps.passiveEnergyGeneration; } } } }
public static void AppendPsychologyThoughts(TaleNewsPawnDied __instance, Pawn recipient) { var victim = __instance.Victim; // Psychology did a lot of work to exclude thoughts from Bleeding Heart. if (recipient.Faction == victim.Faction) { new IndividualThoughtToAdd(Psycho_ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathAllyBleedingHeart, recipient).Add(); } else if (victim.Faction == null || victim.Faction.HostileTo(recipient.Faction) || recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(Psycho_TraitDefOf.BleedingHeart)) { new IndividualThoughtToAdd(Psycho_ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathNonAllyBleedingHeart, recipient).Add(); } var traitsDisallowDesensitization = recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(Psycho_TraitDefOf.BleedingHeart) || recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) || recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) || recipient.story.traits.HasTrait(Psycho_TraitDefOf.Desensitized); // ALL PRAISE GOD RANDY OUR ONE TRUE LORD var randyAllowsDesensitization = (recipient.GetHashCode() ^ ((GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(recipient) + GenLocalDate.Year(recipient) + ((int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(recipient) * 5f) * 60)) * 391)) % 1000 == 0; // No Bleeding Heart + No Psychopath + No Bloodlust + No Desensitised + Random Genner if (traitsDisallowDesensitization || !randyAllowsDesensitization) { return; } // Gain Desensitized recipient.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(Psycho_TraitDefOf.Desensitized)); recipient.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(Psycho_ThoughtDefOf.RecentlyDesensitized); }
public static void AppendPsychologyThoughts(Pawn victim, DamageInfo?dinfo, PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind thoughtsKind, ref List <IndividualThoughtToAdd> outIndividualThoughts, ref List <ThoughtDef> outAllColonistsThoughts) { bool flag = dinfo.HasValue && dinfo.Value.Def.execution; bool flag2 = victim.IsPrisonerOfColony && !victim.guilt.IsGuilty && !victim.InAggroMentalState; bool flag3 = dinfo.HasValue && dinfo.Value.Def.ExternalViolenceFor(victim) && dinfo.Value.Instigator != null && dinfo.Value.Instigator is Pawn; if (flag3) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)dinfo.Value.Instigator; if (!pawn.Dead && pawn.needs.mood != null && pawn.story != null && pawn != victim) { if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died && victim.HostileTo(pawn)) { if (victim.Faction != null && victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn.Faction) && !flag2) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KilledHumanlikeEnemy, pawn, victim, 1f, 1f)); } } } } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died && victim.Spawned) { List <Pawn> allPawnsSpawned = victim.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned; for (int i = 0; i < allPawnsSpawned.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn2 = allPawnsSpawned[i]; if (pawn2 != victim && pawn2.needs.mood != null) { if (!flag && (pawn2.MentalStateDef != MentalStateDefOf.SocialFighting || ((MentalState_SocialFighting)pawn2.MentalState).otherPawn != victim)) { if (pawn2.Position.InHorDistOf(victim.Position, 12f) && GenSight.LineOfSight(victim.Position, pawn2.Position, victim.Map, false) && pawn2.Awake() && { if (pawn2.Faction == victim.Faction) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.WitnessedDeathAllyBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } else if (victim.Faction == null || (!victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn2.Faction) || pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart))) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.WitnessedDeathNonAllyBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (!pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn2.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn2) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn2) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn2) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn2.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn2.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized, null); } } } else if (victim.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && victim.Faction == pawn2.Faction && victim.HostFaction != pawn2.Faction) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KnowColonistDiedBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (flag2 && pawn2.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && !pawn2.IsPrisoner) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KnowPrisonerDiedInnocentBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } } } } } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Banished && victim.IsColonist) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.ColonistAbandonedBleedingHeart); } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.BanishedToDie) { if (victim.IsColonist) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.ColonistAbandonedToDieBleedingHeart); } else if (victim.IsPrisonerOfColony) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.PrisonerAbandonedToDieBleedingHeart); } } }
public static void CancelJob(ref Job __result, Pawn pawn) { Pawn partner = LovePartnerRelationUtility.GetPartnerInMyBed(pawn); if (PsycheHelper.PsychologyEnabled(pawn) && PsycheHelper.PsychologyEnabled(partner) && PsychologyBase.ActivateKinsey()) { float random = Rand.ValueSeeded((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 2) * 60) * 391)); float random2 = Rand.ValueSeeded((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(partner) + GenLocalDate.Year(partner) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(partner) * 2) * 60) * 391)); if (random > PsycheHelper.Comp(pawn).Sexuality.AdjustedSexDrive&& random2 > PsycheHelper.Comp(partner).Sexuality.AdjustedSexDrive) { __result = null; } } }
public static bool YIIsRestingPeriod(this Thing thing) => GenLocalDate.DayPercent(thing) < 0.25f || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(thing) > 0.8f;
internal static bool DayTime(Map map) { return (GenLocalDate.DayPercent(map) >= 0.25f && GenLocalDate.DayPercent(map) <= 0.8f); }
public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); switch ((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 5) * 60) * 391) % (50 * (13 - ((this.CurStageIndex + 1) * 2)))) { case 0: panic = true; this.Severity += 0.00000002f; if (pawn.Spawned && pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { if ( != JobDefOf.FleeAndCower && ! { Job(JobDefOf.FleeAndCower, pawn.Position), JobCondition.InterruptForced, null, false, true, null); } else if ( { pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.DreamNightmare); } } break; default: panic = false; break; } }
private static void _AppendThoughts_Humanlike(Pawn victim, DamageInfo?dinfo, Hediff hediff, PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind thoughtsKind, List <IndividualThoughtToAdd> outIndividualThoughts, List <ThoughtDef> outAllColonistsThoughts) { var IsExecution = typeof(PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsUtility).GetMethod("IsExecution", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); var IsInnocentPrisoner = typeof(PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsUtility).GetMethod("IsInnocentPrisoner", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); bool flag = (bool)IsExecution.Invoke(null, new object[] { dinfo, hediff }); bool flag2 = (bool)IsInnocentPrisoner.Invoke(null, new object[] { victim }); bool flag3 = dinfo.HasValue && dinfo.Value.Def.externalViolence && dinfo.Value.Instigator != null && dinfo.Value.Instigator is Pawn; if (flag3) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)dinfo.Value.Instigator; if (!pawn.Dead && pawn.needs.mood != null && pawn.story != null && pawn != victim) { if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.KilledHumanlikeBloodlust, pawn, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died && victim.HostileTo(pawn)) { if (victim.Faction != null && PawnUtility.IsFactionLeader(victim) && victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn.Faction)) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.DefeatedHostileFactionLeader, pawn, victim, 1f, 1f)); } else if (victim.Faction != null && victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn.Faction) && !flag2) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KilledHumanlikeEnemy, pawn, victim, 1f, 1f)); } if (victim.kindDef.combatPower > 250f) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.DefeatedMajorEnemy, pawn, victim, 1f, 1f)); } } } } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Died && victim.Spawned) { List <Pawn> allPawnsSpawned = victim.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned; for (int i = 0; i < allPawnsSpawned.Count; i++) { Pawn pawn2 = allPawnsSpawned[i]; if (pawn2 != victim && pawn2.needs.mood != null) { if (!flag && (pawn2.MentalStateDef != MentalStateDefOf.SocialFighting || ((MentalState_SocialFighting)pawn2.MentalState).otherPawn != victim)) { if (pawn2.Position.InHorDistOf(victim.Position, 12f) && GenSight.LineOfSight(victim.Position, pawn2.Position, victim.Map, false) && pawn2.Awake() && { if (pawn2.Faction == victim.Faction) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathAlly, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.WitnessedDeathAllyBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } else if (victim.Faction == null || (!victim.Faction.HostileTo(pawn2.Faction) || pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart))) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathNonAlly, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.WitnessedDeathNonAllyBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (pawn2.relations.FamilyByBlood.Contains(victim)) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathFamily, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.WitnessedDeathBloodlust, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); if (!pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn2.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn2.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn2) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn2) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn2) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn2.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn2.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemoryThought(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized, null); } } } else if (victim.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && victim.Faction == pawn2.Faction && victim.HostFaction != pawn2.Faction) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.KnowColonistDied, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KnowColonistDiedBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } if (flag2 && pawn2.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && !pawn2.IsPrisoner) { outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOf.KnowPrisonerDiedInnocent, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); outIndividualThoughts.Add(new IndividualThoughtToAdd(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.KnowPrisonerDiedInnocentBleedingHeart, pawn2, null, 1f, 1f)); } } } } } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.Abandoned && victim.IsColonist) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOf.ColonistAbandoned); outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.ColonistAbandonedBleedingHeart); } if (thoughtsKind == PawnDiedOrDownedThoughtsKind.AbandonedToDie) { if (victim.IsColonist) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOf.ColonistAbandonedToDie); outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.ColonistAbandonedToDieBleedingHeart); } else if (victim.IsPrisonerOfColony) { outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOf.PrisonerAbandonedToDie); outAllColonistsThoughts.Add(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.PrisonerAbandonedToDieBleedingHeart); } } }
public static void Postfix(Plant __instance, ref string __result) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); CompHarvestableReagent harvestableReagent = __instance.GetComp <CompHarvestableReagent>(); if (__instance.LifeStage == PlantLifeStage.Growing) { if (harvestableReagent != null && !harvestableReagent.IsSecondaryHarvest) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("Reagent".Translate()); } stringBuilder.AppendLine("PercentGrowth".Translate(new object[] { (__instance.Growth + 0.0001f).ToStringPercent() })); stringBuilder.AppendLine("GrowthRate".Translate() + ": " + __instance.GrowthRate.ToStringPercent()); if (!__instance.Blighted) { if (GenLocalDate.DayPercent(__instance) < 0.25f || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(__instance) > 0.8f) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("PlantResting".Translate()); } if (!(__instance.GrowthRateFactor_Light > 0.001f)) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("PlantNeedsLightLevel".Translate() + ": " + __instance.def.plant.growMinGlow.ToStringPercent()); } float growthRateFactor_Temperature = __instance.GrowthRateFactor_Temperature; if (growthRateFactor_Temperature < 0.99f) { if (growthRateFactor_Temperature < 0.01f) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("OutOfIdealTemperatureRangeNotGrowing".Translate()); } else { stringBuilder.AppendLine("OutOfIdealTemperatureRange".Translate(new object[] { Mathf.RoundToInt(growthRateFactor_Temperature * 100f).ToString() })); } } } } else if (__instance.LifeStage == PlantLifeStage.Mature) { if (__instance.HarvestableNow) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("ReadyToHarvest".Translate()); } else { stringBuilder.AppendLine("Mature".Translate()); } } if (__instance.DyingBecauseExposedToLight) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("DyingBecauseExposedToLight".Translate()); } if (__instance.Blighted) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("Blighted".Translate() + " (" + __instance.Blight.Severity.ToStringPercent() + ")"); } if (harvestableReagent != null && harvestableReagent.IsSecondaryHarvest) { ComposeReagentString(ref stringBuilder, harvestableReagent); } __result = stringBuilder.ToString().TrimEndNewlines(); }
public static bool Prefix( Rect dateRect, ref List <string> ___seasonsCached, ref int ___dateStringDay, ref Season ___dateStringSeason, ref Quadrum ___dateStringQuadrum, ref int ___dateStringYear, ref string ___dateString ) { Vector2 vector2; if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile >= 0) { vector2 = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile); } else if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.NumSelectedObjects > 0) { vector2 = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.FirstSelectedObject.Tile); } else { if (Find.CurrentMap == null) { return(false); } vector2 = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.CurrentMap.Tile); } var num1 = GenDate.DayOfTwelfth(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2.x); var season = GenDate.Season(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2); var quadrum1 = GenDate.Quadrum(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2.x); var num2 = GenDate.Year(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2.x); var str = true ? ___seasonsCached[(int)season] : ""; if (num1 != ___dateStringDay || season != ___dateStringSeason || quadrum1 != ___dateStringQuadrum || num2 != ___dateStringYear) { ___dateString = GenDate.DateReadoutStringAt(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2); ___dateStringDay = num1; ___dateStringSeason = season; ___dateStringQuadrum = quadrum1; ___dateStringYear = num2; } var userTime = ""; if (!BetterTimeFormatMod.UpdateTime) { userTime = BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.timeFormat; var dayPercent = GenLocalDate.DayPercent(Find.CurrentMap); if (BetterTimeFormatMod.UpdateHours) { var hours = Math.Floor(dayPercent * 24); if (BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.twelveHourFormat) { hours = dayPercent < 0.6 ? hours : hours - 12; } userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("HH", $"{hours,0:00}"); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("H", $"{hours,0}"); } if (BetterTimeFormatMod.UpdateMinutes) { var minutes = Math.Floor(dayPercent * 24 % 1 * 60); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("MM", $"{minutes,0:00}"); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("M", $"{minutes,0:0}"); } if (BetterTimeFormatMod.UpdateSeconds) { var seconds = Math.Floor(dayPercent * 24 % 1 * 60 % 1 * 60); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("SS", $"{seconds,0:00}"); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("S", $"{seconds,0:0}"); } if (BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.twelveHourFormat) { var notation = dayPercent < 0.5 ? BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.amString : BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.pmString; userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("N", notation); } } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; var num3 = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(Text.CalcSize(userTime).x, Text.CalcSize(___dateString).x), Text.CalcSize(str).x) + 7f; dateRect.xMin = dateRect.xMax - num3; if (Mouse.IsOver(dateRect)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(dateRect); } GUI.BeginGroup(dateRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperRight; var rect = dateRect.AtZero(); rect.xMax -= 7f; Widgets.Label(rect, userTime); rect.yMin += 26f; Widgets.Label(rect, ___dateString); rect.yMin += 26f; if (!str.NullOrEmpty()) { Widgets.Label(rect, str); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.EndGroup(); if (!Mouse.IsOver(dateRect)) { return(false); } var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (var index2 = 0; index2 < 4; ++index2) { var quadrum2 = (Quadrum)index2; stringBuilder.AppendLine(quadrum2.Label() + " - " + quadrum2.GetSeason(vector2.y).LabelCap()); } var taggedString = "DateReadoutTip".Translate(GenDate.DaysPassed, 15, (NamedArgument)season.LabelCap(), 15, (NamedArgument)GenDate.Quadrum(GenTicks.TicksAbs, vector2.x).Label(), (NamedArgument)stringBuilder.ToString()); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(dateRect, new TipSignal(taggedString, 86423)); return(false); }
internal static void _ObserveSurroundingThings(this PawnObserver _this) { Pawn pawn = _this.GetPawn(); if (! { return; } Room room = RoomQuery.RoomAt(pawn); int num = 0; while ((float)num < 100f) { IntVec3 c = pawn.Position + GenRadial.RadialPattern[num]; if (c.InBounds(pawn.Map)) { if (RoomQuery.RoomAt(c, pawn.Map) == room) { List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(pawn.Map); for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { IThoughtGiver thoughtGiver = thingList[i] as IThoughtGiver; if (thoughtGiver != null) { Thought_Memory thought_Memory = thoughtGiver.GiveObservedThought(); if (thought_Memory != null) { if (thought_Memory.def == ThoughtDefOf.ObservedLayingCorpse) { if (!pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemoryThought(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized, null); } } } pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemoryThought(thought_Memory, null); } } } } } num++; } }
public static void CancelJob(ref Job __result, Pawn pawn) { Pawn partnerInMyBed = LovePartnerRelationUtility.GetPartnerInMyBed(pawn); PsychologyPawn realPawn = pawn as PsychologyPawn; PsychologyPawn realPartner = partnerInMyBed as PsychologyPawn; if (realPawn != null && realPartner != null && PsychologyBase.ActivateKinsey() && realPawn.sexuality != null && realPartner.sexuality != null) { float random = Rand.ValueSeeded((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 2) * 60) * 391)); if (random > realPawn.sexuality.AdjustedSexDrive && random > realPartner.sexuality.AdjustedSexDrive) { __result = null; } } }
protected override ThoughtState CurrentStateInternal(Pawn p) { switch ((p.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(p) + GenLocalDate.Year(p) + (int)(GenMath.RoundTo(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(p), 0.25f) * 10) * 60) * 391) % 12) { case 0: return((p.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(SyrTraitDefOf.Neurotic) == 2) ? ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(0) : ThoughtState.Inactive); case 1: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(1)); case 2: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(1)); case 3: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(2)); case 4: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(2)); case 5: return(ThoughtState.Inactive); case 6: return(ThoughtState.Inactive); case 7: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(3)); case 8: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(3)); case 9: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(4)); case 10: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(4)); case 11: return((p.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(SyrTraitDefOf.Neurotic) == 2) ? ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(5) : ThoughtState.Inactive); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
/// Create a report on sanity loss. /// Shows a letter to the player that displays along these lines. /// /// SANITY LOSS REPORT /// Sanity Loss /// /// Some colonists have experienced a fevered nightmare. /// In it they saw visions of a blackened creature whose monstrous forehead /// shone in moonlight and whose vile hooves surely pawed hellish oozes miles /// below the surface with eyes hidden, leering, and waiting. /// /// Afflicted colonists. /// (+7% difficulty modifier) /// - Dave experienced +30% sanity loss. /// - Jerry experienced +25% sanity loss. /// - Steely Dan resisted with iron will. public static void ApplySanityLossAndShowReport(List <Pawn> pawns, FloatRange lossRange, float difficultyModifier, string dreamOverride = "") { if (!pawns.NullOrEmpty()) { var target = new GlobalTargetInfo(); var s = new StringBuilder(); var map = pawns[0]?.MapHeld; if (map != null) { /// /// Prefix /// string dream = GenLocalDate.DayPercent(map) < 0.2f || GenLocalDate.DayPercent(map) > 0.7f ? "HPLovecraft_Daydream".Translate() : "HPLovecraft_Nightmare".Translate(); if (dreamOverride != "") { dream = dreamOverride.Translate(); } if ((pawns?.Count ?? 0) > 1) { s.AppendLine("HPLovecraft_SanityLossPrefixPlural".Translate(dream)); } else if ((pawns?.Count ?? 0) == 1) { s.AppendLine( "HPLovecraft_SanityLossPrefix".Translate(new object[] { pawns[0].LabelShort, dream })); } else { Log.Message("Can't choose sanity loss prefix. This should never happen."); } /// /// Flavor Text /// var flavorKey = "HPLovecraft_SanityLossFlavorText" + new IntRange(1, 13).RandomInRange; s.AppendLine(flavorKey.Translate()); /// Seperator s.AppendLine(); /// /// Inidividual Reports /// s.AppendLine("HPLovecraft_AfflictedColonists".Translate()); s.AppendLine( "HPLovecraft_DifficultyModifier".Translate((int)(difficultyModifier * 100)) .ToString()); //0.07 => 7 foreach (var p in pawns) { if (!target.HasThing) { target = new GlobalTargetInfo(p); } if (p?.story?.traits?.GetTrait(TraitDefOf.Nerves) is Trait t && t.Degree == 2) { s.AppendLine(" -" + "HPLovecraft_SanityLossResistedWithIronWill".Translate(p.LabelShort)); } else { var sanityLossToApply = lossRange.RandomInRange + difficultyModifier; s.AppendLine(" -" + "HPLovecraft_ExperiencedSanityLoss".Translate(new object[] { p.LabelShort, (int)(sanityLossToApply * 100) })); Utility.ApplySanityLoss(p, sanityLossToApply); } } }
public static Thought_Memory AddDesensitizedChance(Thought_Memory thought_Memory, Pawn pawn) { if (thought_Memory != null && thought_Memory.def == ThoughtDefOf.ObservedLayingCorpse) { if (!pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized); } } } return(thought_Memory); }
protected override ThoughtState CurrentStateInternal(Pawn p) { switch ((p.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(p) + GenLocalDate.Year(p) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(p) * 10) * 60) * 391) % 12) { case 0: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(0)); case 1: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(1)); case 2: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(1)); case 3: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(2)); case 4: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(2)); case 5: return(ThoughtState.Inactive); case 6: return(ThoughtState.Inactive); case 7: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(3)); case 8: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(3)); case 9: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(4)); case 10: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(4)); case 11: return(ThoughtState.ActiveAtStage(5)); default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
private void DoTimeBar(Rect rect) { // set up rects Rect bar = TimeBarRect; Rect buttons = new Rect(rect.xMin, bar.yMin + bar.height / 3f, bar.xMin - rect.xMin, bar.height * 2 / 3f); Rect button = new Rect(buttons.xMax - buttons.height * 2f, buttons.yMin, buttons.height, buttons.height); // split the available area into rects. bottom 2/3's are used for 'buttons', with text for times. float hourWidth = bar.width / GenDate.HoursPerDay; float barheight = bar.height * 2 / 3f; float timeIndicatorSize = bar.height * 2 / 3f; float lastLabelPosition = 0f; Rect hourRect = new Rect(bar.xMin, bar.yMax - barheight, hourWidth, barheight); // draw buttons TooltipHandler.TipRegion(button, "WorkTab.SelectWholeDayTip".Translate()); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(button, PrioritiesWholeDay, Color.white, GenUI.MouseoverColor)) { SelectWholeDay(); } button.x -= button.height + Constants.Margin; TooltipHandler.TipRegion(button, "WorkTab.SelectCurrentHourTip".Translate()); if (Widgets.ButtonImage(button, Now, Color.white, GenUI.MouseoverColor)) { AddSelectedHour(GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(Find.VisibleMap), true); } // draw first tick GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(hourRect.xMin, hourRect.yMin + hourRect.height * 1 / 2f, hourRect.height * 1 / 2f); // draw horizontal line ( y - 1 because canvas gets clipped on bottom ) Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(bar.xMin, bar.yMax - 1, bar.width); GUI.color = Color.white; // label and rect string label; Rect labelRect; for (int hour = 0; hour < GenDate.HoursPerDay; hour++) { bool selected = SelectedHours.Contains(hour); bool focused = hour == VisibleHour; // print major tick GUI.color = Color.grey; Widgets.DrawLineVertical(hourRect.xMax, hourRect.yMin + hourRect.height * 1 / 2f, hourRect.height * 1 / 2f); // print minor ticks Widgets.DrawLineVertical(hourRect.xMin + hourRect.width * 1 / 4f, hourRect.yMin + hourRect.height * 3 / 4f, hourRect.height * 1 / 4f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(hourRect.xMin + hourRect.width * 2 / 4f, hourRect.yMin + hourRect.height * 3 / 4f, hourRect.height * 1 / 4f); Widgets.DrawLineVertical(hourRect.xMin + hourRect.width * 3 / 4f, hourRect.yMin + hourRect.height * 3 / 4f, hourRect.height * 1 / 4f); GUI.color = Color.white; // create and draw labelrect - but only if the last label isn't too close if (hourRect.xMin - lastLabelPosition > MinTimeBarLabelSpacing) { label = hour.FormatHour(); labelRect = new Rect(0f, bar.yMin + bar.height * 1 / 3f, label.NoWrapWidth(), bar.height * 2 / 3f); labelRect.x = hourRect.xMin - labelRect.width / 2f; UIUtilities.Label(labelRect, label, Color.grey, GameFont.Tiny, TextAnchor.UpperCenter); lastLabelPosition = labelRect.xMax; } // draw hour rect with mouseover + interactions Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(hourRect); // set/remove focus (LMB and any other MB respectively) if (Mouse.IsOver(hourRect)) { if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { AddSelectedHour(hour, Event.current.shift); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) { RemoveSelectedHour(hour); } // handle tooltip var selectedString = selected ? "WorkTab.Selected".Translate() : "WorkTab.NotSelected".Translate(); var interactionString = ""; if (selected) { interactionString += "WorkTab.RightClickToDeselect".Translate(); if (focused) { interactionString += "\n" + "WorkTab.ClickToFocus".Translate(); } } else { interactionString += "WorkTab.ClickToSelect".Translate(); } TooltipHandler.TipRegion(hourRect, "WorkTab.SchedulerHourTip".Translate(hour.FormatHour(), (hour + 1 % GenDate.HoursPerDay).FormatHour(), selectedString, interactionString)); } // if this is currently the 'main' timeslot, and not the actual time, draw an eye if (focused && hour != GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(Find.VisibleMap)) { Rect eyeRect = new Rect( - timeIndicatorSize * 1 / 2f, hourRect.yMax - timeIndicatorSize - hourRect.height * 1 / 6f, timeIndicatorSize, timeIndicatorSize); GUI.DrawTexture(eyeRect, PinEye); } // also highlight all selected timeslots if (selected) { Widgets.DrawHighlightSelected(hourRect); } // advance rect hourRect.x += hourRect.width; } // draw final label label = 0.FormatHour(); labelRect = new Rect(0f, bar.yMin + bar.height * 1 / 3f, label.NoWrapWidth(), bar.height * 2 / 3f); labelRect.x = hourRect.xMin - labelRect.width / 2f; UIUtilities.Label(labelRect, label, Color.grey, GameFont.Tiny, TextAnchor.UpperCenter); // draw current time indicator float curTimeX = GenLocalDate.DayPercent(Find.VisibleMap) * bar.width; Rect curTimeRect = new Rect(bar.xMin + curTimeX - timeIndicatorSize * 1 / 2f, hourRect.yMax - timeIndicatorSize - hourRect.height * 1 / 6f, timeIndicatorSize, timeIndicatorSize); GUI.DrawTexture(curTimeRect, PinClock); }
public static void DesensitizeViaCorpse(PawnObserver __instance) { Pawn pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>(); if (! { return; } RoomGroup roomGroup = pawn.GetRoomGroup(); Map map = pawn.Map; int num = 0; while ((float)num < 100f) { IntVec3 intVec = pawn.Position + GenRadial.RadialPattern[num]; if (intVec.InBounds(map)) { if (intVec.GetRoomGroup(map) == roomGroup) { if (GenSight.LineOfSight(intVec, pawn.Position, map, true, null, 0, 0)) { List <Thing> thingList = intVec.GetThingList(map); for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { IThoughtGiver thoughtGiver = thingList[i] as IThoughtGiver; if (thoughtGiver != null) { Thought_Memory thought_Memory = thoughtGiver.GiveObservedThought(); if (thought_Memory != null && thought_Memory.def == ThoughtDefOf.ObservedLayingCorpse) { if (!pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.BleedingHeart) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Psychopath) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Bloodlust) && !pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)) { if (((pawn.GetHashCode() ^ (GenLocalDate.DayOfYear(pawn) + GenLocalDate.Year(pawn) + (int)(GenLocalDate.DayPercent(pawn) * 5) * 60) * 391) % 1000) == 0) { pawn.story.traits.GainTrait(new Trait(TraitDefOfPsychology.Desensitized)); pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.RecentlyDesensitized, null); } } } } } } } } num++; } }