コード例 #1
ファイル: AddBossRoomStep.cs プロジェクト: PMDCollab/PMDC
        public override void ApplyToPath(IRandom rand, FloorPlan floorPlan)
            //attempt 10 times
            for (int kk = 0; kk < 10; kk++)
                //add the boss room

                FloorPathBranch <T> .ListPathBranchExpansion?expandBossResult = this.ChooseRoomExpansion(rand, floorPlan);

                if (!expandBossResult.HasValue)

                var bossExpansion = expandBossResult.Value;

                RoomHallIndex from = bossExpansion.From;
                if (bossExpansion.Hall != null)
                    floorPlan.AddHall(bossExpansion.Hall, this.BossHallComponents.Clone(), from);
                    from = new RoomHallIndex(floorPlan.HallCount - 1, true);

                floorPlan.AddRoom(bossExpansion.Room, this.BossComponents.Clone(), from);

                RoomHallIndex bossFrom = new RoomHallIndex(floorPlan.RoomCount - 1, false);

                GenContextDebug.DebugProgress("Extended with Boss Room");

                //now, attempt to add the treasure room and remove the previous rooms if failed

                FloorPathBranch <T> .ListPathBranchExpansion?expansionResult = FloorPathBranch <T> .ChooseRoomExpansion(this.PrepareTreasureRoom, 100, rand, floorPlan, new List <RoomHallIndex>() { bossFrom });

                if (!expansionResult.HasValue)
                    //remove the previously added boss room and hall

                var vaultExpansion = expansionResult.Value;

                if (vaultExpansion.Hall != null)
                    floorPlan.AddHall(vaultExpansion.Hall, this.VaultHallComponents.Clone(), bossFrom);
                    bossFrom = new RoomHallIndex(floorPlan.HallCount - 1, true);

                floorPlan.AddRoom(vaultExpansion.Room, this.VaultComponents.Clone(), bossFrom);

                GenContextDebug.DebugProgress("Extended with Treasure Room");

コード例 #2
ファイル: ChestStep.cs プロジェクト: PMDCollab/PMDC
        public override void Apply(T map)
            Grid.LocTest checkBlock = (Loc testLoc) =>
                return(!map.Tiles[testLoc.X][testLoc.Y].TileEquivalent(map.RoomTerrain) || map.HasTileEffect(testLoc));

            //choose a room to put the chest in
            //do not choose a room that would cause disconnection of the floor
            List <int> possibleRooms = new List <int>();

            for (int ii = 0; ii < map.RoomPlan.RoomCount; ii++)
                FloorRoomPlan testPlan = map.RoomPlan.GetRoomPlan(ii);
                //if (map.RoomPlan.IsChokePoint(new RoomHallIndex(ii, false)))
                //    continue;
                if (!BaseRoomFilter.PassesAllFilters(testPlan, this.Filters))

                //also do not choose a room that contains the end stairs
                IViewPlaceableGenContext <MapGenExit> exitMap = (IViewPlaceableGenContext <MapGenExit>)map;
                if (Collision.InBounds(testPlan.RoomGen.Draw, exitMap.GetLoc(0)))


            if (possibleRooms.Count == 0)

            List <Loc> freeTiles = new List <Loc>();
            IRoomGen   room      = null;

            while (possibleRooms.Count > 0)
                int chosenRoom = map.Rand.Next(possibleRooms.Count);
                room = map.RoomPlan.GetRoom(possibleRooms[chosenRoom]);

                //get all places that the chest is eligible
                freeTiles = Grid.FindTilesInBox(room.Draw.Start, room.Draw.Size, (Loc testLoc) =>
                    if (map.Tiles[testLoc.X][testLoc.Y].TileEquivalent(map.RoomTerrain) && !map.HasTileEffect(testLoc) &&
                        map.Tiles[testLoc.X][testLoc.Y + 1].TileEquivalent(map.RoomTerrain) && !map.HasTileEffect(new Loc(testLoc.X, testLoc.Y + 1)) &&
                        !map.PostProcGrid[testLoc.X][testLoc.Y].Status[(int)PostProcType.Panel] &&
                        if (Grid.GetForkDirs(testLoc, checkBlock, checkBlock).Count < 2)
                            foreach (MapItem item in map.Items)
                                if (item.TileLoc == testLoc)
                            foreach (Team team in map.AllyTeams)
                                foreach (Character testChar in team.EnumerateChars())
                                    if (testChar.CharLoc == testLoc)
                            foreach (Team team in map.MapTeams)
                                foreach (Character testChar in team.EnumerateChars())
                                    if (testChar.CharLoc == testLoc)
                if (freeTiles.Count > 0)

            //can't find any free tile in any room, return
            if (freeTiles.Count == 0)

            if (!ItemThemes.CanPick)
            //choose which item theme to work with
            ItemTheme chosenItemTheme = ItemThemes.Pick(map.Rand);

            //the item spawn list in this class dictates the items available for spawning
            //it will be queried for items that match the theme selected
            List <MapItem> chosenItems = chosenItemTheme.GenerateItems(map, Items);

            if (chosenItems.Count == 0)

            int randIndex = map.Rand.Next(freeTiles.Count);
            Loc loc       = freeTiles[randIndex];

            EffectTile spawnedChest = new EffectTile(37, true);

            if (Ambush && MobThemes.CanPick)
                spawnedChest.Danger = true;
                //the mob theme will be selected randomly
                MobTheme chosenMobTheme = MobThemes.Pick(map.Rand);

                //the mobs in this class are the ones that would be available when the game wants to spawn things outside of the floor's spawn list
                //it will be queried for monsters that match the theme provided
                List <MobSpawn> chosenMobs = chosenMobTheme.GenerateMobs(map, Mobs);

                MobSpawnState mobSpawn = new MobSpawnState();
                foreach (MobSpawn mob in chosenMobs)
                    MobSpawn copyMob = mob.Copy();
                    if (map.Rand.Next(ALT_COLOR_ODDS) == 0)
                        copyMob.BaseForm.Skin = 1;

            ItemSpawnState itemSpawn = new ItemSpawnState();

            itemSpawn.Spawns = chosenItems;

            Rect wallBounds = new Rect(room.Draw.X - 1, room.Draw.Y - 1, room.Draw.Size.X + 2, room.Draw.Size.Y + 2);

            spawnedChest.TileStates.Set(new BoundsState(wallBounds));

            ((IPlaceableGenContext <EffectTile>)map).PlaceItem(loc, spawnedChest);
            map.PostProcGrid[loc.X][loc.Y].Status[(int)PostProcType.Panel] = true;
            map.PostProcGrid[loc.X][loc.Y].Status[(int)PostProcType.Item]  = true;

            GenContextDebug.DebugProgress("Placed Chest");
コード例 #3
        public override void ApplyToPath(IRandom rand, GridPlan floorPlan)
            int gapLength  = Vertical ? floorPlan.GridHeight : floorPlan.GridWidth;
            int sideLength = Vertical ? floorPlan.GridWidth : floorPlan.GridHeight;

            if (gapLength < 3 || sideLength < 2)
                CreateErrorPath(rand, floorPlan);

            //add the body
            int chosenTier = FromCorners ? (rand.Next(2) * gapLength - 1) : rand.Next(1, gapLength - 1);

            RoomGen <T> roomGen = GiantHallGen.Pick(rand);

            if (roomGen == null)
                roomGen = GenericRooms.Pick(rand);
            floorPlan.AddRoom(new Rect(Vertical ? 0 : chosenTier, Vertical ? chosenTier : 0, Vertical ? sideLength : 1, Vertical ? 1 : sideLength), roomGen, this.LargeRoomComponents.Clone());

            GenContextDebug.DebugProgress("Center Room");

            //add the legs
            for (int ii = 0; ii < sideLength; ii++)
                if (chosenTier > 0)
                    if (rand.Next(100) < LegPercent)
                        int roomTier = rand.Next(0, chosenTier);
                        floorPlan.AddRoom(new Loc(Vertical ? ii : roomTier, Vertical ? roomTier : ii), GenericRooms.Pick(rand), this.RoomComponents.Clone());
                        for (int jj = roomTier; jj < chosenTier; jj++)
                            SafeAddHall(new LocRay4(new Loc(Vertical ? ii : jj, Vertical ? jj : ii), Vertical ? Dir4.Down : Dir4.Right),
                                        floorPlan, GenericHalls.Pick(rand), GetDefaultGen(), this.RoomComponents, this.HallComponents, true);

                        GenContextDebug.DebugProgress("Add Leg");

                        int hasRoom = -1;
                        for (int jj = ii - 1; jj >= 0; jj--)
                            if (floorPlan.GetRoomPlan(new Loc(Vertical ? jj : roomTier, Vertical ? roomTier : jj)) != null)
                                hasRoom = jj;
                        if (ii > 0 && hasRoom > -1)
                            if (rand.Next(100) < ConnectPercent)
                                for (int jj = ii; jj > hasRoom; jj--)
                                    SafeAddHall(new LocRay4(new Loc(Vertical ? jj : roomTier, Vertical ? roomTier : jj), Vertical ? Dir4.Left : Dir4.Up),
                                                floorPlan, GenericHalls.Pick(rand), GetDefaultGen(), this.RoomComponents, this.HallComponents, true);

                                    GenContextDebug.DebugProgress("Connect Leg");
                if (chosenTier < gapLength - 1)
                    if (rand.Next(100) < LegPercent)
                        int roomTier = rand.Next(chosenTier + 1, gapLength);
                        floorPlan.AddRoom(new Loc(Vertical ? ii : roomTier, Vertical ? roomTier : ii), GenericRooms.Pick(rand), this.RoomComponents.Clone());
                        for (int jj = chosenTier; jj < roomTier; jj++)
                            SafeAddHall(new LocRay4(new Loc(Vertical ? ii : jj, Vertical ? jj : ii), Vertical ? Dir4.Down : Dir4.Right),
                                        floorPlan, GenericHalls.Pick(rand), GetDefaultGen(), this.RoomComponents, this.HallComponents, true);

                        GenContextDebug.DebugProgress("Add Leg");

                        int hasRoom = -1;
                        for (int jj = ii - 1; jj >= 0; jj--)
                            if (floorPlan.GetRoomPlan(new Loc(Vertical ? jj : roomTier, Vertical ? roomTier : jj)) != null)
                                hasRoom = jj;
                        if (ii > 0 && hasRoom > -1)
                            if (rand.Next(100) < ConnectPercent)
                                for (int jj = ii; jj > hasRoom; jj--)
                                    SafeAddHall(new LocRay4(new Loc(Vertical ? jj : roomTier, Vertical ? roomTier : jj), Vertical ? Dir4.Left : Dir4.Up),
                                                floorPlan, GenericHalls.Pick(rand), GetDefaultGen(), this.RoomComponents, this.HallComponents, true);

                                    GenContextDebug.DebugProgress("Connect Leg");