public override Tuple <GeckoSession, GeckoRuntime> CreateNewSession() { var settings = new GeckoSessionSettings.Builder() .UsePrivateMode(true) //Use private mode in order to never cache anything at each app session .UseTrackingProtection(true) .UserAgentMode(GeckoSessionSettings.UserAgentModeMobile) .SuspendMediaWhenInactive(true) .AllowJavascript(true) .Build(); GeckoSession _session = new GeckoSession(settings); GeckoRuntime _runtime = GeckoRuntime.Create(Context); _session.Open(_runtime); _session.ProgressDelegate = new ProgressDelegate(this); _session.ContentDelegate = new ContentDelegate(this); if (WebApplicationFactory._debugFeatures) { _runtime.Settings.SetRemoteDebuggingEnabled(true); _runtime.Settings.SetConsoleOutputEnabled(true); } return(Tuple.Create(_session, _runtime)); }
public override Tuple <GeckoSession, GeckoRuntime> CreateNewSession(bool needSessionOpening, string uri) { if (!_firstCall) { GeckoSession newSession = new GeckoSession(); GeckoRuntime newRuntime = GeckoRuntime.GetDefault(Context); //With our scenario this should not happen, but enforcing rule just for sanity check if (needSessionOpening) { newSession.Open(newRuntime); } return(new Tuple <GeckoSession, GeckoRuntime>(newSession, newRuntime)); } var settings = new GeckoSessionSettings.Builder() .UsePrivateMode(true) //Use private mode in order to never cache anything at each app session .UseTrackingProtection(true) .UserAgentMode(GeckoSessionSettings.UserAgentModeMobile) .SuspendMediaWhenInactive(true) .AllowJavascript(true) .Build(); GeckoSession _session = new GeckoSession(settings); GeckoRuntime _runtime = GeckoRuntime.GetDefault(Context); //Register BlazorMobile iframe listener WebExtension, as GeckoView LoadRequest does not bubble up when navigating through an iFrame. //NOTE: Delegate for WebExtension handling seem missing from current Xamarin.GeckoView generated bindings, but the handling will be workarounded through the local BlazorMobile server //WARNING: With our implementation, registering a WebExtension is per WebView if the same runtime object is used, not per session WebExtensionHelper.RegisterWebExtension(Element as BlazorGeckoView, _runtime, "resource://android/assets/obj/BlazorMobile/web_extensions/iframe_listener/"); if (needSessionOpening) { _session.Open(_runtime); } _session.PromptDelegate = new BlazorGeckoViewPromptDelegate(this); _session.ProgressDelegate = new BlazorProgressDelegate(this); _session.ContentDelegate = new BlazorContentDelegate(this); _session.NavigationDelegate = new BlazorNavigationDelegate(this); if (WebApplicationFactory._debugFeatures) { _runtime.Settings.SetRemoteDebuggingEnabled(true); _runtime.Settings.SetConsoleOutputEnabled(true); } _firstCall = false; return(Tuple.Create(_session, _runtime)); }
public override void OnPageStop(GeckoSession session, bool success) { base.OnPageStop(session, success); }
public override GeckoResult OnLoadRequest(GeckoSession session, GeckoSession.avigationDelegateClassLoadRequest request) { return(base.OnLoadRequest(session, request)); }
public override GeckoResult OnNewSession(GeckoSession session, string uri) { return(base.OnNewSession(session, uri)); }
public virtual void OnAuthPrompt(GeckoSession session, string title, string msg, GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassAuthOptions options, GeckoSession.PromptDelegateClassAuthCallback callback) { }
public override void OnCanGoForward(GeckoSession session, bool canGoForward) { base.OnCanGoForward(session, canGoForward); }
public override void OnFirstComposite(GeckoSession session) { base.OnFirstComposite(session); }
public override void OnFullScreen(GeckoSession session, bool fullScreen) { base.OnFullScreen(session, fullScreen); }
public override void OnCloseRequest(GeckoSession session) { base.OnCloseRequest(session); }
public override void OnCrash(GeckoSession session) { base.OnCrash(session); }
public virtual void OnTextPrompt(GeckoSession session, string title, string msg, string value, GeckoSession.PromptDelegateClassTextCallback callback) { }
public override void OnPageStart(GeckoSession session, string url) { base.OnPageStart(session, url); }
public virtual GeckoResult OnPopupRequest(GeckoSession session, string targetUri) { //TODO throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public virtual void OnFilePrompt(GeckoSession session, string title, int type, string[] mimeTypes, GeckoSession.PromptDelegateClassFileCallback callback) { var currentActivity = BlazorWebViewService.GetCurrentActivity(); AlertDialog _futureDialog = null; //Workaround dismiss method not available on AlertDialog.Builder before Show(); bool shouldDismiss = true; var dialogBuilder = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(_renderer.Context); BlazorFileDialogDismissListener onDismissEvent = new BlazorFileDialogDismissListener(); onDismissEvent.SetDismissHandler(() => { if (shouldDismiss) { callback.Dismiss(); } dialogBuilder.Dispose(); }); dialogBuilder.SetOnDismissListener(onDismissEvent); GetContentCompatibleIntents(type, out List <IntentMetadata> intentList, out List <ResolveInfo> activitiesInfo); dialogBuilder.SetAdapter(BuilderAdapter(currentActivity, activitiesInfo), (sender, e) => { //On Intent click shouldDismiss = false; IntentMetadata selectedIntent = intentList.ElementAt(e.Which); //Check for Android permissions for intents RequestPermissionHelper.CheckForPermission(selectedIntent.RequiredPermissions, () => { //On Intent permission availables //We must manage multiple file selection too //TODO: Even by adding this intent //this seem to not working yet. Not sure if possible through launching external intents if (type == FilePromptType.MULTIPLE) { selectedIntent.Intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraAllowMultiple, true); } currentActivity.StartActivityForResult(selectedIntent.Intent, 1, (int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) => { if (resultCode != Result.Ok) { //Do nothing as the user is still now on the Intent dialog box chooser //As on Permission not granted, see comment below => //We should reset this value to true if denied, as the user may don't click on Cancel but use a back button instead //As the back button will call the Dialog dismiss internally, we should emulate the cancel behavior (see SetNeutralButton code) shouldDismiss = true; } else { try { callback.Confirm(currentActivity, GetFileForBrowser(data.Data)); } catch (System.Exception e) { ConsoleHelper.WriteException(e); callback.Dismiss(); } _futureDialog.Dismiss(); } }); }, () => { //On Intent permission unavailable //We should reset this value to true if denied, as the user may don't click on Cancel but use a back button instead //As the back button will call the Dialog dismiss internally, we should emulate the cancel behavior (see SetNeutralButton code) shouldDismiss = true; }); }); dialogBuilder.SetNeutralButton(currentActivity.Resources.GetString(Android.Resource.String.Cancel), (sender, e) => { shouldDismiss = true; _futureDialog.Dismiss(); }); shouldDismiss = true; _futureDialog = dialogBuilder.Show(); }
public virtual void OnDateTimePrompt(GeckoSession session, string title, int type, string value, string min, string max, GeckoSession.PromptDelegateClassTextCallback callback) { }
public virtual void OnChoicePrompt(GeckoSession session, string title, string msg, int type, GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice[] choices, GeckoSession.PromptDelegateClassChoiceCallback prompt) { //This code is highly inspired of var currentActivity = BlazorWebViewService.GetCurrentActivity(); if (currentActivity == null) { prompt.Dismiss(); return; } var builder = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(currentActivity); AddStandardLayout(builder, title, msg); Android.Widget.ListView list = new Android.Widget.ListView(builder.Context); if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMultiple) { list.ChoiceMode = ChoiceMode.Multiple; } ModifiableChoiceArrayAdapter <ModifiableChoice> adapter = new ModifiableChoiceArrayAdapter <ModifiableChoice>(builder.Context, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, type, builder, list); AddChoiceItems(type, adapter, choices, /* indent */ null); list.SetAdapter(adapter); builder.SetView(list); AlertDialog dialog; if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeSingle || type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMenu) { dialog = CreateStandardDialog(builder, prompt); list.ItemClick += (sender, e) => { ModifiableChoice item = adapter.GetItem(e.Position); if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMenu) { GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice[] children = item.Choice.Items?.ToArray(); if (children != null) { // Show sub-menu. dialog.SetOnDismissListener(null); dialog.Dismiss(); OnChoicePrompt(session, item.ModifiableLabel, /* msg */ null, type, children, prompt); return; } } prompt.Confirm(item.Choice); dialog.Dismiss(); }; } else if (type == GeckoSession.romptDelegateClassChoice.ChoiceTypeMultiple) { list.ItemClick += (sender, e) => { ModifiableChoice item = adapter.GetItem(e.Position); item.ModifiableSelected = ((CheckedTextView)e.View).Checked; }; builder .SetNegativeButton(Android.Resource.String.Cancel, /* listener */ (IDialogInterfaceOnClickListener)null) .SetPositiveButton(Android.Resource.String.Ok, (sender, e) => { int len = adapter.Count; List <string> items = new List <string>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ModifiableChoice item = adapter.GetItem(i); if (item.ModifiableSelected) { items.Add(item.Choice.Id); } } prompt.Confirm(items.ToArray()); }); dialog = CreateStandardDialog(builder, prompt); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } dialog.Show(); //TODO: Don't forget to Dispose dialogbuilder }
public virtual void OnButtonPrompt(GeckoSession session, string title, string msg, string[] btnMsg, GeckoSession.PromptDelegateClassButtonCallback callback) { }
public override void OnContextMenu(GeckoSession session, int screenX, int screenY, GeckoSession.ContentDelegateContextElement element) { base.OnContextMenu(session, screenX, screenY, element); }
public override void OnProgressChange(GeckoSession session, int progress) { base.OnProgressChange(session, progress); }
public override void OnExternalResponse(GeckoSession session, GeckoSession.WebResponseInfo response) { base.OnExternalResponse(session, response); }
public override void OnSecurityChange(GeckoSession session, GeckoSession.ProgressDelegateSecurityInformation securityInfo) { base.OnSecurityChange(session, securityInfo); }
public override void OnFocusRequest(GeckoSession session) { base.OnFocusRequest(session); }
public override void OnCanGoBack(GeckoSession session, bool canGoBack) { base.OnCanGoBack(session, canGoBack); }
public override void OnTitleChange(GeckoSession session, string title) { base.OnTitleChange(session, title); }
public virtual void OnAlert(GeckoSession session, string title, string msg, GeckoSession.PromptDelegateClassAlertCallback callback) { }