コード例 #1
    // This function kills the object with the name passed
    //   in the parameter. It is called recursively through
    //   the entire hierarchy. It returns true if the object
    //   was killed, false otherwise.

    public bool KillChildNamed(string name)
        // Check to see if m_child is nothing

        if (m_Child != null)
            // Check to see if the current child is the object
            //   to be disposed of.

            if (m_Child.Name == name)
                // Kill m_Child

                m_Child = null;

                // try { to find object to kill by searching through
                //   child hierarchy.


            // We've reached the end of the chain and
            //   didn't find the object so return false

コード例 #2
ファイル: frmMain.cs プロジェクト: sky7sea/MSDNSamples
    // This subroutine creates a hierarchy of OBJECT_DEPTH + 1 objects -- the

    //   main object, and OBJECT_DEPTH children

    private void btnCreateObjects_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Test for existence of m_TextObject. Only allow the user to create

        //   one object tree at a time.

        if (m_TestObject == null)
            // Output activity to log.

            this.AddToActivityLog(" -- Creating Object Tree -- ");

            // Create the test object. This will automatically create the
            //   object hierarchy since the GcTest constructor automatically
            //   calls itself recursively OBJECT_DEPTH number of times.

            m_TestObject = new GcTest("TestObject", OBJECT_DEPTH);

            // Add an event handler to handle the information events that
            //   are raised by the GcTest object

            m_TestObject.ObjectGcInfo += new GcTest.InfoEventHandler(myObjectEventHandler);

            // Show the generation numbers and display them in the activity log.

            // Output the ArrayList strings (Generations) to the Activity Log

            foreach (Object myObject in m_TestObject.GetSelfAndChildGenerations())

            // Redisplay the object hierarchy in the ListBox

            // Only let the user create one tree. Object exists so just
            //   warn the user.

            MessageBox.Show("Please Kill existing objects before creating new objects.", this.Text);
コード例 #3
    // Ensure a constructor is created that accepts two parameters -- the
    // name of the object and the number of levels of child
    // elements that should be created.
    // new() is the keyword used to create a constructor in Visual Basic.NET.

    public GcTest(string name, int numLevels)
        // Just set the name of the current object to the passed name parameter.

        m_Name = name;

        // Only objects declared using will receive this
        // event, since event handlers pointed to by AddHandler can only
        // be associated after the object is created. Since in this How-To, they
        // are created dynamically, this event won't be caught.

        if (ObjectGcInfo != null)
            ObjectGcInfo(m_Name + " Created");
        // Ensure the object hierarchy isn't too deep, since it doesn't help with
        // understanding the Garbage Collector and it makes for
        // a messy user iterface.
        // Limit the number of levels to 5.

        if (numLevels > 5)
            numLevels = 5;

        // Begin by testing that the numLevels is greater than zero, so
        //   that our hierarchy is limited. if it is greater than zero, then
        //   create a child object, naming it the name of the current object
        //   except prefixing it with an "*" to distinguish it. Also, be sure
        //   to decrement the number of
        //   levels (so that it doesn't create objects indefinitely).

        if (numLevels > 0)
            m_Child = new GcTest("*" + m_Name, numLevels - 1);

            // ObjectGcInfo can be raised by the child object, well
            //   this object, so ensure that the myChildHandler has been
            //   associated with the child's ObjectGcInfo event.

            m_Child.ObjectGcInfo += new InfoEventHandler(myChildHandler);
コード例 #4
ファイル: frmMain.cs プロジェクト: sky7sea/MSDNSamples
    // This subroutine disposes of the object selected in the lstCreatedObjects
    //   ListBox. How the objects are Disposed depends on whether the
    //   chkIsFinalizeSuppressed is checked. if it is checked, then the Dispose
    //   method will suppress the finalization of the object and its children,
    //   otherwise the garbage collector will run.
    // The way the Dispose method of the GcTest class is designed, it will Dispose
    //   and kill each of its child objects, but will not kill itself.

    private void btnDisposeObject_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Check to ensure that there is a selected item

        if (this.lstCreatedObjects.SelectedItem == null)

        // Get the name of the selected object from the ListBox

        string strName = this.lstCreatedObjects.SelectedItem.ToString();

        // Output activity to log.

        AddToActivityLog(" -- Disposing of " + strName + " -- ");

        // Check to see what object is being Disposed. if it is not
        //   the current object, then call the DisposeChildNamed()
        //   subroutine to try to find the right object to dispose of.

        if (strName == this.m_TestObject.Name)
            // Dispose of m_TestObject.


            // Set it equal to null.

            m_TestObject = null;
            // try { to find object to Dispose by searching through
            //   child hierarchy.

            m_TestObject.DisposeChildNamed(strName, chkIsFinalizeSuppressed.Checked);

        // Redisplay the object hierarchy in the ListBox.

コード例 #5
ファイル: frmMain.cs プロジェクト: sky7sea/MSDNSamples
    // This subroutine kills the object selected in the lstCreatedObjects
    //   ListBox by setting it to null, which opens it up for Garbage
    //   Collection.

    private void btnKillObject_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Check to ensure that there is a selected item

        if (this.lstCreatedObjects.SelectedItem == null)

        // Get the name of the selected object from the ListBox

        string strName = this.lstCreatedObjects.SelectedItem.ToString();

        // Output activity to log.

        this.AddToActivityLog(" -- Killing " + strName + " -- ");

        // Check to see what object is being killed. if it is not
        //   the current object, then call the KillChildNamed()
        //   subroutine to try to find the right object to kill.

        if (strName == this.m_TestObject.Name)
            // Kill m_TestObject by setting it equal to null.

            m_TestObject = null;
            // try { to find object to Dispose by searching through
            //   child hierarchy.


        // Redisplay the object hierarchy in the ListBox
コード例 #6
    // Declare a Dispose method.

    public void Dispose(bool isFinalizeSupressed)
        // if SuppressFinalize is requested, tell the Garbage Collector
        //   to suppress the finalization of this object. This can dramatically
        //   increase the performance of the garbage collector.

        if (isFinalizeSupressed)

        // Dispose of any Children and set them to null

        if (m_Child != null)
            m_Child = null;

        // Raise event showing that the object was disposed. Include in
        //   parenthesis the value of SuppressFinalize.

        ObjectGcInfo(m_Name + " Disposed (" + isFinalizeSupressed.ToString() + ")");