コード例 #1
        public void UpdateStatus(GbState state)
            _lastState = state;

            _cpuBinder.Entity = state.Cpu;

            txtHL.Text = ((state.Cpu.H << 8) | state.Cpu.L).ToString("X4");

            _ppuBinder.Entity = state.Ppu;

コード例 #2
        public static byte[] GetGameboyPalette()
            byte[] cgRam = new byte[512];

            //Generate a fake SNES-like palette based on the gameboy PPU state
            GbState    state = DebugApi.GetState().Gameboy;
            GbPpuState ppu   = state.Ppu;

            if (state.Type == GbType.Cgb)
                for (int i = 0; i < 8 * 4; i++)
                    cgRam[i * 2]     = (byte)(ppu.CgbBgPalettes[i] & 0xFF);
                    cgRam[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)(ppu.CgbBgPalettes[i] >> 8);

                for (int i = 0; i < 8 * 4; i++)
                    cgRam[128 + i * 2]     = (byte)(ppu.CgbObjPalettes[i] & 0xFF);
                    cgRam[128 + i * 2 + 1] = (byte)(ppu.CgbObjPalettes[i] >> 8);
                byte[,] paletteBytes = new byte[4, 2] {
                    { 0xFF, 0x7F }, { 0x18, 0x63 }, { 0x8C, 0x31 }, { 0, 0 }

                Action <byte, UInt16> setPalette = (byte pal, UInt16 offset) => {
                    cgRam[offset]     = paletteBytes[pal & 0x03, 0];
                    cgRam[offset + 1] = paletteBytes[pal & 0x03, 1];
                    cgRam[offset + 2] = paletteBytes[(pal >> 2) & 0x03, 0];
                    cgRam[offset + 3] = paletteBytes[(pal >> 2) & 0x03, 1];
                    cgRam[offset + 4] = paletteBytes[(pal >> 4) & 0x03, 0];
                    cgRam[offset + 5] = paletteBytes[(pal >> 4) & 0x03, 1];
                    cgRam[offset + 6] = paletteBytes[(pal >> 6) & 0x03, 0];
                    cgRam[offset + 7] = paletteBytes[(pal >> 6) & 0x03, 1];

                setPalette(ppu.BgPalette, 0);
                setPalette(ppu.ObjPalette0, 32);
                setPalette(ppu.ObjPalette1, 64);
                setPalette(0xE4, 96);
コード例 #3
ファイル: frmRegisterViewer.cs プロジェクト: piepacker/mesens
        private void UpdateGameboyTab()
            GbState         gb      = _state.Gameboy;
            List <RegEntry> entries = new List <RegEntry>();

            GbPpuState ppu = gb.Ppu;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF40", "LCD Control (LCDC)", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.0", "Background Enabled", ppu.BgEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.1", "Sprites Enabled", ppu.BgEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.2", "Sprite size", ppu.LargeSprites ? "8x16" : "8x8"),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.3", "BG Tilemap Select", ppu.BgTilemapSelect ? 0x9C00 : 0x9800, Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.4", "BG Tile Select", ppu.BgTileSelect ? "$8000-$8FFF" : "$8800-$97FF"),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.5", "Window Enabled", ppu.WindowEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.6", "Window Tilemap Select", ppu.WindowTilemapSelect ? 0x9C00 : 0x9800, Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.7", "LCD Enabled", ppu.LcdEnabled),

                new RegEntry("$FF41", "LCD Status (STAT)", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.0-1", "Mode", (int)ppu.Mode),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.2", "Coincidence Flag", ppu.LyCoincidenceFlag),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.3", "Mode 0 H-Blank IRQ", (ppu.Status & 0x08) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.4", "Mode 1 V-Blank IRQ", (ppu.Status & 0x10) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.5", "Mode 2 OAM IRQ", (ppu.Status & 0x20) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.6", "LYC=LY Coincidence IRQ", (ppu.Status & 0x40) != 0),

                new RegEntry("", "LCD Registers", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF42", "Scroll Y (SCY)", ppu.ScrollY, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF43", "Scroll X (SCX)", ppu.ScrollX, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF44", "Y-Coordinate (LY)", ppu.Ly, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF45", "LY Compare (LYC)", ppu.LyCompare, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF47", "BG Palette (BGP)", ppu.BgPalette, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF48", "OBJ Palette 0 (OBP0)", ppu.ObjPalette0, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF49", "OBJ Palette 1 (OBP1)", ppu.ObjPalette1, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF4A", "Window Y (WY)", ppu.WindowY, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF4B", "Window X (WX)", ppu.WindowX, Format.X8),

            GbTimerState timer = gb.Timer;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF04-7", "Timer", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF04", "DIV - Divider", timer.Divider, Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("$FF05", "TIMA - Counter", timer.Counter, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF06", "TMA - Modulo", timer.Modulo, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF07", "TAC - Control", timer.Control, Format.X8)

            GbDmaControllerState dma = gb.Dma;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("", "DMA", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF46", "OAM DMA - Source", (dma.OamDmaSource << 8), Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("$FF51-2", "CGB - Source", dma.CgbDmaSource, Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("$FF53-4", "CGB - Destination", dma.CgbDmaDest, Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("$FF55.0-6", "CGB - Length", dma.CgbDmaLength, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF55.7", "CGB - HDMA Done", dma.CgbHdmaDone),
                new RegEntry("", "CGB - HDMA Running", dma.CgbHdmaRunning),

            GbMemoryManagerState memManager = gb.MemoryManager;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("", "IRQ", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF0F", "IF - IRQ Flags", memManager.IrqRequests, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF0F.0", "IF - Vertical Blank IRQ", (memManager.IrqRequests & 0x01) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF0F.1", "IF - STAT IRQ", (memManager.IrqRequests & 0x02) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF0F.2", "IF - Timer IRQ", (memManager.IrqRequests & 0x04) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF0F.3", "IF - Serial IRQ", (memManager.IrqRequests & 0x08) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF0F.4", "IF - Joypad IRQ", (memManager.IrqRequests & 0x10) != 0),

                new RegEntry("$FFFF", "IE - IRQ Enabled", memManager.IrqEnabled, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FFFF.0", "IE - Vertical Blank IRQ Enabled", (memManager.IrqEnabled & 0x01) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FFFF.1", "IE - STAT IRQ Enabled", (memManager.IrqEnabled & 0x02) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FFFF.2", "IE - Timer IRQ Enabled", (memManager.IrqEnabled & 0x04) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FFFF.3", "IE - Serial IRQ Enabled", (memManager.IrqEnabled & 0x08) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FFFF.4", "IE - Joypad IRQ Enabled", (memManager.IrqEnabled & 0x10) != 0),

                new RegEntry("", "Misc", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF00", "Input Select", memManager.InputSelect, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF01", "Serial Data", memManager.SerialData, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF02", "Serial Control", memManager.SerialControl, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("", "Serial Bit Count", memManager.SerialBitCount),

            GbApuState apu = gb.Apu.Common;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("", "APU", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF24.0-2", "Volume Right", apu.RightVolume),
                new RegEntry("$FF24.3", "External Audio Right Enabled", apu.ExtAudioRightEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF24.4-6", "Volume Left", apu.LeftVolume),
                new RegEntry("$FF24.7", "External Audio Left Enabled", apu.ExtAudioRightEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF25.0", "Right Square 1 Enabled", apu.EnableRightSq1 != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF25.1", "Right Square 2 Enabled", apu.EnableRightSq2 != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF25.2", "Right Wave Enabled", apu.EnableRightWave != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF25.3", "Right Noise Enabled", apu.EnableRightNoise != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF25.4", "Left Square 1 Enabled", apu.EnableLeftSq1 != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF25.5", "Left Square 2 Enabled", apu.EnableLeftSq2 != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF25.6", "Left Wave Enabled", apu.EnableLeftWave != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF25.7", "Left Noise Enabled", apu.EnableLeftNoise != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF26.7", "APU Enabled", apu.ApuEnabled),
                new RegEntry("", "Frame Sequencer", apu.FrameSequenceStep),

            GbSquareState sq1 = gb.Apu.Square1;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF10-$FF14", "Square 1", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF10.0-2", "Sweep Shift", sq1.SweepShift),
                new RegEntry("$FF10.3", "Sweep Negate", sq1.SweepNegate),
                new RegEntry("$FF10.4-7", "Sweep Period", sq1.SweepPeriod),

                new RegEntry("$FF11.0-5", "Length", sq1.Length),
                new RegEntry("$FF11.6-7", "Duty", sq1.Duty),

                new RegEntry("$FF12.0-2", "Envelope Period", sq1.EnvPeriod),
                new RegEntry("$FF12.3", "Envelope Increase Volume", sq1.EnvRaiseVolume),
                new RegEntry("$FF12.4-7", "Envelope Volume", sq1.EnvVolume),

                new RegEntry("$FF13+$FF14.0-2", "Frequency", sq1.Frequency),
                new RegEntry("$FF14.6", "Length Counter Enabled", sq1.LengthEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF14.7", "Channel Enabled", sq1.Enabled),

                new RegEntry("--", "Timer", sq1.Timer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Duty Position", sq1.DutyPos),
                new RegEntry("--", "Sweep Enabled", sq1.SweepEnabled),
                new RegEntry("--", "Sweep Frequency", sq1.SweepFreq),
                new RegEntry("--", "Sweep Timer", sq1.SweepTimer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Envelope Timer", sq1.EnvTimer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Output", sq1.Output)

            GbSquareState sq2 = gb.Apu.Square2;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF16-$FF19", "Square 2", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF16.0-5", "Length", sq2.Length),
                new RegEntry("$FF16.6-7", "Duty", sq2.Duty),

                new RegEntry("$FF17.0-2", "Envelope Period", sq2.EnvPeriod),
                new RegEntry("$FF17.3", "Envelope Increase Volume", sq2.EnvRaiseVolume),
                new RegEntry("$FF17.4-7", "Envelope Volume", sq2.EnvVolume),

                new RegEntry("$FF18+$FF19.0-2", "Frequency", sq2.Frequency),
                new RegEntry("$FF19.6", "Length Counter Enabled", sq2.LengthEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF19.7", "Channel Enabled", sq2.Enabled),

                new RegEntry("--", "Timer", sq2.Timer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Duty Position", sq2.DutyPos),
                new RegEntry("--", "Envelope Timer", sq2.EnvTimer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Output", sq2.Output)

            GbNoiseState noise = gb.Apu.Noise;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF20-$FF23", "Noise", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF20.0-5", "Length", noise.Length),

                new RegEntry("$FF21.0-2", "Envelope Period", noise.EnvPeriod),
                new RegEntry("$FF21.3", "Envelope Increase Volume", noise.EnvRaiseVolume),
                new RegEntry("$FF21.4-7", "Envelope Volume", noise.EnvVolume),

                new RegEntry("$FF23.0-2", "Divisor", noise.Divisor),
                new RegEntry("$FF23.3", "Short Mode", noise.ShortWidthMode),
                new RegEntry("$FF23.4-7", "Period Shift", noise.PeriodShift),

                new RegEntry("$FF24.6", "Length Counter Enabled", noise.LengthEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF24.7", "Channel Enabled", noise.Enabled),

                new RegEntry("--", "Timer", noise.Timer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Envelope Timer", noise.EnvTimer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Shift Register", noise.ShiftRegister, Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("--", "Output", noise.Output)

            GbWaveState wave = gb.Apu.Wave;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF1A-$FF1E", "Wave", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF1A.7", "Sound Enabled", wave.DacEnabled),

                new RegEntry("$FF1B", "Length", wave.Length),

                new RegEntry("$FF1C.5-6", "Volume", wave.Volume),

                new RegEntry("$FF1D+$FF1E.0-2", "Frequency", wave.Frequency),

                new RegEntry("$FF1E.6", "Length Counter Enabled", wave.LengthEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF1E.7", "Channel Enabled", wave.Enabled),

                new RegEntry("--", "Timer", wave.Timer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Sample Buffer", wave.SampleBuffer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Position", wave.Position),
                new RegEntry("--", "Output", wave.Output),

コード例 #4
        public void UpdateCpuRegions(GbState gbState)
            GbMemoryManagerState    state   = gbState.MemoryManager;
            List <MemoryRegionInfo> regions = new List <MemoryRegionInfo>();

            Action <int> addEmpty = (int size) => { regions.Add(new MemoryRegionInfo()
                    Name = "N/A", Size = size, Color = Color.FromArgb(222, 222, 222)
                }); };

            Action <int, int, RegisterAccess> addWorkRam = (int page, int size, RegisterAccess type) => {
                string name = size >= 0x1000 ? ("WRAM ($" + page.ToString("X2") + ")") : (size >= 0x800 ? ("$" + page.ToString("X2")) : "");
                regions.Add(new MemoryRegionInfo()
                    Name = name, Size = size, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xCD, 0xDC, 0xFA), AccessType = type

            Action <int, int, RegisterAccess> addSaveRam = (int page, int size, RegisterAccess type) => {
                string name = size >= 0x2000 ? ("Save RAM ($" + page.ToString("X2") + ")") : (size >= 0x800 ? ("$" + page.ToString("X2")) : "");
                regions.Add(new MemoryRegionInfo()
                    Name = name, Size = size, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFA, 0xDC, 0xCD), AccessType = type

            Action <int, int, RegisterAccess> addCartRam = (int page, int size, RegisterAccess type) => {
                string name = size >= 0x2000 ? ("Cart RAM ($" + page.ToString("X2") + ")") : (size >= 0x800 ? ("$" + page.ToString("X2")) : "");
                regions.Add(new MemoryRegionInfo()
                    Name = name, Size = size, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFA, 0xDC, 0xCD), AccessType = type

            Action <int, int, Color> addPrgRom = (int page, int size, Color color) => { regions.Add(new MemoryRegionInfo()
                    Name = "$" + page.ToString("X2"), Size = size, Color = color
                }); };

            Action <int> addBootRom = (int size) => { regions.Add(new MemoryRegionInfo()
                    Name = "", Size = size, Color = Color.IndianRed
                }); };

            GbMemoryType   memoryType     = GbMemoryType.None;
            RegisterAccess accessType     = RegisterAccess.None;
            int            currentSize    = 0;
            int            startIndex     = 0;
            bool           alternateColor = true;

            const int prgBankSize   = 0x4000;
            const int otherBankSize = 0x2000;

            Action <int> addSection = (int i) => {
                if (currentSize == 0)

                if (memoryType == GbMemoryType.None)
                else if (memoryType == GbMemoryType.PrgRom)
                    addPrgRom((int)(state.MemoryOffset[startIndex] / prgBankSize), currentSize, alternateColor ? Color.FromArgb(0xC4, 0xE7, 0xD4) : Color.FromArgb(0xA4, 0xD7, 0xB4));
                    alternateColor = !alternateColor;
                else if (memoryType == GbMemoryType.WorkRam)
                    addWorkRam((int)(state.MemoryOffset[startIndex] / otherBankSize), currentSize, accessType);
                else if (memoryType == GbMemoryType.CartRam)
                    if (gbState.HasBattery)
                        addSaveRam((int)(state.MemoryOffset[startIndex] / otherBankSize), currentSize, accessType);
                        addCartRam((int)(state.MemoryOffset[startIndex] / otherBankSize), currentSize, accessType);
                else if (memoryType == GbMemoryType.BootRom)
                currentSize = 0;
                startIndex  = i;

            for (int i = 0; i < 0xFE; i++)
                if (i == 0x80)
                    regions.Add(new MemoryRegionInfo()
                        Name = "VRAM", Size = 0x2000, Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFA, 0xDC, 0xCD), AccessType = RegisterAccess.ReadWrite
                    memoryType  = GbMemoryType.None;
                    accessType  = RegisterAccess.None;
                    currentSize = 0;
                    i          += 0x20;

                if (state.MemoryAccessType[i] != RegisterAccess.None)
                    bool forceNewBlock = (
                        (memoryType == GbMemoryType.PrgRom && state.MemoryOffset[i] % prgBankSize == 0) ||
                        (memoryType == GbMemoryType.WorkRam && state.MemoryOffset[i] % otherBankSize == 0) ||
                        (memoryType == GbMemoryType.CartRam && state.MemoryOffset[i] % otherBankSize == 0)

                    if (forceNewBlock || memoryType != state.MemoryType[i] || state.MemoryOffset[i] - state.MemoryOffset[i - 1] != 0x100)
                    memoryType = state.MemoryType[i];
                    accessType = state.MemoryAccessType[i];
                    if (memoryType != GbMemoryType.None)
                    memoryType = GbMemoryType.None;
                    accessType = RegisterAccess.None;
                currentSize += 0x100;

            //Set work ram mappings to stop at 0xFE00
            regions[regions.Count - 1].Size = 0x1E00;

            regions.Add(new MemoryRegionInfo()
                Name = "", Size = 0x200, Color = Color.FromArgb(222, 222, 222)

コード例 #5
        private void UpdateGameboyTab()
            GbState         gb      = _state.Gameboy;
            List <RegEntry> entries = new List <RegEntry>();

            GbPpuState ppu = gb.Ppu;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF40", "LCD Control (LCDC)", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.0", "Background Enabled", ppu.BgEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.1", "Sprites Enabled", ppu.BgEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.2", "Sprite size", ppu.LargeSprites ? "8x16" : "8x8"),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.3", "BG Tilemap Select", ppu.BgTilemapSelect ? 0x9C00 : 0x9800, Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.4", "BG Tile Select", ppu.BgTileSelect ? "$8000-$8FFF" : "$8800-$97FF"),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.5", "Window Enabled", ppu.WindowEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.6", "Window Tilemap Select", ppu.WindowTilemapSelect ? 0x9C00 : 0x9800, Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("$FF40.7", "LCD Enabled", ppu.LcdEnabled),

                new RegEntry("$FF41", "LCD Status (STAT)", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.0-1", "Mode", (int)ppu.Mode),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.2", "Coincidence Flag", ppu.LyCoincidenceFlag),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.3", "Mode 0 H-Blank IRQ", (ppu.Status & 0x08) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.4", "Mode 1 V-Blank IRQ", (ppu.Status & 0x10) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.5", "Mode 2 OAM IRQ", (ppu.Status & 0x20) != 0),
                new RegEntry("$FF41.6", "LYC=LY Coincidence IRQ", (ppu.Status & 0x40) != 0),

                new RegEntry("", "LCD Registers", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF42", "Scroll Y (SCY)", ppu.ScrollY, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF43", "Scroll X (SCX)", ppu.ScrollX, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF44", "Y-Coordinate (LY)", ppu.Ly, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF45", "LY Compare (LYC)", ppu.LyCompare, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF47", "BG Palette (BGP)", ppu.BgPalette, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF48", "OBJ Palette 0 (OBP0)", ppu.ObjPalette0, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF49", "OBJ Palette 1 (OBP1)", ppu.ObjPalette1, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF4A", "Window Y (WY)", ppu.WindowY, Format.X8),
                new RegEntry("$FF4B", "Window X (WX)", ppu.WindowX, Format.X8),

            GbSquareState sq1 = gb.Apu.Square1;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF10-$FF14", "Square 1", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF10.0-2", "Sweep Shift", sq1.SweepShift),
                new RegEntry("$FF10.3", "Sweep Negate", sq1.SweepNegate),
                new RegEntry("$FF10.4-7", "Sweep Period", sq1.SweepPeriod),

                new RegEntry("$FF11.0-5", "Length", sq1.Length),
                new RegEntry("$FF11.6-7", "Duty", sq1.Duty),

                new RegEntry("$FF12.0-2", "Envelope Period", sq1.EnvPeriod),
                new RegEntry("$FF12.3", "Envelope Increase Volume", sq1.EnvRaiseVolume),
                new RegEntry("$FF12.4-7", "Envelope Volume", sq1.EnvVolume),

                new RegEntry("$FF13+$FF14.0-2", "Frequency", sq1.Frequency),
                new RegEntry("$FF14.6", "Length Counter Enabled", sq1.LengthEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF14.7", "Channel Enabled", sq1.Enabled),

                new RegEntry("--", "Timer", sq1.Timer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Duty Position", sq1.DutyPos),
                new RegEntry("--", "Sweep Enabled", sq1.SweepEnabled),
                new RegEntry("--", "Sweep Frequency", sq1.SweepFreq),
                new RegEntry("--", "Sweep Timer", sq1.SweepTimer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Envelope Timer", sq1.EnvTimer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Output", sq1.Output)

            GbSquareState sq2 = gb.Apu.Square2;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF16-$FF19", "Square 2", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF16.0-5", "Length", sq2.Length),
                new RegEntry("$FF16.6-7", "Duty", sq2.Duty),

                new RegEntry("$FF17.0-2", "Envelope Period", sq2.EnvPeriod),
                new RegEntry("$FF17.3", "Envelope Increase Volume", sq2.EnvRaiseVolume),
                new RegEntry("$FF17.4-7", "Envelope Volume", sq2.EnvVolume),

                new RegEntry("$FF18+$FF19.0-2", "Frequency", sq2.Frequency),
                new RegEntry("$FF19.6", "Length Counter Enabled", sq2.LengthEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF19.7", "Channel Enabled", sq2.Enabled),

                new RegEntry("--", "Timer", sq2.Timer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Duty Position", sq2.DutyPos),
                new RegEntry("--", "Envelope Timer", sq2.EnvTimer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Output", sq2.Output)

            GbNoiseState noise = gb.Apu.Noise;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF20-$FF23", "Noise", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF20.0-5", "Length", noise.Length),

                new RegEntry("$FF21.0-2", "Envelope Period", noise.EnvPeriod),
                new RegEntry("$FF21.3", "Envelope Increase Volume", noise.EnvRaiseVolume),
                new RegEntry("$FF21.4-7", "Envelope Volume", noise.EnvVolume),

                new RegEntry("$FF23.0-2", "Divisor", noise.Divisor),
                new RegEntry("$FF23.3", "Short Mode", noise.ShortWidthMode),
                new RegEntry("$FF23.4-7", "Period Shift", noise.PeriodShift),

                new RegEntry("$FF24.6", "Length Counter Enabled", noise.LengthEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF24.7", "Channel Enabled", noise.Enabled),

                new RegEntry("--", "Timer", noise.Timer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Envelope Timer", noise.EnvTimer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Shift Register", noise.ShiftRegister, Format.X16),
                new RegEntry("--", "Output", noise.Output)

            GbWaveState wave = gb.Apu.Wave;

            entries.AddRange(new List <RegEntry>()
                new RegEntry("$FF1A-$FF1E", "Wave", null),
                new RegEntry("$FF1A.7", "Sound Enabled", wave.DacEnabled),

                new RegEntry("$FF1B", "Length", wave.Length),

                new RegEntry("$FF1C.5-6", "Volume", wave.Volume),

                new RegEntry("$FF1D+$FF1E.0-2", "Frequency", wave.Frequency),

                new RegEntry("$FF1E.6", "Length Counter Enabled", wave.LengthEnabled),
                new RegEntry("$FF1E.7", "Channel Enabled", wave.Enabled),

                new RegEntry("--", "Timer", wave.Timer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Position", wave.SampleBuffer),
                new RegEntry("--", "Position", wave.Position),
                new RegEntry("--", "Output", wave.Output),
