コード例 #1
    void Awake()
        Instance = this;

        StandardDataFilepath = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + StandardDataFilepath;
        CustomDataFilepath   = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + CustomDataFilepath;
        EndRecording         = false;
        IsActive             = false;
        TotalGazeIterations  = 0;
        StTimer = CustTimer = 0;

        NewGazeSegment  = PreviousGazeSegment = new Vector2(-1, -1);
        CNewGazeSegment = CPreviousGazeSegment = -1;

        //initialize segments
        PanelSegments = new GazeSegment[NumSegments, NumSegments];

        for (int i = 0; i < NumSegments; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < NumSegments; j++)
                PanelSegments[i, j] = new GazeSegment();

        for (int i = 0; i < CustomSegments.Length; i++)
            CustomSegments[i].SegmentInfo = new GazeSegment();
コード例 #2
 public CustomSegment()
     SegmentInfo = new GazeSegment();
コード例 #3
    //JSON File stuff , copied from query manager. Maybe make them functions in a jsonmanager utility class?
    private void WriteDataToFile(string Filepath, int GridID)
        if (GridID == 0)
            Debug.Log("Saving standard grid data to file");
            //Per trial info
            JsonGazeData trialData = new JsonGazeData();
            trialData.UserID    = QueryManager.GetUserID();
            trialData.Maze      = QueryManager.GetMazeID();
            trialData.StartDate = StartRecordingDate.ToString();
            trialData.EndDate   = EndRecordingDate.ToString();
            trialData.SegmentID = new JsonGazeSegmentData[NumSegments * NumSegments];

            //Per segment info
            for (int i = 0; i < NumSegments; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < NumSegments; j++)
                    GazeSegment CurrentSegment = PanelSegments[i, j];

                    JsonGazeSegmentData SegmentInfo = new JsonGazeSegmentData();
                    SegmentInfo.x = i;
                    SegmentInfo.y = j;
                    SegmentInfo.TotalSegmentVisits   = PanelSegments[i, j].TotalNumberOfVisits;
                    SegmentInfo.AverageVisitDuration = PanelSegments[i, j].AvgVisitDuration;
                    SegmentInfo.TotalVisitPercentage = (PanelSegments[i, j].VisitPercentage).ToString("#.00") + "%";
                    SegmentInfo.GazeVisits           = new JsonVisitData[PanelSegments[i, j].SegmentVisits.Count];

                    //per segment visit info
                    for (int k = 0; k < PanelSegments[i, j].SegmentVisits.Count; k++)
                        JsonVisitData visitdata = new JsonVisitData();
                        visitdata.Time            = PanelSegments[i, j].SegmentVisits[k].VisitTimeStamp;
                        visitdata.VisitDuration   = PanelSegments[i, j].SegmentVisits[k].VisitDuration;
                        SegmentInfo.GazeVisits[k] = visitdata;
                    trialData.SegmentID[i * (NumSegments) + j] = SegmentInfo;

            //write to file
            string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(trialData, true);

            //Appending in the write position in the file

            //Read the existing contents of the file
            string ExistingFile = File.ReadAllText(Filepath);

            //Find the position of the $ which shows the position where we will append the new object
            int AppendPosition = ExistingFile.IndexOf("$");
            ExistingFile = ExistingFile.Insert(AppendPosition, json + ", \r\n");

            //Write the new string in the file
            File.WriteAllText(Filepath, ExistingFile);
        else if (GridID == 1)
            Debug.Log("Saving custom grid data to file");

            // I strongly dislike this
            //Per trial info
            JsonGazeData customTrialData = new JsonGazeData();
            customTrialData.UserID          = QueryManager.GetUserID();
            customTrialData.Maze            = QueryManager.GetMazeID();
            customTrialData.StartDate       = StartRecordingDate.ToString();
            customTrialData.EndDate         = EndRecordingDate.ToString();
            customTrialData.CustomSegmentID = new JsonCustomSegmentData[CustomSegments.Length];

            //Per segment info
            for (int i = 0; i < CustomSegments.Length; i++)
                //CustomSegment CurrentSegment = CustomSegments[i];

                JsonCustomSegmentData SegmentInfo = new JsonCustomSegmentData();
                SegmentInfo.tag = CustomSegments[i].CustomTag;
                SegmentInfo.TotalSegmentVisits   = CustomSegments[i].SegmentInfo.TotalNumberOfVisits;
                SegmentInfo.AverageVisitDuration = CustomSegments[i].SegmentInfo.AvgVisitDuration;
                SegmentInfo.TotalVisitPercentage = (CustomSegments[i].SegmentInfo.VisitPercentage).ToString("#.00") + "%";
                SegmentInfo.GazeVisits           = new JsonVisitData[CustomSegments[i].SegmentInfo.SegmentVisits.Count];

                //per segment visit info
                for (int k = 0; k < CustomSegments[i].SegmentInfo.SegmentVisits.Count; k++)
                    JsonVisitData visitdata = new JsonVisitData();
                    visitdata.Time            = CustomSegments[i].SegmentInfo.SegmentVisits[k].VisitTimeStamp;
                    visitdata.VisitDuration   = CustomSegments[i].SegmentInfo.SegmentVisits[k].VisitDuration;
                    SegmentInfo.GazeVisits[k] = visitdata;
                customTrialData.CustomSegmentID[i] = SegmentInfo;

            //write to file
            string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(customTrialData, true);

            //Appending in the write position in the file

            //Read the existing contents of the file
            string ExistingFile = File.ReadAllText(Filepath);

            //Find the position of the $ which shows the position where we will append the new object
            int AppendPosition = ExistingFile.IndexOf("$");
            ExistingFile = ExistingFile.Insert(AppendPosition, json + ", \r\n");

            //Write the new string in the file
            File.WriteAllText(Filepath, ExistingFile);