コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CannyEdgeDetector"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public CannyEdgeDetector(float gaussianSigma = GaussianBlurProcessor.DefaultSigma, int?gaussianRadius = null)
     if (gaussianRadius.NotNull())
         this.gaussianFilter = new GaussianBlurProcessor(gaussianSigma, gaussianRadius.Value);
         this.gaussianFilter = new GaussianBlurProcessor(gaussianSigma);
コード例 #2
        protected void AverageAndBlurPixels(int[] depthFrameDataInt, ref double[] averagedDepthFrameData)
            // Average across multiple frames
            for (var pixel = 0; pixel < depthFrameDataInt.Length; pixel++)
                if (depthFrameDataInt[pixel] > 200) // We have a valid pixel.
                    runningSum[pixel] += depthFrameDataInt[pixel];
                    if (pixel > 0) // Pixel is invalid and we have a neighbor to steal information from
                        runningSum[pixel] += depthFrameDataInt[pixel - 1];
                        // Replace the zero value from the depth array with the one from the neighboring pixel
                        renderBuffer.Last.Value[pixel] = depthFrameDataInt[pixel - 1];
                    else // Pixel is invalid and it is the first one in the list. (No neighbor on the left hand side, so we set it to the lowest point on the table)
                        runningSum[pixel] += (int)sensorElevation;
                        renderBuffer.Last.Value[pixel] = (int)sensorElevation;

                averagedDepthFrameData[pixel] = runningSum[pixel] / renderBuffer.Count; // Calculate average values
                if (elevationArray.Length > 0)
                    averagedDepthFrameData[pixel] -= elevationArray[pixel];                            // Correct for Kinect's inacurracies using input from the calibration component
                if (renderBuffer.Count >= averageFrames)
                    runningSum[pixel] -= renderBuffer.First.Value[pixel]; // Subtract the oldest value from the sum

            Core.LogTiming(ref output, timer, "Frames averaging"); // Debug Info

            if (blurRadius > 1)                                    // Apply gaussian blur
                var gaussianBlurProcessor = new GaussianBlurProcessor(blurRadius, trimmedWidth, trimmedHeight);
                Core.LogTiming(ref output, timer, "Gaussian blurring"); // Debug Info