コード例 #1
 // Function called when the cursor enters a garden plot
 public void WaterEnter(GameObject plot)
     if (plantInfo.gameObject.activeSelf == false)
         // If the plant info window is disabled, set the selected plot to the given plot and set isHovering to true
         selectedPlot = plot.GetComponent <GardenPlotScript>();
         if (selectedPlot.plotState != 0)
             isHovering = true;
コード例 #2
 // Function called when a player uses the garden plot buttons
 public void SelectPlot(GameObject plot)
     if (plantInfo.gameObject.activeSelf == false)
         // If the plant info window is disabled, update the selected plot with the button that was pressed
         selectedPlot = plot.GetComponent <GardenPlotScript>();
         if (!isWatering)
             if (selectedPlot.plotState == 0)
                 // If the garden is not in watering mode & the plot has no plant, enable the seed select window
                 if (seedSelect.activeSelf == false)
                 // If the garden is not in watering mode & the plot does have a plant, enable the plant info window
                 if (plantInfo.activeSelf == false)
                     // Change the plant info title text to be equal to the plots plant type
                     if (selectedPlot.plantType == "Sunflower")
                         plantTitle.text = "Sunflower";
                     else if (selectedPlot.plantType == "Carrot")
                         plantTitle.text = "Carrot";