public SoundHandle Play( Sound sound, SoundFlag flags, Transform parent = null, Vector3?worldPos = null, Unit attachToUnit = null ) { if (sound == null) { return(new SoundHandle()); } if (sound.clips.Length == 0) { return(new SoundHandle()); } if (!sound.loop && 0 == (flags & SoundFlag.OneShot)) { Dbg.LogWarnOnce(sound, "Tried to play {0} as one shot", sound); return(new SoundHandle()); } if (sound.loop && 0 == (flags & SoundFlag.Looping)) { Dbg.LogWarnOnce(sound, "Tried to play {0} as looping", sound); return(new SoundHandle()); } string channelName =; SoundChannel channel = channels.GetValue(channelName); if (channel == null) { channel = settings.defaultChannelSettings; } var sfx = GetSfxInst(); sfx.sound = sound; #if UNITY_EDITOR string name = GarbageCache.GetName(sound); if (! { = "SFX_" + name; } #endif // UNITY_EDITOR if (parent != null) { sfx.gameObject.transform.parent = parent; } sfx.attachedToUnit = attachToUnit; sfx.transform.position = worldPos ?? (parent == null ? : parent.position); sfx.Reset(sound, channel, timeScale: App.timeScale); sfx.source.Play(); return(new SoundHandle(sfx)); }
CoroutineHandle StartInternal(IEnumerator enumerator, Component attachTo, RoutineFlags flags = RoutineFlags.None) { if (enumerator == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("routine"); } if (attachTo != null && !attachTo.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { Dbg.LogError( attachTo, "Coroutine couldn't be started because the the game object '{0}' is inactive!", GarbageCache.GetName(attachTo.gameObject) ); return(new CoroutineHandle()); } var routine = new Routine( id: ++idCounter, flags: flags, enumerator: enumerator, attachedTo: attachTo ); bool started = Resolve(ref routine, cameFromPostRender: false); return(new CoroutineHandle( id: started? 0 )); }
public void DamageUnit( Collider hitCollider, int damage, float knockbackForce, float impactForce, Vector3 direction, Vector3 point ) { Unit unit = collToUnit.FindOrNull(hitCollider); if (unit == null) { return; } BodyParts bodyParts =; BodyParts.PartData partData = bodyParts.GetPartDataForCollider(hitCollider); if (!partData.isAttached) { return; } BodyParts.PartDef partDef = bodyParts.GetPartDefForKind(partData.kind); int newHp = Mathf.Max(0, partData.hitPoints - damage); partData.hitPoints = newHp; Dbg.Log("{0} in {1} for {2} damage!", GarbageCache.GetName(unit), partData.kind, damage); if ( != null) { * knockbackForce); } if (newHp == 0) { if (partDef.lifeCritical) { Vector3 killPoint = point; float? killForce = impactForce; KillUnit(unit, killPoint, killForce); } else { Vector3?worldForce = null; if (direction != { worldForce = direction * impactForce; } bodyParts.Detach(partData, worldForce); } } }
public EffectHandle Play( Effect effect, EffectFlag flags, Transform parent = null, Vector3?worldPos = null, Quaternion?worldRot = null, Unit attachToUnit = null ) { if (effect == null) { return(new EffectHandle()); } if (!effect.loop && 0 == (flags & EffectFlag.OneShot)) { Dbg.LogWarnOnce(effect, "Tried to play {0} as one shot", effect); return(new EffectHandle()); } if (effect.loop && 0 == (flags & EffectFlag.Looping)) { Dbg.LogWarnOnce(effect, "Tried to play {0} as looping", effect); return(new EffectHandle()); } var efx = GetEfxInst(effect.prefab); efx.Reset(effect); #if UNITY_EDITOR string name = GarbageCache.GetName(effect); if (! { = "EFX_" + name; } #endif // UNITY_EDITOR if (parent != null) { efx.gameObject.transform.parent = parent; } efx.attachedToUnit = attachToUnit; efx.transform.position = DetermineWorldPos(parent, worldPos, effect); efx.transform.rotation = DetermineWorldRotation(parent, worldRot, effect); efx.Play(); return(new EffectHandle(efx)); }
public static Transform FindDeep(this Transform trans, string name, bool includeInactive = false) { if (includeInactive) { for (int i = 0; i < trans.childCount; ++i) { Transform child = trans.GetChild(i); if (GarbageCache.GetName(child) == name) { return(child); } else { child = FindDeep(child, name); if (child != null) { return(child); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < trans.childCount; ++i) { Transform child = trans.GetChild(i); if (!child.gameObject.activeSelf) { continue; } if (GarbageCache.GetName(child) == name) { return(child); } else { child = FindDeep(child, name); if (child != null) { return(child); } } } } return(null); }
void KillUnit(Unit unit, Vector3?killPoint = null, float?killForce = null) { Dbg.Log("{0} dies!", GarbageCache.GetName(unit)); killPoint, killForce ); Weapon wieldingWeapon = unit.manState.weaponData.wieldingWeapon; if (wieldingWeapon != null) { wieldingWeapon.SetWielder(null); } NavMeshAgent navAgent =; if (navAgent != null) { navAgent.enabled = false; } }
public void SystemOnGUI() { foreach (var kvp in nodes) { object owner = kvp.Key; DbgObjectData data = kvp.Value; var ueOwner = owner as UE.Object; if (ueOwner != null) { GUILayout.Label(GarbageCache.GetName(ueOwner)); } else { GUILayout.Label(owner.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < data.roots.Count; i++) { DbgNode node = data.roots[i]; DrawNode(node, indent: 1); } } }