public void OnUserInput(GamesPanel.UserInput inp) { if (inp == GamesPanel.UserInput.START_EXIT) { isExiting = true; timeExiting = 0f; willExitSoon = false; } if (inp == GamesPanel.UserInput.STOP_EXIT) { isExiting = false; timeExiting = 0f; } }
public override void OnUserInput(GamesPanel.UserInput inp, Vector2 pointerPos) { //((mousepos / screenheight - / motionparent.zoom ) + MotionParent.zoomcenter Vector2 panelPos = (((pointerPos / Screen.HeightPixels) - Screen.Center) / Motion.Zoom) + Motion.ZoomCenter; Vector2 gridPos = new Vector2(panelPos.X / PANEL_DELTA_GRID_X, panelPos.Y / PANEL_DELTA_GRID_Y) + PanelShiftPos; TTutil.Round(ref gridPos); //cursor.Motion.TargetPos = (cursor.GridPosition - PanelShiftPos) * new Vector2(PANEL_DELTA_GRID_X, PANEL_DELTA_GRID_Y); //cursor.Motion.TargetPos = panelPos; if (gridPos.Equals(cursor.GridPosition)) { OnUserInput(GamesPanel.UserInput.START_SELECT); } cursor.GridPosition = gridPos; SelectGameBelowCursor(); }
public override void OnUserInput(GamesPanel.UserInput inp) { // HACK: for web games launch, make sure that music is turned back on upon next user input after play if (!isGameLaunchOngoing && ! && {; } switch (inp) { case UserInput.DOWN: if (cursor.GridPosition.Y < GridMaxY - 1) { cursor.GridPosition.Y += 1f; SelectGameBelowCursor(); } break; case UserInput.UP: if (cursor.GridPosition.Y > 0) { cursor.GridPosition.Y -= 1f; SelectGameBelowCursor(); } break; case UserInput.LEFT: if (cursor.GridPosition.X > 0) { cursor.GridPosition.X -= 1f; SelectGameBelowCursor(); } break; case UserInput.RIGHT: if (cursor.GridPosition.X < GridMaxX - 1) { cursor.GridPosition.X += 1f; SelectGameBelowCursor(); } break; case UserInput.START_EXIT: isExiting = true; //selectionLevel = 0; Motion.ZoomTarget = PANEL_ZOOM_TARGET_QUITTING; Motion.ZoomSpeed = PANEL_ZOOM_SPEED_REGULAR; infoBox.Motion.TargetPos = INFOBOX_ALL_HIDDEN_POSITION; creditsBitmap.Motion.TargetPos = CREDITS_HIDDEN_POSITION; helpTextBitmap.Motion.TargetPos = HELPTEXT_HIDDEN_POSITION; //Motion.ZoomCenter = cursor.Motion.PositionAbs; //Motion.ZoomCenterTarget = cursor.Motion; break; case UserInput.STOP_EXIT: if (timeExiting < TIME_BEFORE_EXIT_CONTINUES) { isExiting = false; selectionLevel = 0; Motion.ZoomTarget = PANEL_ZOOM_REGULAR; Motion.ZoomSpeed = PANEL_ZOOM_SPEED_ABORTQUITTING; //Motion.ZoomCenter = cursor.Motion.PositionAbs; //Motion.ZoomCenterTarget = cursor.Motion; } break; case UserInput.START_SELECT: if (SelectedGame != null) { GameThumbnail th = null; try { th = thumbnailsCache[SelectedGame.GameID]; } catch (Exception) {; } if (th != null) { switch (selectionLevel) { case 0: // select once - zoom in on selected game Motion.ZoomTarget = PANEL_ZOOM_DETAILED_VIEW; Motion.ZoomSpeed = PANEL_ZOOM_SPEED_REGULAR; // 0.01f; Motion.ZoomCenterTarget = cursor.Motion; SelectedGame.Refresh(); selectionLevel++; break; case 1: // select again - install or launch game if selection key pressed long enough. isGameLaunchOngoing = true; break; } } } break; case UserInput.STOP_SELECT: // if not launched long enough, reset - no action if (timeLaunching < TIME_BEFORE_GAME_LAUNCH) { isGameLaunchConfirmed = false; } else { isGameLaunchConfirmed = true; } isGameLaunchOngoing = false; timeLaunching = 0f; break; case UserInput.LAUNCH_WEBSITE: isLaunchWebsite = true; break; case UserInput.TOGGLE_MUSIC:; break; } // switch(inp) if (!isExiting) { if (selectionLevel == 0) { infoBox.Motion.TargetPos = INFOBOX_DESCRIPTION_HIDDEN_POSITION; } if (selectionLevel == 1 && SelectedGame != null) { int lnCount = SelectedGame.DescriptionLineCount; infoBox.Motion.TargetPos = INFOBOX_SHOWN_POSITION - new Vector2(0f, 0.015f + 0.029f * (lnCount - 1)); } if (SelectedGame == null || SelectedGame.Name.Length == 0) { infoBox.Motion.TargetPos = INFOBOX_ALL_HIDDEN_POSITION; } } }
/// <summary> /// user input in selecting items on screen is directed to this method /// </summary> /// <param name="inp">category of user input from the enum</param> /// <param name="pointerPos">pointer position input by user</param> public abstract void OnUserInput(GamesPanel.UserInput inp, Vector2 pointerPos);