public void PlaceAction(Point mapLocation, Point targetLocation, Vector2 actualPosition, Gameplay.Grid.Buckets bucketSystem) { if (ActionType == Actions.ActionType.ListenAction) { throw new Exception("Tried to place listen action with too many parameters"); } ActionPosition = mapLocation; ActionDirection = targetLocation; ActionState = Actions.ActionState.Active; bucketSystem.addNewAction(this, (int)mapLocation.X, (int)mapLocation.Y); SetRectangle(new Rectangle(-33, -32, 96, 93)); }
public void PlaceAction(Point mapLocation, Gameplay.Grid.Buckets bucketSystem, Rectangle gridLocation) { if (ActionType == Actions.ActionType.DirectAction) { throw new Exception("Tried to place direct action without a direction"); } bucketSystem.addNewAction(this, gridLocation.Center.X, gridLocation.Center.Y); ActionPosition = mapLocation; ActionState = Actions.ActionState.Active; SetRectangle(new Rectangle(-33, -32, 96, 93)); }