public static void DestroyGwen() { //The canvases dispose of all of their children. sMenuCanvas?.Dispose(); sGameCanvas?.Dispose(); GameUi?.Dispose(); GwenInitialized = false; }
void Awake() { if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HasStarted") == 1) { StartUi.SetActive(false); GameUi.SetActive(true); Time.timeScale = 1f; } }
public void CheckScore() { GameObject mygameobject = new GameObject(); GameUi gameui = mygameobject.AddComponent <GameUi>(); gameui.ScoreText = gameui.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Text>(); GameUi.Score = 0; gameui.IncrementScore(); Assert.AreEqual(GameUi.Score, 1); }
public StateTitle(TitleUi title, GameUi ui) { ui.gameObject.SetActive(false); Entered += (sender, arg) => title.ShowTitle(() => { StateMachine.ChangeState(GameStates.Game); ui.gameObject.SetActive(true); ui.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().DOFade(1, 0.3f); }); }
void Start() { InitAudio(); GameObject gameUiObject = GameObject.Find("GameUi"); if (gameUiObject != null) { gameUi = gameUiObject.GetComponent <GameUi>(); } InfectTree(); InvokeRepeating("InfectTree", infectTreeAfter, infectTreeAfter); }
//Start method is used to initialize all the variables //It is unity default method which will be called at start for one time in game lifecycle void Start() { isGameStarted = false; isflashdestoyed = false; MissingTime = 5f; WaitForFlashes = 3f; CountFlashes = 0; index = Random.Range(0, Size); GameUiClass = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponent <GameUi> (); //Getting instance of class gameui to used later prefabflash = new GameObject(); AddItems(); //calling add items which add the items is list }
void Start() { if (self) { Destroy(this); } else { self = this; } FindObjectOfType <PlayerCar>().OnDeath += OnGameOver; }
public static void DestroyGwen() { //The canvases dispose of all of their children. sMenuCanvas?.Dispose(); sGameCanvas?.Dispose(); GameUi?.Dispose(); // Destroy our target UI as well! Above code does NOT appear to clear this properly. if (Globals.Me != null) { Globals.Me.ClearTarget(); Globals.Me.TargetBox?.Dispose(); Globals.Me.TargetBox = null; } GwenInitialized = false; }
void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rb.freezeRotation = true; GameObject gameUiObject = GameObject.Find("GameUi"); if (gameUiObject != null) { gameUi = gameUiObject.GetComponent <GameUi>(); gameUi.UpdateMaxLoads(maxLoads); gameUi.UpdateWaterLoads(waterLoads); gameUi.UpdateAcidLoads(acidLoads); } InitAudio(); }
//Actual Drawing Function public static void DrawGui() { if (!GwenInitialized) { InitGwen(); } ErrorMsgHandler.Update(); sGameCanvas.RestrictToParent = false; if (Globals.GameState == GameStates.Menu) { MenuUi.Draw(); } else if (Globals.GameState == GameStates.InGame && ((!Interface.GameUi?.EscapeMenu?.IsHidden ?? true) || !HideUi)) { GameUi.Draw(); } }
public void AddGameObjects() { var mainMenu = _mainMenuCreator.CreateMenu(); var classSelectorMenu = _classSelectorMenuCreator.CreateMenu(); var gameStats = new GameStats(); var gameGrid = new GameGrid(); var gameUi = new GameUi(gameStats, gameGrid); MainWindow.GameViewCanvas.Children.Add(mainMenu); MainWindow.GameViewCanvas.Children.Add(classSelectorMenu); MainWindow.GameViewCanvas.Children.Add(gameUi); MainWindow.MainMenu = mainMenu; MainWindow.ClassSelectorMenu = classSelectorMenu; MainWindow.GameUi = gameUi; MainWindow.GameStats = gameStats; MainWindow.GameGrid = gameGrid; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { waterLevelDefaultPosition = waterLevel.transform.localPosition; GameObject treesObject = GameObject.Find("Trees"); if (treesObject != null) { trees = treesObject.GetComponent <Trees>(); } GameObject gameUiObject = GameObject.Find("GameUi"); if (gameUiObject != null) { gameUi = gameUiObject.GetComponent <GameUi>(); gameUi.UpdateShrineMaxLoads(loadsToActivate); } InitAudio(); }
public void Init() { if (Started) { return; } Started = true; Events = new Dictionary <string, List <Action> >(); CurrentActiveLevels = new List <Level>(); Pools = new Dictionary <string, PoolObjects>(); if (PoolObjects != null) { foreach (var pool in PoolObjects) { RegisterPool(pool); } } GameUi = Instantiate <GameUi>(GameUi); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { currentHouse = PlayerManager.Instance.houseSelected; door = FindObjectOfType <Door>(); player = FindObjectOfType <Player>(); guitarHeroGame = GetComponent <GuitarHero>(); fightGame = GetComponent <Fight>(); gameUi = FindObjectOfType <GameUi>(); currentPlayerCash = 0; maxImpatience = currentHouse.impatience; impatience = 0; //ADRIEN conv = Resources.Load("Sounds/Conversation" + Random.Range(1, 3)) as AudioClip; switch (currentHouse.doorType) { case House.DoorType.Level1: doorType = Resources.Load("Doors/PoorDoor") as DoorType; break; case House.DoorType.Level2: doorType = Resources.Load("Doors/BasicDoor") as DoorType; break; case House.DoorType.Level3: doorType = Resources.Load("Doors/RichDoor") as DoorType; break; } clientCash = currentHouse.budget; fightGame.minimumFightJauge = doorType.strenght; fightGame.increaseValue = PlayerManager.Instance.currentShoes.resistance; saleState = SaleState.Talk; door.SetTrigger("DoorLose"); guitarHeroGame.StartSale(); }
private void Awake() { if (_instance != null) { Debug.LogWarning("Creating 2nd instance of GameUi singleton"); Destroy(this); } _instance = this; foreach (Transform t in transform) { if ( == "InteractableText") { _interactableText = t.gameObject.GetComponent <TMP_Text>(); } } if (_interactableText == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Unable to set up the interactable text"); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (_myScript == null) _myScript = (GameUi)target; if (_redStyle == null) _redStyle = new GUIStyle(); _redStyle.normal.textColor =; GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Refresh UI", GUILayout.Width(UiUtils.GetPercent(Screen.width, 90)), GUILayout.Height(50))) { _myScript.RefreshCameraTransform(); _myScript.RefreshUi(true); } GUILayout.Space(10); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("box"); GUILayout.Space(5); GUILayout.Label("Resolution"); GUILayout.Space(5); _myScript.InspectorScreenWidth = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Width :", _myScript.InspectorScreenWidth); _myScript.InspectorScreenHeight = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Height :", _myScript.InspectorScreenHeight); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Error) == false) { GUILayout.Space(10); GUILayout.Label(Error, _redStyle); GUILayout.Space(10); } _myScript.InspectorScreenName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name :", _myScript.InspectorScreenName); GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Add View Size")) { AddScreenResolution(_myScript.InspectorScreenName, _myScript.InspectorScreenWidth, _myScript.InspectorScreenHeight); } _myScript.InspectorControllerType = (ControllerType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Controller Type:", _myScript.InspectorControllerType); GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Populate")) { if (AndroidViewType == AndroidViewType.Landscape) { AddScreenResolution("4K UHD (Landscape)", 3840, 2160); AddScreenResolution("WQXGA + (Landscape)", 3200, 1800); AddScreenResolution("iPad Pro (Landscape)", 2732, 2048); AddScreenResolution("Samsung S6 (Landscape)", 2560, 1440); AddScreenResolution("Full HD (Landscape)", 1920, 1080); AddScreenResolution("HD (222:125) (Landscape)", 1776, 1000); AddScreenResolution("900p HD+ (Landscape)", 1600, 900); AddScreenResolution("HD ready (683:384) (Landscape)", 1366, 768); AddScreenResolution("iPhone 6 (667:375) (Landscape)", 1334, 750); AddScreenResolution("WXGA-H (Landscape)", 1280, 720); AddScreenResolution("iPhone 5 (71:40) (Landscape)", 1136, 640); AddScreenResolution("WSVGA (128:75) (Landscape)", 1024, 600); AddScreenResolution("PV (30:17) (Landscape)", 960, 544); AddScreenResolution("PV (53:30) (Landscape)", 848, 480); AddScreenResolution("IPhone 6 s(Landscape)", 667, 375); AddScreenResolution("nHD (Landscape)", 640, 360); AddScreenResolution("iPhone 5 s (71:40)(Landscape)", 568, 320); AddScreenResolution("Low (80:39) (Landscape)", 480, 234); } } GUILayout.Space(10); AndroidViewType = (AndroidViewType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Android View Type:", AndroidViewType); GUILayout.Space(10); foreach (var viewSize in EditorUtils.ViewSizes) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(viewSize.Name); GUILayout.Label(viewSize.Width.ToString()); GUILayout.Label(viewSize.Height.ToString()); if (GUILayout.Button("Set VS")) { EditorUtils.SetSizeToScreen(GameViewSizeGroupType.Android, viewSize.Width, viewSize.Height); _myScript.InspectorScreenWidth = viewSize.Width; _myScript.InspectorScreenHeight = viewSize.Height; _myScript.InspectorScreenName = viewSize.Name; _myScript.RefreshCameraTransform(); _myScript.RefreshUi(true); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); } GUILayout.Space(5); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
private void InitUi() { GameUi gameUi = new GameUi(this); gameUi.InitGameUi(); }
static string TestGame(Game gameInput) { GameLogic gameLogic = new GameLogic(); bool isWinner = false; int gameStatus = 0; var game = gameInput; do { var userYint = -1; Console.Clear(); if (gameStatus == game.GetBoard().Length) { isWinner = true; } do { if (!game._playerZeroMovesNext) { Console.WriteLine("player 1 turn!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("player 2 turn!"); } Console.WriteLine("Give me Y"); GameUi.PrintBoard(game); Console.Write(">>"); var y = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); if (!int.TryParse(y, out userYint)) { Console.WriteLine($" {y} is not a number. Please Choose a number!"); Console.WriteLine("Try again!"); Console.WriteLine("Give me Y"); GameUi.PrintBoard(game); y = Console.ReadLine(); userYint = int.Parse(y); } if (int.Parse(y) > game.BoardWidth) { Console.WriteLine($" {y} you are trying to go out of the border!"); Console.WriteLine("Try again!"); Console.WriteLine("Give me Y"); GameUi.PrintBoard(game); y = Console.ReadLine(); userYint = int.Parse(y); } if (game.IsColumnFull(int.Parse(y))) { Console.WriteLine($" {y} Column is full, choose another one!s"); Console.WriteLine("Try again!"); Console.WriteLine("Give me Y"); GameUi.PrintBoard(game); y = Console.ReadLine(); userYint = int.Parse(y); } } while (userYint < 0); gameStatus++; game.Move(userYint); saveGame(game); } while (!isWinner); return("GAME OVER"); }
public StateResult(ResultUi result, GameUi ui) { Result = result; UI = ui; Entered += StateResult_Entered; }
private void Start() { StartCoroutine(GameUi.FadeOutRoutine(Fade, 0.5f)); }
public void pause() { Time.timeScale = 0f; GameUi.SetActive(false); pauseui.SetActive(true); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; GameUi = GetComponent <GameUi>(); }
public static void Main() { GameUi gameConsoleUi = new GameUi(); gameConsoleUi.Run(); }
void Awake() { Instance = this; }
void Awake() { instance = this; gameOverPanel.SetActive(false); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; }
public void StartGame() { bool restartGame = true; while (restartGame) { GameUi gameUi = new GameUi(); gameUi.LaunchMenu(); GameBoard gameBoard = new GameBoard((int)gameUi.MatrixSize); Point userCordInput; GameUi.ePlayers currentPlayer = GameUi.ePlayers.FirstPlayer; bool continueGame = true; int gameItrator = 0; int thereNoOptionsForXPlayers = 0; List <Point> moveOptions = null; bool isLastTurnWasOk = true; int player1Score = 0, player2Score = 0; while (continueGame) { if (gameBoard.IsThereOptionsToPlay(currentPlayer, ref moveOptions)) { if ((gameUi.GameMode == GameUi.eGameMode.PVc && currentPlayer == GameUi.ePlayers.SecondPlayer) || gameUi.GameMode == GameUi.eGameMode.CVc) { userCordInput = m_PcAi.AiTurn(gameBoard, currentPlayer); } else { gameBoard.CalcPlayersScore(out player1Score, out player2Score); userCordInput = gameUi.NextTurn(gameBoard.CreatePrintingBoard(moveOptions), currentPlayer, isLastTurnWasOk, player1Score, player2Score); } if (gameBoard.TryAddDiscToLocation(userCordInput.x, userCordInput.y, (Disc.eColors)currentPlayer)) { gameItrator++; isLastTurnWasOk = true; } else { isLastTurnWasOk = false; } thereNoOptionsForXPlayers = 0; } else { thereNoOptionsForXPlayers++; gameItrator++; } if (gameItrator % 2 == 0) { currentPlayer = GameUi.ePlayers.FirstPlayer; } else { currentPlayer = GameUi.ePlayers.SecondPlayer; } continueGame = thereNoOptionsForXPlayers < 2; } gameBoard.CalcPlayersScore(out player1Score, out player2Score); gameUi.GameOver(gameBoard.CreatePrintingBoard(moveOptions), player1Score, player2Score, ref restartGame); } }
public void resume() { Time.timeScale = 1f; GameUi.SetActive(true); pauseui.SetActive(false); }
void Awake() { instance = this; }
//Gwen Low Level Functions public static void InitGwen() { //TODO: Make it easier to modify skin. if (Skin == null) { Skin = new TexturedBase( GwenRenderer, Globals.ContentManager.GetTexture(GameContentManager.TextureType.Gui, "defaultskin.png") ) { DefaultFont = Graphics.UIFont }; } MenuUi?.Dispose(); GameUi?.Dispose(); // Create a Canvas (it's root, on which all other GWEN controls are created) sMenuCanvas = new Canvas(Skin, "MainMenu") { Scale = 1f //(GameGraphics.Renderer.GetScreenWidth()/1920f); }; sMenuCanvas.SetSize( (int)(Graphics.Renderer.GetScreenWidth() / sMenuCanvas.Scale), (int)(Graphics.Renderer.GetScreenHeight() / sMenuCanvas.Scale) ); sMenuCanvas.ShouldDrawBackground = false; sMenuCanvas.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 150, 170, 170); sMenuCanvas.KeyboardInputEnabled = true; // Create the game Canvas (it's root, on which all other GWEN controls are created) sGameCanvas = new Canvas(Skin, "InGame"); //_gameCanvas.Scale = (GameGraphics.Renderer.GetScreenWidth() / 1920f); sGameCanvas.SetSize( (int)(Graphics.Renderer.GetScreenWidth() / sGameCanvas.Scale), (int)(Graphics.Renderer.GetScreenHeight() / sGameCanvas.Scale) ); sGameCanvas.ShouldDrawBackground = false; sGameCanvas.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 150, 170, 170); sGameCanvas.KeyboardInputEnabled = true; // Create GWEN input processor if (Globals.GameState == GameStates.Intro || Globals.GameState == GameStates.Menu) { GwenInput.Initialize(sMenuCanvas); } else { GwenInput.Initialize(sGameCanvas); } FocusElements = new List <Framework.Gwen.Control.Base>(); InputBlockingElements = new List <Framework.Gwen.Control.Base>(); ErrorMsgHandler = new ErrorHandler(sMenuCanvas, sGameCanvas); if (Globals.GameState == GameStates.Intro || Globals.GameState == GameStates.Menu) { MenuUi = new MenuGuiBase(sMenuCanvas); GameUi = null; } else { GameUi = new GameInterface(sGameCanvas); MenuUi = null; } Globals.OnLifecycleChangeState(); GwenInitialized = true; }
static string Connect4Game(Game game) { if (game.GameIsOver) { Console.Clear(); GameUi.PrintBoard(game); Console.WriteLine(game.Message); } else { game.SaveGameToDb(_settings.IsHumanVsComputer, _settings.WinningCondition); do { Console.Clear(); GameUi.PrintBoard(game); int posX; int posY; var player = game.PlayerOneMoves ? game.PlayerOneName : game.PlayerTwoName; if (_settings.IsHumanVsComputer && !game.PlayerOneMoves) { Console.WriteLine(player + "'s turn"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Console.Write("."); Thread.Sleep(600); } posX = game.ComputerMove(_settings.WinningCondition); posY = game.FindYIndex(posX); } else { var correctXInt = false; do { bool userCanceled; (posX, userCanceled) = GetUserIntInput($"{player} enter X coordinate (1 - {_settings.BoardWidth})", 1, _settings.BoardWidth); posX -= 1; posY = game.FindYIndex(posX); if (userCanceled) { correctXInt = true; game.GameIsOver = true; } else { if (posY != -1) { correctXInt = true; } else { Console.WriteLine(posX + 1 + " column is already full!"); } } } while (!correctXInt); } if (!game.GameIsOver) { game.Move(posY, posX); CellState playerState = game.PlayerOneMoves ? CellState.G : CellState.R; if (game.IsWinning(posY, posX, _settings.WinningCondition, playerState)) { game.GameIsOver = true; game.Message = player + " has won the game!"; } else if (game.TableIsFull()) { game.GameIsOver = true; game.Message = "IT'S A TIE'!"; } } game.SaveGameToDb(_settings.IsHumanVsComputer, _settings.WinningCondition); } while (!game.GameIsOver); Console.Clear(); GameUi.PrintBoard(game); Console.WriteLine(game.Message); } return(game.Message); }