//set friends data (called froom gamesparks handler) which then gets all friends records and such public void setfriendData(GSData gsDat) { friends = gsDat.GetGSData("friends").BaseData; friendsIDS = friends.Keys; requests = gsDat.GetGSData("requests").BaseData; requestsIDS = requests.Keys; friendsData = new int[friendsIDS.Count, 6]; gsh = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("gsh").GetComponent <GameSparksHandler>(); //sets the number of friend requests on the main screem numRequests.text = "" + requests.Count; if (requests.Count > 0) { requestsBackground.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { requestsBackground.gameObject.SetActive(false); } playerStats = gsh.getData(); displayName = gsh.getName(); blastLeadAmount = playerStats[0]; winLeadAmount = playerStats[2]; if (playerStats[1] != 0) { bkLeadAmount = (float)playerStats[0] / playerStats[1]; } else { bkLeadAmount = (float)playerStats[0]; } getFriendsStats(); }
private void Awake() { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded; pView = GetComponent <PhotonView>(); if (!pView.IsMine) { return; } xpEarned = 0; gameOver = false; canExit = false; outOfBounds = false; damaged = false; goldHealth = false; falling = false; handler = GameObject.FindWithTag("gsh").GetComponent <GameSparksHandler>(); username = handler.getName(); usernameText.text = username; pView.RPC("setUsername", RpcTarget.OthersBuffered, username); playerProp = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable(); int[] skinMatVals = skins.setMySkin(handler.getProfNum()); playerProp.Add("skin", skinMatVals[0]); playerProp.Add("mat", skinMatVals[1]); PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.SetCustomProperties(playerProp, null, null); redScore = 0; blueScore = 0; countdown = false; gameStarted = false; blasts = 0; deaths = 0; blastText.text = "" + 0; deathText.text = "" + 0; gnc = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GNC").GetComponent <gameNetworkController>(); defaultSpeed = speed; defaultJumpSpeed = jumpSpeed; canvas.gameObject.SetActive(true); gc.gameObject.SetActive(true); goldBlasterText.gameObject.SetActive(false); cam = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("cam"); if (cam == null) { Debug.Log("null cam found"); } cam.gameObject.GetComponent <SmoothMouseLook>().setTheParent(transform); hp = 100; sprinting = false; runTime = .4f; crossHair.color = Color.black; chColor = crossHair.color; crossHairChange = false; dead = false; cam.GetComponent <SmoothMouseLook>().enabled = true; waterPacks = 0; waterPackText.text = "Water Packs: " + waterPacks; bubbleImg.gameObject.SetActive(false); bubbleImageShown = false; crossHitShown = false; crossHairHit.gameObject.SetActive(false); }