private void Start() { PlayerData.Pull(); //PlayerData.Wipe();// for debugging until the ui is done if (PlayerData.myWallet.IsEmpty()) { PlayerData.myWallet += new Wallet() { Coins = 0, Time = 60, Tokens = 10 }; // for now, some starting capitol } if (PlayerData.Level == 0) { PlayerData.Level = 1; } if (PlayerData.Stage == 0) { PlayerData.Stage = 1; } PlayerData.Push(); GameProgression.InitGameProgression(this.Levels); ProgressPanel.Init(this.Levels, PlayerData); currentTimeValues = new TimeUpdateInfo(); ChooseMission(); }
public override void Setup(Circuit circuit, CircuitTile tile) { this.circuit = circuit; this.tile = tile; tile.obj = this; if (gp == null) { gp = FindObjectOfType <GameProgression>(); } }
public void StartTest() { if (gp == null) { gp = FindObjectOfType <GameProgression>(); } if (circuit == null) { circuit = FindObjectOfType <Circuit>(); } block.SetActive(true); aborting = false; gameObject.SetActive(true); RunTest(0); successfull = false; }
private void Start() { PlayerData.Pull(); PlayerData.Wipe();// for debugging until the ui is done if (PlayerData.Level == 0) { PlayerData.Level = 1; } if (PlayerData.Stage == 0) { PlayerData.Stage = 1; } PlayerData.Push(); GameProgression.InitGameProgression(this.Levels); ProgressPanel.Init(this.Levels); }
private IEnumerator Game() { var continueMission = true; var currentMission = SetCurrentMission(currentMissionIndex); yield return(StartCoroutine(MissionChosen(currentMission))); // coroutine to show deducting the cost ProgressPanel.ToggleMenu(); currentMission.OverallResult.Reset(); if (currentMission.UseOverallTime) { currentMission.OverallResult.TimeRemaining = currentMission.TotalSeconds; } Debug.LogFormat("starting mission with {0} seconds.", currentMission.OverallResult.TimeRemaining); yield return(StartCoroutine(StageStart())); var roundResult = new RoundResultInfo(currentMission); switch (currentMission.MissionType) { case MissionTypes.Sprint: break; case MissionTypes.Survival: break; } Round = 1; while (continueMission) { mCurrentRoundData = GameProgression.GetRound(PlayerData.Level, PlayerData.Stage, Round, LED1.LEDArraySize); yield return(StartCoroutine(RoundStart(mCurrentRoundData))); var highMessage = mCurrentRoundData.High ? " HIGHER! " : " LOWER! "; // change this to an event or setter call ButtonState correctBtn = mCurrentRoundData.Led1Right ? ButtonState.LEFT : ButtonState.RIGHT; ButtonState incorrectBtn = correctBtn == ButtonState.LEFT ? ButtonState.RIGHT : ButtonState.LEFT; LEDRendering.Graph(mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[0].graphType, LED1, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[0].StartX, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[0].StartY, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[0].Count, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[0].InvertX, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[0].InvertY); LEDRendering.Graph(mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[1].graphType, LED2, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[1].StartX, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[1].StartY, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[1].Count, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[1].InvertX, mCurrentRoundData.LEDInfo[1].InvertY); float timeAdjustment = roundResult.TimeAdjustment; roundResult.Reset(Round); currentMission.OverallResult.StartTime = Time.time; var loop = true; ClearButtonState(); var _gameState = FinishState.None; int progressDashCount = 16; updateTimer = true; while (loop) { //currentMission.TimerTick(mCurrentRoundData); currentTimeValues.SetValues(currentMission.OverallResult.MissionTime, currentMission.OverallResult.Progress, currentMission.UseOverallTime); yield return(StartCoroutine(TimerUpdate(currentTimeValues))); progressDashCount = 16 - (Mathf.RoundToInt(16 * currentMission.OverallResult.Progress)); var progressMessage = progressDashCount > 0 ? new string('-', progressDashCount) : ""; // Debug.LogFormat("progress: {0}", progress); if (currentMission.OverallResult.Progress >= 1) { loop = false; _gameState = FinishState.Timeout; continue; } if (_buttonState == ButtonState.MID) { //Debug.Log("exit"); loop = false; _gameState = FinishState.Quit; } else if (_buttonState == correctBtn) { //Debug.Log("right"); loop = false; _gameState = FinishState.Right; } else if (_buttonState == incorrectBtn) { //Debug.Log("wrong"); loop = false; _gameState = FinishState.Wrong; } yield return(null); } updateTimer = false; _buttonState = ButtonState.NONE; roundResult.State = _gameState; continueMission = currentMission.ProcessRoundResult(roundResult, ref Round); yield return(StartCoroutine(RoundComplete(currentMission, roundResult))); } if (currentMission.OverallResult.ResultType == MissionResultType._Unknown) { // if at this point it's still unknown, then nothing bad happened. Success! currentMission.OverallResult.ResultType = MissionResultType.Complete; } yield return(StartCoroutine(StageComplete(currentMission, roundResult))); yield return(null); }
void HandleAction() { Act currentAct = currentLevel.actRoster[currentActIndex]; switch (currentAct.action.actionType) { case ActionType.SpawnBigScrap: int spawnAmount = int.Parse(currentAct.action.argument); if (spawnAmount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < spawnAmount; i++) { CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawnBigScrap(false); } } else if (spawnAmount == -1) { CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawnBigScrap(false); } else { Debug.LogError("Invalid spawn amount: " + spawnAmount); } break; case ActionType.AddGizmoidButton: int gizmoidId = int.Parse(currentAct.action.argument); //Argument is gizmoid id if (!gameProfile.gizmoids.Contains(gizmoidId)) { gameProfile.gizmoids.Add(gizmoidId); } //InterfaceController.Instance.CreateGizmoidButton(gizmoidId); //InterfaceController.Instance.gizmoidButtonsScripts[InterfaceController.Instance.gizmoidButtonsScripts.Count - 1].startCooled = false; break; //case ActionType.StartSpawning: // switch (currentAct.action.argument) // { // case "all scrap": // CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawningCollectibles = true; // CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawningScrap = true; // break; // case "big scrap": // CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawningCollectibles = true; // break; // case "small scrap": // CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawningScrap = true; // break; // default: // Debug.LogError("Invalid argument for start spawning: \"" + currentAct.action.argument + "\""); // break; // } // break; //case ActionType.StopSpawning: // switch (currentAct.action.argument) // { // case "all scrap": // CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawningCollectibles = false; // CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawningScrap = false; // break; // case "big scrap": // CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawningCollectibles = false; // break; // case "small scrap": // CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawningScrap = false; // break; // default: // Debug.LogError("Invalid argument for start spawning: \"" + currentAct.action.argument + "\""); // break; // } // break; case ActionType.SpawnSmallScrap: CollectibleSpawner.Instance.SpawnScrap(int.Parse(currentAct.action.argument), false); break; //case ActionType.StartEnemyScrapDrop: // //EnemySpawner.Instance.allowEnemyScrapDrop = true; // break; //case ActionType.StopEnemyScrapDrop: // //EnemySpawner.Instance.allowEnemyScrapDrop = false; // break; case ActionType.InsertGizmoid: string[] argumentStrings = Regex.Split(currentAct.action.argument, ";"); int[] argumentInts = new int[3]; for (int i = 0; i < argumentInts.Length; i++) { argumentInts[i] = int.Parse(argumentStrings[i]); } //TODO Fix! //BladeView targetBlade = PlayerBladeHandler.Instance.blades.Single(blade => blade.arenaTracker.aisle == argumentInts[1]); //GizmoidView gizmoidTracker = targetBlade.gizmoidHolder.AddGizmoid(argumentInts[0]); //int damage = - argumentInts[2]; //Debug.Log("Damage: " + damage); //; break; case ActionType.Unlock: GameProgression gameProgression = (GameProgression)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameProgression), currentAct.action.argument, true); gameProfile.gameProgress.Add(gameProgression); //InterfaceController.Instance.UnlockPanel(gameProgression); break; //case ActionType.StartRarityDrops: // //EnemySpawner.Instance.allowEnemyRareDrop = true; // break; //case ActionType.StopRarityDrops: // //EnemySpawner.Instance.allowEnemyRareDrop = false; // break; default: Debug.LogError("Invalid action type: " + currentAct.action.actionType); break; } actIsInitialized = true; IncrementAct(); }
public void RulesClicked() { parseValues(); var gr = GameProgression.GetRound(lvl, stage, round, led.LEDArraySize); }
// Start is called before the first frame update public void ReTint() { render = GetComponent <Renderer>(); prog = GameProgression.instance; SetAlpha(map(GameProgression.instance.currentLevel, startLevel, endLevel, startA, endA)); }
private void Awake() { gp = FindObjectOfType <GameProgression>(); Uncollapse(); if (levelSelect) { var list = new List <TMP_Dropdown.OptionData>(); var levels = gp.maps; for (int i = 0; i < levels.Count; i++) { list.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData(levels[i].title)); } levelSelect.options = list; levelSelect.onValueChanged.AddListener(gp.LoadLevel); gp.onLevelChanged.AddListener((h) => { levelSelect.value = h; }); } if (buildButtons) { mm = FindObjectOfType <MouseManager>(); for (int i = buildButtons.childCount; i < mm.previews.Length; i++) { Instantiate(buildButtons.GetChild(0), buildButtons); } for (int i = 0; i < mm.previews.Length; i++) { int j = i; buildButtons.GetChild(i).GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => SetBuildType(j)); buildButtons.GetChild(i).GetChild(1).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = mm.previews[i].icon; buildButtons.GetChild(i).GetChild(0).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = mm.previews[i].name; } gp.onLevelChanged.AddListener((_) => { for (int k = 0; k < buildButtons.childCount; k++) { buildButtons.GetChild(k).gameObject.SetActive((gp.currentMap.activeComponents & (1 << k)) > 0); } SetBuildType((int)ComponentType.Empty); }); } if (stateButtons) { gp.onLevelChanged.AddListener((_) => { var map = gp.currentMap; for (int i = stateButtons.childCount; i < map.states.Length; i++) { var b = Instantiate(stateButtons.GetChild(0), stateButtons).GetComponent <Button>(); int j = i; b.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); b.onClick.AddListener(() => SetState(j)); } for (int i = map.states.Length; i < stateButtons.childCount; i++) { stateButtons.GetChild(i).gameObject.SetActive(false); } for (int i = 0; i < map.states.Length; i++) { var tr = stateButtons.GetChild(i); tr.GetChild(0).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Status\n<color=blue>Unknown</color>"; tr.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = map.DrawState(i); tr.gameObject.SetActive(true); } }); gp.onStateChanged.AddListener(SetState); gp.onStateValidated.AddListener((l, b) => { stateButtons.GetChild(l).GetChild(0).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = b ? "Status:\n<color=green>Passed</color>" : "Status:\n<color=red>Failed</color>"; }); } }
private IEnumerator Game() { var playingRound = true; OnStageStart.Invoke(); while (playingRound) { var roundData = GameProgression.GetRound(PlayerData.Level, PlayerData.Stage, Round, LED1.LEDArraySize); OnRoundStart.Invoke(); if (Round == 1) { if (roundData.IntroText != null && roundData.IntroText.Any()) { int lastLcv = -1; for (int lcv = 0, length = roundData.IntroText.Count; lcv < length; lcv++) { string s1, s2; if (lastLcv < 0) { s1 = ""; } else { s1 = roundData.IntroText[lastLcv]; } s2 = roundData.IntroText[lcv]; LcdWrite(s1, s2); lastLcv++; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); } } var highMessage = roundData.High ? " HIGHER! " : " LOWER! "; ButtonState correctBtn = roundData.Led1Right ? ButtonState.LEFT : ButtonState.RIGHT; ButtonState incorrectBtn = correctBtn == ButtonState.LEFT ? ButtonState.RIGHT : ButtonState.LEFT; LEDRendering.Graph(roundData.LEDInfo[0].graphType, LED1, roundData.LEDInfo[0].StartX, roundData.LEDInfo[0].StartY, roundData.LEDInfo[0].Count, roundData.LEDInfo[0].InvertX, roundData.LEDInfo[0].InvertY); LEDRendering.Graph(roundData.LEDInfo[1].graphType, LED2, roundData.LEDInfo[1].StartX, roundData.LEDInfo[1].StartY, roundData.LEDInfo[1].Count, roundData.LEDInfo[1].InvertX, roundData.LEDInfo[1].InvertY); float startTime = Time.time; var currentSeconds = roundData.WaitSeconds; var loop = true; ClearButtonState(); var _gameState = FinishState.None; int progressDashCount = 16; while (loop) { currentSeconds = Time.time - startTime; float progress = currentSeconds / roundData.WaitSeconds; progressDashCount = 16 - (Mathf.RoundToInt(16 * progress)); var progressMessage = progressDashCount > 0 ? new string('-', progressDashCount) : ""; LcdWrite(highMessage, progressMessage); if (progressDashCount <= 0) { loop = false; _gameState = FinishState.Timeout; continue; } if (_buttonState == ButtonState.MID) { Debug.Log("exit"); loop = false; _gameState = FinishState.Quit; } else if (_buttonState == correctBtn) { Debug.Log("right"); loop = false; _gameState = FinishState.Right; } else if (_buttonState == incorrectBtn) { Debug.Log("wrong"); loop = false; _gameState = FinishState.Wrong; } yield return(null); } _buttonState = ButtonState.NONE; Debug.Log("round complete"); switch (_gameState) { case FinishState.Right: LcdWrite("Great job", ""); var earnedPoints = 100; earnedPoints += (progressDashCount * 20); Round++; if (Round > GameProgression.ROUND_COUNT) // TODO: make variable for max rounds { //PlayerData.Stage++; // for now, let's not auto progress the stage. if (PlayerData.Stage > GameProgression.STAGE_COUNT) { PlayerData.Level++; earnedPoints += 5000; PlayerData.Stage = 1; } earnedPoints += 1000; playingRound = false; PlayerData.Points += earnedPoints; PlayerData.Push(); yield return(StartCoroutine(StageComplete(earnedPoints))); } break; case FinishState.Wrong: LcdWrite("you suck", ""); playingRound = false; yield return(StartCoroutine(StageFailed())); break; case FinishState.Timeout: LcdWrite("Time's up", ""); playingRound = false; yield return(StartCoroutine(StageFailed())); break; case FinishState.Quit: LcdWrite("Exiting", ""); playingRound = false; yield return(StartCoroutine(StageQuit())); break; } OnRoundEnd.Invoke(); } OnStageEnd.Invoke(); yield return(null); }