コード例 #1
ファイル: GameManager.cs プロジェクト: 19manu98/Project-Kaa
    void ResetGame()
        spawner.active = true;

        player = GameObjetcUtil.Instantiate(playerPrefab, new Vector3(0, (Screen.height / PixelPerfectCamera.pixelsToUnits) / 2, 0));
        // create an instance of the player prfab + location of placement

        var playerDestrotScript = player.GetComponent <DestroyOffscreen>();

        playerDestrotScript.DestroyCallback += OnPlayerKilled; // shorthand to link
        // tells the playerDestroyScript that when DestroyCallback gets called its actually going
        // to call OnPlayerKilled inside GameManager
        // connect delegate
コード例 #2
ファイル: Spawner.cs プロジェクト: 19manu98/Project-Kaa
    IEnumerator EnemyGenerator()                 // to return an interface of Ienumerator
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); // we want it to execute after the delay

        if (active)
            var newTransform = transform; // position were we want to spawn, refernece to the existing trasform
                                          // of our game object
            GameObjetcUtil.Instantiate(prefabs[Random.Range(0, prefabs.Length)], newTransform.position);
            // Quaterion.identity: to set value of rotation to its defualt of zero
            // reset delay after a new obstacle is instantiated

        StartCoroutine(EnemyGenerator());   // restart the coroutine so it continues to ru