public override void freeLand(PlayerStatus aMyself, GameElementData aElement, Action <LandMasStatus> aAnser) { List <LandMasStatus> tOccupiedList = aElement.getAllOccupiedLand(aMyself); LandMasStatus[] tOccupied = tOccupiedList.ToArray(); //略奪コストが最も安い土地を解放 Array.Sort(tOccupied, (x, y) => { return(x.mLootedCost - y.mLootedCost); }); aAnser(tOccupied[0]); }
public override void selectOccupyLand(PlayerStatus aMyself, GameElementData aElement, Action <LandMasStatus> aAnser) { aElement.mTable.showOneSelectForm("占領する土地を\n選択してください", "占領しない"); LandMasStatus tSelected = null; //マスタップ監視 Subject.addObserver(new Observer("playerControllerTouchMas", (aMessage) => { if ( != "touchMas") { return; //監視外メッセージ } MasStatus tMas = aElement.mMasStatus[aMessage.parameters.get <int>("number")]; if (!(tMas is LandMasStatus)) { return; //土地のマス以外 } LandMasStatus tLand = (LandMasStatus)tMas; if (tLand.mOwnerNumber >= 0) { return; //占領済マス } if (aMyself.mFood < tLand.mOccupyCost) { return; //所持食糧を超えるコストのマス } tSelected = tLand; aElement.mTable.hideMessage(); aElement.mTable.hideOneSelectForm(); aElement.mTable.question(tSelected.mName + "を占領しますか?\n食糧-" + tLand.mOccupyCost); })); //はい,いいえ,占領しない選択監視 Subject.addObserver(new Observer("playerControllerTableQuestion", (aMessage) => { if ( == "yes") { Subject.removeObserver("playerControllerTouchMas"); Subject.removeObserver("playerControllerTableQuestion"); aElement.mTable.hideQuestionForm(); aAnser(tSelected); } else if ( == "no") { aElement.mTable.hideQuestionForm(); tSelected = null; aElement.mTable.showOneSelectForm("占領する土地を\n選択してください", "占領しない"); } else if ( == "oneSelect") { Subject.removeObserver("playerControllerTouchMas"); Subject.removeObserver("playerControllerTableQuestion"); aElement.mTable.hideOneSelectForm(); aAnser(null); } })); }
// public bool RequesetRV (ICocoLockableStateControl stateControl) // { // if (!RVReady) { // return false; // } // if (m_RequestingStateControl != null) { // return false; // } // m_RequestingStateControl = stateControl; // GameElementData adData = new GameElementData (GameElementType.State, stateControl.GetRVKey (), 0); // requestRewardAdsSignal.Dispatch (adData); // return true; // } protected void RewardResultEvent(bool result, GameElementData pData) { m_RVResultFrameCount = Time.frameCount; // if (m_RequestingStateControl != null) { // if (result && pData.key == m_RequestingStateControl.GetRVKey ()) { // m_RequestingStateControl.OnRvReleased (); // } // m_RequestingStateControl = null; // } updateRvStatusSignal.Dispatch(); }
public override void selectOccupyLand(PlayerStatus aMyself, GameElementData aElement, Action <LandMasStatus> aAnser) { List <LandMasStatus> tFreeList = aElement.getAllFreeLand(); LandMasStatus[] tFree = tFreeList.ToArray(); //最も価値が安い土地を占領 Array.Sort(tFree, (x, y) => { return(x.mOccupyCost - y.mOccupyCost); }); foreach (LandMasStatus tLand in tFree) { if (tLand.mOccupyCost <= aMyself.mFood) { aAnser(tLand); return; } } aAnser(null); return; }
public static void DrawListOfGameElemetData(string caption, List <GameElementData> list, ref bool dirty) { if (list == null) { return; } contentColor = GUI.contentColor; backgroundColor = GUI.backgroundColor; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(caption, GUILayout.Width(100)); GUI.backgroundColor = greenColor; if (GUILayout.Button("Add", GUILayout.Width(60))) { GameElementData newData = new GameElementData(GameElementType.Item, "Key " + list.Count, 1); list.Add(newData); dirty = true; } GUI.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(30); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); GameElementData removedElement = null; foreach (var element in list) { if (DrawSingleGameElementData(element, ref dirty)) { removedElement = element; } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (null != removedElement) { list.Remove(removedElement); dirty = true; } }
public override void freeLand(PlayerStatus aMyself, GameElementData aElement, Action <LandMasStatus> aAnser) { aElement.mTable.showMessage("解放する土地を\n選択してください"); LandMasStatus tSelected = null; //マスタップ監視 Subject.addObserver(new Observer("playerControllerTouchMas", (aMessage) => { if ( != "touchMas") { return; //監視外メッセージ } MasStatus tMas = aElement.mMasStatus[aMessage.parameters.get <int>("number")]; if (!(tMas is LandMasStatus)) { return; //土地のマス以外 } LandMasStatus tLand = (LandMasStatus)tMas; if (tLand.mOwnerNumber != aMyself.mPlayerNumber) { return; //自分以外の土地 } tSelected = tLand; aElement.mTable.hideMessage(); aElement.mTable.question(tSelected.mName + "を解放しますか?\n食糧+" + tLand.mFreeCost); })); //はい,いいえ選択監視 Subject.addObserver(new Observer("playerControllerTableQuestion", (aMessage) => { if ( == "yes") { Subject.removeObserver("playerControllerTouchMas"); Subject.removeObserver("playerControllerTableQuestion"); aElement.mTable.hideQuestionForm(); aAnser(tSelected); } else if ( == "no") { aElement.mTable.hideQuestionForm(); tSelected = null; aElement.mTable.showMessage("解放する土地を\n選択してください"); } })); }
public override void expandLand(PlayerStatus aMyself, LandMasStatus aLand, GameElementData aElement, Action <bool> aAnser) { Subject.addObserver(new Observer("playerController", (aMessage) => { if ( == "yes") { aAnser(true); } else if ( == "no") { aAnser(false); } else { return; } Subject.removeObserver("playerController"); aElement.mTable.hideQuestionForm(); })); aElement.mTable.question("食糧" + aLand.mExpansionCost + "で拡大しますか?"); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { Arg tArg = MySceneManager.getArg("game"); MySoundPlayer.playBgm("Morning_2", MySoundPlayer.LoopType.normalConnect, 0.7f); mElement = new GameElementData(); mElement.mInitData = tArg.get <GameInitData>("data"); mElement.mStageData = new StageData(mElement.mInitData.mStagePath); LandMasStatus.mLootingRate = mElement.mInitData.mLooting / 100.0f; initPlace(); initStatus(); //piece mElement.mPlayerPieces = GamePlacer.placePiece(mElement.mPlayerStatus, mElement.mMasDisplay[0].position2D); mMaster = MyBehaviour.create <GameMaster>(); = "GameMaster"; mMaster.mElement = mElement; mMaster.mMain = this; mMaster.start(); }
/// <summary> /// /Draws the single game element data.*/ /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if single game element data was marked for removal, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="element">Element.</param> /// <param name="dirty">Dirty.</param> public static bool DrawSingleGameElementData(GameElementData element, ref bool dirty, bool enableDelete = true) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Type:", GUILayout.Width(100)); GameElementType oldType = element.type; element.type = (GameElementType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(element.type, GUILayout.Width(150)); if (element.type != oldType) { dirty = true; } bool removed = false; if (enableDelete) { GUI.backgroundColor = redColor; if (GUILayout.Button("Delete this entry", GUILayout.Width(100))) { removed = true; } GUI.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (element.type == GameElementType.Item) { if (allItems == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Items are not loaded properly.", MessageType.Error); } else if (allItems.Count == 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no Items. Use Item Editor to add some.", MessageType.Info); } else { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Item:", GUILayout.Width(100)); int oldIntValue = IndexFromName(element.key, itemConfigNames); int newIntValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup(oldIntValue, itemConfigNames, GUILayout.Width(150)); if (oldIntValue != newIntValue) { element.key = itemConfigNames[newIntValue]; dirty = true; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } else if (element.type == GameElementType.State) { if (allCollectibles == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Collectibles are not loaded properly.", MessageType.Error); } else if (allCollectibles.Count == 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no Collectibles. Use Collectibles Editor to add some.", MessageType.Info); } else { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Collectible:", GUILayout.Width(100)); int oldIntValue = IndexFromName(element.key, collectibleConfigNames); int newIntValue = EditorGUILayout.Popup(oldIntValue, collectibleConfigNames, GUILayout.Width(150)); if (oldIntValue != newIntValue) { element.key = collectibleConfigNames[newIntValue]; dirty = true; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } else if (element.type == GameElementType.Currency) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Key:", GUILayout.Width(100)); string oldStringValue = element.key; element.key = EditorGUILayout.TextField(element.key, GUILayout.Width(150)); if (element.key != oldStringValue) { dirty = true; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } // public string value; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Value:", GUILayout.Width(100)); int oldValue = element.value; element.value = EditorGUILayout.IntField(element.value, GUILayout.Width(150)); if (element.value != oldValue) { dirty = true; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return(removed); }
public override void expandLand(PlayerStatus aMyself, LandMasStatus aLand, GameElementData aElement, Action <bool> aAnser) { aAnser(true); }
//どの土地を占領するか abstract public void selectOccupyLand(PlayerStatus aMyself, GameElementData aElement, Action <LandMasStatus> aAnser);
//土地を拡大するか abstract public void expandLand(PlayerStatus aMyself, LandMasStatus aLand, GameElementData aElement, Action <bool> aAnser);