コード例 #1
ファイル: CmdBrdCstr.cs プロジェクト: zkitX/TwitchBot
        public async Task CmdRefreshBossFight()
                // Check if any fighters are queued or fighting
                if (_bossFightSettingsInstance.Fighters.Count > 0)
                    _irc.SendPublicChatMessage($"A boss fight is either queued or in progress @{_botConfig.Broadcaster}");

                // Get current game name
                ChannelJSON json = await _twitchInfo.GetBroadcasterChannelById();

                string gameTitle = json.Game;

                // Grab game id in order to find party member
                TwitchGameCategory game = await _gameDirectory.GetGameId(gameTitle);

                // During refresh, make sure no fighters can join
                _bossFightSettingsInstance.RefreshBossFight = true;
                await _bossFightSettingsInstance.LoadSettings(_broadcasterInstance.DatabaseId, game?.Id, _botConfig.TwitchBotApiLink);

                _bossFightSettingsInstance.RefreshBossFight = false;

                _irc.SendPublicChatMessage($"Boss fight settings refreshed @{_botConfig.Broadcaster}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                await _errHndlrInstance.LogError(ex, "CmdBrdCstr", "CmdRefreshBossFight()", false, "!refreshbossfight");
コード例 #2
ファイル: CmdMod.cs プロジェクト: ChisdealHDYT/TwitchBot-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes first party memeber in queue of party up requests
        /// </summary>
        public async Task CmdPopPartyUpRequest()
                // get current game info
                ChannelJSON json = await _twitchInfo.GetBroadcasterChannelById();

                string             gameTitle = json.Game;
                TwitchGameCategory game      = await _gameDirectory.GetGameId(gameTitle);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameTitle))
                    _irc.SendPublicChatMessage("I cannot see the name of the game. It's currently set to either NULL or EMPTY. "
                                               + "Please have the chat verify that the game has been set for this stream. "
                                               + $"If the error persists, please have @{_botConfig.Broadcaster.ToLower()} retype the game in their Twitch Live Dashboard. "
                                               + "If this error shows up again and your chat can see the game set for the stream, please contact my master with !support in this chat");
                else if (game?.Id > 0)
                    _irc.SendPublicChatMessage(await _partyUp.PopRequestedPartyMember(game.Id, _broadcasterId));
                    _irc.SendPublicChatMessage("This game is not part of the \"Party Up\" system");
            catch (Exception ex)
                await _errHndlrInstance.LogError(ex, "CmdMod", "CmdPopPartyUpRequest()", false, "!poppartyuprequest");
コード例 #3
ファイル: ChatReminder.cs プロジェクト: maxxrafen/TwitchBot
        private async void Run()
            await LoadReminderContext(); // initial load

            DateTime midnightNextDay = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

            while (true)
                ChannelJSON channelJSON = await TwitchApi.GetBroadcasterChannelById(_twitchClientId);

                string gameTitle = channelJSON.Game;

                TwitchGameCategory game = await _gameDirectory.GetGameId(gameTitle);

                if (game == null || game.Id == 0)
                    _gameId = null;
                    _gameId = game.Id;

                // remove pending reminders
                Program.DelayedMessages.RemoveAll(r => r.ReminderId > 0);

                foreach (RemindUser reminder in _reminders.OrderBy(m => m.RemindEveryMin))
                    if (IsEveryMinReminder(reminder))
                    else if (IsCountdownEvent(reminder))

                if (_refreshReminders)
                    _irc.SendPublicChatMessage("Reminders refreshed!");

                // reset refresh
                midnightNextDay   = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
                _refreshReminders = false;

                // wait until midnight to check reminders
                // unless a manual refresh was called
                while (DateTime.Now < midnightNextDay && !_refreshReminders)
                    Thread.Sleep(1000); // 1 second
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes first party memeber in queue of party up requests
        /// </summary>
        public async Task CmdPopPartyUpRequest()
                // get current game info
                ChannelJSON json = await _twitchInfo.GetBroadcasterChannelById();

                string   gameTitle = json.Game;
                GameList game      = await _gameDirectory.GetGameId(gameTitle);

                _irc.SendPublicChatMessage(await _partyUp.PopRequestedPartyMember(game.Id, _broadcasterId));
            catch (Exception ex)
                await _errHndlrInstance.LogError(ex, "CmdMod", "CmdPopPartyUpRequest()", false, "!poppartyuprequest");
コード例 #5
ファイル: CmdMod.cs プロジェクト: maxxrafen/TwitchBot
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes first party memeber in queue of party up requests
        /// </summary>
        public async Task CmdPopPartyUpRequest()
                // get current game info
                ChannelJSON json = await _twitchInfo.GetBroadcasterChannelById();

                string             gameTitle = json.Game;
                TwitchGameCategory game      = await _gameDirectory.GetGameId(gameTitle);

                if (game?.Id > 0)
                    _irc.SendPublicChatMessage(await _partyUp.PopRequestedPartyMember(game.Id, _broadcasterId));
                    _irc.SendPublicChatMessage("This game is not part of the \"Party Up\" system");
            catch (Exception ex)
                await _errHndlrInstance.LogError(ex, "CmdMod", "CmdPopPartyUpRequest()", false, "!poppartyuprequest");