コード例 #1
    private void toggleDoorMethod(Unit exe)    //Created by Nick Lee 18-9-14, modified 26-9-14
        Movement = Game.MoveType.Forward;
        moving   = (Vector2)game.moveTransform[Movement][0]; //gets the object from the dictionary and converts to a vector2
        moving   = game.facingDirection[exe.facing] * moving;
        moving   = exe.position + moving;                    //gets final position

        if (game.gameMap.hasDoor(moving))
            if (game.gameMap.isDoorOpen(moving))
                game.gameMap.setDoorState(moving, false);                  //sets door state to closed
                game.gameMap.setDoorState(moving, true);                  //sets door stat to open
            Debug.Log("no door in front of unit, actionManager, toggledoor");
        //error catching and message
        update(Game.ActionType.ToggleDoor, exe);
コード例 #2
	private void toggleDoorMethod(Unit exe)//Created by Nick Lee 18-9-14, modified 26-9-14
		Movement = Game.MoveType.Forward;
		moving = (Vector2)game.moveTransform[Movement][0]; //gets the object from the dictionary and converts to a vector2
		moving = game.facingDirection[exe.facing] * moving;
		moving = exe.position + moving; //gets final position

		if (game.gameMap.hasDoor (moving)) {
			if (game.gameMap.isDoorOpen (moving))
				game.gameMap.setDoorState (moving, false); //sets door state to closed
				game.gameMap.setDoorState (moving, true); //sets door stat to open
			Debug.Log ("no door in front of unit, actionManager, toggledoor");
		//error catching and message
		update(Game.ActionType.ToggleDoor, exe);
		postAction ();
コード例 #3
    private void moveMethod(Unit mover) //Created by Nick Lee 16-9-14, modified 5-11-14
        Path currentPath;               //makes a path variable

        if (!attackMove)
            currentPath = path;
            //if it isnt a movement caused by a melee attack
            currentPath = customPath;
            attackMove  = false;
            //else sets attackmove to false and gets the path made by the attack
        //sets the path to iterate through
        if (currentPath.path.Count == 0)
            moving        = mover.position;
            compassFacing = mover.facing;
            sittingStill  = true;
            update(Game.ActionType.Move, mover);
            for (int i = 0; i < currentPath.path.Count; i++) //iterates through all movements in the path
                if (!movementStopped)                        //if the unit wasn't killed by overwatch
                    Movement = currentPath.path [i];

                    removeAP(mover, UnitData.getMoveSet(mover.unitType) [Movement]); //removes required AP from unit
                    moving = (Vector2)game.moveTransform [Movement] [0];             //gets the object from the dictionary and converts to a vector2
                    moving = game.facingDirection [mover.facing] * moving;
                    moving = mover.position + moving;                                //gets final position

                    Quaternion direction = game.facingDirection [mover.facing] * ((Quaternion)game.moveTransform [Movement] [1]);
                    //gets the quaternion from the current facing and the required movement
                    if (Mathf.Abs(direction.eulerAngles.z - 0) < 0.1f)
                        compassFacing = Game.Facing.North;                                      //changes facing to north
                    else if (Mathf.Abs(direction.eulerAngles.z - 270) < 0.1f)
                        compassFacing = Game.Facing.East;                                       //changes facing to east
                    else if (Mathf.Abs(direction.eulerAngles.z - 180) < 0.1f)
                        compassFacing = Game.Facing.South;                                      //changes facing to south
                    else if (Mathf.Abs(direction.eulerAngles.z - 90) < 0.1f)
                        compassFacing = Game.Facing.West;                                       //changes facing to west
                        Debug.Log("Invalid unit facing: ActionManager, move method");
                    //error catching and message

                    if (mover.position.x < 0f)
                        if (game.gameMap.otherAreas.Length > -1 - (int)mover.position.x)
                            moving        = game.gameMap.otherAreas [-1 - (int)mover.position.x].adjacentPosition;
                            compassFacing = game.gameMap.otherAreas [-1 - (int)mover.position.x].relativePosition;
                    game.gameMap.shiftUnit(mover.position, moving, compassFacing);
                    update(Game.ActionType.Move, mover);                      //update method for move;
                    //moves the unit
                    movementStopped = false;
                //if the unit was killed in the middle of a movement causes movements to stop
        postAction();          //post action method
コード例 #4
	private void moveMethod(Unit mover)//Created by Nick Lee 16-9-14, modified 5-11-14
		Path currentPath; //makes a path variable
		if (!attackMove) {
			currentPath = path;
		//if it isnt a movement caused by a melee attack
		} else {
			currentPath = customPath;
			attackMove = false;
			//else sets attackmove to false and gets the path made by the attack
		//sets the path to iterate through
		if (currentPath.path.Count == 0) {
			moving = mover.position;
			compassFacing = mover.facing;
			sittingStill = true;
			update (Game.ActionType.Move, mover);
		} else {
			for (int i = 0; i < currentPath.path.Count; i++) { //iterates through all movements in the path
				if (!movementStopped) { //if the unit wasn't killed by overwatch
					Movement = currentPath.path [i];

					removeAP (mover, UnitData.getMoveSet (mover.unitType) [Movement]);//removes required AP from unit
					moving = (Vector2)game.moveTransform [Movement] [0]; //gets the object from the dictionary and converts to a vector2
					moving = game.facingDirection [mover.facing] * moving;
					moving = mover.position + moving; //gets final position

					Quaternion direction = game.facingDirection [mover.facing] * ((Quaternion)game.moveTransform [Movement] [1]);
					//gets the quaternion from the current facing and the required movement
					if (Mathf.Abs (direction.eulerAngles.z - 0) < 0.1f) {
							compassFacing = Game.Facing.North;	//changes facing to north
					} else if (Mathf.Abs (direction.eulerAngles.z - 270) < 0.1f) {
							compassFacing = Game.Facing.East;	//changes facing to east
					} else if (Mathf.Abs (direction.eulerAngles.z - 180) < 0.1f) {
							compassFacing = Game.Facing.South;	//changes facing to south
					} else if (Mathf.Abs (direction.eulerAngles.z - 90) < 0.1f) {
							compassFacing = Game.Facing.West;	//changes facing to west
					} else
							Debug.Log ("Invalid unit facing: ActionManager, move method");
					//error catching and message

					if (mover.position.x < 0f) {
							if (game.gameMap.otherAreas.Length > -1 - (int)mover.position.x) {
								moving = game.gameMap.otherAreas [-1 - (int)mover.position.x].adjacentPosition;
								compassFacing = game.gameMap.otherAreas [-1 - (int)mover.position.x].relativePosition;
					game.gameMap.shiftUnit (mover.position, moving, compassFacing);
					update (Game.ActionType.Move, mover); //update method for move;
					//moves the unit
				} else {
						movementStopped = false;
				//if the unit was killed in the middle of a movement causes movements to stop
		postAction (); //post action method