private GUIGridSizer(GUIContent[] contents, int xCount, GUIStyle buttonStyle, GUILayoutOption[] options) : base(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, GUIStyle.none) { this.m_Count = contents.Length; this.m_XCount = xCount; this.ApplyStyleSettings(buttonStyle); this.ApplyOptions(options); if (xCount == 0 || contents.Length == 0) return; float num1 = (float) (Mathf.Max(buttonStyle.margin.left, buttonStyle.margin.right) * (this.m_XCount - 1)); float num2 = (float) (Mathf.Max(, buttonStyle.margin.bottom) * (this.rows - 1)); if ((double) buttonStyle.fixedWidth != 0.0) this.m_MinButtonWidth = this.m_MaxButtonWidth = buttonStyle.fixedWidth; if ((double) buttonStyle.fixedHeight != 0.0) this.m_MinButtonHeight = this.m_MaxButtonHeight = buttonStyle.fixedHeight; if ((double) this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1.0) { if ((double) this.minWidth != 0.0) this.m_MinButtonWidth = (this.minWidth - num1) / (float) this.m_XCount; if ((double) this.maxWidth != 0.0) this.m_MaxButtonWidth = (this.maxWidth - num1) / (float) this.m_XCount; } if ((double) this.m_MinButtonHeight == -1.0) { if ((double) this.minHeight != 0.0) this.m_MinButtonHeight = (this.minHeight - num2) / (float) this.rows; if ((double) this.maxHeight != 0.0) this.m_MaxButtonHeight = (this.maxHeight - num2) / (float) this.rows; } if ((double) this.m_MinButtonHeight == -1.0 || (double) this.m_MaxButtonHeight == -1.0 || ((double) this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1.0 || (double) this.m_MaxButtonWidth == -1.0)) { float a1 = 0.0f; float a2 = 0.0f; foreach (GUIContent content in contents) { Vector2 vector2 = buttonStyle.CalcSize(content); a2 = Mathf.Max(a2, vector2.x); a1 = Mathf.Max(a1, vector2.y); } if ((double) this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1.0) this.m_MinButtonWidth = (double) this.m_MaxButtonWidth == -1.0 ? a2 : Mathf.Min(a2, this.m_MaxButtonWidth); if ((double) this.m_MaxButtonWidth == -1.0) this.m_MaxButtonWidth = (double) this.m_MinButtonWidth == -1.0 ? a2 : Mathf.Max(a2, this.m_MinButtonWidth); if ((double) this.m_MinButtonHeight == -1.0) this.m_MinButtonHeight = (double) this.m_MaxButtonHeight == -1.0 ? a1 : Mathf.Min(a1, this.m_MaxButtonHeight); if ((double) this.m_MaxButtonHeight == -1.0) { if ((double) this.m_MinButtonHeight != -1.0) this.maxHeight = Mathf.Max(this.maxHeight, this.m_MinButtonHeight); this.m_MaxButtonHeight = this.maxHeight; } } this.minWidth = this.m_MinButtonWidth * (float) this.m_XCount + num1; this.maxWidth = this.m_MaxButtonWidth * (float) this.m_XCount + num1; this.minHeight = this.m_MinButtonHeight * (float) this.rows + num2; this.maxHeight = this.m_MaxButtonHeight * (float) this.rows + num2; }
public static int SearchablePopup(Rect launchRect, int mouseButton, int selectionIndex, string[] displayOptions, ref string searchTerms, string label = "") { var ret = selectionIndex; var controlId = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); // not Popup Owner if (s_popupControlId != controlId) { var ev = Event.current; var pos = ev.mousePosition; if ((ev.type == EventType.MouseUp) && ((mouseButton < 0) || (ev.button == mouseButton)) && launchRect.Contains(pos) && displayOptions != null && displayOptions.Length > 0 ) { s_searchablePopupWindow.pos = RGUIUtility.GetMouseScreenPos( * 150f); s_popupControlId = controlId; ev.Use(); } } // Active else { var type = Event.current.type; var result = s_searchablePopupWindow.result; if (s_searchablePopupWindow._searchTerms != null) { if (!searchTerms.Equals(s_searchablePopupWindow._searchTerms)) { ret = -1; } searchTerms = s_searchablePopupWindow._searchTerms; } if (result.HasValue && type == EventType.Layout) { if (result.Value >= 0) // -1 when the popup is closed by clicking outside the window { ret = result.Value; } s_searchablePopupWindow.result = null; s_popupControlId = 0; } else { if ((type == EventType.Layout) || (type == EventType.Repaint)) { var buttonStyle = new GUIStyle(InterfaceMaker.CustomSkin.button) { padding = new RectOffset(24, 48, 2, 2) }; var textfieldStyle = InterfaceMaker.CustomSkin.textField; var contentSize =; for (var i = 0; i < displayOptions.Length; ++i) { var textSize = buttonStyle.CalcSize(RGUIUtility.TempContent(displayOptions[i])); contentSize.x = Mathf.Max(contentSize.x, textSize.x); contentSize.y += textSize.y; } if (displayOptions.Length == 0) { contentSize.x += 150; } var margin = buttonStyle.margin; contentSize.y += Mathf.Max(0, displayOptions.Length - 1) * Mathf.Max(, margin.bottom); // is this right? var vbarSkin = InterfaceMaker.CustomSkin.verticalScrollbar; var vbarSize = vbarSkin.CalcScreenSize(; var vbarMargin = vbarSkin.margin; var hbarSkin = InterfaceMaker.CustomSkin.horizontalScrollbar; var hbarSize = hbarSkin.CalcScreenSize(; var hbarMargin = hbarSkin.margin; const float offset = 5f; contentSize += new Vector2(vbarSize.x + vbarMargin.horizontal, hbarSize.y + hbarMargin.vertical) + * offset; contentSize.y += textfieldStyle.CalcHeight(RGUIUtility.TempContent("t"), contentSize.x); var size = InterfaceMaker.CustomSkin.GetStyle("popup").CalcScreenSize(contentSize); var maxSize = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height) - s_searchablePopupWindow.pos; s_searchablePopupWindow.size = Vector2.Min(size, maxSize); } s_searchablePopupWindow.SetSearchTerms(searchTerms); s_searchablePopupWindow.label = label; s_searchablePopupWindow.displayOptions = displayOptions; WindowInvoker.Add(s_searchablePopupWindow); } } return(ret); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { label = EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); Action buttonAction = Action.None; int buttonActionIndex = 0; var keyArrayProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative(KeysFieldName); var valueArrayProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative(ValuesFieldName); ConflictState conflictState = GetConflictState(property); if (conflictState.conflictIndex != -1) { keyArrayProperty.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(conflictState.conflictIndex); var keyProperty = keyArrayProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(conflictState.conflictIndex); SetPropertyValue(keyProperty, conflictState.conflictKey); keyProperty.isExpanded = conflictState.conflictKeyPropertyExpanded; if (valueArrayProperty != null) { valueArrayProperty.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(conflictState.conflictIndex); var valueProperty = valueArrayProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(conflictState.conflictIndex); SetPropertyValue(valueProperty, conflictState.conflictValue); valueProperty.isExpanded = conflictState.conflictValuePropertyExpanded; } } var buttonWidth = s_buttonStyle.CalcSize(s_iconPlus).x; var labelPosition = position; labelPosition.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; if (property.isExpanded) { labelPosition.xMax -= s_buttonStyle.CalcSize(s_iconPlus).x; } EditorGUI.PropertyField(labelPosition, property, label, false); // property.isExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(labelPosition, property.isExpanded, label); if (property.isExpanded) { var buttonPosition = position; buttonPosition.xMin = buttonPosition.xMax - buttonWidth; buttonPosition.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(conflictState.conflictIndex != -1); if (GUI.Button(buttonPosition, s_iconPlus, s_buttonStyle)) { buttonAction = Action.Add; buttonActionIndex = keyArrayProperty.arraySize; } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); EditorGUI.indentLevel++; var linePosition = position; linePosition.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; linePosition.xMax -= buttonWidth; foreach (var entry in EnumerateEntries(keyArrayProperty, valueArrayProperty)) { var keyProperty = entry.keyProperty; var valueProperty = entry.valueProperty; int i = entry.index; float lineHeight = DrawKeyValueLine(keyProperty, valueProperty, linePosition, i); buttonPosition = linePosition; buttonPosition.x = linePosition.xMax; buttonPosition.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; if (GUI.Button(buttonPosition, s_iconMinus, s_buttonStyle)) { buttonAction = Action.Remove; buttonActionIndex = i; } if (i == conflictState.conflictIndex && conflictState.conflictOtherIndex == -1) { var iconPosition = linePosition; iconPosition.size = s_buttonStyle.CalcSize(s_warningIconNull); GUI.Label(iconPosition, s_warningIconNull); } else if (i == conflictState.conflictIndex) { var iconPosition = linePosition; iconPosition.size = s_buttonStyle.CalcSize(s_warningIconConflict); GUI.Label(iconPosition, s_warningIconConflict); } else if (i == conflictState.conflictOtherIndex) { var iconPosition = linePosition; iconPosition.size = s_buttonStyle.CalcSize(s_warningIconOther); GUI.Label(iconPosition, s_warningIconOther); } linePosition.y += lineHeight; } EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } if (buttonAction == Action.Add) { keyArrayProperty.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(buttonActionIndex); if (valueArrayProperty != null) { valueArrayProperty.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(buttonActionIndex); } } else if (buttonAction == Action.Remove) { DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(keyArrayProperty, buttonActionIndex); if (valueArrayProperty != null) { DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(valueArrayProperty, buttonActionIndex); } } conflictState.conflictKey = null; conflictState.conflictValue = null; conflictState.conflictIndex = -1; conflictState.conflictOtherIndex = -1; conflictState.conflictLineHeight = 0f; conflictState.conflictKeyPropertyExpanded = false; conflictState.conflictValuePropertyExpanded = false; foreach (var entry1 in EnumerateEntries(keyArrayProperty, valueArrayProperty)) { var keyProperty1 = entry1.keyProperty; int i = entry1.index; object keyProperty1Value = GetPropertyValue(keyProperty1); if (keyProperty1Value == null) { var valueProperty1 = entry1.valueProperty; SaveProperty(keyProperty1, valueProperty1, i, -1, conflictState); DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(keyArrayProperty, i); if (valueArrayProperty != null) { DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(valueArrayProperty, i); } break; } foreach (var entry2 in EnumerateEntries(keyArrayProperty, valueArrayProperty, i + 1)) { var keyProperty2 = entry2.keyProperty; int j = entry2.index; object keyProperty2Value = GetPropertyValue(keyProperty2); if (ComparePropertyValues(keyProperty1Value, keyProperty2Value)) { var valueProperty2 = entry2.valueProperty; SaveProperty(keyProperty2, valueProperty2, j, i, conflictState); DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(keyArrayProperty, j); if (valueArrayProperty != null) { DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(valueArrayProperty, j); } goto breakLoops; } } } breakLoops: EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
public void OnGUI() { //if (resizing) //{ // Debug.Log(Event.current); // return; //} if (isTokenTooltip && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove || Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel || Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { EditorApplication.delayCall += Hide; return; } if (this.text == null) { return; } var text = this.text; if (overloads != null && overloads.Length > 1) { if (horizontal) { text = "\u25c4" + (currentOverload + 1).ToString() + " of " + overloads.Length.ToString() + "\u25ba " + text; } else { text = "\u25b2" + (currentOverload + 1).ToString() + " of " + overloads.Length.ToString() + "\u25bc " + text; } } //wantsMouseMove = true; //if (focusedWindow == this && owner != null) //{ // owner.Focus(); //// GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); //} if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { var content = new GUIContent(text); style.fixedWidth = 0f; Vector2 size = style.font != null?style.CalcSize(content) :; if (size.x > 700f) { size.x = 700f; size.y = style.CalcHeight(content, size.x); style.fixedWidth = size.x; //size = style.CalcSize(content); } SetSize(size.x + 10f, size.y + 10f); return; } // if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (SISettings.useStandardColorInPopups) { //GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, position.height), GUIContent.none, textEditor.styles.lineNumbersSeparator); GUI.Label(new Rect(1f, 1f, position.width - 2, position.height - 2), GUIContent.none, textEditor.styles.scrollViewStyle); } else { GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, position.height), GUIContent.none, textEditor.styles.tooltipFrameStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(1f, 1f, position.width - 2, position.height - 2), GUIContent.none, textEditor.styles.tooltipBgStyle); } if (!isTokenTooltip && textLines == null) { textLines = text.Split(new [] { '\n' }); } var rc = new Rect(4f, 4f, position.width - 4f, position.height - 4); if (isTokenTooltip || currentParameterIndex < 0 || overloads == null || currentOverload < 0 || currentOverload >= overloads.Length || overloads[currentOverload].GetParameters().Count <= currentParameterIndex) { GUI.Label(rc, text, style); } else { for (int i = 0; i < textLines.Length; ++i) { var lineContent = new GUIContent(textLines[i]); if (i != currentParameterIndex + 1) { GUI.Label(rc, lineContent, style); rc.yMin += style.CalcHeight(lineContent, rc.width); } else { GUI.Label(rc, lineContent, boldStyle); rc.yMin += boldStyle.CalcHeight(lineContent, rc.width); } } } } }
/*public static class PartIconGenerator * { * private const string IconHiddenTag = "Icon_Hidden"; * private const string KerbalEvaSubstring = "kerbal"; * * private static readonly int GameObjectLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer ("PartsList_Icons"); * // note to future: if creating icons inside editor, you might want to choose a different layer or translate the camera and object out of frame * * private static Camera CreateCamera (int pixelWidth, int pixelHeight, Color backgroundColor) * { * //var camGo = new GameObject ("PartIconGenerator.Camera", typeof(Camera)); * //var cam =; * Camera cam = new Camera(); * * cam.enabled = false; * cam.cullingMask = (1 << GameObjectLayer); * cam.clearFlags = ~CameraClearFlags.Nothing; * cam.nearClipPlane = 0.1f; * cam.farClipPlane = 10f; * cam.orthographic = true; * cam.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; * cam.aspect = pixelWidth / (float)pixelHeight; * * // Camera Size = x / ((( x / y ) * 2 ) * s ) * cam.orthographicSize = pixelWidth / (((pixelWidth / (float)pixelHeight) * 2f) * pixelHeight); * cam.pixelRect = new Rect (0f, 0f, pixelWidth, pixelHeight); * * return cam; * } * * private static Light CreateLight () * { * var light = new GameObject ("PartIconGenerator.Light").AddComponent<Light> (); * * light.type = LightType.Directional; * light.color = XKCDColors.OffWhite; * light.cullingMask = 1 << GameObjectLayer; * light.intensity = 0.1f; * * return light; * } * * private static GameObject CreateIcon (AvailablePart part) * { * // kerbalEVA doesn't seem to init at origin if we aren't explicit * var go = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (part.iconPrefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; * * // The kerbals are initially facing along positive Z so we'll be looking at their backs if we don't * // rotate them around * if ( (KerbalEvaSubstring)) * go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis (180f, Vector3.up); * * go.SetLayerRecursive (GameObjectLayer); * go.SetActive (true); * return go; * } * * private static void AdjustScaleAndCameraPosition (GameObject icon, Camera camera) * { * // get size of prefab * var bounds = CalculateBounds (icon); * float sphereDiameter = Mathf.Max (bounds.size.x, bounds.size.y, bounds.size.z); * * // rescale to size 1 unit so that object will take up as much viewspace as possible in ortho cam (with ortho size = 0.5) * var currentScale = icon.transform.localScale; * float scaleFactor = 1f / sphereDiameter; * icon.transform.localScale = currentScale * scaleFactor; * * icon.transform.position = * scaleFactor; * * camera.transform.position =; * * // back out, else we'll be inside the model (which is scaled at 1 unit so this should be plenty) * camera.transform.Translate (new Vector3 (0f, 0f, -5f), Space.Self); * camera.transform.LookAt (, Vector3.up); * } * * * public static Texture2D Create2D (AvailablePart part, int width, int height, Quaternion orientation, Color backgroundColor) * { * var cam = CreateCamera (width, height, backgroundColor); * var icon = CreateIcon (part); * var light = CreateLight (); * * var texture = new Texture2D (width, height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); * var rt = RenderTexture.GetTemporary (width, height, 24); * var prevRt =; * * = rt; * * icon.transform.rotation = orientation * icon.transform.rotation; * * AdjustScaleAndCameraPosition (icon, cam); * * cam.targetTexture = rt; * cam.pixelRect = new Rect (0f, 0f, width, height); // doc says this should be ignored but doesn't seem to be (?) -- rendered area very small once targetTexture is set * cam.Render (); * * texture.ReadPixels (new Rect (0f, 0f, width, height), 0, 0, false); * texture.Apply (); * * = prevRt; * RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary (rt); * UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate (light); * UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate (cam); * UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate (icon); * * return texture; * } * * private static Bounds CalculateBounds (GameObject go) * { * var renderers = go.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer> (true).ToList (); * * if (renderers.Count == 0) * return default(Bounds); * * var boundsList = new List<Bounds> (); * * renderers.ForEach (r => { * if (r.tag == IconHiddenTag) * return; * * if (r is SkinnedMeshRenderer) { * var smr = r as SkinnedMeshRenderer; * * // the localBounds of the SkinnedMeshRenderer are initially large enough * // to accomodate all animation frames; they're likely to be far off for * // parts that do a lot of animation-related movement (like solar panels expanding) * // * // We can get correct mesh bounds by baking the current animation into a mesh * // note: vertex positions in baked mesh are relative to smr.transform; any scaling * // is already baked in * var mesh = new Mesh (); * smr.BakeMesh (mesh); * * // while the mesh bounds will now be correct, they don't consider orientation at all. * // If a long part is oriented along the wrong axis in world space, the bounds we'd get * // here could be very wrong. We need to come up with essentially the renderer bounds: * // a bounding box in world space that encompasses the mesh * var m = Matrix4x4.TRS (smr.transform.position, smr.transform.rotation, * // remember scale already factored in! * ); * var vertices = mesh.vertices; * * var smrBounds = new Bounds (m.MultiplyPoint3x4 (vertices [0]),; * * for (int i = 1; i < vertices.Length; ++i) * smrBounds.Encapsulate (m.MultiplyPoint3x4 (vertices [i])); * * UnityEngine.Object.Destroy (mesh); * * boundsList.Add (smrBounds); * } else if (r is MeshRenderer) { // note: there are ParticleRenderers, LineRenderers, and TrailRenderers * r.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh.RecalculateBounds (); * boundsList.Add (r.bounds); * } * }); * * Bounds bounds = boundsList [0]; * * boundsList.Skip (1).ToList ().ForEach (b => bounds.Encapsulate (b)); * * return bounds; * } * }*/ private void OnGUI() { if (tooltipstyle == null) { setStyles(); } if (osdtime > Time.time) { float osdheight = osdstyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(osdmessage)).y; GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(0, Screen.height * 0.1f, Screen.width, osdheight), osdstyle); GUILayout.Label(osdmessage, osdstyle); GUILayout.EndArea(); } if (visible) { if (refreshwait > 0) { refreshwait = refreshwait - 1; } else { switch (mystate) { case ASPState.IDLE: EditorLogic editor = EditorLogic.fetch; ShipConstruct ship = editor.ship; if (ship != null) { List <Part> parts =; if ((parts != null) && (parts.Count > 0) && (parts [0] != null)) { parts [0].SetHighlight(false, true); if (tanks == null) { tanks = ASPStaging.findFuelTanks(parts); } else { if (vizualize) { if ((badDestTank != null) && (badStartTank != null)) { drawLineBetweenBadParts(); } foreach (Part p in parts) { if (p != null) { if ((badStartTank != null) && (p == badStartTank)) { Vector3 position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(p.transform.position); GUI.Label(new Rect(position.x, Screen.height - position.y, 200, 30), "Start tank"); badStartTank.SetHighlightColor(; badStartTank.SetHighlight(true, false); badStartTank.highlightType = Part.HighlightType.AlwaysOn; } else if ((badDestTank != null) && (p == badDestTank)) { Vector3 position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(p.transform.position); GUI.Label(new Rect(position.x, Screen.height - position.y, 200, 30), "Destination tank"); badDestTank.SetHighlightColor(; badDestTank.SetHighlight(true, false); badDestTank.highlightType = Part.HighlightType.AlwaysOn; } else if (blockingTanks.Contains(p)) { Vector3 position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(p.transform.position); GUI.Label(new Rect(position.x, Screen.height - position.y, 200, 30), "X"); p.SetHighlightColor(; p.SetHighlight(true, false); p.highlightType = Part.HighlightType.AlwaysOn; } else if (tanks.Contains(p)) { // draw labels on the tanks Vector3 position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(p.transform.position); string label = "L" + ASPFuelLine.countDecouplersToRoot(p).ToString(); #if DEBUG //label = label+": "+ASPConsoleStuff.getFriendlyName (p.craftID.ToString ()); #endif GUI.Label(new Rect(position.x, Screen.height - position.y, 200, 30), label); if ((p != badStartTank) && (p != badDestTank) && (!blockingTanks.Contains(p))) { p.SetHighlightColor(; p.SetHighlight(true, false); p.highlightType = Part.HighlightType.AlwaysOn; } } else if (ASPStaging.isDecoupler(p)) { p.SetHighlightColor(Color.magenta); p.SetHighlight(true, false); p.highlightType = Part.HighlightType.AlwaysOn; } else { p.SetHighlight(false, false); } } } } } } windowRect = ClickThruBlocker.GUILayoutWindow(windowID, clampToScreen(windowRect), OnWindow, "AutoAsparagus " + versionString); mousepos = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y); if ((tooltip != null) && (tooltip.Length > 0)) { GUI.depth = 0; Vector2 size = tooltipstyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(tooltip)); Rect rect = new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x + 20, (Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y) + 20, size.x, size.y); rect = clampToScreen(rect); GUILayout.BeginArea(rect); GUILayout.Label(tooltip, tooltipstyle); GUILayout.EndArea(); } } break; case ASPState.ERROR: vizualize = true; mystate = ASPState.IDLE; break; case ASPState.ADDASP: ASPConsoleStuff.ListTheShip(); mystate = ASPState.CONNECT; ASPFuelLine.AddAsparagusFuelLines(partsWeCanUse [partToUseIndex], textureIndex, partTexturePaths [partToUseIndex], partTextureNames [partToUseIndex], rainbow); if (mystate == ASPState.CONNECT) { osd("Connecting parts..."); } refreshwait = 100; break; case ASPState.ADDONION: ASPConsoleStuff.ListTheShip(); mystate = ASPState.CONNECT; ASPFuelLine.AddOnionFuelLines(partsWeCanUse [partToUseIndex], textureIndex, partTexturePaths [partToUseIndex], partTextureNames [partToUseIndex], rainbow); if (mystate == ASPState.CONNECT) { osd("Connecting parts..."); } refreshwait = 100; break; case ASPState.CONNECT: ASPFuelLine.connectFuelLines(); refreshwait = 100; osd("Refreshing ship..."); mystate = ASPState.AFTERCONNECT; break; case ASPState.AFTERCONNECT: newReloadShip(); refreshwait = 100; if (useSmartStage) { mystate = ASPState.SMARTSTAGE; osd("Calling SmartStage..."); ASPConsoleStuff.AAprint("Calling SmartStage"); } else { mystate = ASPState.ADDSTAGES; osd("Adding empty stages..."); } break; case ASPState.ADDSTAGES: ASPStaging.AddEmptyStages(); mystate = ASPState.STAGE; osd("Staging decouplers..."); refreshwait = 10; break; case ASPState.STAGE: ASPStaging.AsaparagusTheShip(partsWeCanUse [partToUseIndex].name); mystate = ASPState.AFTERSTAGE; osd("Decoupler staging done, refreshing..."); refreshwait = 10; break; case ASPState.CLAMPS: if (stageLaunchClamps) { ASPStaging.StageLaunchClamps(launchClampsStage); } mystate = ASPState.FINALREFRESH; osd("Done!"); refreshwait = 10; break; case ASPState.DELETEFUEL: ASPConsoleStuff.ListTheShip(); int count = ASPFuelLine.DeleteAllFuelLines(partsWeCanUse [partToUseIndex].name); newReloadShip(); osd(count.ToString() + " parts deleted."); mystate = ASPState.IDLE; break; case ASPState.FINALREFRESH: newReloadShip(); mystate = ASPState.IDLE; osd("Done!"); #if DEBUG tanks = ASPStaging.findFuelTanks(EditorLogic.fetch.ship.Parts); #endif break; case ASPState.AFTERSTAGE: newReloadShip(); if (stageLaunchClamps) { osd("Staging launch clamps..."); mystate = ASPState.CLAMPS; refreshwait = 10; } else { osd("Done!"); mystate = ASPState.IDLE; } break; case ASPState.SMARTSTAGE: mystate = ASPState.FINALREFRESH; try { computeStagesMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { }); } catch (Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Error invoking method\n" + e.StackTrace); } osd("Done!"); break; } } } }
static void OnTwoFactorAuthenticationGUI() { const int ENTER_2FA_CODE_BORDER_SIZE = 20; const int ENTER_2FA_CODE_BUTTON_WIDTH = 260; const int ENTER_2FA_CODE_VERIFY_BUTTON_WIDTH = ENTER_2FA_CODE_BUTTON_WIDTH / 2; const int ENTER_2FA_CODE_ENTRY_REGION_WIDTH = 130; const int ENTER_2FA_CODE_MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH = ENTER_2FA_CODE_VERIFY_BUTTON_WIDTH + ENTER_2FA_CODE_ENTRY_REGION_WIDTH + (ENTER_2FA_CODE_BORDER_SIZE * 3); bool isValidAuthenticationCode = IsValidAuthenticationCodeFormat(); // Invalid code text if (entered2faCodeIsInvalid) { GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); s.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; s.normal.textColor =; s.fontSize = WARNING_FONT_HEIGHT; s.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, (WARNING_ICON_SIZE - s.fontSize) / 2, 0); s.fixedHeight = WARNING_ICON_SIZE; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); var textDimensions = s.CalcSize(new GUIContent(ENTER_2FA_CODE_INVALID_CODE_STRING)); GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(warningIconGraphic), GUILayout.Width(WARNING_ICON_SIZE), GUILayout.Height(WARNING_ICON_SIZE)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(ENTER_2FA_CODE_INVALID_CODE_STRING, s, GUILayout.Width(textDimensions.x)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (checkingCode) { // Display checking code message EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); s.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; s.fixedHeight = WARNING_ICON_SIZE; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(CHECKING_2FA_CODE_STRING, s, GUILayout.Height(WARNING_ICON_SIZE)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } else { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(ENTER_2FA_CODE_BORDER_SIZE); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUIStyle titleStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); titleStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; titleStyle.wordWrap = true; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(ENTER_2FA_CODE_TITLE_STRING, titleStyle, GUILayout.Width(ENTER_2FA_CODE_MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH - (2 * ENTER_2FA_CODE_BORDER_SIZE)), GUILayout.Height(WARNING_ICON_SIZE), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Space(ENTER_2FA_CODE_BORDER_SIZE); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(ENTER_2FA_CODE_BORDER_SIZE); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); Vector2 size = EditorStyles.boldLabel.CalcSize(new GUIContent(ENTER_2FA_CODE_LABEL_STRING)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(ENTER_2FA_CODE_LABEL_STRING, EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.MaxWidth(size.x)); authenticationCode = EditorGUILayout.TextField(authenticationCode); // Verify 2FA code button if (GUILayout.Button(ENTER_2FA_CODE_VERIFY_STRING, GUILayout.Width(ENTER_2FA_CODE_VERIFY_BUTTON_WIDTH))) { checkingCode = true; APIUser.VerifyTwoFactorAuthCode(authenticationCode, isValidAuthenticationCode ? API2FA.TIME_BASED_ONE_TIME_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION : API2FA.ONE_TIME_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION, username, password, delegate { // valid 2FA code submitted entered2faCodeIsInvalid = false; authorizationCodeWasVerified = true; checkingCode = false; showTwoFactorAuthenticationEntry = false; if (null != onAuthenticationVerifiedAction) { onAuthenticationVerifiedAction(); } }, delegate { entered2faCodeIsInvalid = true; checkingCode = false; } ); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Space(ENTER_2FA_CODE_BORDER_SIZE); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // after user has entered an invalid code causing the invalid code message to be displayed, // edit the code will change it's length meaning it is invalid format, so we can clear the invalid code setting until they resubmit if (previousAuthenticationCodeLength != authenticationCode.Length) { previousAuthenticationCodeLength = authenticationCode.Length; entered2faCodeIsInvalid = false; } GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Space(ENTER_2FA_CODE_BORDER_SIZE); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // Two-Factor Authentication Help button EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(ENTER_2FA_CODE_HELP_STRING)) { Application.OpenURL(TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_HELP_URL); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Cancel button EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(ENTER_2FA_CODE_CANCEL_STRING)) { showTwoFactorAuthenticationEntry = false; Logout(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
void OnGUI() { // init stuff that HAS to be inside OnGUI() if (firstTime) { firstTime = false; = true; // setup vertical span sizes GC = new GUIContent("Qypjg"); GS = "Box"; GS.font = Font; GS.fontSize = 24; VSpanBox = GS.CalcSize(GC).y; GS = "Button"; GS.font = Font; GS.fontSize = 16; VSpanButton = GS.CalcSize(GC).y; GS = "Label"; GS.font = Font; GS.fontSize = 16; VSpanLabel = GS.CalcSize(GC).y; } //setupSkin(); = S.ShoutyBlue; = S.Purple; // if screen dimensions changed if (oldW != Screen.width || oldH != Screen.height) { oldW = Screen.width; oldH = Screen.height; // sizes of UI elements midX = oldW / 2; midY = oldH / 2; Window.width = oldW * (S.GoldenRatio / (1f + S.GoldenRatio)); Window.height = oldH * (S.GoldenRatio / (1f + S.GoldenRatio)); Window.x = (Screen.width - Window.width) / 2; Window.y = (Screen.height - Window.height) / 2; } // handle all the modes! switch (Mode) { case HudMode.Playing: TopOfMaxedLog = playMode.Draw(net, arse, midX, midY, VSpanLabel, this); maybePromptClickIn(); break; case HudMode.NewGame: case HudMode.MatchSetup: matchSetup.Draw(net.InServerMode, net, this, vSpan); break; case HudMode.SplashLogos: showSplashLogos(); break; case HudMode.MainMenu: if (!net.Connected) { avatarView(); } menuMain(); break; case HudMode.About: // maybe this should be titled "ABOUT"? would be more accurate?... and more standard menuBegin(); // if future goals scope changed if (aboutMenu.Draw(this)) { scrollPos =; } menuEnd(); break; case HudMode.Controls: break; case HudMode.Settings: avatarView(); drawSettings(); if ( //null != net && null != net.LocEnt && null != net.LocEnt.Actor ) { net.LocEnt.Actor.FOV = locUser.FOV; } break; case HudMode.Credits: credits(); break; case HudMode.ConnectionError: drawSimpleWindow(net.Error,; break; case HudMode.Connecting: drawSimpleWindow("", S.Orange); break; case HudMode.InitializingServer: drawSimpleWindow("", Color.yellow); break; case HudMode.Wait: if (Debug.isDebugBuild) { S.OutlinedLabel( new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), "Wait" ); } else { drawSimpleWindow("",; } break; // server case HudMode.KickAPlayer: kickWindow(); break; } // intermission countdown til next match if (net.Connected && net.gameOver) { string s = "Next Game in: " + Mathf.FloorToInt(net.IntermissionTimeLeft).ToString() + " seconds."; S.SetShoutyColor(); S.OutlinedLabel(new Rect(midX - 50, 5, 200, 30), s); } }
public static Rect GetArea(Rect area, GUIContent c, GUIStyle style) { return(GetArea(area, style.CalcSize(c), style)); }
private void HeaderUi(int level, bool hasError) { var color = MyTree.GetColor(level, Collapsed, () => new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); BGEditorUtility.SwapGuiBackgroundColor(color, () => { BGEditorUtility.Horizontal(headerBoxStyle, () => { BGEditorUtility.Indent(1, () => { var content = new GUIContent(descriptor == null ? Cc.GetType().Name : descriptor.Name + " (" + BGEditorUtility.Trim(Cc.CcName, 10) + ")", descriptor == null ? null : descriptor.Description); var width = headerFoldoutStyle.CalcSize(content).x + 16; BGEditorUtility.SwapLabelWidth((int)width, () => { //foldout (we dont use layout version cause it does not support clickin on labels) Collapsed = EditorGUI.Foldout( GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(width, 16f), Collapsed, content, true, Cc.enabled ? headerFoldoutStyle : headerFoldoutStyleDisabled); }); }); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // status(error or Ok) EditorGUI.LabelField(GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(70, 16, EditorStyles.label), hasError ? "Error" : "Ok.", hasError ? errorStyle : okStyle); //help url if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Cc.HelpURL)) { if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(BGBinaryResources.BGHelp123, "Open help in the browser")) { Application.OpenURL(Cc.HelpURL); } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); } //change visibility if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(Cc.Hidden ? BGBinaryResources.BGHiddenOn123 : BGBinaryResources.BGHiddenOff123, "Hide/Show properties")) { Cc.Hidden = !Cc.Hidden; } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); //change name if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(BGBinaryResources.BGCcEditName123, "Change the name")) { BGCcChangeNameWindow.Open(Cc); } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); //add a child if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(BGBinaryResources.BGAdd123, "Add a component, which is dependant on this component")) { BGCcAddWindow.Open(MyTree.Curve, type => { //cache some data var gameObject = Cc.Curve.gameObject; var oldComponents = gameObject.GetComponents <BGCc>(); var currentCcType = Cc.GetType(); //add var addedCc = AddComponent(MyTree.Curve, type); if (addedCc == null) { return; } //we need to process all the way up to the Cc and link Ccs to right (newly created) parents var parentClass = addedCc.GetParentClass(); var recursionLimit = 16; var cc = addedCc; while (parentClass != null && recursionLimit-- > 0) { if (currentCcType == parentClass) { //we reached the current Cc cc.SetParent(Cc); break; } //going up var possibleParents = gameObject.GetComponents(parentClass); var parent = possibleParents.Where(possibleParent => !oldComponents.Contains(possibleParent)).Cast <BGCc>().FirstOrDefault(); if (parent == null) { break; } cc.SetParent(parent); cc = parent; parentClass = cc.GetParentClass(); } }, Cc.GetType()); } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); //enable/disable if (BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(Cc.enabled ? BGBinaryResources.BGTickYes123 : BGBinaryResources.BGTickNo123, "Enable/disable a component")) { Enable(!Cc.enabled); } EditorGUILayout.Separator(); //delete if (!BGEditorUtility.ButtonWithIcon(BGBinaryResources.BGDelete123, "Remove this component")) { return; } //remove Delete(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(MyTree.Curve.gameObject); //not sure how to make proper exit throw new BGEditorUtility.ExitException(); }); }); }
public EllipsisStyleMetric(GUIStyle aStyle) { style = aStyle; pixelSize = aStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(ellipsisString)); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect rect, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { if (property.propertyType != SerializedPropertyType.Vector2) { EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, label, "Invalid property. Use the MinMaxSlider only with Vector2 fields."); return; } rect.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; var min = property.vector2Value.x; var max = property.vector2Value.y; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(rect, label, ref min, ref max, Attribute.minValue, Attribute.maxValue); rect.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + 2; rect.x += EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; rect.width -= EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; rect.width = rect.width / 2 - 5; var inLabel = new GUIContent("Min"); var inRect = rect; inRect.width = LabelStyle.CalcSize(inLabel).x + 5; EditorGUI.LabelField(inRect, inLabel); inRect.x += inRect.width; inRect.width = rect.width - inRect.width; if (Attribute.minValueString == null || Mathf.RoundToInt(Attribute.minValue - min) != 0) { min = EditorGUI.FloatField(inRect, GUIContent.none, min); } else { EditorGUI.LabelField(inRect, GUIContent.none, new GUIContent(Attribute.minValueString)); } rect.x += rect.width + 10; inRect = rect; inLabel.text = "Max"; inRect.width = LabelStyle.CalcSize(inLabel).x + 5; EditorGUI.LabelField(inRect, inLabel); inRect.x += inRect.width; inRect.width = rect.width - inRect.width; if (Attribute.maxValueString == null || Mathf.RoundToInt(Attribute.maxValue - max) != 0) { max = EditorGUI.FloatField(inRect, GUIContent.none, max); } else { EditorGUI.LabelField(inRect, GUIContent.none, new GUIContent(Attribute.maxValueString)); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (Attribute.roundValues) { min = Mathf.Round(min); max = Mathf.Round(max); } property.vector2Value = new Vector2(min, max); } }
public void DrawItem(Rect position, int index, bool selected, bool focused) { Command command = this[index].objectReferenceValue as Command; if (command == null) { return; } CommandInfoAttribute commandInfoAttr = CommandEditor.GetCommandInfo(command.GetType()); if (commandInfoAttr == null) { return; } var flowchart = (Flowchart)command.GetFlowchart(); if (flowchart == null) { return; } bool isComment = command.GetType() == typeof(Comment); bool isLabel = (command.GetType() == typeof(Label)); bool error = false; string summary = command.GetSummary(); if (summary == null) { summary = ""; } else { summary = summary.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", ""); } if (summary.StartsWith("Error:")) { error = true; } if (isComment || isLabel) { summary = "<b> " + summary + "</b>"; } else { summary = "<i>" + summary + "</i>"; } bool commandIsSelected = false; foreach (Command selectedCommand in flowchart.SelectedCommands) { if (selectedCommand == command) { commandIsSelected = true; break; } } string commandName = commandInfoAttr.CommandName; GUIStyle commandLabelStyle = new GUIStyle(; commandLabelStyle.normal.background = FungusEditorResources.CommandBackground; int borderSize = 5; = borderSize; commandLabelStyle.border.bottom = borderSize; commandLabelStyle.border.left = borderSize; commandLabelStyle.border.right = borderSize; commandLabelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; commandLabelStyle.richText = true; commandLabelStyle.fontSize = 11; -= 1; float indentSize = 20; for (int i = 0; i < command.IndentLevel; ++i) { Rect indentRect = position; indentRect.x += i * indentSize;// - 21; indentRect.width = indentSize + 1; indentRect.y -= 2; indentRect.height += 5; GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f); GUI.Box(indentRect, "", commandLabelStyle); } float commandNameWidth = Mathf.Max(commandLabelStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(commandName)).x, 90f); float indentWidth = command.IndentLevel * indentSize; Rect commandLabelRect = position; commandLabelRect.x += indentWidth; // - 21; commandLabelRect.y -= 2; commandLabelRect.width -= (indentSize * command.IndentLevel); // - 22); commandLabelRect.height += 5; // There's a weird incompatibility between the Reorderable list control used for the command list and // the UnityEvent list control used in some commands. In play mode, if you click on the reordering grabber // for a command in the list it causes the UnityEvent list to spew null exception errors. // The workaround for now is to hide the reordering grabber from mouse clicks by extending the command // selection rectangle to cover it. We are planning to totally replace the command list display system. Rect clickRect = position; //clickRect.x -= 20; //clickRect.width += 20; // Select command via left click if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0 && clickRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (flowchart.SelectedCommands.Contains(command) && Event.current.button == 0) { // Left click on already selected command // Command key and shift key is not pressed if (!EditorGUI.actionKey && !Event.current.shift) { BlockEditor.actionList.Add(delegate { flowchart.SelectedCommands.Remove(command); flowchart.ClearSelectedCommands(); }); } // Command key pressed if (EditorGUI.actionKey) { BlockEditor.actionList.Add(delegate { flowchart.SelectedCommands.Remove(command); }); Event.current.Use(); } } else { bool shift = Event.current.shift; // Left click and no command key if (!shift && !EditorGUI.actionKey && Event.current.button == 0) { BlockEditor.actionList.Add(delegate { flowchart.ClearSelectedCommands(); }); Event.current.Use(); } BlockEditor.actionList.Add(delegate { flowchart.AddSelectedCommand(command); }); // Find first and last selected commands int firstSelectedIndex = -1; int lastSelectedIndex = -1; if (flowchart.SelectedCommands.Count > 0) { if (flowchart.SelectedBlock != null) { for (int i = 0; i < flowchart.SelectedBlock.CommandList.Count; i++) { Command commandInBlock = flowchart.SelectedBlock.CommandList[i]; foreach (Command selectedCommand in flowchart.SelectedCommands) { if (commandInBlock == selectedCommand) { firstSelectedIndex = i; break; } } } for (int i = flowchart.SelectedBlock.CommandList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Command commandInBlock = flowchart.SelectedBlock.CommandList[i]; foreach (Command selectedCommand in flowchart.SelectedCommands) { if (commandInBlock == selectedCommand) { lastSelectedIndex = i; break; } } } } } if (shift) { int currentIndex = command.CommandIndex; if (firstSelectedIndex == -1 || lastSelectedIndex == -1) { // No selected command found - select entire list firstSelectedIndex = 0; lastSelectedIndex = currentIndex; } else { if (currentIndex < firstSelectedIndex) { firstSelectedIndex = currentIndex; } if (currentIndex > lastSelectedIndex) { lastSelectedIndex = currentIndex; } } for (int i = Math.Min(firstSelectedIndex, lastSelectedIndex); i < Math.Max(firstSelectedIndex, lastSelectedIndex); ++i) { var selectedCommand = flowchart.SelectedBlock.CommandList[i]; BlockEditor.actionList.Add(delegate { flowchart.AddSelectedCommand(selectedCommand); }); } } Event.current.Use(); } GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0; // Fix for textarea not refeshing (change focus) } Color commandLabelColor = Color.white; if (flowchart.ColorCommands) { commandLabelColor = command.GetButtonColor(); } if (commandIsSelected) { commandLabelColor =; } else if (!command.enabled) { commandLabelColor = Color.grey; } else if (error) { // TODO: Show warning icon } GUI.backgroundColor = commandLabelColor; if (isComment) { GUI.Label(commandLabelRect, "", commandLabelStyle); } else { string commandNameLabel; if (flowchart.ShowLineNumbers) { commandNameLabel = command.CommandIndex.ToString() + ": " + commandName; } else { commandNameLabel = commandName; } GUI.Label(commandLabelRect, commandNameLabel, commandLabelStyle); } if (command.ExecutingIconTimer > Time.realtimeSinceStartup) { Rect iconRect = new Rect(commandLabelRect); iconRect.x += iconRect.width - commandLabelRect.width - 20; iconRect.width = 20; iconRect.height = 20; Color storeColor = GUI.color; float alpha = (command.ExecutingIconTimer - Time.realtimeSinceStartup) / FungusConstants.ExecutingIconFadeTime; alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(alpha); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, alpha); GUI.Label(iconRect, FungusEditorResources.PlaySmall, new GUIStyle()); GUI.color = storeColor; } Rect summaryRect = new Rect(commandLabelRect); if (isComment) { summaryRect.x += 5; } else { summaryRect.x += commandNameWidth + 5; summaryRect.width -= commandNameWidth + 5; } GUIStyle summaryStyle = new GUIStyle(); summaryStyle.fontSize = 10; += 5; summaryStyle.richText = true; summaryStyle.wordWrap = false; summaryStyle.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; commandLabelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.Label(summaryRect, summary, summaryStyle); if (error) { GUISkin editorSkin = EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin(EditorSkin.Inspector); Rect errorRect = new Rect(summaryRect); errorRect.x += errorRect.width - 20; errorRect.y += 2; errorRect.width = 20; GUI.Label(errorRect, editorSkin.GetStyle("CN EntryError").normal.background); summaryRect.width -= 20; } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; }
void Start() { rect = new Rect(); rect.position = buttonPosition; rect.size = buttonBorderStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)); }
public static int WidthOf(string s, GUIStyle style) { return((int)style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(s)).x); }
/* public static Color SelectionColor { * get { * if( selectionColor == null ) * selectionColor * return selectionColor; * } * }*/ public static int WidthOf(GUIContent s, GUIStyle style) { return((int)style.CalcSize(s).x); }
public Vector2 CalcSize() { return(m_Style.CalcSize(m_Content)); }
public Styles() { labelHeight = new GUIStyle(; labelHeight.fixedHeight = 64; buttonWidth = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(button.CalcSize(saveSelected).x, button.CalcSize(saveAll).x), button.CalcSize(dontSave).x); }
public static Rect GetArea(Rect area, string str, GUIStyle style) { return(GetArea(area, style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(str)), style)); }
private void OnGUI() { if (data == null) { return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.layout) { return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { scrollPosition = Mathf.Clamp(scrollPosition + (int), 0, filteredData.Count - maxListItems); scrollPosition = Mathf.Clamp(scrollPosition, 0, Mathf.Max(0, filteredData.Count - maxListItems)); Event.current.Use(); } scrollViewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, position.height); GUI.Label(scrollViewRect, GUIContent.none, textEditor.styles.listFrameStyle); scrollViewRect.xMin++; scrollViewRect.yMin++; scrollViewRect.xMax--; scrollViewRect.yMax--; GUI.Label(scrollViewRect, GUIContent.none, textEditor.styles.listBgStyle); var rcScrollBar = new Rect(scrollViewRect); rcScrollBar.xMin = rcScrollBar.xMax - 15f; if (filteredData.Count > maxListItems) { object oldValue = boxedFloat10; if (Event.current.isMouse) { if (scrollStepSizeField == null) { scrollStepSizeField = typeof(GUI).GetField("scrollStepSize", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public); } if (scrollStepSizeField != null) { oldValue = scrollStepSizeField.GetValue(null); scrollStepSizeField.SetValue(null, boxedFloat1); } } scrollPosition = (int)GUI.VerticalScrollbar(rcScrollBar, scrollPosition, maxListItems, 0, filteredData.Count); scrollPosition = Mathf.Clamp(scrollPosition, 0, Mathf.Max(0, filteredData.Count - maxListItems)); if (Event.current.isMouse && scrollStepSizeField != null) { scrollStepSizeField.SetValue(null, oldValue); } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0 && (filteredData.Count <= maxListItems || Event.current.mousePosition.x < rcScrollBar.x)) { var itemIndex = Mathf.Clamp((int)(Event.current.mousePosition.y / listItemHeight), 0, maxListItems - 1); currentItem = Mathf.Clamp(itemIndex + scrollPosition, 0, filteredData.Count - 1); //owner.Focus(); Event.current.Use(); if (Event.current.clickCount == 2) { completeOnUpdate = true; //owner.SendEvent(EditorGUIUtility.CommandEvent("ScriptInspector.Autocomplete=" + filteredData[currentItem].name)); } //Repaint(); return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { var width = 100f; for (var i = Mathf.Min(filteredData.Count, scrollPosition + maxListItems) - 1; i >= scrollPosition; --i) { var itemContent = new GUIContent(ItemDisplayString(filteredData[i], "<b>" + filteredData[i].GetName() + "</b>")); if (filteredData[i].GetTypeParameters() != null) { itemContent.text += "<>"; } width = Mathf.Max(width, listItemStyle.CalcSize(itemContent).x); } var rc = position; rc.width = Mathf.Max(rc.width, width + 24f + (filteredData.Count > maxListItems ? 21f : 2f)); rc.height = listItemHeight * Mathf.Min(maxListItems, filteredData.Count) + 2f; if (!isSizeSet || rc != position) { SetSize(rc.width, rc.height); isSizeSet = true; } EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(16f, 16f)); System.Text.StringBuilder sb = null; for (var i = Mathf.Min(filteredData.Count, scrollPosition + maxListItems + 1); --i >= scrollPosition;) { var rcItem = new Rect(2f, 1f + listItemHeight * (i - scrollPosition), position.width - 3f, listItemHeight); if (filteredData.Count > maxListItems) { rcItem.xMax -= 15f; } var on = i == currentItem; var focus = on || ~i == currentItem; var symbol = filteredData[i]; var icon = GetSymbolIcon(symbol); var styledName = NameOf(filteredData[i]); if (matcher != null) { const string markerStart = "<b>"; const string markerEnd = "</b>"; var matches = matcher.GetMatch(styledName); if (matches != null && matches.Length > 0) { sb = sb ?? new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Length = 0; var isMatch = false; var m = 0; for (var s = 0; s < styledName.Length; ++s) { if (m == matches.Length) { if (isMatch) { isMatch = false; sb.Append(markerEnd); } sb.Append(styledName, s, styledName.Length - s); break; } if (s == matches[m]) { ++m; if (!isMatch) { sb.Append(markerStart); isMatch = true; } } else if (isMatch) { sb.Append(markerEnd); isMatch = false; } sb.Append(styledName[s]); } if (isMatch) { sb.Append(markerEnd); } styledName = sb.ToString(); } } var displayString = ItemDisplayString(filteredData[i], styledName); var itemContent = new GUIContent(displayString, icon); if (filteredData[i].GetTypeParameters() != null) { itemContent.text += "<>"; } listItemStyle.Draw(rcItem, itemContent, false, focus, focus, on); } EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(; } //if (focusedWindow == this && owner != null) // owner.Focus(); if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand || Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand || Event.current.isKey) { owner.SendEvent(Event.current); } }
private void DoSelectionTooltip(int frameIndex, Rect fullRect) { if (this.m_SelectedEntry.IsValid() && this.m_SelectedEntry.frameId == frameIndex) { string arg = string.Format(((double)this.m_SelectedEntry.duration < 1.0) ? "{0:f3}ms" : "{0:f2}ms", this.m_SelectedEntry.duration); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.Append(string.Format("{0}\n{1}",, arg)); if (this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceCount > 1) { string text = string.Format(((double)this.m_SelectedEntry.totalDuration < 1.0) ? "{0:f3}ms" : "{0:f2}ms", this.m_SelectedEntry.totalDuration); stringBuilder.Append(string.Format("\n{0}: {1} ({2} {3})", new object[] { this.m_LocalizedString_Total, text, this.m_SelectedEntry.instanceCount, this.m_LocalizedString_Instances })); } if (this.m_SelectedEntry.metaData.Length > 0) { stringBuilder.Append(string.Format("\n{0}", this.m_SelectedEntry.metaData)); } if (this.m_SelectedEntry.callstackInfo.Length > 0) { stringBuilder.Append(string.Format("\n{0}", this.m_SelectedEntry.callstackInfo)); } float num = fullRect.y + this.m_SelectedThreadY + this.m_SelectedEntry.relativeYPos; GUIContent content = new GUIContent(stringBuilder.ToString()); GUIStyle tooltip = ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltip; Vector2 vector = tooltip.CalcSize(content); float num2 = this.m_TimeArea.TimeToPixel(this.m_SelectedEntry.time + this.m_SelectedEntry.duration * 0.5f, fullRect); Rect position = new Rect(num2 - 32f, num, 64f, 6f); Rect position2 = new Rect(num2, num + 6f, vector.x, vector.y); if (position2.xMax > fullRect.xMax + 16f) { position2.x = fullRect.xMax - position2.width + 16f; } if (position.xMax > fullRect.xMax + 20f) { position.x = fullRect.xMax - position.width + 20f; } if (position2.xMin < fullRect.xMin + 30f) { position2.x = fullRect.xMin + 30f; } if (position.xMin < fullRect.xMin - 20f) { position.x = fullRect.xMin - 20f; } float num3 = 16f + position2.height + 2f * position.height; bool flag = num + vector.y + 6f > fullRect.yMax && position2.y - num3 > 0f; if (flag) { position2.y -= num3; position.y -= 16f + 2f * position.height; } GUI.BeginClip(position); Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix; if (flag) { GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(new Vector2(1f, -1f), new Vector2(position.width * 0.5f, position.height)); } GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, position.height), GUIContent.none, ProfilerTimelineGUI.styles.tooltipArrow); GUI.matrix = matrix; GUI.EndClip(); GUI.Label(position2, content, tooltip); } }
/// <summary> /// Show a toggle trimmed to the length of the text /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="style"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ToggleTrimmed(bool value, string text, GUIStyle style) { return(GUILayout.Toggle(value, text, style, GUILayout.MaxWidth(style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)).x))); }
public override void draw(GameObject gameObject, QObjectList objectList, Rect selectionRect) { for (int i = components.Count - componentsToDraw, n = components.Count; i < n; i++) { Component component = components[i]; if (component is Transform) { continue; } GUIContent content = EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent(component, null); bool enabled = true; try { PropertyInfo propertyInfo = component.GetType().GetProperty("enabled"); enabled = (bool)propertyInfo.GetGetMethod().Invoke(component, null); } catch { } Color color = GUI.color; color.a = enabled ? 1f : 0.3f; GUI.color = color; GUI.DrawTexture(rect, content.image == null ? componentIcon : content.image, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit); color.a = 1; GUI.color = color; if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { string componentName = "Missing script"; if (component != null) { componentName = component.GetType().Name; } int labelWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt(hintLabelStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(componentName)).x); selectionRect.x = rect.x - labelWidth / 2 - 4; selectionRect.width = labelWidth + 8; selectionRect.height -= 1; if (selectionRect.y > 16) { selectionRect.y -= 16; } else { selectionRect.x += labelWidth / 2 + 18; } EditorGUI.DrawRect(selectionRect, backgroundDarkColor); selectionRect.x += 4; selectionRect.y += 1; GUI.Label(selectionRect, componentName, hintLabelStyle); } rect.x += rect.width; } }
/// <summary> /// Show a label trimmed to the length of the text /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="style"></param> public static void LabelTrimmed(string text, GUIStyle style) { GUILayout.Label(text, style, GUILayout.MaxWidth(style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)).x)); }
public void DrawConnection(List <NodeGUI> nodes, Dictionary <string, List <AssetReference> > assetGroups) { var startNode = nodes.Find(node => node.Id == OutputNodeId); if (startNode == null) { return; } var endNode = nodes.Find(node => node.Id == InputNodeId); if (endNode == null) { return; } var startPoint = m_outputPoint.GetGlobalPosition(startNode); var startV3 = new Vector3(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, 0f); var endPoint = m_inputPoint.GetGlobalPosition(endNode); var endV3 = new Vector3(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, 0f); var centerPoint = startPoint + ((endPoint - startPoint) / 2); var centerPointV3 = new Vector3(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y, 0f); var pointDistanceX = Model.Settings.GUI.CONNECTION_CURVE_LENGTH; var startTan = new Vector3(startPoint.x + pointDistanceX, centerPoint.y, 0f); var endTan = new Vector3(endPoint.x - pointDistanceX, centerPoint.y, 0f); var totalAssets = 0; var totalGroups = 0; if (assetGroups != null) { totalAssets = assetGroups.Sum(v => v.Value == null ? 0 : v.Value.Count); totalGroups = assetGroups.Keys.Count; } Color lineColor; var lineWidth = (totalAssets > 0) ? 3f : 2f; if (IsSelected) { lineColor = Model.Settings.GUI.COLOR_ENABLED; } else { lineColor = (totalAssets > 0) ? Model.Settings.GUI.COLOR_CONNECTED : Model.Settings.GUI.COLOR_NOT_CONNECTED; } ConnectionGUIUtility.HandleMaterial.SetPass(0); Handles.DrawBezier(startV3, endV3, startTan, endTan, lineColor, null, lineWidth); // draw connection label if connection's label is not normal. GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle("WhiteMiniLabel"); labelStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; switch (Label) { case Model.Settings.DEFAULT_OUTPUTPOINT_LABEL: { // show nothing break; } case Model.Settings.BUNDLECONFIG_BUNDLE_OUTPUTPOINT_LABEL: { var labelWidth = labelStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(Model.Settings.BUNDLECONFIG_BUNDLE_OUTPUTPOINT_LABEL)); var labelPointV3 = new Vector3(centerPointV3.x - (labelWidth.x / 2), centerPointV3.y - 24f, 0f); Handles.Label(labelPointV3, Model.Settings.BUNDLECONFIG_BUNDLE_OUTPUTPOINT_LABEL, labelStyle); break; } default: { var labelWidth = labelStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent(Label)); var labelPointV3 = new Vector3(centerPointV3.x - (labelWidth.x / 2), centerPointV3.y - 24f, 0f); Handles.Label(labelPointV3, Label, labelStyle); break; } } string connectionLabel; if (totalGroups > 1) { connectionLabel = string.Format("{0}:{1}", totalAssets, totalGroups); } else { connectionLabel = string.Format("{0}", totalAssets); } var style = new GUIStyle(m_connectionButtonStyle); var labelSize = style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(connectionLabel)); m_buttonRect = new Rect(centerPointV3.x - labelSize.x / 2f, centerPointV3.y - labelSize.y / 2f, labelSize.x, 30f); if ( Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick || (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 1) ) { var rightClickPos = Event.current.mousePosition; if (m_buttonRect.Contains(rightClickPos)) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem( new GUIContent("Delete"), false, () => { Delete(); } ); menu.ShowAsContext(); Event.current.Use(); } } if (GUI.Button(m_buttonRect, connectionLabel, style)) { this.m_assetGroups = assetGroups; ConnectionGUIUtility.ConnectionEventHandler(new ConnectionEvent(ConnectionEvent.EventType.EVENT_CONNECTION_TAPPED, this)); } }
/// <summary> /// Show a button trimmed to the length of the text /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="style"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ButtonTrimmed(string text, GUIStyle style) { return(GUILayout.Button(text, style, GUILayout.MaxWidth(style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)).x))); }
//カード情報の反映 public void RefrectState() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)Card.State.size; ++i) { int now = 0, orig = 0; //ステータスの現在値とカードに書かれてある値 switch ((Card.State)i) { case Card.State.cost: now = card.GetCost(); orig = card.cost; break; case Card.State.power: now = card.GetPower(); orig = card.power; break; case Card.State.toughness: now = card.GetToughness(); orig = card.toughness; break; } child_stateNum[i].GetComponent <Number>().num = now; if (now < orig) { child_stateNum[i].GetComponent <Number>().isBuff = true; child_stateNum[i].GetComponent <Number>().isDebuff = false; } else if (now > orig) { child_stateNum[i].GetComponent <Number>().isBuff = false; child_stateNum[i].GetComponent <Number>().isDebuff = true; } else { child_stateNum[i].GetComponent <Number>().isBuff = false; child_stateNum[i].GetComponent <Number>().isDebuff = false; } } if (card.damage > 0) { child_damageView.SetActive(true); child_damageNum.GetComponent <Number>().num = card.damage; child_damageNum.GetComponent <Number>().isDebuff = true; } else { child_damageView.SetActive(false); } //名前が未入力のとき(初回) if (child_name.GetComponent <TextMesh>().text == "") { if (card.GetCardType() == Card.Type.character) { child_stateNum[(int)Card.State.cost].GetComponent <Number>().isVisible = false; } else { child_stateNum[(int)Card.State.cost].GetComponent <Number>().isVisible = true; } var spriteRenderer = child_picture.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); spriteRenderer.sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(card.GetPicName()); var textMesh = child_name.GetComponent <TextMesh>(); textMesh.text = card.GetName(); textMesh.characterSize = nameSizeMax; var gui = new GUIStyle() { font = this.font }; var x = gui.CalcSize(new GUIContent(textMesh.text)).x; if (x > nameSizeBordar) { textMesh.characterSize = nameSizeMax * nameSizeBordar / x; } //色シンボルを定義する var chromaSymbol = child_chroma.GetComponent <ChromaSymbol>(); chromaSymbol.type = card.GetColor(); chromaSymbol.isVisible = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Show a button trimmed to the length of the text /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="style"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ButtonTrimmed(string text, Texture2D texture, GUIStyle style, string tooltip = null) { if (texture != null) { return(GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(text, texture, tooltip), style, GUILayout.MaxWidth(style.CalcSize(new GUIContent(text)).x + texture.width))); } else { return(ButtonTrimmed(text, style)); } }
public void OnGUI() { var modifiers = Event.current.modifiers & ~(EventModifiers.FunctionKey | EventModifiers.CapsLock | EventModifiers.Numeric); var isOSX = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor; if (isOSX) { if ((modifiers & EventModifiers.Alt) == 0) { EditorApplication.delayCall -= CloseAndSwitch; EditorApplication.delayCall += CloseAndSwitch; return; } } else { if ((modifiers & EventModifiers.Control) == 0) { EditorApplication.delayCall -= CloseAndSwitch; EditorApplication.delayCall += CloseAndSwitch; return; } } if (itemStyle == null) { itemStyle = new GUIStyle("PR Label"); itemStyle.padding.left = 2; itemStyle.padding.right = 4; itemStyle.border = new RectOffset(); itemStyle.margin = new RectOffset(); itemStyle.fixedWidth = 0; // itemStyle.stretchWidth = false; // itemStyle.fixedHeight = itemHeight; captionStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.largeLabel); captionStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; captionStyle.fontSize = 18; captionStyle.padding = new RectOffset(6, 10, 10, 10); captionStyle.normal.textColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1f) : new Color(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1f); } if (items == null) { EditorApplication.delayCall += Close; return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { var newSelected = selected; var isTabKey = Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Tab; if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow || isTabKey && !Event.current.shift) { if (++newSelected == items.Length) { newSelected = 0; } } else if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow || isTabKey && Event.current.shift) { if (--newSelected < 0) { newSelected = items.Length - 1; } } else if (items.Length > 10 && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow || Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow)) { newSelected += Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow ? 10 : -10; if (newSelected < 0) { newSelected += ((items.Length + 9) / 10) * 10; } if (newSelected >= items.Length) { if (newSelected / 10 == items.Length / 10) { newSelected = items.Length - 1; } else { newSelected = newSelected % 10; } } } if (newSelected != selected) { selected = newSelected; Repaint(); Event.current.Use(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout) { EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(16f, 16f)); if (itemsWidth == 0f) { EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(32f, 32f)); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i) { var size = itemStyle.CalcSize(items[i]); itemsWidth = Mathf.Max(itemsWidth, size.x); size = captionStyle.CalcSize(items[i]); captionWidth = Mathf.Max(captionWidth, size.x); } captionHeight = 54f; var width = Mathf.Max(captionWidth, 8f + itemsWidth * ((items.Length + 9) / 10)); var height = 4f + itemHeight * (Mathf.Min(items.Length, 10)) + captionHeight; SetSize(width, height); Repaint(); } EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(; } EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(32f, 32f)); if (captionStyle != null) { GUI.Label(new Rect(0f, 0f, captionWidth, captionHeight), items[selected], captionStyle); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(new Vector2(16f, 16f)); for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; ++i) { var pos = new Rect(4f + itemsWidth * (i / 10), captionHeight + itemHeight * (i % 10), itemsWidth, itemHeight); itemStyle.Draw(pos, items[i], false, false, i == selected, true); } } EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(; }
internal static Rect GetDropDownButtonRect(GUIContent content, GUIStyle style, float height) { var size = style.CalcSize(content); return(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, height, style, GUILayout.Width(size.x))); }
public void Update() { var screenSizeChanged = false; if (Screen.height != height) { height = Screen.height; screenSizeChanged = true; } if (Screen.width != width) { width = Screen.width; screenSizeChanged = true; } if (!screenSizeChanged) { return; } ratio = (1.0f + (width / 1280.0f - 1.0f) * 0.6f); // 画面サイズが変更された場合にのみ更新 fontSize = FixPx(fontPx); fontSizeS = FixPx(fontPxS); fontSizeSS = FixPx(fontPxSS); fontSizeL = FixPx(fontPxL); margin = FixPx(marginPx); marginL = FixPx(marginLPx); itemHeight = FixPx(itemHeightPx); unitHeight = margin + itemHeight; lStyle.fontSize = fontSize; lStyleC.fontSize = fontSize; lStyleB.fontSize = fontSize; lStyleS.fontSize = fontSizeS; lStyleRS.fontSize = fontSizeS; bStyle.fontSize = fontSize; bStyleSC.fontSize = fontSizeS; bStyleL.fontSize = fontSize; tStyle.fontSize = fontSize; tStyleS.fontSize = fontSizeS; tStyleSS.fontSize = fontSizeSS; tStyleL.fontSize = fontSizeL; listStyle.fontSize = fontSizeS; textStyle.fontSize = fontSize; textStyleSC.fontSize = fontSizeS; textAreaStyleS.fontSize = fontSizeS; LogUtil.DebugF("screen=({0},{1}),margin={2},height={3},ratio={4})", width, height, margin, itemHeight, ratio); winStyle.fontSize = fontSize; tipsStyle.fontSize = fontSize; dialogStyle.fontSize = fontSize; InitWinRect(); InitFBRect(); InitModalRect(); subConWidth = winRect.width - margin * 2; optBtnHeight = GUILayout.Height(itemHeight); // sub optSubConWidth = GUILayout.Width(subConWidth); optSubConHeight = GUILayout.Height(winRect.height - unitHeight * 3f); optSubCon6Height = GUILayout.Height(winRect.height - unitHeight * 6.6f); optSubConHalfWidth = GUILayout.Width((winRect.width - marginL * 2) * 0.5f); // margin値が小さい前提になってしまっている optToggleSWidth = GUILayout.Width(tStyleS.CalcSize(new GUIContent("XXXXX")).x); // 全角5文字 mainRect.Set(margin, unitHeight * 5 + margin, winRect.width - margin * 2, winRect.height - unitHeight * 6.5f); textureRect.Set(margin, unitHeight, winRect.width - margin * 2, winRect.height - unitHeight * 2.5f); var baseWidth = subConWidth - 20; optBtnWidth = GUILayout.Width(baseWidth * 0.09f); optDBtnWidth = GUILayout.Width(bStyle.CalcSize(new GUIContent("XX")).x); // 全角2文字 optContentWidth = GUILayout.MaxWidth(baseWidth * 0.69f); optCategoryWidth = GUILayout.MaxWidth(lStyleS.CalcSize(new GUIContent("xxxxxxxxxxxx")).x); // 12文字 nodeSelectRect.Set(margin, unitHeight * 2, winRect.width - margin * 2, winRect.height - unitHeight * 4.5f); colorRect.Set(margin, unitHeight * 2, winRect.width - margin, winRect.height - unitHeight * 5); labelRect.Set(0, 0, winRect.width - margin * 2, itemHeight * 1.2f); subRect.Set(0, itemHeight, winRect.width - margin * 2, itemHeight); foreach (var func in updaters) { func(this); } }
public static FrameRange ViewRangeBar(Rect rect, FrameRange viewRange, int totalFrames) { GUISkin previousGUI =; = null; int leftArrowId = EditorGUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); int rightArrowId = EditorGUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); int leftHandleId = EditorGUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); int rightHandleId = EditorGUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); int midHandleId = EditorGUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); GUIStyle leftArrowStyle ="horizontalscrollbarleftbutton"); GUIStyle rightArrowStyle ="horizontalscrollbarrightbutton"); GUIStyle timelineScrubberStyle ="HorizontalMinMaxScrollbarThumb"); Rect leftArrowRect = rect; leftArrowRect.width = leftArrowStyle.fixedWidth; Rect rightArrowRect = rect; rightArrowRect.xMin = rightArrowRect.xMax - rightArrowStyle.fixedWidth; Rect scrubberRect = rect; scrubberRect.xMin += leftArrowRect.width; scrubberRect.xMax -= rightArrowRect.width; float scrubberLeftEdge = scrubberRect.xMin; float minWidth = 50; float maxWith = scrubberRect.width - minWidth; scrubberRect.xMin += ((float)viewRange.Start / totalFrames) * maxWith; scrubberRect.width = ((float)viewRange.Length / totalFrames) * maxWith + minWidth; Rect leftHandleRect = scrubberRect; leftHandleRect.width = timelineScrubberStyle.border.left; Rect rightHandRect = scrubberRect; rightHandRect.xMin = rightHandRect.xMax - timelineScrubberStyle.border.right; switch (Event.current.type) { case EventType.MouseDown: if (Event.current.clickCount > 1) { viewRange.Start = 0; viewRange.End = totalFrames; } else if (EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == 0) { Vector3 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; if (leftArrowRect.Contains(mousePos)) { EditorGUIUtility.hotControl = leftArrowId; } else if (rightArrowRect.Contains(mousePos)) { EditorGUIUtility.hotControl = rightArrowId; } else if (leftHandleRect.Contains(mousePos)) { EditorGUIUtility.hotControl = leftHandleId; } else if (rightHandRect.Contains(mousePos)) { EditorGUIUtility.hotControl = rightHandleId; } else if (scrubberRect.Contains(mousePos)) { EditorGUIUtility.hotControl = midHandleId; _offset = Event.current.mousePosition - new Vector2(scrubberRect.xMin, scrubberRect.yMin); } if (EditorGUIUtility.hotControl != 0) { // cachedMousePos = Input.mousePosition; Event.current.Use(); } } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == leftArrowId || EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == rightArrowId || EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == leftHandleId || EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == rightHandleId || EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == midHandleId) { EditorGUIUtility.hotControl = 0; Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseDrag: int delta = 0; if (EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == leftHandleId) { delta = Mathf.RoundToInt(((Event.current.mousePosition.x - scrubberLeftEdge) / maxWith) * totalFrames); viewRange.Start = Mathf.Clamp(delta, 0, viewRange.End - 1); GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); } else if (EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == rightHandleId) { delta = Mathf.RoundToInt(((Event.current.mousePosition.x - (scrubberLeftEdge + minWidth)) / maxWith) * totalFrames); viewRange.End = Mathf.Clamp(delta, viewRange.Start + 1, totalFrames); GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); } else if (EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == midHandleId) { // int startX = Mathf.RoundToInt(((cachedMousePos.x-scrubberLeftEdge)/maxWith)*totalFrames); delta = Mathf.RoundToInt(((Event.current.mousePosition.x - _offset.x - scrubberLeftEdge) / maxWith) * totalFrames); int x = delta - viewRange.Start; viewRange.Start = delta; viewRange.End += x; if (viewRange.Start < 0) { int diff = -viewRange.Start; viewRange.Start += diff; viewRange.End += diff; } if (viewRange.End > totalFrames) { int diff = viewRange.End - totalFrames; viewRange.Start -= diff; viewRange.End -= diff; } GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); } break; case EventType.Repaint: GUIStyle bar ="horizontalscrollbar"); bar.Draw(rect, false, false, false, false); leftArrowStyle.Draw(leftArrowRect, true, EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == leftArrowId, false, false); rightArrowStyle.Draw(rightArrowRect, true, EditorGUIUtility.hotControl == rightArrowId, false, false); timelineScrubberStyle.Draw(scrubberRect, false, false, false, false); GUIStyle label = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel); string viewRangeStartStr = viewRange.Start.ToString(); string viewRangeEndStr = viewRange.End.ToString(); string viewRangeLengthStr = viewRange.Length.ToString(); scrubberRect.xMin += 20; scrubberRect.xMax -= 20; Vector2 sizeAllLabels = label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(viewRangeStartStr + viewRangeEndStr + viewRangeLengthStr)); if (scrubberRect.width > sizeAllLabels.x + 40) { label.Draw(scrubberRect, new GUIContent(viewRangeStartStr), 0); label.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; label.Draw(scrubberRect, new GUIContent(viewRangeEndStr), 0); } label.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; label.Draw(scrubberRect, new GUIContent(viewRangeLengthStr), 0); // GUI.HorizontalScrollbar( rect, 0, 100, 0, 100); break; } = previousGUI; return(viewRange); }