コード例 #1
    public void Awake()
        input_manager = new InputManager((short)player_index);

        selections = FindObjectsOfType <GUIButtonSelectShipBehaviour>();

        Selection = selections[0];

        PlayerJoined = (player_index == 0);
コード例 #2
    public void Update()
        // Toggle join status.

        if (input_manager.Join)
            PlayerJoined = !PlayerJoined;

        // Confirm the selection.

        if (input_manager.Confirm)
            Confirmed = !Confirmed;

        // Move the selection around.

        Vector2 movement = new Vector2(input_manager.Horizontal, input_manager.Vertical);                           // Direction of the input.

        if (movement.sqrMagnitude <= 0.2f)
            enable_movement = true;
        else if (enable_movement)
            enable_movement = false;


            var target_selections = selections                                                                      // Sort the other GUI elements the cursor can jump to by distance.
                                    .Where(s => s != this.selection)
                                    .OrderBy(s => (s.transform.position - this.selection.transform.position).sqrMagnitude)

            foreach (var target_selection in target_selections)                                                     // Find the best GUI element to jump to by direction (near elements are favored).
                Vector2 direction = target_selection.transform.position - this.selection.transform.position;

                if (Vector2.Dot(direction.normalized, movement) >= 0.8f)
                    Selection = target_selection;