public void ToggleBackground() { if (chatBackground.Shown) { chatBackground.Hide(); } else { chatBackground.Show(); } }
protected static void DoVictoryStuff(bool win, string winText = "SIEG!", string lossText = "NIEDERLAGE!") { if (VictoryVis == null) { const int boxWidth = 260; const int boxHeight = 45; const int boxOffset = 100; var ssize = GUCView.GetScreenSize(); var vis = new GUCVisual((ssize.X - boxWidth) / 2, boxOffset, boxWidth, boxHeight); vis.Font = GUCView.Fonts.Menu; vis.SetBackTexture("menu_choice_back.tga"); var txt = vis.CreateTextCenterX("", 7); txt.Show(); VictoryVis = vis; } if (win) { VictoryVis.Texts[0].Text = winText; SoundHandler.PlaySound(VictoryWin); } else { VictoryVis.Texts[0].Text = lossText; SoundHandler.PlaySound(VictoryLoss); } VictoryVis.Show(); }
static GameClient() { Client = ScriptManager.Interface.CreateClient(); // Init RakNet objects clientInterface = RakPeerInterface.GetInstance(); clientInterface.SetOccasionalPing(true); socketDescriptor = new SocketDescriptor(); socketDescriptor.port = 0; if (clientInterface.Startup(1, socketDescriptor, 1) != StartupResult.RAKNET_STARTED) { Logger.LogError("RakNet failed to start!"); } // Init debug info on screen var screenSize = GUCView.GetScreenSize(); abortInfo = new GUCVisual((screenSize.Y - 300) / 2, 150, 300, 40); abortInfo.SetBackTexture("Menu_Choice_Back.tga"); GUCVisualText visText = abortInfo.CreateText("Verbindung unterbrochen!"); visText.SetColor(ColorRGBA.Red); devInfo = new GUCVisual(); for (int pos = 0; pos < 0x2000; pos += devInfo.zView.FontY() + 5) { var t = devInfo.CreateText("", 0x2000, pos, true); t.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Right; } devInfo.Show(); }
public override void Open() { CloseActiveMenus(); //main menus never overlap if (!init) { //create items on first opening, otherwise pointers to 'Open()-Methods' of other menus, which are yet not constructed, will be used => crash //could also be solved with static Open()-Methods OnCreate(); init = true; } base.Open(); Back.Show(); helpVis.Show(); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { items[i].Show(); } cursor = preferredCursorItem; CurrentItem = items[cursor]; if (!CurrentItem.Enabled) { sndEnabled = false; //sound would be played on opening MoveCursor(); sndEnabled = true; } CurrentItem.Select(); UpdateHelpText(); isOpen = true; }
void SelectSlot() { slots[cursor.X, cursor.Y].IsSelected = true; ItemInst selItem = GetSelectedItem(); if (selItem == null) { descrBack.Hide(); descrVis.Hide(); } else { List <GUCVisualText> texts = descrBack.Texts; var def = selItem.Definition; //set description name texts[0].Text = def.Name; if (def.Damage != 0) { texts[3].Text = "Schaden"; texts[4].Text = def.Damage.ToString(); } else { texts[3].Text = texts[4].Text = ""; } if (def.Range != 0) { texts[5].Text = "Reichweite"; texts[6].Text = def.Range.ToString(); } else { texts[5].Text = texts[6].Text = ""; } if (def.Protection != 0) { texts[7].Text = "Schutz vor Waffen"; texts[8].Text = def.Protection.ToString(); } else { texts[7].Text = texts[8].Text = ""; } //visual vob descrVis.SetVisual(selItem.ModelDef.Visual); //show description def.PositionInVobVisual(descrVis); descrBack.Show(); descrVis.Show(); } }
public override void Open() { back.Show(); border.Show(); tb.Show(); tb.Enabled = true; base.Open(); }
public override void Show() { back.Show(); if (item != null) { vis.Show(); UpdateSlotAmount(); } shown = true; }
public override void Open() { textBox.Enabled = true; textBox.Show(); prefix.Show(); if (!chatBackground.Shown) { chatBackground.Show(); } base.Open(); }
public static void TogglePlayerList() { if (vis.Shown) { vis.Hide(); PlayerInfo.OnPlayerListChange -= UpdateList; } else { vis.Show(); UpdateList(); PlayerInfo.OnPlayerListChange += UpdateList; } }
public static void AddText(string text, GUCView.Fonts font, ColorRGBA color, long duration = TextDuration) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { return; } if (vis.Texts.Count == 0) { vis.CreateTextCenterX("", 0); } int vFontSize = GUCView.PixelToVirtualY(GUCView.GetFontSize(font)); // push up active texts for (int i = endTimes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i == vis.Texts.Count - 1) { vis.CreateTextCenterX("", 0); } var newText = vis.Texts[i + 1]; var curText = vis.Texts[i]; newText.Font = curText.Font; newText.SetColor(curText.GetColor()); newText.Text = curText.Text; newText.SetPosY(curText.VPos.Y - vFontSize, true); } // add new text var visText = vis.Texts[0]; visText.Font = font; visText.SetColor(color); visText.Text = text; visText.SetPosY(0xB00 - vFontSize, true); endTimes.Insert(0, GameTime.Ticks + duration); if (endTimes.Count == 1) { vis.Show(); GUCScripts.OnUpdate += Update; } }
static void Update(long now) { if (TeamMode.ActiveTODef == null) { vis.Hide(); return; } if (!vis.Shown) { vis.Show(); } long timeLeft = TeamMode.PhaseEndTime - now; if (timeLeft < 0) { timeLeft = 0; } long mins = timeLeft / TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute; long secs = timeLeft % TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond; string phase; switch (TeamMode.Phase) { case TOPhases.Battle: phase = "Kampf läuft."; break; case TOPhases.Warmup: phase = "Startet in"; break; case TOPhases.Finish: phase = "Ende"; break; default: phase = TeamMode.Phase.ToString(); break; } toTime.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}:{2:00}", phase, mins, secs); }
public void UpdateSelectedTeam() { if (GameMode.IsActive && GameMode.ActiveMode is TDMMode) { int index = (int)PlayerInfo.HeroInfo.TeamID; if (index >= 0) { if (Cast.Try(items[index], out MainMenuButton button)) { arrow.SetPosY(button.VPos.Y + GUCView.PixelToVirtualY(5), true); arrow.SetPosX(button.VPos.X - GUCView.PixelToVirtualX(25), true); arrow.Show(); return; } } } arrow.Hide(); }
public void UpdateSelectedTeam() { if (TeamMode.ActiveTODef != null) { var team = TeamMode.TeamDef; int index = TeamMode.ActiveTODef.Teams.IndexOf(team); if (team != null && index >= 0) { if (Cast.Try(items[index], out MainMenuButton button)) { arrow.SetPosY(button.VPos.Y + GUCView.PixelToVirtualY(5), true); arrow.SetPosX(button.VPos.X - GUCView.PixelToVirtualX(25), true); arrow.Show(); return; } } } arrow.Hide(); }
public static void Show(string missionText = null) { if (shown) { return; } shown = true; Update(GameTime.Ticks); GUCScripts.OnUpdate += Update; countdown.Show(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(missionText)) { mission.Texts[0].Text = missionText; mission.Show(); } }
public override void Show() { foreach (Slot slot in slots) { slot.Show(); } if (RightInfoBox != null && RightInfoBox.Length > 0) { rightBack.Show(); rightVis.Show(); } if (LeftInfoBox != null && LeftInfoBox.Length > 0) { leftBack.Show(); leftVis.Show(); } }
static bool ShowConnectionAttempts() { if (GameClient.IsDisconnected) { return(true); } if (!GameClient.IsConnected) { if (!GameClient.IsConnecting) { GameClient.Connect(); } if (connectionVis == null) { connectionVis = new GUCVisual(); connectionVis.SetBackTexture("MENU_CHOICE_BACK.TGA"); var text = connectionVis.CreateText(""); } var screenSize = GUCView.GetScreenSize(); connectionVis.SetPosX(screenSize.X / 2 - 200); connectionVis.SetPosY(200); connectionVis.SetHeight(40); connectionVis.SetWidth(400); connectionVis.Texts[0].Text = string.Format("Connecting to '{0}:{1}' ... ({2})", Program.ServerIP, Program.ServerPort, GameClient.ConnectionAttempts); connectionVis.Show(); return(true); } if (connectionVis != null) { connectionVis.Hide(); } return(!GameClient.IsConnected); }
public override void Open() { _BackgroundTexture?.Show(); base.Open(); }
public override void Select() { leftArrow.Show(); rightArrow.Show(); _ZoomText.Show(); }
internal static void Update() { int counter = 0; ServerMessages msgType; Packet packet; // Receive packets while ((packet = clientInterface.Receive()) != null) { try { receivedBytes += packet.length; packetReader.Load(, (int)packet.length); msgType = (ServerMessages)packetReader.ReadByte(); ReadMessage(msgType, packetReader); counter++; if (counter >= 1000) { counter = 0; Logger.Log("1000 Pakete hintereinander"); } } catch (Exception e) { if (packet.length >= 1) { Logger.LogError("{0}: {1}: {2}\n{3}", (ServerMessages)[0], e.Source, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } else { Logger.LogError("{0}: {1}\n{2}", e.Source, e.Message, e.StackTrace); } } finally { clientInterface.DeallocatePacket(packet); } } #region Debug Info // update only every second if (infoTimer.IsReady) { int ping = clientInterface.GetLastPing(clientInterface.GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0)); if (isDisconnected) { abortInfo.Texts[0].Text = "Verbindung geschlossen!"; abortInfo.Show(); } else if (isConnected) { if (ping > 300 || ping < 0) { abortInfo.Show(); } else { abortInfo.Hide(); } } // update ping text on screen int devIndex = 0; GUCVisualText pingText = devInfo.Texts[devIndex++]; pingText.Text = string.Format("Ping: {0}ms", ping); ColorRGBA color; if (ping <= 120) { color = new ColorRGBA((byte)(40 + 180 * ping / 120), 220, 40); } else if (ping <= 220) { color = new ColorRGBA(220, (byte)(220 - 180 * (ping - 100) / 120), 40); } else { color = new ColorRGBA(220, 40, 40); } pingText.SetColor(color); long fps = Hooks.hGame.LastElapsedTicks > 0 ? TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / Hooks.hGame.LastElapsedTicks : 999; GUCVisualText fpsText = devInfo.Texts[devIndex++]; fpsText.Text = "FPS: " + fps; if (fps < 10) { color = new ColorRGBA(220, 40, 40); } else if (fps < 40) { color = new ColorRGBA(220, (byte)(40 + 180 * (fps - 10) / 30), 40); } else if (fps < 90) { color = new ColorRGBA((byte)(220 - 180 * (fps - 40) / 50), 220, 40); } else { color = new ColorRGBA(40, 220, 40); } fpsText.SetColor(color); devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "Spike: " + Hooks.hGame.SpikeLongest / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond + "ms"; // update kB/s text on screen int kbs = (int)(receivedBytes); devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = ("Net received: " + kbs + "B/s"); kbs = (int)(sentBytes); devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = ("Net Sent: " + kbs + "B/s"); receivedBytes = 0; sentBytes = 0; if (World.Current != null) { devIndex = 8; devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = World.Current.VobCount + " Vobs"; devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = Client.guidedIDs.Count + " guided"; devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "Weather: " + World.Current.WeatherCtrl.CurrentWeight + " " + World.Current.Clock.Time.ToString(false); devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "Barrier: " + World.Current.BarrierCtrl.CurrentWeight + " " + World.Current.BarrierCtrl.EndWeight; devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "VobSounds: " + SoundHandler.VobSoundCount; devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "PosSounds: " + SoundHandler.PosSoundCount; //if (NPC.Hero != null) // devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = NPC.Hero.Movement.ToString(); } } #endregion }
public override void Show() { vis.Show(); }
void StartCountdown() { GUCScripts.OnUpdate += UpdateCountdown; countdown.Show(); }
public override void Show() { titleVis.Show(); }