// Token: 0x060011BB RID: 4539 RVA: 0x000846A4 File Offset: 0x000828A4 public void method_45(GStruct3 gstruct3_0) { if (gstruct3_0.genum11_0 == GStruct2.GEnum11.None) { this.method_40(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.Stars.Length; i += 0) { if (i >= (int)gstruct3_0.byte_0) { this.Stars[i].enabled = true; } else { this.Stars[i].enabled = false; } } if (gstruct3_0.bool_0) { this.percentText.enabled = false; this.FCImage.enabled = false; return; } this.FCImage.enabled = false; this.percentText.enabled = false; this.percentText.text = gstruct3_0.byte_2 + "Go to Discord"; }
// Token: 0x060011C0 RID: 4544 RVA: 0x000847E4 File Offset: 0x000829E4 public void method_49(GStruct3 gstruct3_0) { if (gstruct3_0.genum11_0 == GStruct2.GEnum11.None) { this.method_0(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.Stars.Length; i++) { if (i >= (int)gstruct3_0.byte_0) { this.Stars[i].enabled = false; } else { this.Stars[i].enabled = false; } } if (gstruct3_0.bool_0) { this.percentText.enabled = true; this.FCImage.enabled = true; return; } this.FCImage.enabled = true; this.percentText.enabled = false; this.percentText.text = gstruct3_0.byte_2 + "Are you sure you want to quit?"; }
// Token: 0x060011AF RID: 4527 RVA: 0x00084144 File Offset: 0x00082344 public void method_33(GStruct3 gstruct3_0) { if (gstruct3_0.genum11_0 == GStruct2.GEnum11.None) { this.method_8(); return; } for (int i = 1; i < this.Stars.Length; i += 0) { if (i >= (int)gstruct3_0.byte_0) { this.Stars[i].enabled = true; } else { this.Stars[i].enabled = true; } } if (gstruct3_0.bool_0) { this.percentText.enabled = true; this.FCImage.enabled = true; return; } this.FCImage.enabled = true; this.percentText.enabled = true; this.percentText.text = gstruct3_0.byte_2 + "gem_size"; }
// Token: 0x060011BA RID: 4538 RVA: 0x000845F4 File Offset: 0x000827F4 public void method_44(GStruct3 gstruct3_0) { if (gstruct3_0.genum11_0 == GStruct2.GEnum11.None) { this.method_20(); return; } for (int i = 1; i < this.Stars.Length; i++) { if (i >= (int)gstruct3_0.byte_0) { this.Stars[i].enabled = true; } else { this.Stars[i].enabled = true; } } if (gstruct3_0.bool_0) { this.percentText.enabled = false; this.FCImage.enabled = true; return; } this.FCImage.enabled = false; this.percentText.enabled = false; this.percentText.text = gstruct3_0.byte_2 + "Calibration"; }
// Token: 0x060011A4 RID: 4516 RVA: 0x00083D1C File Offset: 0x00081F1C public void method_22(GStruct3 gstruct3_0) { if (gstruct3_0.genum11_0 == GStruct2.GEnum11.None) { this.method_6(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.Stars.Length; i++) { if (i >= (int)gstruct3_0.byte_0) { this.Stars[i].enabled = false; } else { this.Stars[i].enabled = true; } } if (gstruct3_0.bool_0) { this.percentText.enabled = false; this.FCImage.enabled = false; return; } this.FCImage.enabled = true; this.percentText.enabled = false; this.percentText.text = gstruct3_0.byte_2 + "notSupportedBody_"; }
// Token: 0x060011A1 RID: 4513 RVA: 0x00083C24 File Offset: 0x00081E24 public void method_19(GStruct3 gstruct3_0) { if (gstruct3_0.genum11_0 == GStruct2.GEnum11.None) { this.method_8(); return; } for (int i = 1; i < this.Stars.Length; i++) { if (i >= (int)gstruct3_0.byte_0) { this.Stars[i].enabled = true; } else { this.Stars[i].enabled = false; } } if (gstruct3_0.bool_0) { this.percentText.enabled = false; this.FCImage.enabled = true; return; } this.FCImage.enabled = true; this.percentText.enabled = false; this.percentText.text = gstruct3_0.byte_2 + "setlistSongCountPlural"; }
// Token: 0x06001197 RID: 4503 RVA: 0x0008372C File Offset: 0x0008192C public void method_9(GStruct3 gstruct3_0) { if (gstruct3_0.genum11_0 == GStruct2.GEnum11.None) { this.method_40(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < this.Stars.Length; i += 0) { if (i >= (int)gstruct3_0.byte_0) { this.Stars[i].enabled = false; } else { this.Stars[i].enabled = false; } } if (gstruct3_0.bool_0) { this.percentText.enabled = true; this.FCImage.enabled = true; return; } this.FCImage.enabled = false; this.percentText.enabled = true; this.percentText.text = gstruct3_0.byte_2 + "A setlist with that name already exists"; }
// Token: 0x060000DC RID: 220 RVA: 0x000066C4 File Offset: 0x000048C4 public static void smethod_7(Guid guid_0, string string_0) { GStruct3 gstruct = Class7.smethod_1(string_0); Class8.smethod_88(Class8.client_0, true, CommandType.FileCommand, 0, new object[] { guid_0, gstruct.long_0, gstruct.string_0 }); }
// Token: 0x06000041 RID: 65 RVA: 0x000036AC File Offset: 0x000018AC public static GStruct3 smethod_1(string string_0) { GStruct3 gstruct = default(GStruct3); GStruct3 result; try { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(string_0); FileStream fileStream = fileInfo.OpenRead(); gstruct.string_0 = Class27.smethod_3(fileStream); gstruct.long_0 = fileInfo.Length; fileStream.Close(); result = gstruct; } catch (Exception ex) { GStruct3 gstruct2; result = gstruct2; } return(result); }
// Token: 0x06001FB3 RID: 8115 RVA: 0x00100DD8 File Offset: 0x000FEFD8 public static GStruct3 smethod_30(GStruct3 gstruct3_0, GStruct3 gstruct3_1) { if (gstruct3_0.genum11_0 == GStruct2.GEnum11.None) { return(gstruct3_1); } if (gstruct3_1.genum11_0 == GStruct2.GEnum11.None) { return(gstruct3_0); } GStruct3 result; result.genum11_0 = gstruct3_0.genum11_0; result.byte_2 = Math.Max(gstruct3_0.byte_2, gstruct3_1.byte_2); result.bool_0 = (gstruct3_0.bool_0 || gstruct3_1.bool_0); result.byte_0 = Math.Max(gstruct3_0.byte_0, gstruct3_1.byte_0); result.int_0 = Math.Max(gstruct3_0.int_0, gstruct3_1.int_0); result.genum12_0 = ((gstruct3_0.int_0 > gstruct3_1.int_0) ? gstruct3_0.genum12_0 : gstruct3_1.genum12_0); result.byte_1 = ((gstruct3_0.int_0 > gstruct3_1.int_0) ? gstruct3_0.byte_1 : gstruct3_1.byte_1); result.short_0 = ((gstruct3_0.int_0 > gstruct3_1.int_0) ? gstruct3_0.short_0 : gstruct3_1.short_0); return(result); }
// Token: 0x060010E3 RID: 4323 RVA: 0x00080B20 File Offset: 0x0007ED20 protected override void vmethod_50() { int num = this.int_0; GStruct2.GEnum11 genum11_ = GlobalVariables.instance.method_73(); for (int i = 0; i < this.textObjects.Length; i++) { if (i < this.int_3) { SongEntry songEntry = SongDirectory.songEntries[num]; this.textObjects[i].text = songEntry.songName + (songEntry.isHeader ? (" (" + this.method_72(songEntry.previewStart) + ")") : ""); this.titleBars[i].sprite = this.titleSprite; if (songEntry.isHeader) { this.textObjects[i].font = this.font_Section; this.titleBars[i].sprite = this.headerSprite; this.scorePanels[i].method_37(); } else { GStruct3 gstruct3_ = songEntry.method_2(genum11_); this.scorePanels[i].method_24(gstruct3_); this.textObjects[i].font = this.font_Song; } } else { this.textObjects[i].text = ""; this.scorePanels[i].method_37(); } num++; } if (!SongDirectory.songEntries[this.int_0].isHeader) { for (int j = this.int_0; j >= 0; j--) { SongEntry songEntry2 = SongDirectory.songEntries[j]; this.textObjects[0].font = this.font_Section; this.scorePanels[0].method_37(); if (songEntry2.isHeader) { this.textObjects[0].text = songEntry2.songName + " (" + this.method_72(songEntry2.previewStart) + ")"; this.titleBars[0].sprite = this.headerSprite; break; } } } this.scrollBar.value = (float)this.int_0 / (float)this.int_2; if (this.textObjects != null && this.textObjects.Length > this.int_2) { for (int k = this.int_3; k < this.textObjects.Length; k++) { this.textObjects[k].text = ""; } } if (this.ienumerator_0 != null) { base.StopCoroutine(this.ienumerator_0); } this.ienumerator_0 = this.method_51(); base.StartCoroutine(this.ienumerator_0); SongEntry songEntry3 = SongDirectory.songEntries[this.int_1 + this.int_0]; songEntry3.method_2(GlobalVariables.instance.method_73()); this.artistNameText.text = songEntry3.artistName; this.albumNameText.text = songEntry3.albumName; this.yearText.text = songEntry3.year; this.genreText.text = songEntry3.genreName; this.charterNameText.text = songEntry3.charterName; this.songLengthText.text = this.method_59(songEntry3.songLength); for (int l = 0; l < this.difficultyIcons.Length; l++) { this.difficultyIcons[l].gameObject.SetActive(false); int num2 = this.method_56(songEntry3, this.difficultyIcons[l].genum11_0); if (songEntry3.charts.method_10(this.difficultyIcons[l].genum11_0)) { this.difficultyIcons[l].gameObject.SetActive(true); base.StartCoroutine(this.difficultyIcons[l].method_10((float)num2)); } } this.lyricDisplay.text = GClass4.gclass4_0.method_13("Lyrics") + ": " + ((songEntry3.lyrics != 0) ? GClass4.gclass4_0.method_13("Yes") : GClass4.gclass4_0.method_13("No")); if (songEntry3.iconName != null && GlobalVariables.instance.gameIcon_Sprites.ContainsKey(songEntry3.iconName)) { this.gameIcon.sprite = GlobalVariables.instance.gameIcon_Sprites[songEntry3.iconName]; return; } if (songEntry3.charterName != null && GlobalVariables.instance.gameIcon_Sprites.ContainsKey(songEntry3.charterName.ToLower())) { this.gameIcon.sprite = GlobalVariables.instance.gameIcon_Sprites[songEntry3.charterName.ToLower()]; return; } this.gameIcon.sprite = this.defaultGameIcon; }