static void Main(string[] args) { // defining instance of GSM class GSM gsm = new GSM("Sony Ericson", "Sony", 250, "Pesho", new Battery("model1", 20, 5, BatteryType.Li_Ion), new Display(3, 256)); // add few calls gsm.AddingCalls(new Call(DateTime.Now, "0886 872 656", 505)); gsm.AddingCalls(new Call(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10.5), "0888 842 656", 3205)); gsm.AddingCalls(new Call(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(20.2), "0878 352 521", 1205)); gsm.AddingCalls(new Call(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(14.3), "0898 282 158", 805)); // Print informacion about calls for (int i = 0; i < gsm.CallHistory.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(gsm.CallHistory[i]); } Console.WriteLine(); // print total price if price is 0.37$ double singlePrice = 0.37; double price; price = gsm.CalcTotalPrice(singlePrice); Console.WriteLine("Total price for calls that are {0}$ per minute is {1}$", singlePrice, price); // Remove longest call and print new price int index = findLongestCall(gsm.CallHistory); gsm.RemovingCalls(index); Console.WriteLine("Remove longest call and calculate new total price"); price = gsm.CalcTotalPrice(singlePrice); Console.WriteLine("Total price for calls that are {0}$ per minute is {1}$", singlePrice, price); // Clear List of calls gsm.ClearCalls(); }