コード例 #1
ファイル: VgpuComboBox.cs プロジェクト: ywscr/xenadmin
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a GpuTuple that refers to a non-selectable GPU group header item
 /// </summary>
 public GpuTuple(GPU_group gpuGroup, VGPU_type[] vgpuTypes)
     GpuGroup        = gpuGroup;
     VgpuTypes       = vgpuTypes;
     IsGpuHeaderItem = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: GpuEditPage.cs プロジェクト: heiden-deng/xenadmin
        public void SetXenObjects(IXenObject orig, IXenObject clone)
            Trace.Assert(clone is VM);                                        // only VMs should show this page
            Trace.Assert(Helpers.BostonOrGreater(clone.Connection));          // If not Boston or greater, we shouldn't see this page
            Trace.Assert(!Helpers.FeatureForbidden(clone, Host.RestrictGpu)); // If license insufficient, we show upsell page instead

            vm = (VM)clone;
            if (vm.VGPUs.Count == 0)
                current_gpu_group = null;
                VGPU vgpu = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.VGPUs[0]);
                current_gpu_group = (vgpu == null ? null : vgpu.Connection.Resolve(vgpu.GPU_group));

            gpu_groups = clone.Connection.Cache.GPU_groups;
            gpusAvailable = (gpu_groups.Length > 0);

            vmStopped = (vm.power_state == vm_power_state.Halted);

コード例 #3
 public GpuAssignAction(VM vm, GPU_group gpu_group, VGPU_type vgpuType)
     : base(vm.Connection, "Set GPU", true)
     this.vm        = vm;
     this.gpu_group = gpu_group;
     this.vgpuType  = vgpuType;
コード例 #4
        protected override void Run()
            var gpuGroups = Connection.Cache.GPU_groups;

            foreach (var gpuGroup in gpuGroups)
                GPU_group.set_allocation_algorithm(Session, gpuGroup.opaque_ref, allocationAlgorithm);

            Description = Messages.SET_GPU_PLACEMENT_POLICY_ACTION_DONE;
コード例 #5
ファイル: VgpuComboBox.cs プロジェクト: ywscr/xenadmin
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a GpuTuple that refers to a vGPU type which is a sub-item of a GPU group
        /// </summary>
        public GpuTuple(GPU_group gpuGroup, VGPU_type vgpuType, VGPU_type[] disabledVGpuTypes)
            GpuGroup  = gpuGroup;
            VgpuTypes = vgpuType == null ? null : new[] { vgpuType };
            if (vgpuType != null)
                IsVgpuSubitem = gpuGroup.HasVGpu();

                if (disabledVGpuTypes != null && disabledVGpuTypes.Select(t => t.opaque_ref).Contains(vgpuType.opaque_ref))
                    Enabled = false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: VgpuComboBox.cs プロジェクト: wranders/xenadmin
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a GpuTuple that refers to a vGPU type which is a subitem of a GPU group
 /// </summary>
 public GpuTuple(GPU_group gpuGroup, VGPU_type vgpuType, VGPU_type[] disabledVGpuTypes)
     GpuGroup  = gpuGroup;
     VgpuTypes = vgpuType == null ? null : new[] { vgpuType };
     if (vgpuType != null)
         IsVgpuSubitem    = gpuGroup.HasVGpu();
         IsFractionalVgpu = !vgpuType.IsPassthrough();
         if (disabledVGpuTypes != null && disabledVGpuTypes.Select(t => t.opaque_ref).Contains(vgpuType.opaque_ref))
             IsNotEnabledVgpu = true;
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a GpuTuple that refers to a vGPU type which is a subitem of a GPU group
 /// </summary>
 public GpuTuple(GPU_group gpuGroup, VGPU_type vgpuType, VGPU_type[] disabledVGpuTypes)
     GpuGroup  = gpuGroup;
     VgpuTypes = vgpuType == null ? null : new[] { vgpuType };
     if (vgpuType != null)
         IsVgpuSubitem    = gpuGroup.supported_VGPU_types.Count > 1;
         IsFractionalVgpu = vgpuType.max_heads != 0;
         if (disabledVGpuTypes != null && disabledVGpuTypes.Select(t => t.opaque_ref).Contains(vgpuType.opaque_ref))
             IsNotEnabledVgpu = true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: GpuAssignAction.cs プロジェクト: ywscr/xenadmin
        private void AddGpu(GPU_group gpuGroup, VGPU_type vGpuType, string device = "0")
            if (gpuGroup == null)

            Dictionary <string, string> other_config = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (Helpers.FeatureForbidden(vm, Host.RestrictVgpu) || vGpuType == null)
                VGPU.async_create(Session, vm.opaque_ref, gpuGroup.opaque_ref, device, other_config);
                VGPU.async_create(Session, vm.opaque_ref, gpuGroup.opaque_ref, device,
                                  other_config, vGpuType.opaque_ref);
コード例 #9
ファイル: CreateVMAction.cs プロジェクト: ywwseu/xenadmin
        public CreateVMAction(IXenConnection connection, VM template, Host copyBiosStringsFrom,
                              string name, string description, InstallMethod installMethod,
                              string pvArgs, VDI cd, string url, Host homeServer, long vcpusMax, long vcpusAtStartup,
                              long memoryDynamicMin, long memoryDynamicMax, long memoryStaticMax,
                              List <DiskDescription> disks, SR fullCopySR, List <VIF> vifs, bool startAfter,
                              Action <VM, bool> warningDialogHAInvalidConfig,
                              Action <VMStartAbstractAction, Failure> startDiagnosisForm,
                              GPU_group gpuGroup, VGPU_type vgpuType, bool modifyVgpuSettings, long coresPerSocket, string cloudConfigDriveTemplateText)
            : base(connection, string.Format(Messages.CREATE_VM, name),
                   string.Format(Messages.CREATE_VM_FROM_TEMPLATE, name, Helpers.GetName(template)))
            Template            = template;
            CopyBiosStringsFrom = copyBiosStringsFrom;
            FullCopySR          = fullCopySR;
            NameLabel           = name;
            NameDescription     = description;
            InsMethod           = installMethod;
            PvArgs           = pvArgs;
            Cd               = cd;
            Url              = url;
            HomeServer       = homeServer;
            VcpusMax         = vcpusMax;
            VcpusAtStartup   = vcpusAtStartup;
            MemoryDynamicMin = memoryDynamicMin;
            MemoryDynamicMax = memoryDynamicMax;
            MemoryStaticMax  = memoryStaticMax;
            Disks            = disks;
            Vifs             = vifs;
            StartAfter       = startAfter;
            _warningDialogHAInvalidConfig = warningDialogHAInvalidConfig;
            _startDiagnosisForm           = startDiagnosisForm;
            GpuGroup       = gpuGroup;
            VgpuType       = vgpuType;
            CoresPerSocket = coresPerSocket;
            this.cloudConfigDriveTemplateText = cloudConfigDriveTemplateText;

            Pool pool_of_one = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(Connection);

            if (HomeServer != null || pool_of_one != null) // otherwise we have no where to put the action
                AppliesTo.Add(HomeServer != null ? HomeServer.opaque_ref : pool_of_one.opaque_ref);

            assignOrRemoveVgpu = GpuGroup != null && VgpuType != null || modifyVgpuSettings && Helpers.GpuCapability(Connection);

            #region RBAC Dependencies

            if (StartAfter)
            if (HomeServerChanged())
            if (Template.memory_dynamic_min != MemoryDynamicMin || Template.memory_dynamic_max != MemoryDynamicMax || Template.memory_static_max != MemoryStaticMax)

            if (assignOrRemoveVgpu)



コード例 #10
ファイル: Export.cs プロジェクト: waynz0r/xenadmin
        private EnvelopeType _export(Session xenSession, string targetPath, string ovfname, string vmUuid)
            EnvelopeType ovfEnv;

                auditLog.DebugFormat("Export: {0}, {1}", ovfname, targetPath);

                #region GET VM Reference
                XenRef <VM> vmRef = null;

                    vmRef = VM.get_by_uuid(xenSession, vmUuid);
                    log.WarnFormat("VM not found as uuid: {0}, trying as name-label", vmUuid);
                    vmRef = null;
                if (vmRef == null)
                        List <XenRef <VM> > vmRefs = VM.get_by_name_label(xenSession, vmUuid);
                        vmRef = vmRefs[0];
                        traceLog.DebugFormat("{0} VM(s) found by label {1}", vmRefs.Count, vmUuid);
                        if (vmRefs.Count > 1)
                            log.WarnFormat("Only exporting FIRST VM with name {0}", vmUuid);
                        log.ErrorFormat(Messages.ERROR_VM_NOT_FOUND, vmUuid);

                VM vm = VM.get_record(xenSession, vmRef);

                if (vm.power_state != vm_power_state.Halted && vm.power_state != vm_power_state.Suspended)
                    var message = string.Format(Messages.ERROR_VM_NOT_HALTED, vm.Name());
                    OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.ExportProgress, "Export", message));
                    throw new Exception(message);

                #region CREATE ENVELOPE / ADD VIRTUAL SYSTEM
                ovfEnv = OVF.CreateEnvelope(ovfname);
                string vsId  = OVF.AddVirtualSystem(ovfEnv, vm.name_label);
                string vhsId = OVF.AddVirtualHardwareSection(ovfEnv, vsId);

                #region TRY TO ID OS
                XenRef <VM_guest_metrics> vmgmRef = VM.get_guest_metrics(xenSession, vmRef);
                if (!vmgmRef.opaque_ref.ToUpper().Contains("NULL"))
                    VM_guest_metrics vmgm = VM_guest_metrics.get_record(xenSession, vmgmRef);
                    //VM_metrics vmm = VM_metrics.get_record(xenSession, VM.get_metrics(xenSession, vmRef));
                    if (vmgm.os_version != null && vmgm.os_version.Count > 0)
                        foreach (string key in vmgm.os_version.Keys)
                            if (key.ToLower().Equals("name"))
                                ushort osid = ValueMaps.OperatingSystem(vmgm.os_version[key]);
                                if (osid == 0xFFFF)
                                    osid = 1;
                                }                                 // change to OTHER since search failed.
                                string version = OVF.GetContentMessage("SECTION_OPERATINGSYSTEM_INFO");
                                if (vmgm.os_version.ContainsKey("major") &&
                                    version = string.Format(OVF.GetContentMessage("SECTION_OPERATINGSYSTEM_VERSION"), vmgm.os_version["major"], vmgm.os_version["minor"]);
                                string osname = (vmgm.os_version[key].Split(new [] { '|' }))[0];
                                OVF.UpdateOperatingSystemSection(ovfEnv, vsId, osname, version, osid);

                #region ADD VSSD
                // IS PV'd? for VirtualSystemType identification.
                string typeformat = @"{0}-{1}-{2}";
                string vmtype     = string.Format(typeformat, "hvm", "3.0", "unknown");
                if (vm.HVM_boot_policy != null && vm.HVM_boot_policy == Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootOptions)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.domarch))
                        vmtype = string.Format(typeformat, vm.domarch, "3.0", "unknown");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.domarch))
                        vmtype = string.Format(typeformat, "xen", "3.0", vm.domarch);
                        vmtype = string.Format(typeformat, "xen", "3.0", "unknown");
                OVF.AddVirtualSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, vhsId, vm.name_label, OVF.GetContentMessage("VSSD_CAPTION"), vm.name_description, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), vmtype);

                #region ADD CPUS
                OVF.SetCPUs(ovfEnv, vsId, (ulong)vm.VCPUs_max);

                #region ADD MEMORY
                OVF.SetMemory(ovfEnv, vsId, (ulong)(vm.memory_dynamic_max / MB), "MB");

                #region ADD NETWORKS
                List <XenRef <VIF> > vifs = VM.get_VIFs(xenSession, vmRef);
                foreach (XenRef <VIF> vifref in vifs)
                    VIF vif = VIF.get_record(xenSession, vifref);
                    XenRef <Network> netRef = vif.network;
                    Network          net    = Network.get_record(xenSession, netRef);

                    // Why is the following call reference using name_label where other references use uuid?
                    OVF.AddNetwork(ovfEnv, vsId, net.uuid, net.name_label, net.name_description, vif.MAC);

                #region SET STARTUP OPTIONS
                OVF.AddStartupSection(ovfEnv, true, vsId, vm.order, vm.start_delay, vm.shutdown_delay);

                #region GET AND EXPORT DISKS using iSCSI
                List <XenRef <VBD> > vbdlist = VM.get_VBDs(xenSession, vmRef);

                int diskIndex = 0;

                foreach (XenRef <VBD> vbdref in vbdlist)
                    VBD vbd = VBD.get_record(xenSession, vbdref);

                    if (vbd.type == vbd_type.CD)
                        string rasdid = OVF.AddCDROM(ovfEnv, vsId, vbd.uuid, OVF.GetContentMessage("RASD_16_CAPTION"), OVF.GetContentMessage("RASD_16_DESCRIPTION"));
                        OVF.SetTargetDeviceInRASD(ovfEnv, vsId, rasdid, vbd.userdevice);
                            XenRef <VDI> vdi = VBD.get_VDI(xenSession, vbdref);
                            if (vdi != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vdi.opaque_ref) && !(vdi.opaque_ref.ToLower().Contains("null")))
                                VDI    lVdi = VDI.get_record(xenSession, vdi);
                                string destinationFilename = Path.Combine(targetPath, string.Format(@"{0}.vhd", lVdi.uuid));
                                string diskid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                                string diskName = lVdi.name_label;

                                if (diskName == null)
                                    diskName = string.Format("{0} {1}", OVF.GetContentMessage("RASD_19_CAPTION"), diskIndex);

                                OVF.AddDisk(ovfEnv, vsId, diskid, Path.GetFileName(destinationFilename), vbd.bootable, diskName, lVdi.name_description, (ulong)lVdi.physical_utilisation, (ulong)lVdi.virtual_size);
                                OVF.SetTargetDeviceInRASD(ovfEnv, vsId, diskid, vbd.userdevice);

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            log.InfoFormat("Export: VBD Skipped: {0}: {1}", vbdref, ex.Message);

                if (!MetaDataOnly)
                    _copydisks(ovfEnv, ovfname, targetPath);

                #region ADD XEN SPECIFICS
                if (vm.HVM_boot_params != null)
                    Dictionary <string, string> _params = vm.HVM_boot_params;
                    foreach (string key in _params.Keys)
                        if (key.ToLower().Equals("order"))
                            OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "HVM_boot_params", _params[key], OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.HVM_boot_policy))
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "HVM_boot_policy", vm.HVM_boot_policy, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_2"));
                if (vm.HVM_shadow_multiplier != 1.0)
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "HVM_shadow_multiplier", Convert.ToString(vm.HVM_shadow_multiplier), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));
                if (vm.platform != null)
                    Dictionary <string, string> platform = vm.platform;
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (string key in platform.Keys)
                        sb.AppendFormat(@"{0}={1};", key, platform[key]);
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "platform", sb.ToString(), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_3"));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_args))
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_args", vm.PV_args, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_bootloader))
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_bootloader", vm.PV_bootloader, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_bootloader_args))
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_bootloader_args", vm.PV_bootloader_args, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_kernel))
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_kernel", vm.PV_kernel, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_legacy_args))
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_legacy_args", vm.PV_legacy_args, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.PV_ramdisk))
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "PV_ramdisk", vm.PV_ramdisk, OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));

                if (vm.hardware_platform_version >= 0)
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "hardware_platform_version", vm.hardware_platform_version.ToString(), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));

                if (vm.HasSriovRecommendation())
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "allow_network_sriov", bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant(), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));
                if (vm.has_vendor_device)
                    //serialise it with a different name to avoid it being deserialised automatically and getting the wrong type
                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "VM_has_vendor_device", vm.has_vendor_device.ToString(), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_1"));

                if (vm.VGPUs.Count != 0)
                    VGPU vgpu = VGPU.get_record(xenSession, vm.VGPUs[0]);

                    if (vgpu != null)
                        var vgpuGroup = GPU_group.get_record(xenSession, vgpu.GPU_group);
                        var vgpuType  = VGPU_type.get_record(xenSession, vgpu.type);

                        var sb = new StringBuilder();
                                        vgpuGroup.GPU_types == null || vgpuGroup.GPU_types.Length < 1
                                            ? ""
                                            : string.Join(";", vgpuGroup.GPU_types));
                        sb.AppendFormat("VGPU_type_vendor_name={0};", vgpuType.vendor_name ?? "");
                        sb.AppendFormat("VGPU_type_model_name={0};", vgpuType.model_name ?? "");
                        OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "vgpu", sb.ToString(), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_4"));

                string pvsSiteUuid = string.Empty;
                var    allProxies  = xenSession.Connection.Cache.PVS_proxies;

                foreach (var p in allProxies.Where(p => p != null && p.VIF != null))
                    var vif = xenSession.Connection.Resolve(p.VIF);
                    if (vif != null)
                        var vmFromVif = xenSession.Connection.Resolve(vif.VM);
                        if (vmFromVif != null && vmFromVif.uuid == vm.uuid)
                            var pvsSite = xenSession.Connection.Resolve(p.site);
                            if (pvsSite != null)
                                pvsSiteUuid = pvsSite.uuid;


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pvsSiteUuid))
                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.AppendFormat("PVS_SITE={{{0}}};", string.Format("uuid={0}", pvsSiteUuid));

                    OVF.AddOtherSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, "pvssite", sb.ToString(), OVF.GetContentMessage("OTHER_SYSTEM_SETTING_DESCRIPTION_5"));

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is OperationCanceledException)
                throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_EXPORT_FAILED, ex);
コード例 #11
 private void UnregisterGpuGroupHandlers(GPU_group gpu_group)
     gpu_group.PropertyChanged -= gpu_group_PropertyChanged;
コード例 #12
ファイル: GpuEditPage.cs プロジェクト: heiden-deng/xenadmin
        public AsyncAction SaveSettings()
            GPU_group selectedGroup = CurrentSelection as GPU_group;

            return(new GpuAssignAction(vm, selectedGroup));
コード例 #13
ファイル: GpuEditPage.cs プロジェクト: heiden-deng/xenadmin
        private void ShowHideWarnings()
            if (!gpusAvailable)
                imgTooManyVMs.Visible                                     =
                    labelTooManyVMs.Visible                               =
                        imgRDP.Visible                                    =
                            labelRDP.Visible                              =
                                imgNeedGpu.Visible                        =
                                    labelNeedGpu.Visible                  =
                                        imgStopVM.Visible                 =
                                            labelStopVM.Visible           =
                                                labelNeedDriver.Visible   =
                                                    imgNeedDriver.Visible =

            if (!vmStopped)
                imgTooManyVMs.Visible                             =
                    labelTooManyVMs.Visible                       =
                        imgRDP.Visible                            =
                            labelRDP.Visible                      =
                                imgNeedGpu.Visible                =
                                    labelNeedGpu.Visible          =
                                        labelNeedDriver.Visible   =
                                            imgNeedDriver.Visible =

                imgStopVM.Visible       =
                    labelStopVM.Visible =

                labelGpuType.Enabled     =
                    comboBoxGpus.Enabled =


            bool hasChanged = HasChanged;

            imgStopVM.Visible = labelStopVM.Visible = false;
            imgRDP.Visible    = labelRDP.Visible = (hasChanged && current_gpu_group == null); // changed from None to Some

            GPU_group selectedGroup = CurrentSelection as GPU_group;

            if (selectedGroup == null)
                imgTooManyVMs.Visible                     =
                    labelTooManyVMs.Visible               =
                        imgNeedGpu.Visible                =
                            labelNeedGpu.Visible          =
                                labelNeedDriver.Visible   =
                                    imgNeedDriver.Visible =

            // The number of GPUs owned by this GPU group
            int nPGPUs = selectedGroup.PGPUs.Count;

            // The number of real VMs (not templates) already assigned to this GPU group
            int nVGPUs = selectedGroup.VGPUs.FindAll(
                delegate(XenRef <VGPU> vgpuref)
                VGPU vgpu = vm.Connection.Resolve(vgpuref);
                VM vm2    = (vgpu == null ? null : vgpu.Connection.Resolve(vgpu.VM));
                return(vm2 != null && vm2.is_a_real_vm);

            // If the VM being edited isn't already assigned to this GPU group,
            // it will become one extra: but otherwise we've already counted it.
            if (hasChanged)

            imgTooManyVMs.Visible       = labelTooManyVMs.Visible = (nVGPUs > nPGPUs);
            imgNeedGpu.Visible          = labelNeedGpu.Visible =
                labelNeedDriver.Visible = imgNeedDriver.Visible = !labelTooManyVMs.Visible; // show the "Need GPU" message iff the "too many VMs" message is not shown
コード例 #14
 public GpuAssignAction(VM vm, GPU_group gpu_group)
     : base(vm.Connection, "Set GPU", true)
     this.vm        = vm;
     this.gpu_group = gpu_group;