public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List<FileItem> SourceFiles, string ModuleName) { if (Arches.Count == 0) { throw new BuildException("At least one architecture (armv7, x86, etc) needs to be selected in the project settings to build"); } if (!bHasPrintedApiLevel) { Console.WriteLine("Compiling Native code with NDK API '{0}'", GetNdkApiLevel()); bHasPrintedApiLevel = true; } string BaseArguments = ""; if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create) { BaseArguments += " -Werror"; } // Directly added NDK files for NDK extensions ConditionallyAddNDKSourceFiles(SourceFiles, ModuleName); // Deal with dynamic modules removed by architecture GenerateEmptyLinkFunctionsForRemovedModules(SourceFiles, ModuleName, CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory); // Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list. foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions) { BaseArguments += string.Format(" -D \"{0}\"", Definition); } var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform); var NDKRoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("NDKROOT").Replace("\\", "/"); string BasePCHName = ""; var PCHExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.PrecompiledHeader); if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include) { BasePCHName = RemoveArchName(CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath).Replace(PCHExtension, ""); } // Create a compile action for each source file. CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput(); foreach (string Arch in Arches) { if (ShouldSkipModule(ModuleName, Arch)) { continue; } foreach (string GPUArchitecture in GPUArchitectures) { // which toolchain to use string Arguments = GetCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment, Arch) + BaseArguments; switch (Arch) { case "-armv7": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=0 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_ARM=1"; break; case "-arm64": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=1 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_ARM64=1"; break; case "-x86": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=0 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_X86=1"; break; case "-x64": Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=1 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_X64=1"; break; default: Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_64BITS=0 -DPLATFORM_ANDROID_ARM=1"; break; } if (GPUArchitecture == "-esdeferred") { Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_ANDROIDESDEFERRED=1"; } // which PCH file to include string PCHArguments = ""; if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include) { // Add the precompiled header file's path to the include path so Clang can find it. // This needs to be before the other include paths to ensure Clang uses it instead of the source header file. PCHArguments += string.Format(" -include \"{0}\"", InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture)); } // Add include paths to the argument list (filtered by architecture) foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths) { if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch)) { Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath); } } foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths) { if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch)) { Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath); } } foreach (FileItem SourceFile in SourceFiles) { Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile); string FileArguments = ""; bool bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C"; bool bDisableShadowWarning = false; // should we disable optimizations on this file? // @todo android - We wouldn't need this if we could disable optimizations per function (via pragma) bool bDisableOptimizations = false;// SourceFile.AbsolutePath.ToUpperInvariant().IndexOf("\\SLATE\\") != -1; if (bDisableOptimizations && CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration != CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug) { Log.TraceWarning("Disabling optimizations on {0}", SourceFile.AbsolutePath); } bDisableOptimizations = bDisableOptimizations || CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration == CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug; // Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments. if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create) { FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_PCH(bDisableOptimizations); } else if (bIsPlainCFile) { FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_C(bDisableOptimizations); // remove shadow variable warnings for NDK files if (SourceFile.AbsolutePath.Replace("\\", "/").StartsWith(NDKRoot)) { bDisableShadowWarning = true; } } else { FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_CPP(bDisableOptimizations); // only use PCH for .cpp files FileArguments += PCHArguments; } // Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list. AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems); if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create) { // Add the precompiled header file to the produced item list. FileItem PrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference( FileReference.Combine( CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, Path.GetFileName(InlineArchName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension) ) ); CompileAction.ProducedItems.Add(PrecompiledHeaderFile); Result.PrecompiledHeaderFile = PrecompiledHeaderFile; // Add the parameters needed to compile the precompiled header file to the command-line. FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath, false); } else { if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include) { CompileAction.bIsUsingPCH = true; FileItem ArchPrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension); CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems.Add(ArchPrecompiledHeaderFile); } var ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android).GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object); // Add the object file to the produced item list. FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByFileReference( FileReference.Combine( CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, InlineArchName(Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension, Arch, GPUArchitecture) ) ); CompileAction.ProducedItems.Add(ObjectFile); Result.ObjectFiles.Add(ObjectFile); FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath, false); } // Add the source file path to the command-line. FileArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath); // Build a full argument list string AllArguments = Arguments + FileArguments + CompileEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments; AllArguments = ActionThread.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(AllArguments); AllArguments = AllArguments.Replace("\\", "/"); // Remove shadow warning for this file if requested if (bDisableShadowWarning) { int WarningIndex = AllArguments.IndexOf(" -Wshadow"); if (WarningIndex > 0) { AllArguments = AllArguments.Remove(WarningIndex, 9); } } // Create the response file FileReference ResponseFileName = CompileAction.ProducedItems[0].Reference + "_" + AllArguments.GetHashCode().ToString("X") + ".response"; string ResponseArgument = string.Format("@\"{0}\"", ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, new List<string> { AllArguments }).FullName); CompileAction.WorkingDirectory = UnrealBuildTool.EngineSourceDirectory.FullName; CompileAction.CommandPath = ClangPath; CompileAction.CommandArguments = ResponseArgument; CompileAction.StatusDescription = string.Format("{0} [{1}-{2}]", Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath), Arch.Replace("-", ""), GPUArchitecture.Replace("-", "")); // VC++ always outputs the source file name being compiled, so we don't need to emit this ourselves CompileAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = true; // Don't farm out creation of pre-compiled headers as it is the critical path task. CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create || BuildConfiguration.bAllowRemotelyCompiledPCHs; } } } return Result; }
public override CPPOutput CompileCPPFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, List <FileItem> SourceFiles, string ModuleName) { if (Arches.Length == 0) { throw new BuildException("At least one architecture (armv7, x86, etc) needs to be selected in the project settings to build"); } if (!bHasPrintedApiLevel) { Console.WriteLine("Compiling with NDK API '{0}'", GetNdkApiLevel()); bHasPrintedApiLevel = true; } string BaseArguments = ""; if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create) { BaseArguments += " -Werror"; } // Directly added NDK files for NDK extensions if (!UnrealBuildTool.RunningRocket()) { ConditionallyAddNDKSourceFiles(SourceFiles); } // Add preprocessor definitions to the argument list. foreach (string Definition in CompileEnvironment.Config.Definitions) { BaseArguments += string.Format(" -D \"{0}\"", Definition); } var BuildPlatform = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatformForCPPTargetPlatform(CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Platform); string BasePCHName = ""; var PCHExtension = UEBuildPlatform.BuildPlatformDictionary[UnrealTargetPlatform.Android].GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.PrecompiledHeader); if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include) { BasePCHName = RemoveArchName(CompileEnvironment.PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath).Replace(PCHExtension, ""); } // Create a compile action for each source file. CPPOutput Result = new CPPOutput(); foreach (string Arch in Arches) { foreach (string GPUArchitecture in GPUArchitectures) { // which toolchain to use string Arguments = GetCLArguments_Global(CompileEnvironment, Arch) + BaseArguments; if (GPUArchitecture == "-gl4") { Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_ANDROIDGL4=1"; } else if (GPUArchitecture == "-es31") { Arguments += " -DPLATFORM_ANDROIDES31=1"; } // which PCH file to include string PCHArguments = ""; if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include) { // Add the precompiled header file's path to the include path so Clang can find it. // This needs to be before the other include paths to ensure Clang uses it instead of the source header file. PCHArguments += string.Format(" -include \"{0}\"", InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture)); } // Add include paths to the argument list (filtered by architecture) foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.SystemIncludePaths) { if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch)) { Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath); } } foreach (string IncludePath in CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo.IncludePaths) { if (IsDirectoryForArch(IncludePath, Arch)) { Arguments += string.Format(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath); } } foreach (FileItem SourceFile in SourceFiles) { Action CompileAction = new Action(ActionType.Compile); string FileArguments = ""; bool bIsPlainCFile = Path.GetExtension(SourceFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant() == ".C"; // should we disable optimizations on this file? // @todo android - We wouldn't need this if we could disable optimizations per function (via pragma) bool bDisableOptimizations = false; // SourceFile.AbsolutePath.ToUpperInvariant().IndexOf("\\SLATE\\") != -1; if (bDisableOptimizations && CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration != CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug) { Log.TraceWarning("Disabling optimizations on {0}", SourceFile.AbsolutePath); } bDisableOptimizations = bDisableOptimizations || CompileEnvironment.Config.Target.Configuration == CPPTargetConfiguration.Debug; // Add C or C++ specific compiler arguments. if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create) { FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_PCH(bDisableOptimizations); } else if (bIsPlainCFile) { FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_C(bDisableOptimizations); } else { FileArguments += GetCompileArguments_CPP(bDisableOptimizations); // only use PCH for .cpp files FileArguments += PCHArguments; } // Add the C++ source file and its included files to the prerequisite item list. AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(Target, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment, SourceFile, CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems); if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create) { // Add the precompiled header file to the produced item list. FileItem PrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath( Path.Combine( CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, Path.GetFileName(InlineArchName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension) ) ); CompileAction.ProducedItems.Add(PrecompiledHeaderFile); Result.PrecompiledHeaderFile = PrecompiledHeaderFile; // Add the parameters needed to compile the precompiled header file to the command-line. FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", PrecompiledHeaderFile.AbsolutePath, false); } else { if (CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction == PrecompiledHeaderAction.Include) { CompileAction.bIsUsingPCH = true; FileItem ArchPrecompiledHeaderFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath(InlineArchName(BasePCHName, Arch, GPUArchitecture) + PCHExtension); CompileAction.PrerequisiteItems.Add(ArchPrecompiledHeaderFile); } var ObjectFileExtension = UEBuildPlatform.BuildPlatformDictionary[UnrealTargetPlatform.Android].GetBinaryExtension(UEBuildBinaryType.Object); // Add the object file to the produced item list. FileItem ObjectFile = FileItem.GetItemByPath( InlineArchName(Path.Combine( CompileEnvironment.Config.OutputDirectory, Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath) + ObjectFileExtension), Arch, GPUArchitecture ) ); CompileAction.ProducedItems.Add(ObjectFile); Result.ObjectFiles.Add(ObjectFile); FileArguments += string.Format(" -o \"{0}\"", ObjectFile.AbsolutePath, false); } // Add the source file path to the command-line. FileArguments += string.Format(" \"{0}\"", SourceFile.AbsolutePath); // Build a full argument list string AllArguments = Arguments + FileArguments + CompileEnvironment.Config.AdditionalArguments; AllArguments = ActionThread.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(AllArguments); AllArguments = AllArguments.Replace("\\", "/"); // Create the response file string ResponseFileName = CompileAction.ProducedItems[0].AbsolutePath + ".response"; string ResponseArgument = string.Format("@\"{0}\"", ResponseFile.Create(ResponseFileName, new List <string> { AllArguments })); CompileAction.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetFullPath("."); CompileAction.CommandPath = ClangPath; CompileAction.CommandArguments = ResponseArgument; CompileAction.StatusDescription = string.Format("{0} [{1}-{2}]", Path.GetFileName(SourceFile.AbsolutePath), Arch.Replace("-", ""), GPUArchitecture.Replace("-", "")); CompileAction.OutputEventHandler = new DataReceivedEventHandler(CompileOutputReceivedDataEventHandler); // VC++ always outputs the source file name being compiled, so we don't need to emit this ourselves CompileAction.bShouldOutputStatusDescription = true; // Don't farm out creation of pre-compiled headers as it is the critical path task. CompileAction.bCanExecuteRemotely = CompileEnvironment.Config.PrecompiledHeaderAction != PrecompiledHeaderAction.Create || BuildConfiguration.bAllowRemotelyCompiledPCHs; } } } return(Result); }